Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (8 page)

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“Please. I insist,” he said softly—deeply.

? It was only one word, but her knees jellied, her heart started thumping in her chest and her breath stilled in her lungs.  She didn’t know what made her do it, but she wrapped her long slender fingers around the card and nodded. “If you wish.”

“I do.” The triumphant smile he gave her made it entirely worth it.

She shook her head as she walked away. He was so smooth. She was completely hypnotized.


She came back just before six, and Lance met her in the private landing outside the elevator.  Vern must’ve called ahead of time to let him know they were coming. 

She began to see that Vern wasn’t much of a conversationalist, but he had kind eyes.  He was polite and waited patiently while she was in store after store trying on dresses.  She actually felt guilty, but he never indicated any impatience.  Like her, he seemed to have pride in his job. She’d thanked him numerous times for his help. He always replied that she was welcome and it was no inconvenience.

Vern held the hanger with a dress in an enclosed opaque cover, and she had a store boutique bag of extras. She really enjoyed herself, but couldn’t help feel a little guilty. She actually did buy the dress herself, but used his card for the shoes. It had been years since she indulged, and it wasn’t with her money.  Yet, Lance didn’t even seem the least bit affected when Vern handed him the hanger and read the script of the shop she’d bought it from on the cover. He lifted his brows and looked at her as if to say ‘good girl’. She blushed again. “I bought it myself Lance, but you did purchase me a stunning pair of shoes,” she felt the need to explain.  Really, he seemed satisfied that she at least took his offer in some way.  It eased her guilt a little.

“That’s fine.” He then thanked Vern and dismissed him before heading down the hall to her room. “This way Tam.”

She followed him because she didn’t know which one was hers.  She was certain the penthouse had more than two rooms. It turned out, he’d put her in the one right beside his.  She felt a thrill go through her. 

“Next to mine, it’s the biggest,” he explained nonchalantly, as he laid the bag containing the dress across the end of the bed.

“It’s beautiful.” Like with everything else in the house it was decorated with soft tone blues and greys.  It was masculine, but welcoming. “I like it.”

“I thought you would.  How about you get ready, and meet me in the great room. I’ll give you a tour.”

“I’d love that.”

Being on her own, and on a fixed budget, and meeting tight schedules, had trained her to get dressed in record time.  Her short hair made it easier.  Within twenty minutes she was ready.  Well, she had to hand it to him, he knew fashion. She swirled around in the dressing room in front a full length mirror. The dress spun around her ankles showing her three inch silver heels, which he’d bought.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d paid four hundred dollars for a pair of shoes. A small piece of her was thrilled at the indulgence. Furthermore, her figure was definitely flattered by this gorgeous dress.  Her shoulders were bare and her neck looked elegantly long with the short hair.  She didn’t go with the open back, but chose one with a hidden bustier which enhanced her small waist, but she was quite slender to begin with.  Her breasts were pushed up slightly like they would be with a push up bra. They weren’t big, but they weren’t small either.  She lifted and adjusted them through the material. She never gave much thought to them before, but she honestly wondered what kind of breasts Lance preferred.  Tessa was well endowed, but she had an hourglass figure. So they suited her. Elaina was a little taller than Tessa, but not as slender as Tammy was and possessed that same hourglass figure.  Tammy was taller than both of them and the heels added another three inches to her five-seven height. She retrieved a Ziploc bag from her luggage with the only jewelry in the world that she owned.  Her grandmother’s pearls also given to her through the will.  She donned the necklace and matching earrings.  Then she put on a little makeup and after one final look, went to find Lance.

Like he said, he was in the great room waiting. It was at the other end of the long wide hall, past the door to the private landing of the elevator.  She paused. The room was enormous.  There were massive windows at the far wall that overlooked the streets and other building tops in the neighborhood.  The ceilings must’ve been over twelve feet high with scalloped edges, much like his bedroom. The walls were tastefully decorated with expensive artwork. That wasn’t what drew her attention the most though.  He was a sight to behold.  He was wearing a charcoal grey suit, striped shirt and light grey tie. The cut of the suit accentuated every perfect masculine line he possessed. He had a fantastic posture, and nice straight, firm shoulders. His light brown eyes stood out in contrast to his dark hair.  She’d never seen any man fill out a suit like he could.  He was immaculate, and the look spoke volumes to her gender. It said sex, sex in a suit. Not good sex, but fantastic, mind blowing, hot, muscular, six-foot-two sex, walking around in an expensive suit. 
God! This was going to be a long night.
  This was definitely a man who knew himself and how he presented to others.  When he saw her he smiled, and there went her knees again.  She near stumbled coming down the two steps to the room. 

She smiled sheepishly. “New shoes.” This was going to be a tough few days if she was staying with him.

He looked amused as he bent and picked up two glasses of wine off the table next to him.

She was able to recover from her near mishap and managed to walk gracefully towards him.  For once she was thankful for the etiquette classes she was forced to go to.  She could not keep the smile off of her face after seeing him.

“White wine.” He handed her a glass.

“You remembered.”

“I rarely forget anything,” he said with conviction.

That sounded almost salacious. She averted her gaze for a moment and took a sip of the wine.  It wasn’t too dry, and tasted delicious—expensive.

“I thought you could use a confidence booster before we went to your parents.” He raised his glass slightly before taking a drink himself.

“How right you are.”  Her eyes went to the view. “This is breathtaking.”

“We have a few minutes. Come, I’ll give you a tour,” he said with a tilt of his head.

“I’d really like that.”

He walked her through the first floor explaining every room as he went.  It had around seventy five hundred square feet in total on both the ninth and tenth floors of the building.  Beside the great room, there was the master and four bedrooms on the ninth floor, a play room for billiards and a wet bar, and a decent sized gym. Three more bedrooms, a media room, and a library, plus the kitchen were on upper floor. The entire penthouse was furnished with priceless art. She was certain she didn’t blink once worried she’d miss something. 

His room, the master, which she was in earlier, had his and hers bathrooms, and a large dressing room.  Again, she could fit her apartment in it.  The tour ended there.  She glanced around the main part of the bedroom.  She’d never noticed the king sized four poster bed when she was in there earlier even though she’d sat on it.  It made her realize how nervous she was at the time.  Well, he certainly had good taste in décor.

“It’s incredible Lance—all of it.  Do you use that gym?” She asked out of curiosity.

“Every day I’m here.  It’s not the same as getting exercise at home, but it keeps me healthy. You are more than welcome to use it if you wish.”

She shouldn’t be surprised that he worked out away from the ranch. “So why is it you own this and only spend a few days a year here?”

“I actually spend a few days a month here.  My brothers and their wives know where I am, but I don’t talk about my personal life to anyone.”

“Oh.” Well, she knew for a fact that was true. 

“I told you, I like a healthy balance.” He took a swallow from his half empty wine glass looking at her over the rim of the fine crystal.

She felt her heart still.  Gosh, the man had eyes that could reach into her soul. Yet, his were as always, indecipherable. Then he looked at his watch.

“Our driver will be here.  We should go.”

“Of course.” She mimicked his gesture and finished off the contents of the glass before letting him take it from her. She wanted to ask him if he brought women here, but she already knew the answer to that.  Of course he did.

“Do you have a wrap?”

“I do. I’ll fetch it.”

“I’ll meet you at the elevator in a couple of minutes.” He left the room.

Gosh, even his walk was full of confidence and unmatched masculinity.  She couldn’t help but feel pride that she was beside him tonight.  He’ll keep her grounded so she doesn’t get overwhelmed.

As promised he was waiting and held out his hand as she approached.  She handed him her wrap.

“Turn around,” he said softly.

She did.

He gracefully wrapped it around her shoulders like he’d done it a thousand times and she bit her lip to keep from gasping as his fingers gently brushed her bare shoulders.

“Mr. Hartley,” she murmured, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to seduce me.”  She really didn’t know where on earth that came from.  Yes, she had a sense of humor, but she never flirted with a man in her life!

He leaned down and whispered deeply in her ear. “Just gearing up for the part Miss Easler.”

She turned around and looked up at him. “Well, you’re a great actor.”

He burst into laughter.

Tammy smiled at the wonderful sound.  She couldn’t remember hearing him laugh like that before.  Gosh it made him look more handsome, boyish in a way, if that was possible. The sound was seductively deep and heated up every cell in her body.

When he looked at her again, a crooked smile formed.  He then reached into his suit pocket and took her hand at the same time. “Just to make it look real.”

Before Tammy realized it, he’d slipped a stunning diamond engagement ring on her finger. It was big—really really big. “Wow, this almost looks real. When did you get this?” She tilted her hand to catch the light from the chandelier overhead. It was captivating and absolutely beautiful.  It was a large imitation diamond in the center of a pin wheeled design of white metal, which she assumed was silver, with more diamonds embedded in it.  As a fake it was stunning. If it was real it would be breathtaking. 

“I can shop in a hurry too.”

“Well, I thought I was quick, you have me beat. This will definitely stop my mother from being suspicious.”  Yes, it wasn’t real, but she still felt on top of the world. 
Give a girl her fantasy for a few days,
she thought to herself.

He reached down and took her hand running his thumb over the diamond while looking down at her.  “I am going to enjoy myself.”  He turned and pulled her toward the elevator. “By the way.  It’s not a fake.”

The elevator doors closed on her gaping expression.

“Real!” Her eyes shot to him in disbelief. Then to the gorgeous ring on her finger.


Her eyes flashed wide. “For the love of God, Lance!” she started taking it off her finger.

He covered her hand with his. “Leave it.” His tone was authoritative, yet it didn’t rise a bit in volume.  For some reason she knew it was even more effective that way.

Her mouth fell open and she stared up at him. “This is too much.  I don’t want to take it this far.” There was that stare again. The one that dared her not to listen.  It was actually pretty darn sexy. “Does that expression work on people?”

“Yes.” He finally sighed and relaxed. “Look.  It’s just for a few days.  It’s on loan.  I can return it.”

That made her calm down.  She really didn’t want him spending any more money on her, especially the ridiculous amount this ring would have cost.

“Although, it sure looks good on you.” He lifted her hand and ran his large warm calloused one over it.  “Your hands are beautiful.  Don’t you know, Tammy, that long graceful fingers and hands so soft, like this—” He lifted it next to his cheek with his eyes locked on hers “—need to be pampered.”  He turned his stubble roughened face into the palm and kissed it.

She stared back at him, eyes wide, and with her heart thudding in her chest. Richard had given her jewels.  Her mother did also, but it was to show status. She left them all behind except her grandmother’s pearls, but nothing could possibly compare to the way this man made it feel to wear them.  That gesture; the caress, made her feel sensual and sexual all at once. It attached meaning to the ring.  It was completely and utterly provocative.  She just couldn’t take her eyes off of his.  Is this what it was like to be seduced by Lance Hartley? No, she knew it wasn’t.  This was only a tiny peek into what he could do.  Her heart started picking up pace to the point where it galloped in her ears. There was a warm swirling sensation deep in her pelvis and she knew, right then and there, it was desire.  Such a simple gesture completely turned her on and he hadn’t even unleashed his full sex appeal on her.  Oh…dear….she was in trouble.

Just then the elevator doors opened to the building’s lobby and he released her.  She was speechless.  Where on earth did that sudden caress come from?

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