Read Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Wilde Women Book One

Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1)
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But Brynn, well…not so much. She’d just never played in the game. Was never even chosen for a team as far as she could remember. Her husband Roger had been an easy conquest. With hindsight always being so focused and detailed, she eventually saw that she’d been a means to an end. Not exactly a boost to her female ego.

Driven to make a success of the bakery, she’d barely given any attention to her own needs. In fact, she squirmed in her seat realizing that she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d pleasured herself or even had those kind of thoughts.
Oh my God
, she lamented silently. She really was turning into an old maid.

“So, does any of this float your boat Brynn?”

. She’d been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed when Jax grabbed a marker off the counter, ripped open a paper bag set aside for the recycling bin, spread it out on the table, and sketched out plans for the work she wanted on the house.

Tension from being caught daydreaming bracketed her entire body. He was leaning close to her and she was all but wallowing in his scent. He smelled like heat—if heat had a smell. And strength. The kind of manly strength that shot straight to her core. And that certainly wasn’t helpful.

Remembering the way she’d fallen on his mouth like a starving wanton earlier, she felt a deep, scorching blush move along her body. Suddenly she was on fire. The backs of her knees, inside her thighs, the valley between her breasts, and the back of her neck all exploded with warmth until she was sure sweat was drenching her skin.

She heard a sound. Holy crap. Was that her panting? Looking into his eyes as they hovered so near to her own, she saw a flare that turned smoky and fierce. Brynn tried not to glance at his mouth, but her need to feel it once again on her own overrode the denial.

“Um, Jax?” she whimpered. Some kind of out-of-body experience had her in its grip.

He hesitated, growled, “Goddammit Brynn,” then grabbed her under her arms and pulled her from the chair. When his mouth claimed hers, she went under so fast that inhaling his heat and strength felt like the most delicious way to drown.

Want. Desire. Need. All those things were seething inside her. She went a little wild in his arms. Okay. So maybe ‘a little’ didn’t quite do justice to her response. Reaching into his hair with greedy fingers she grabbed on tight and pressed her body along the length of him everywhere she could as she devoured his mouth, sucking on his lips, dueling with his tongue, and moaning for all she was worth. What the hell was happening?

His hands were everywhere. Gripping her ass, fingers spread wide against her back, moving up her neck and into her hair while he shifted their tangled bodies until he forced her ass onto the table and yanked on her legs until she spread them wide and crossed her ankles behind his waist. The provocative position fed jet fuel into the fire of her response making her grasp him tighter as she writhed and shook under his masterful assault on her mouth.

Wrenching from her greedy lips, he bit her hard on the neck and growled into her ear. “Give up, Brynn.”

She wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but she didn’t care. Her body was in charge, and it knew what it wanted. Desperate for more, she tried to take control of their wild interaction until she heard him chuckle as his big hand snaked between her legs and grabbed her pulsing sex encased in the constrictive jeans. Throwing her head back, she ground against his hand as a sharp, keening moan slipped from her throat.

“I decide, Brynn. Not you. Understand?”

Oh fuck.
His voice sounded primal and dangerous, a little like how she felt.

His hand left her but not before he squeezed tight, making a jolt of arousal nearly split in her half. Desire flooded her panties and she shook all over knowing what that meant.

Feeling like she was in a sensual freefall, she clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails into him with a desperation that fried her brain. When he yanked her t-shirt up, the cool air didn’t calm the flames burning inside her at all. Her skin felt like it was on fire. With her hips shifting and bucking as he held her in place with his body, she cried out when she felt his lips sharply bite at her pebbled nipples right through her bra.

, ohhhh,” she groaned. His grunt of approval broke down her inhibitions. “Jax,” she sobbed. There was more, right? Oh God. She wanted more.

Next thing she knew her t-shirt went sailing off and with one mighty tug, he’d ripped off the flimsy bra she had on, and it too drifted to the floor.

Clutching at his head, Brynn could only whimper when he pulled the distended nipples on her swollen breasts into his greedy mouth, one at a time. He wasn’t gentle about it at all, a thought that thrilled her and sent another flood of heated desire between her legs. He suckled so hard that she saw stars and went limp in his arms.

She didn’t stop him when his hand moved to the snap of her jeans whether because she didn’t have the strength to or because if he didn’t she would have. The moment he pulled on the zipper and could reach inside, she bit her lip and lost herself in a full body groan when his fingers slid against her tummy and into her plain cotton panties.

Excitement, raw and powerful, flared inside her when he groaned deep and bit her earlobe. She knew what he found with his questing touch. She was beyond wet. The idea that if she was naked and standing, her liquid response to the dangerous sexy man laying waste to her body would be dripping down her legs made her shudder.

“Fuck,” he growled. Pushing a finger inside her, he whispered naughty words into her ear. “Wet. And on fire. I want your sweet taste on my tongue. Want to suck on your flesh until you’re blind with need. My tongue wants to fuck you Brynn. Make you come again and again.”

What the hell was happening to her? She was shaking like a paper lantern in a wind storm and the sounds she was making made her feel wanton and desperate. Biting his shoulder, Brynn groaned and shimmied her ass encouraging him to finger her deep and hard.

That was pretty much the thing that shattered whatever restraint he’d been exercising. Next thing she knew, he had her sprawled on the table, her jeans in a pile on the floor along with the rest of her clothes as he forced her legs apart.

Who was this woman writhing and whimpering on a kitchen table? She didn’t know and didn’t care.

Feeling his fingers part her folds she heard his masculine groan as her wet, swollen sex in all its feminine glory was bared to his gaze. It was by far the most erotic moment of her life to that point.

In a demanding voice that was gruff with arousal, he told her, “Hold your legs open Brynn.”

He took her shaking hands and directed them beneath her knees, helping her pull back until she was totally open and completely at his mercy.
, she thought.
Please, no mercy.

Brynn shut her eyes and arched her back when he ran a single finger from her ass, along her slit, and onto her pulsing nub.

“So lovely,” he murmured. “Wet and perfect.”

He surprised her by taking his good old time when all she wanted was for him to go back to fingering her dripping sex.

,” he groaned as he bit her inner thigh sharply, and she jerked in surprise. Next, Jax began tapping a fingertip on her pulsing clit, making her cry out and shake some more. It was erotic torture, and she’d never been so turned on in her life.

She could feel his hot breath as he spread her lips open and swirled his fingers lightly on the swollen bundle of nerves dominating her senses. Her pussy clenched over and over as the hot, fluid proof of her desire dribbled out and trickled along the cleft of her ass.

With her eyes closed, her imagination offered up a sizzling picture of how she must look. Naked, on a table in her kitchen, with her own hands clutching at her thighs as she willingly opened to the man with his face between her thighs. It was carnal and wicked and very, very fierce.

“You smell so fucking hot, love. Exactly as I knew you would.” She whimpered at his words. “Hold on tight Brynn,” he instructed. “And do
let go.”

Before she could process what he said, she felt him insert a long, thick finger inside her. So slowly she would swear he enjoyed torturing her. She let out an anguished wail that only got her a wicked chuckle in return.

“More?” he taunted. She was more than ready to beg if she had to but all that came out of her mouth were hoarse grunts and groans.

Replacing one finger with two, he massaged the inner recesses of her pussy until she thought she’d explode. His hands were big, his fingers thick and sturdy. When he found the overly sensitized nodule of her g-spot and furiously pressed, another rush of heated liquid drenched them both.

“That’s it, love. Show me how much you want me to let you come.”

Her mind briefly registered his choice of words. How he’d said ‘let’ instead of ‘make’. The notion that he was controlling her orgasm shook her up. Big time. It wasn’t something she could dwell on though because he never paused what he was doing. His manly fingers spread her wet response, using it to make the way he circled her clit feel like slippery bliss.

He stopped, and she could only whimper and squirm. Using both hands she felt him spread her open even wider. In a voice heavy with arousal he murmured, “Fuck Brynn. That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Your sexy clit, swollen and pulsing, covered in cream as desire drips from your pussy.”

Without the power to respond she just groaned. “

“Gonna taste you now, love. Remember what I said. Do
let go.”

And then his mouth was where his fingers had been and Brynn thought she’d died and gone to heaven. Licking from the crack of her ass, stopping to swirl his tongue at her entrance, ending with rapid flicks against her throbbing clit, she sobbed and wiggled against his mouth.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Brynn. That’s what I want. Let me hear your pleasure.”

He kept at her, flicking his tongue on her pulsing nub, stabbing his tongue in and out of her pussy, lapping at the wet flood of her desire. When he sucked on her folds like he did the lips of her mouth, she lost all control.

Laving her with the flat of his tongue, he pressed a hand onto her tummy and growled. “Not yet, love. You come when I say so.”

He was edging her and nothing in Brynn’s pitiful sexual history had prepared her for what that sort of mastery did to her senses. She was shaking and crying, her fingers digging so hard into the flesh behind her knees that she knew she was leaving marks.

Jax continued to tease and torture her. She moaned and almost fell off the table when he began sucking on the soft flesh of her inner thighs. When he followed up the suckling with sharp nips, her mind went blank. Was it possible to black out from arousal?

When she was sure she was going to go insane if he didn’t finish it, she heard him loose a throaty laugh. Thrusting two fingers deep, he grunted and so did she at the sound her wet response made.

“I think you’ve had enough,” he murmured. She heard him panting and was glad to know she wasn’t alone in the sensual storm tearing her apart.

“Your pussy is so ready. I’m going to let you come now, love…but I want to hear it. Don’t hold back. I want all of you Brynn,” he growled and then latched his lips onto her clit as his fingers caressed her insides.

The orgasm that had been fighting to overtake her gathered in the depths of her soul and radiated outward in ever increasing waves of exquisite pleasure. His lips sucking wildly on her clit and his big, thick fingers buried in her clenching pussy took her to a place she’d never been before.

The build-up was so intense that she struggled to keep from falling off the edge of reality. When her climax finally burst, fireballs of heat ignited along her nerve endings, sending her into a seething completion that stripped her bare in more ways than she could comprehend. With her screams splitting the air and Jax’s satisfied grunts of approval, she writhed, bucked wildly, and shook from head to toe in a wave of perfection that went on and on. Losing all control of her body, she hadn’t known it was possible to come that hard or for that long.

The sensations he had wrought from her body, mind, and soul wiped everything else away and she felt herself tumbling into a dark, sweet cocoon where the only thing between her and losing consciousness was his reassuring hold.

It took a long time for her to come back from wherever he’d sent her, but when she did, she felt his mouth on her own. Tasting the evidence of her response on his lips and tongue held a surprising carnal satisfaction for Brynn. Next thing she knew, he was lowering her, limp and spent, onto her big bed. She’d been so out of it, she hadn’t even been aware that he’d carried her from the kitchen, up the wide wood staircase, and into her bedroom.

With a Herculean effort, she forced her heavy eyelids open and found his face inches from her own, his gaze burning with male satisfaction and something else she couldn’t quite name.

“Sleep now, love. You’ve earned it. I’ll lock up and turn off the lights.”

He kissed her—deep and long—then stood back and pulled the soft blankets over her sated body. He was tucking her in, and Brynn had never felt so cherished or cared for in all her life. Heaving a deep sigh, her eyes flickered closed and before she’d taken more than a few breaths, she fell into a deep sleep.

BOOK: Wilde Forever (Wilde Women Book 1)
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