Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance

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Authors: Natalie Kristen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Fantasy, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Wild Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance
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MATE series


Natalie Kristen

MATE series






© 2014 Natalie Kristen


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is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are
used fictitiously or are the products of the author's imagination.
Any resemblance to actual locales, events, establishments or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



of murdering the monster who attacked and injured his mate, Levi
Madden almost goes insane with grief and rage. When he is freed, he
rushes to her bedside, only to stand as a stranger before her.



Rose wakes from her coma and remembers the vicious attack by her
ex-husband. She remembers her past, her pain yet she senses that she
has forgotten something, someone very important.

is afraid to trust again, but somehow she trusts that handsome
Enforcer sent by the PAC to protect her.



sinister forces unite against them, can
and Rebecca
finally find their way back to each other? Will their love conquer
all, or will they lose each other forever?



The police officer opened the
door to his cell and hollered, “Levi Madden, you're free to

Levi jumped up as two officers
walked in and unlocked the silver handcuffs around his wrists. The
silver prevented him from shifting into his bear form while in the
custody of the New Moon City Police Department (NMPD). But Levi
would never attack the human police officers of New Moon City. He
was a senior Enforcer with the Paranormal Affairs Council (PAC)
Enforcement Unit. Like the NMPD, he protected the civilian
population of New Moon City, but he didn't just go after law breakers
and criminals. He hunted dangerous and deadly rogue paranormals.

New Moon City was home to
humans and paranormals alike. With vampires, demons, weres, witches,
warlocks, all living and working in close proximity, the PAC had its
hands full trying to protect and police all the paranormals in the
city. The Enforcement Unit was headed by Jett Riley, a human who was
in Levi's opinion, tougher and stronger than a lot of paranormals he
knew. Levi respected the guy. Jett was a good boss, tough but fair,
and Levi had no doubt that Jett had worked tirelessly to secure his
release. When Levi was arrested for murder, Jett had rushed down to
the police station and railed and ranted at the officers, demanding
that they release Levi immediately.

When Jett couldn't get Levi
out of the lockup, he had called Dax Ferro, the PAC lawyer. Good
call. Now Levi was free to go.

As he walked out of the cell,
Levi turned and said to the officers, “I didn't kill Phin
Lester. He's still out there. And he's dangerous.”

As the door of the cell
slammed shut behind him, one of the officers answered gruffly, “The
police are looking for him right now.”

I can help,” Levi
said immediately. “The PAC Enforcers can help you.”

Phin Lester is not a
rogue paranormal. He's human,” the officer answered tersely.

Levi made a sound of
frustration. “No. He's...not.”

He saw some raised eyebrows,
but he persisted. They had to know how dangerous the man was. “Phin
Lester was attacked by a blood demon lord before. Maybe that changed
him, somehow, somewhat, but I think that man was already a monster
before that. He's a volatile, violent man, an abuser. He killed the
nurse on duty and escaped from the psychiatric ward. He's not human.
He tried to kill his...
.” Levi grated out the last
word in pain and rage. He could feel his bear rearing up, ready to
lash out in fury and he forced his beast down by sheer willpower.
Don't shift into bear form now.
Now was not the time nor the
place to let his bear out.


Phin Lester didn't deserve
her. And she was not his wife. She was his ex-wife. She was
divorcing him. After months of threats and torture, Rebecca had
finally picked herself up and plucked up the courage to free herself
from his abuse and his clutches once and for all. So he came to kill

His whole body tensed and
throbbed at the thought of Rebecca. His brave, beautiful Rebecca.

That bastard had beaten her
half to death. Levi had been at her house, sitting in her kitchen,
just talking. It hadn't been easy getting Rebecca to trust him, and
open up to him. She had been wary at first, but very slowly, she had
warmed up to him.

Rebecca Rose worked at Club
Mate, a blood bar in the city. The blood bars in New Moon City
served blood, all kinds of blood—straight from the tap,
flavored, alcoholic, enhanced with vitamins or caffeine. Competition
was stiff among the blood bars in New Moon City so the bars were
always coming up with new and exciting flavors to attract new
customers. Some bars had a dance floor, others provided live
entertainment. They had singers, shifters, strippers...all kinds of
exotic and erotic acts. It was a strictly no biting policy in New
Moon City, so the vampires and blood demons frequented the blood bars
to get their needs met.

Rebecca Rose was a stripper at
Club Mate. That was where Levi had first laid eyes on her. He had
been on patrol with Scott, his cousin and fellow senior Enforcer,
doing a routine check on Club Mate to make sure that all the
licensing regulations were complied with and everyone was behaving
themselves at the bar.

He had gone back to Club Mate
on his own, after his shift, and waited until she'd knocked off work.
He had just wanted to catch a glimpse of her. And make sure she got
home safe. It all started with just one look.

One look, one glare which had
slowly softened to a curious stare.

A few more nights, and he
finally got a smile from her. And a single word—“Hi.”
She let him walk her home, and he had trailed silently behind her
for the first two nights. Then she had slowed her pace and walked
beside him, instead of in front of him. And they'd started talking.
And sharing. And he saw her smile more often. She had the most
beautiful smile.

Rebecca Rose.

He had finally found her.

His mate.

She had been young and
foolish, and had gotten married to a brute too young. She had
endured a year of hell as a result of her mistake. It had taken her
a year and a day to finally grow up and grow strong.

She was now ready to take the
necessary steps to get her life back on track.

But Phin Lester would sooner
destroy her than let her go.

Levi's huge hands curled into
fists. He would not let that monster get near her ever again. He
would protect her. Bears protected their mates, and Rebecca was his
mate. He had found his mate after so long, and he would not lose

Levi signed the paperwork, and
took his mobile phone back. There were messages and missed calls
from his lawyer, Dax Ferro, his boss, Jett, his cousins, Blake and
Scott Madden and the rest of the PAC members, including the PAC
Alpha, Lucas Rieve. Levi didn't reply to the messages. Neither did
he return the calls. He would talk to them—later.

Right now, there was only one
person he wanted to see, and hold, and talk to. He wanted to see her
sweet face, hold her hand, and hear her voice.

He had to get to the hospital
pronto. Rebecca was lying in hospital, barely alive, badly injured
and horribly scarred, both physically and emotionally. Phin Lester
had escaped from the psychiatric ward and forced his way into her
house while Levi was there. Phin had charged in and just started
hacking at them with a long knife. Levi hadn't wanted to fight the
man. He'd just wanted to protect Rebecca. But Phin had pursued them
with a vengeance. He had chased them all the way to the edge of the
shore and smashed Rebecca's head in with a rock. Rage and anguish
had forced Levi's bear to the fore. Provoked and maddened, the bear
would have killed the man with a single blow. But before Levi had
the chance to strike, police cars had screeched to the scene. Acting
on instinct, the police fired a single shot—at the bear.

Levi had felt a tranquilizer
dart stab into his hindquarters, and when he woke up, he was in the
lockup, facing assault and murder charges. He had been accused of
murdering Phin Lester and viciously assaulting Rebecca Rose. Now
Phin was missing, and Rebecca was lying in the hospital in a coma.

It was a miracle he hadn't
gone out of his mind with grief and wrath. Instead of being at
Rebecca's side, or out hunting that monster, he was forced to pace
the cell and rattle the bars like a goddamn criminal. He wasn't a
criminal. The real criminal was out there, and Rebecca Rose was
still in grave danger.

He had to make up for lost
time. And he
lost a lot of time. Time wasted sitting in
the goddamn cell when he should have been protecting
, and

Levi ran out of the police
station and charged across the road. Horns blared and tires
screeched, but Levi didn't care. All he cared about was getting to
the hospital. He would flatten all these pesky cabs and cars under
his foot if he had to.

Nothing would keep him from
his Rebecca.

Levi weaved through the midday
traffic, ploughed through bewildered pedestrians and charged straight
into the hospital lobby. He didn't have to ask for her ward number.
He knew instinctively where she was. All his senses pointed him to
the corner room on the fourth floor. He didn't wait for the lift.
Levi simply pounded up the stairs, taking three at a time, and
exploded down the corridor. He saw two Enforcers standing guard
outside Rebecca's room. Both Scott and Bryn Ellis jerked visibly
when they saw him charging towards them.

Hey, Levi...”
Scott broke into a grin and spread out his arms to embrace his

Levi grabbed Scott in a fierce
hug. Bryn tactfully stepped aside, and Levi gave the petite vampire
a quick smile before pushing into the room.

Levi stopped at the door,
staring at the heavily bandaged figure on the bed. Levi had to
suppress a growl as he walked slowly towards her bed. He wished he
had killed Phin Lester. Levi was not a violent man, and he always
kept his bear under control. But seeing Rebecca so badly hurt made
him want to commit violent murder. He wanted to kill Phin Lester,
slowly, make him hurt, make him beg for death.

Rebecca head was swathed in
bandages. So were her arms and legs. Her face was swollen, with
cuts and bruises covering almost every inch of her face and neck.
She was hooked up to a dozen beeping machines, and there was tubes
carrying blood and fluids into her veins. Her eyelids were
fluttering and jumping rapidly as she made small, mewling noises.

Scott and Bryn had come into
the room and were standing quietly behind him. “She's come out
of her coma,” Bryn said softly. “The police took her
statement. She said Phin Lester attacked her and he fled. And she
told them that he would come back to try to kill her again. Jett
ordered us to guard her with our lives. He won't be able to come
within a mile of her. We'll get him, Levi.”

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