Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance (12 page)

Read Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Online

Authors: Natalie Kristen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Fantasy, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance
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Rebecca staggered back a step.

That female vampire, Amelia,
had told her the truth. Oliver had tried to warn her as well. Phin
really could see everything through Levi's eyes. He would know
everything about the PAC, the Enforcers, their plans and strategies.
He would inform the Master, and that was how the Master managed to
stay one step ahead of the PAC. He would never be caught.

Levi would unwittingly
continue to be their eyes, giving them access to the workings of the
Council. If Levi knew that he was being used as a spy for a rogue
Master vampire, he would gouge his own eyes out with his claws.

He would rather be blind, than
to betray the PAC.

Phin Lester,” she
snarled, balling her fists and advancing towards him. “You
monster!” He had abused and tormented her, and now he was
using Levi and tormenting an upright, courageous Enforcer, turning
him into a spy without his knowledge.

I will kill you,”
she said. It wasn't a threat. It was a promise.

The Master will never
allow you to do that. He needs me. He needs my eyes. And he needs
your bear's eyes.” Phin chortled. “Being dragged to the
demon lord turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Rebecca shook her head. If
she didn't hate him so much, she might have pitied him.

What happened to that
blood demoness anyway? The one that took me to that demon lord?”
Phin mused.

Rebecca had often wondered the
same thing. She could remember the demoness's face clearly. Her
brilliant green eyes had stared straight at Rebecca, taking in her
horrific injuries as she plunged her sharp, serrated fangs into
Phin's neck and teleported him away from Rebecca's kitchen. Rebecca
had been sent to the hospital by her neighbors, and she had tried to
give a description of the demoness to the police. At that time, she
had mistaken the demoness for a vampire. But now she knew that blood
demons had long, jagged fangs and there were the telltale red swirls
at the corners of their eyes.

Rebecca shook her head at
Phin, her mouth curling into a sneer. “You think you are
indispensable to your Master? No one is indispensable. He'll get
rid of you in a heartbeat, once he's done with you.”

Phin shot a nervous look
towards the Master. “No one can replace me,” he said,
but he didn't sound so confident.

The Master has the
power to turn the humans he trusts into vampires. Why didn't he turn
you?” she asked with a snide smile. “Clearly he doesn't
trust you. Or he doesn't like you very much.”

She heard a deep, low laugh
rumble from the corner.

I think I'll make a far
better spy for the Master than you, Phin,” she pressed her
advantage, and licked the blood off her fingers.

Mmmm.” She
smacked her lips appreciatively. “In fact, I think I'll make a
fantastic vampire.”

He'll never turn you,
you slut!” Phin yelled and charged at her.

Rebecca tried to duck out of
the way as Phin held his knife out and slashed wildly. His knife
sliced through the sleeve of her jacket, and Rebecca grimaced at the
shallow cut in her arm. She hoped that this wasn't Oliver's favorite

She clutched her arm and
scrambled up in time to see Phin take aim and throw the knife at her.
The silver blade flew soundlessly through the air, straight towards
her heart. She didn't even have time to scream. The silver winked
in the dark as the knife hurtled towards her.

Just before the blade pierced
her flesh, she glimpsed a sudden movement in the corner. Then the
knife stopped spinning through the air.

It just froze, suspended in
the air, the sharp point just an inch from her chest.

Rebecca exhaled very slowly,
and the knife clattered to the ground.

With a gulp, she flicked her
eyes to the Master. His hand was still raised, and when he twirled
his fingers, the knife rose from the ground and flew to his palm. He
pocketed the knife and folded his arms.

She is unarmed, and
undressed,” the Master observed wryly. “All she has on
is this torn jacket. Seems rather unfair that you have a weapon,
Phin, when she doesn't even have any shoes on.”

Rebecca was tempted to call
out her thanks but she held her tongue. The Master wasn't helping
her. He was playing with her. And he was playing Phin.

A sudden thought struck her.

She could play Phin as well.
As long as she kept him occupied, he would stay out of Levi's head.

He couldn't do his damn remote
viewing or whatever evil thing it was he did. He couldn't use Levi's
eyes to see, if all he was seeing was her. She would make him see

Trying not to grimace, she
slowly undid the buttons on her jacket.

She knew what she had to do.
She had to distract them, amuse them, keep their minds and eyes on
her. She was a stripper. She knew exactly how to do that.

She let the jacket slide from
her shoulders very slowly, revealing her bare skin inch by
tantalizing inch.

Finally, the jacket pooled at
her feet and she stepped gracefully to the side. She put a hand on
her hip, presenting her utterly naked body to Phin and the Master.

She felt their eyes on her
body, and she tried her best not to shudder. She had to keep them
occupied, keep them entertained, so they would forget about Levi and
the PAC for a while. She would buy Levi some time, hopefully a few

A few hours would give the PAC
time to come up with a concrete plan without the Master and his vamps
knowing about it. Levi would be able to accomplish a lot in just a
few hours.

He was a bear shifter, and she
knew bears could cover miles of terrain in a short time. They had
strength and stamina, and a great sense of smell. Hopefully, he
would be able to locate Oliver and her by then. If not...

She'd tried her best.

She had no regrets. She would
die happy.

Rebecca glanced down at Phin's
dirty jeans. She could taste bile at the back of her throat when she
saw the growing bulge in his pants. Clenching her fists, she tried
to tamp down her disgust and revulsion. She could do this.

For Levi, she would do




The PAC members rushed down to
the lobby as soon as they got the call from Stanley, the security
guard on duty. He'd reported that a vampire had just misted into the
PAC Headquarters, holding a bleeding and dazed human by the scruff of
his neck. And the human's neck was in pretty bad shape.

Enforcers surrounded the spiky
haired female vamp. Levi stepped forward and took a sharp breath.
He recognized the young man's scent. He had smelled his blood on the
walls of Club Mate.

Are you Oliver Woods?”
he asked.

The man raised his head.
“Y-yes. I'm Oliver.”

Release him,”
Jett ordered the female vamp.

That's what I came to
do,” she said. “But first, listen to me. Don't
interrupt. I have very little time. And...time is running out for
her as well.”

Lucas nodded. “Speak.”

My Master has taken a
human woman to be tortured and killed by Phin Lester. Phin is my
Master's weapon, or...pet, if you like.” She made a face. Her
bloodshot eyes darted round the circle of Enforcers. “Which
one of you is Levi Madden?” she asked suddenly.

Levi stepped forward.

The vamp backed away and
hissed, “Close your eyes! Close your eyes now!”

Levi frowned, but Lucas said
evenly, “Do as she says, Levi.”

Levi obeyed the Alpha, and he
heard the vamp exhale a shuddering breath. “He can see. Phin
Lester can see through Levi's eyes. I'm not sure how. He said it's
because of some demon blood he ingested. He can see what Levi sees.
That's how my Master knows what the PAC and the Enforcers are doing.”

Levi forced his eyes to remain
closed, but his claws were out. “The bastard!”

How do we know you're
telling the truth?” Blake demanded. “You just said that
a scumbag is using my cousin's eyes to spy on the PAC, and we're
supposed to believe you?”

I'm telling the truth,
and I don't have much time. Believe what you will, do what you must.
But my Master has taken a human woman to be tortured and killed by
Phin. Time is running out for her. I...I have to go soon, before my
Master discovers...” she stuttered and stared around, the
panic showing in her eyes.

What is the woman's
name?” Levi shouted. “And somebody, get me a damn


Levi's entire body started to
shake with the effort of keeping his eyes closed. He reached out and
grabbed the vampire's arm. “Take me to her!” he roared.


We will protect you,”
Jett swore. “You don't have to fear your Master. You are now
under the protection of the PAC. What's your name?”

She hesitated. “Amelia.
Amelia Jones.”

Amelia, can you mist
Levi to Rebecca? As a new vampire, you might not be able to mist
Levi on your own. He is a big bear.” Lucas allowed Amelia to
see his good humor and his trust in her. “Glenn Constantine is
a Master vampire and he will go with you. The vampire Enforcers will
be able to follow you, and they'll mist the rest of us to where you
are. You'll be safe, Amelia. You did the right thing.” There
was pride and approval in Lucas's voice.

Levi felt Glenn's firm hand on
his shoulder. Someone snapped a sleeping mask over his eyes, and it
felt like the soft, silky ones worn by passengers on long haul

Come, Amelia, hold my
hand,” Glenn said encouragingly. “I'll leave a trail so
the vampire Enforcers can follow us easily. Let's go, Amelia.
That's right. We'll mist Levi together. On the count of three—one,

Levi felt as though someone
had pulled a rug out from under his feet. He started to fall, and he
instinctively put his hands out. But he couldn't feel anything. He
couldn't feel the air rushing against his skin, no wind, no sound,
nothing. It felt as though he was just tumbling headlong into a

Finally, he felt Glenn's hand
on his arm. “We're here,” Glenn said quietly. “Put
your hand on my shoulder, Levi. Once the others are here, we'll get
Rebecca. And you'd be able to take off that silly flowery mask.”

Levi heard Amelia's voice.
“I...I took her to that room. Just down this corridor,”
she said in a broken whisper. “The steel door. She was real

Is,” Levi


And she
alive,” he scowled.

Yes. She is,”
Amelia answered grimly. “But I don't know how long more...”

Now,” Glenn said,
his mouth close to Levi's ear. Levi gave a curt nod. He could hear
movement behind him, and he could scent his fellow Enforcers and the
PAC members all crowded in an enclosed space. They were keeping
absolutely silent, and he couldn't even hear anyone breathe.
“Everyone is here,” Glenn said. “I'm going to
follow Amelia closely. Blake will lead you. You'll just have to
keep the mask on a little longer. Use your other senses, and trust
your instincts.”

Levi nodded and let Glenn
guide his hand to his cousin's muscular shoulder.

We'll get her, Levi.”
He heard the determination in Blake's low voice. “And we'll
kill him.”

Levi shook his head, and
smiled. But his smile was mirthless, joyless and full of menace.

No, Blake.
kill him.”


Rebecca glanced at the Master
in the corner. His face was still hidden in the shadows, but she
could see his large combat boots and she saw that he stood at around
six foot. He was a full head taller than Phin, who was stocky and
just an inch or so taller than her.

Phin had shed his jeans, and
was now naked like her. His erection looked grotesque to her. She
had the urge to grab the silver knife from the Master and just cut
the bastard's balls off. Phin had tried to pin her to the ground and
force himself on her, but the Master had said with mild annoyance, “I
said fight her, not fuck her, Phin.”

Phin had growled and grunted
in frustration, but he didn't dare go against the Master. Rebecca
had almost laughed out loud. Yup, that was Phin all right. Couldn't
concentrate and stay on any job. Whenever he got fired, he would
come home and take out his anger on her. He lived off her earnings
as a stripper, and yet he derided and despised her for what she did
for a living.

Rebecca worked herself up to a
righteous rage. The odds were against her, but she had to win. She
had been in catfights before, but this—this was different.
Here she was fighting a monster, and her own demons.

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