Wildest Dreams (Dreamers Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Wildest Dreams (Dreamers Series Book 1)
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“You were paying?” Reece snapped. Then he looked at Ember. “You said you needed time. You didn’t say anything about going out with other men. I took the job here to try to make amends and get my family back, and you’re here screwing around. I knew you moved back for another man.”

“I was just a chauffeur,” Blake said without much emotion, and he walked out of the room with Ridge following him.

“Sir, if you continue to get loud and yell at my patient, you will be leaving.” The nurse was not mincing words with Reece at all.

“Honey, I’m going to step out and get a drink and maybe a snack.” Kamella had dark circles under her eyes; her voice strained. She looked at Reece then and said, “I think some things need to be discussed, but Reece, I don’t think right now is the best time.”

“Mom, you can go home. I’m okay. I promise. Go home and rest, and you can come back tomorrow after some sleep. You can’t help me if you’re tired, and Kaylen may need you, please.”

The nurse stepped out of the room which meant she would be alone with Reece after her parents left.

“Oh, Ember, I was so scared. When Ridge called and told me…” Her mother started to cry, and Ember didn’t know what to do. She would have held her, but with all the wires she wasn’t able to reach her. At last, she reached her good arm out, and her mother came to her. It was an awkward hug, but it still made her feel better.

“I love you, Mom,” Ember said quietly. “I’m going to be okay, but I will rest better knowing you're at home sleeping in your bed.”

“I’d like someone to stay with you. I’ll talk to Ridge. I’m sure he will.”

Ember didn’t protest because she would like someone to stay with her, but she knew Ridge was too tired. She wanted him to stay home too, but she would talk to him after their parents left, so Ember nodded slightly.

“Okay, we’ll head home, but I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

“Thank you, Mom. I love you.”

When she finally looked at her dad, she saw his eyes were red and swollen. Ember was starting to think she must have died, and they resuscitated her. She couldn’t believe anything less would cause her father to have such emotions. He walked over and kissed her on the forehead, careful to avoid her stitches. “I’m so sorry, Ember. I’ve never felt as helpless in my life. I was afraid I wasn’t going to get the chance to tell you how sorry I am. Please tell me you forgive me.” A tear escaped his eye and slid down his cheek.

“I love you, daddy.” Ember could barely see through the tears.

“We'll see you tomorrow. If you need anything before then, call us,” Wade said before turning and walking out behind Kamella still wiping his eyes.

Ember watched Jenna walk out with her mom and dad and then realized she didn’t even know why Jenna was there. She had only talked to her once at the tower, hadn’t she? Ridge had messaged her. This was all so confusing.

Reece’s honey eyes were glaring at her when she finally looked at him.

All she could do was tell him the truth. “I don’t know what I was doing out last night or who I was even with.” The thought had unnerved her. Missing a part of her memory, even if it was just a short amount of time, scared her.

“Obviously, you were out on a date.” His voice was tight. “Who knows where our daughter was.”

Ember knew she would never put Kaylen in harm’s way, but she couldn’t defend that since she didn’t know where Kaylen had been. Even though she was pretty sure he was only bringing it up to hurt her and not because he cared for Kaylen; it worked.

“I don’t have time for this right now, Ember. I’ll be back later.”

“You can’t stay?” she asked, hoping it would soften his mood, but apparently it didn’t work. He just shook his head and walked out of the room.





Ridge must have been close and seen Reece leave because it wasn’t long after he left that Ridge and Jenna walked back in. Ember just sat staring blankly at them.

“Are you okay?” Ridge asked, concerned.

“I don’t remember anything, Ridge,” she said quietly. “I don’t know why Jenna is here after just meeting her at the office once. I have no idea why I was at IHOP with Blake so late. Where was my daughter during this? What all did we do?” She was starting to get anxious again. She tried to calm down when she heard the beeps start speeding up.

Jenna stepped over to the bed and took Ember’s hand. “You sent me a text asking if you could still join us at karaoke. You said Ridge didn't want you to drive so Blake brought you, and I guess the two of you went to IHOP after.”

Ember frowned. “I do remember you inviting me to go out, but I don’t remember going.”

She looked over at Ridge. “What time is it? What day is it? Aren’t you supposed to be in Africa? Are you still leaving?” Questions flowed like a floodgate had opened, and Jenna glanced at him with a surprised look on her face. She must not have realized he was traveling.

He sat in the chair next to her bed he said, “You’ve been out about ten hours. It’s Saturday afternoon. I wasn’t leaving after this, and I’m going to try to talk Lance into taking my place. I don’t think I should leave you.” He paused, “Reece?”

She leaned her head back on the pillow. “I asked him to stay, but he wouldn’t. I think he’s really hurt I was out last night.”

“Excuse me?” Ridge was stunned. “He’s hurt…never mind. It’s not my business. I love you, and I’ll be here no matter what you decide, but I can’t stand the guy.”

“I know, but he is Kaylen’s father, and I do still love him.”

“Do you?” Blake was standing at the door. Ember’s heart sank. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I forgot my wallet.” He walked over to the chair he had been sitting in and took his wallet off the windowsill. “See you guys later.” He started out of the room again.

“Blake,” Ember tried to call out to him, but her throat was dry again, and her voice cracked.

He looked over his shoulder but didn’t turn his face toward hers, “I hope you get well soon Ember.” And he was gone.

Ember just sat there for a moment without saying anything. She had to focus to keep the tears from starting. Why did it hurt so much to have him walk out when she didn’t have any feelings for him?
He’s just a guy who works with my brother. He doesn’t do commitments, and he doesn’t like children. Reece made a huge mistake but no one is perfect, and he’s willing to try and make it right, and he's Kaylen’s dad.

“I think I've made up my mind.” She looked over at Ridge, who just sighed and looked at the floor.

Her lunch was here now, and as the nurse aide set it up for her, she heard Ridge’s stomach growl. Jenna and Ember both giggled at him. He ran his hand through his hair and across the stubble on his face. “I guess I need to go and take care of myself. I’m obviously hungrier than I thought, and I’m sure I look pretty frightening.”

“No,” Jenna said quietly but still loud enough that they both heard her. She had been looking at her phone and glanced up after she said it, apparently not meaning to say it aloud at all. Jenna blushed then shrugged when she saw Ridge watching her. Raising an eyebrow, he blushed too, and Ember saw the corner of his mouth turn up in a grin when she looked back down at her phone.

He stood and gave Ember a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll be back later to check on ya after I eat and clean up.”

“You better get some sleep too, Ridge. At least take a nap.” He just looked at her as she pleaded with him, and then he nodded.

He pulled his card out of his wallet and gave it to Jenna. “If either of you need anything, call me.” Then he hollered over his shoulder to Ember, “Love ya, Sis!” as he walked away.

Jenna watched Ridge walk out of the room and then looked at Ember, shrugged and grinned. “I can’t believe I said that out loud? You don’t think he’ll be mad or anything do you? He is technically my boss after all.”

“It got you his number.” Ember went back to eating.

“He gave me his number in case you need anything. I’m not crazy enough to think he just wants me to have it.”

“Really? Because if I need anything I have his number, and I might be medicated, but I do remember hearing him say that if either of us needs anything, for you to call.” Jenna looked at Ember as she thought about it then curled up in the recliner Ridge had vacated.

She pulled a blanket up to her neck and changed the conversation. “What did you mean when you told Ridge you made your decision?” she asked Ember.

Ember hesitated but decided she really would like to have someone to discuss it with besides Ridge. Someone who wasn’t so judgmental of Reece. “I’m going to give Reece another chance. I think I owe him that much since he’s trying so hard to show me he's sorry. I mean, we’re going to have to take it slow. I’m not ready to move back in with him or anything, but I don’t think it would hurt to date.”

“He doesn’t seem very nice,” Jenna said cautiously.

“He can be—well he used to be. I think he was just surprised. He had asked me to dinner, and I turned him down then he found out I had gone out with Blake. I'd probably be mad too.”

“You don’t have to tell me, but why did you break up in the first place?”

Ember sighed, “I caught him in bed with another woman. I doubt I'll ever love him the same as I did before, but you never know.” She shrugged. Talking to Jenna was easy. She listened well, and as far as Ember could tell she didn’t judge her.

“What about Blake?” she asked curiously.

Ember looked at her, a little surprised by her question. “I don’t know. I’m not even sure what happened last night, Jenna. All I do know is that Blake likes women, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like or want kids. I have a daughter. I don’t see how anything could happen between us. He would probably be okay with one night, but I don’t think I could do that. Of course, when I’m around him, I find myself wanting to take anything he’ll give me.” She blushed as she remembered the afternoon in his office, but she wasn’t ready to share that bit of information yet.

“I don’t know; he just seemed pretty hurt. I really hope you get to remember last night,” Jenna said softly.

“Me too.”

Jenna had gotten quiet, and Ember realized she was asleep when she heard her start breathing soft and even. Ember reached for her phone on the table to text Reece.


Can you come to the hospital

tomorrow to see me? I would

really like to talk to you


It wasn’t long before her phone buzzed with a response.


Ember, I said take your time, pls

I don’t want you to make a rash

decision and throw our future out

the window just because you're

on meds and not thinking right


Ember sat there for a minute looking at the phone. He must have jumped to the conclusion that this was bad news. She didn’t want to tell him over a text, but if he was going to argue, then she may have to.


Who said I’m throwing anything

away? It’s not necessarily bad

news just because I’m ready to talk

Pls come and see me tomorrow


She hit send and waited. She didn’t have to wait very long.


I’ll be there at 10:00


After sending the text, she wondered if she was making a mistake. Did she love him anymore? She cared about him. Was it enough? If he could earn her trust back, then he should be able to earn her love too, right?

She lay back and closed her eyes. Before she knew it, she was at the beach staring out at the ocean. The waves were gently washing up on shore as Blake came up behind her, gently moving her hair to one shoulder and kissing her neck softly while wrapping his arms around her. She felt safe and loved.






Ember and Jenna were both jolted awake by the sound of the door opening. Ember had been sleeping soundly, so the sudden waking had made her heart start pounding, and the monitor began beeping. She glanced over at it as the doctor walked in.

“Ember Tatum?” asked the British accent that Ember thought she recognized. When she turned toward the door, she saw Dr. Libby Nixon, who she had worked with in Texas. Dr. Nixon had moved about six months ago. Ember had always enjoyed working with her. “Aren’t you on the wrong side of the monitor?” She smiled, and Ember smiled back.

“I would much rather be on the other side, and I’m hoping I can be sooner than later.”

“You’re living in Oklahoma now? Did you finish school?”

Ember was a little embarrassed and shook her head no. “It’s a long story, but I am back in Oklahoma; this is where I’m from.”

“Oh, I see. Is this your sister?” She looked over at Jenna, who was sitting quietly in the recliner, and smiled at her.

Jenna had answered her before Ember had a chance. “I’m her friend, Jenna Wells." Looking at Ember, she said, "I can step out if you would like me too, Ember.”

"No, it's okay," Ember said.

“It's nice to meet you, Jenna.” Dr. Nixon evaluated Ember and asked her some routine medical questions before she wrapped up. “Are you working around here?”

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