Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (11 page)

BOOK: Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy
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He watched her closely. “First, I know it doesn’t to you. Second, you’re worked up because of the intense scrutiny your family has you under. Here.” He reached over and removed her wrap.  “She’s wrong by the way.  You are perfectly capable of getting any man you want.  I think Richard was drooling.”

She smiled. Did he have to be so calm, and such a gentleman?  She was coming unglued.  She took a deep breath to calm her nerves.  He noticed it.

“Tammy, we only lied about the engagement.  Not anything else. We can easily end it a few weeks down the road.”

“A few weeks?” That was two weeks longer than she wanted to mislead people.

“We certainly can’t spoil your brother’s bliss.  He cares about you. Besides, your mother will keep off your back through it all.”

She never thought that far ahead. He was right though, and very sincere about it; her mother, and her brother.  Royce would be worried about her if he thought she was going through heartache during his honeymoon.  Her mother would probably make sure she sat next to Richard through the entire day.  Now there was no worry of that. She lowered her shoulders in defeat and nodded.  Lance was only looking out for her.  “I just don’t like the games, you know, especially deceiving my brother and father by pretending we’re in love.” She averted her gaze feeling the blush rise. God, why was she so transparent?  He caught it right away.  How could he not?  It was so obvious at that moment, her attraction to him. Lance never missed anything.  Then to her ultimate horror, he had no qualms about voicing it.

He smirked, crossed his arms and leaned against the opposite wall. “Now I see. There’s more to this.”

“Don’t look at me like that.” He
!  He knew
how he was affecting her this
time. He had to.

He feigned innocence. “Like what?”

“You know. The cat that got the canary. It’s like you’ve just proven a theory.”  There she said it.  Oh no, and there was the exact thing she was referring to; his insightful ambrosial grin that made her viscera liquefy.  He didn’t even deny he was doing it. 

“Is that what this whole discomfort is really about?”

“Some of it.” Yes.  It was as if he’d discovered another game between the both of them that was more appealing than just helping her out. “I should have
told you I was a virgin.” What the
with her?  She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.  It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  She was horrified at herself for saying that.

He chuckled. “Honestly Tam, do you think that’s when it started.”

Was he serious? She blinked and looked up at him. Her heart felt like it had just leaped out of her chest and onto a plate to be presented to him. She was completely exposing herself.
Here you go.  Have it.  It’s always been yours.
  She tried shaking her head in denial.  It was useless, and too late.  He knew everything now.

“Okay then, Tam, tell me to stop touching you and I will.”

At that moment it looked like God bestowed every masculine gift he had to offer on that man, only that man.  He was so arousing and provocative; she wanted to climb him like a monkey on a tree. Instead she fought the urge, lifted her chin turned around and went to her room.  She swore she heard a deep chuckle when she shut the door.




The next morning Mavis knocked on her door to tell her breakfast was ready.   Tammy bolted upright and looked the clock.  It was nine in the morning.  Gosh, she hadn’t slept that late in years.

“Thanks Mavis, ten minutes!” she hollered so she’d hear her.

“I’ll let Mr. Hartley know,” came the muffled response.

“He’s up?”

“For three hours ma’am.”

Of course he was.
Tammy rubbed her forehead as she got out of bed.  It was his fault she slept in.  That bed was probably the most comfortable thing she’d slept on in years. Also, she’d had about three glasses of wine at dinner the night before.  It had been a long time since she’d drank but the wine was really good.  Further, the evening exhausted the life out of her.  It took a lot to deceive people.

She was in and out of the shower in five minutes and dressed in less than that.  She pulled on a pair of black yoga pants and a light green tank top.  She would need to get dressed for the wedding in a few hours so it seemed useless to get half ready now.

She remembered where the kitchen was from the tour the day before.  She paused when she saw Lance sitting at the breakfast counter drinking a cup of coffee and reading a paper.  He was wearing grey sweats and a plain white t-shirt that had a hint of perspiration on his chest.  Oh, he’d been working out.  God, he looked delicious.

“Hi.” He set his paper down when he saw her and patted the stool beside him.  His eyes went down her form and back up again just to lock gazes with her. “You slept in,” he said with a lazy smile.

She refused to be uncomfortable from his discovery the night before.  Hopefully he’d forgotten about everything.  Yeah, right. “I did.” She took the seat beside him and Mavis gave her a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. She was never one to turn away a good home cooked meal. “The mattress is heavenly.”

“Mine’s better.”

She near choked on a forkful of scrambled eggs. After last night, she knew there was a hidden innuendo in there especially after seeing the glint in his eyes.

“Some coffee Mavis, black, no sugar.” He called while smirking at Tammy.

He was observant.  That was exactly how she took her coffee.

Mavis placed a mug in front of her and gave her a sympathetic look while she still coughed.

“Here.” He handed her the mug.  “Careful, it’s hot.”

She took a drink anyway.  It was perfect.  Then she shot him a look. “You need to stop doing that.”

“What? Mine is better.” He grinned and took a sip from his own mug watching her over the rim.

She shook her head. “It’s the hidden inferences.” Gosh she just couldn’t have this conversation. She still couldn’t shake his confession from the night before. Her cheeks flamed. His eyes went there seeing her embarrassment. 

“Well, we could certainly solve your curiosity.”

Her eyes popped wide. Choking on coffee this time.

He stood up and patted her back.  “Water, Mavis.”

“Already getting it,” she called back from around the corner.

A few seconds later Mavis placed a large glass of water in front of her and gave her a half smile and a half look of sympathy before making herself scarce.

Tammy took a long drink before she turned her angry eyes on Lance. “That’s what I mean.”

He took his seat again, his knee brushing her thigh as he did it.  She wondered if that was purposeful.

“You are curious.”

“I’m not.”

He gave a short laugh. “You are.  If you weren’t, your cheeks wouldn’t flame.” He leaned toward her.  “And they flame a

There was no use trying to lie to him.  He was too good in seeing through people. “Okay fine. Yes, I’m curious.”

“Ah, the truth. Nice. So is this curiosity to do with all men or just me?”

She knew he could see the truth in her expression so she didn’t directly answer it. “That doesn’t mean you can embarrass me over being chaste Lance.  I should have never told you.”

“You didn’t tell me.  I figured it out when you kept blushing whenever I brought up intimate questions.”

She took a deep breath and released it quickly, in frustration. “Okay, you’re right.  I still don’t think—”

“—what did the stuffed shirt do to you to make you shy away from it?”

She blinked her eyes wide.  God, he shifted subjects and moods so quickly, her head spun.  It was probably his way of getting an honest answer from people. Surprise did wonders to peoples’ verbal, emotional and physical responses.

“Don’t try and lie to me Tam, I can tell.”

She already knew that.

“He somehow ruined you for other men—intimately. I’m thinking that’s the only reason you are still chaste.”

“I told you why.”

He shook his head. “Waiting for love. Yes, I know, but your body betrays you.  You are curious.  Twenty six year old virgins that are as desirable as you don’t exist.  That can only happen if you’ve been shamed, or worse.”  His eyes narrowed.

Did he just say that? She stuttered out her response trying not to let him know that affected her. “H—he didn’t get that far.” She paused seeing the anger rise in his eyes.  The Hartley men were very respectful of women.  Their father raised them right.  She’d seen the damage Colton did when someone disrespected Elaina. All of them had the same views

“He got far enough to do some psychological damage.  I’d like to know.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I would like you to.”

Of course he would. “It’s not that easy.  Tit for tat, why’d you quit New York?”  That got a reaction.  It was rare and subtle, but it was there.  He actually sat back away from her a little and his expression masked.  “That’s a little one sided Lance.”

“It’s public knowledge.”

“Not to me.”

“Look it up. Yours isn’t.”

“How do you know?”

“I already checked into it.”

Of course he did.  Now her cheeks flamed for a different reason. “There’s no need to cross examine me, councilor!”

“Get angry all you want Tammy.  How can I play the devoted fiancé if I don’t know everything?”

“I see.  So you like to be informed, but not let me in on your secrets. You don’t need to know this!” she stood abruptly to leave, but he grabbed her arm.  When he turned her back she had tears in her eyes.  Instantly, his hard expression crumbled.  Before she knew it, she was embraced in strong arms bring her face into his chest.  She could smell his scent; strong, masculine and completely spellbinding.

“Shh.  I’m sorry.”

His deep voice vibrated through his chest and arms enveloping her. The tone was definitely remorseful. She nodded still refusing to let the tears fall.  Being in his arms definitely could have aided to it, but she was able to pull them back.  She just couldn’t be so damn vulnerable around this man.  She didn’t want his pity. 

“I pushed too much. I won’t bring it up again until you’re ready.  I promise.”

She nodded again knowing that she never would be.

He placed his hands on either side of her head and tilted her face up to meet his eyes.  “Are you okay?”

“I am.  Honesty Lance, I don’t want to relive that okay?”

He nodded, his eyes flicked to her mouth then back up to her eyes. “If I kissed you, would you be offended?”

“W—what?” Offended certainly wouldn’t have occurred to her if he kissed her.  Shock maybe. Yes, absolute shock.

His eyes searched hers for a moment longer. Obviously there was no resistance there or he wouldn’t have said what followed.

“Oh fuck it.”

He didn’t hesitate, take it slow, or coax her. It was a body slamming, assertive, deep, tongue delving kiss that lit her soul on fire.  His hand went to the back of her head and the other traced down her spine to her lower back, pressing her to him.

After her initial astonishment, her insides heated up and emulsified.  She moved her arms around his neck and twisted her fingers in his hair and kissed him back while pressing against him. Her body shaped against every perfect muscular contour he had.  She knew she fit against him flawlessly.  It was her height and her slender form.  It made her flexible. God she could feel the heat of him through her clothes! His amazing masculine scent filled her nostrils, driving her close, wanting more.  He sensed it, and his hand slid from her back to her bottom, cupping one of her cheeks and lifting her up to him, pelvis to pelvis.

He was a full blooded assertive male.  He was hot, sexy and sure as hell knew how to kiss a woman.  His mouth was warm, hard, and demanding just like the rest of him.  She was lost.

He pulled back meeting her eyes and slowly released her bottom allowing her to touch the floor with her toes. She stared at him speechless. Her eyes most likely registered the desire and wonder she was feeling. A triumphant smile of discovery graced his handsome features. It was like she’d met his expectations despite her confessions of not being intimate. 

“You kiss like the devil.”

did?  “I—I think you get that compliment.”

“Yes, but I’ve had experience.  You are a natural.”

“I am?”

He nodded. “Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.  I need a shower…a cold one.” He released her completely, kissed her lightly on the forehead and left whistling to himself.

She plunked herself on the stool and stared at her plate of cold eggs propping her chin on her hand.  She picked up her fork and stirred them absently. Was it possible to fall more in love with someone?  He literally blew her mind.  She may have been confident with everything else in her life at this time, but with men it was different.  She always felt awkward, and gangly.  He made her feel sexy, beautiful, and most importantly, desirable.  She never saw herself in that light before. Well, she could certainly get addicted to it.

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