Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1) (28 page)

BOOK: Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1)
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“Ready for what?” Kai lifted it to his eye level. The bumbling demon hovered two feet off the ground.

“I don’t know! None of us do. We don’t know,” it whimpered, before its speech dissolved into incoherent mumbles.

“I think that’s about all he’s got to say,” Gunnar muttered from behind him.

Kai nodded in agreement. He released the creature and took a step back, then summoned a ball of demonfire and tossed it at the Skell. Its pathetic life winked out in an instant.

“You’re so sexy when you’re killing one of those things.”

Kai whirled at the velvety purr behind him. “Miranda.” He locked eyes with the sultry Deserati demon. “What are you doing here?”

Full red lips pouted. “I’m being punished.” Her mouth curved into a smile as her gaze roamed him from head to toe. “But I didn’t know you were in the area. Punishment is looking more fun already.”

He lowered his dagger and raked a hand through his hair. “What’d you hit this time?”

“Just because I put a hole in a mountain trying to kill one of those.” She nodded at the smoking Skell. “They sent me to the flattest land they could think of.” Swiveling around, she said, “Hi, Gunnar. You know I think you’re cute, but I’ve always had a thing for blondes.” She turned her appreciative smile back to Kai.

Kai snorted. “He’s off the market now, anyway.”

She raised her eyebrows. “
had better not be.”

Kai met Miranda some twenty years ago, when their paths had crossed tracking down a troublesome band of dark elves. The Deserati demons were almost always on the same side as the Lash demons, if they bothered to get involved in a conflict. One of their special skills was scrying. It helped to have someone who could tell you what would happen next, or where your target was going to be the next day. Of course, their services came with a high price.

Like all the Deserati, Miranda had pointed ears and small horns, which she usually kept hidden beneath her mane of thick, wavy auburn hair. She also had a long, elegant tail that she could hide much the same as the Ghazsul demons hid their wings. Kai had vivid memories of the deviously carnal things she could do with that tail.

Every time they’d run into each other over the years, they ended up in bed. Miranda had a sinfully curvy body, and she was as voracious as she was talented. But by mutual agreement, it was all about sex between them, and nothing more. She was as opposed to settling down with a mate as he was.

His gaze travelled over her now. Dressed from head to toe in black leather, she had some kind of corset top that bared her midriff and pushed her full breasts up. Her green eyes filled with heat as she watched him study her body.
Yeah, Miranda might be exactly what I need tonight.

“You took out a mountain, huh? That takes a lot of power.” A small percentage of Deserati could call upon lightning. Unfortunately Miranda’s talent, despite years of training, was as inconsistent as it was rare. As a result, she was prohibited from using it unless specifically ordered to.

She blew out a breath. “I’m getting stronger. Just not more accurate.” One arched eyebrow quirked as she took in the Skell, now just a pile of ash, and the desolate street. “What’re you guys doing here, anyway?”

Kai summed up the situation with the Skells. As much as he could, anyway. It seemed like they had been searching for answers for weeks and getting nowhere. He was tired of this fucker Maeron and his band of Skells making the Watcher brethren run in circles.

As he wrapped up his explanation and the facts they had, Gunnar broke in. “You know Miranda, we could use your assistance.”

The demoness raised her eyebrows and nodded. “You do seem to be hitting a lot of brick walls. I can help you.” She tilted her head. “What are you willing to offer?”


“Am I going to need it?”

“Some major shit may be hitting the fan soon,” Kai muttered.

“Oh? Do tell, Kai. Or do you want me to coax it out of you?” she murmured, her gaze dropping to his crotch.

“We don’t have any specific threats. It’s just...that something’s coming,” Gunnar said.

Kai guessed his friend didn’t want to share the news of the return of the Solsti. Too bad Miranda could be relentless when she wanted something.

“You both know I’m not going to let that vague threat slide by. Now, spill it.” She folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them up even more.

The two males exchanged glances. Kai gave Gunnar a pointed look and gestured to Miranda. “Go ahead. Enlighten our lady.”

Gunnar turned to her. “I don’t know if any of your kin foresaw this, but...the Solsti have returned.”

Miranda’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “I know the Solsti are a myth. They’ll supposedly return when their powers are needed to fight against a great evil.” Her gaze darted between the two Lash. “And I know you well enough to know you’re not shitting me. Have you seen them?”

“He’s more than seen one of them,” Kai muttered under his breath, just as Gunnar continued.

“Yes, we’re working with them.”

“Hmm.” She tapped a crimson fingernail against her chin. “Not many are alive now who remember when the Solsti were last here. No one knows how diabolical the coming threat will be.” Green eyes flicked up, studying the charcoal sky. “Yes, my family will ally with the Lash. You can have the honor of protecting us. That is, when I’m not doing it myself and knocking down the Himalayas.” Her sensual lips pulled into a grin.

“You’ll get more precise.” Kai winked at her.

“Okay boys, let’s see what’s going on here.” She knelt on the pavement and started pulling objects from her leather jacket. Always prepared to work, Miranda produced a pint-sized water bottle and a small bowl that folded nearly flat. Next came a tiny vial. She squeezed one drop of liquid from the vial into the bowl, muttered some words under her breath, and poured the water in. Looking toward the ashes of the Skell, she asked, “Is there anything left of that guy?”

Kai shook his head, then remembered the severed hand. “Here.” He tossed it to her.

“Nice,” she mumbled as she picked it up and popped off a dirty fingernail. She dropped that into the bowl as well, then watched the shimmering surface.

Gunnar and Kai crouched down behind her, peering over her shoulders. A fine mist chased lazy circles over the top of the bowl, only to dissipate in a few seconds. The smooth surface revealed a dilapidated old farmhouse.

“Where is that?” Kai asked.

“Let me try something.” Miranda held her hand over the bowl and spoke a few more words.

Kai didn’t know what she was saying, but it sounded like ancient Demonish. As they watched the scrying bowl, the image got smaller and the surrounding area came into view, like zooming out on a map. Unfortunately, the fields around it looked deserted and completely nondescript. Kai scowled.

“There. A river.” Gunnar pointed to the lower curve of the circle.

Miranda spoke more Demonish and the view shifted slightly to show them a greater portion of the river. But other than clusters of trees, no significant landmarks became visible.

“I’m afraid that’s all we’re gonna get tonight, my dears.” Miranda sat back on her spiked heels. “I trust that helped?”

“Yes, Miranda, thank you. We’re in your debt,” Gunnar said.

“You sure are,” she agreed cheerfully as she dumped out the water and began putting her things away.

“So we’re looking for a run-down farmhouse somewhere south of the city, near a river. That’s kinda vague. There’s probably a lot of those out there,” Kai grumbled.

“That’s more information than what we had a few hours ago.” Gunnar stood with his hands on his hips. “We should re-convene when Rhys and Brenin get back to the house. And maybe by then Rilan will have translated the grimoire from Taszim.”

“You were at Rivkin? I’m jealous.”

Kai met her piercing gaze. “

“Oh. Well, good. I can show you a better time than those little wood nymphs any day.” She straightened from her perch on the ground, unfolding long, shapely legs.

Gunnar cleared his throat. “On that note, I’m going to head home.”

“It was nice seeing you again, Gunnar,” Miranda called as he melted into the shadows. Abruptly, she turned to Kai and curled her hand into his T-shirt, pulling him close. She had always smelled of roses, and her promise-filled scent hit him now as her lips hovered inches from his. “What do you say, Kai? Watching your big, strong body is getting me all hot and bothered. Want to go someplace more private? Or do you want to dance with me right here?”

“Decisions, decisions.” He folded her into his arms and closed the distance between their mouths. She molded her curvy body to his, reminding him of hot nights spent all over the realms. Feeling her lips move under his, thinking about burying himself in her tight warmth should have had him painfully hard. But he couldn’t get another face out of his head. Porcelain skin, arresting gray eyes, and silky chestnut waves passed by his closed eyelids.

Miranda knew it, too. She pulled back, her eyes searching his face. “What’s going on? Are you involved with someone?”

“No,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ah hell.” She deserved better than for him to play mind games. He took her hand. “I’m not involved with anyone, exactly, but...”

“That’s okay, warrior. I know when you’ve got something on your mind. Or someone.” Slender fingers brushed his cheek. “Just don’t go and get mated or anything.” She smiled and squeezed his hand, then her cell phone chirped. Tugging it from her impossibly tight pants pocket, she glanced at the number. “Looks like I’m being called away anyhow.” Her soft hand clasped his for another second. “Stay safe, my friend.”

“You too,” he called as she vaulted to the nearest rooftop and disappeared, leaving him to ponder what the hell just happened.


house silently, figuring that its occupants would be asleep. A quick check with his senses confirmed this, and also told him that Rhys and Brenin hadn’t returned yet. The car they had driven wasn’t parked with the rest of the vehicles, but that didn’t always indicate their location. Sometimes the men ended up hoofing it home. Or spending the night with fairer company.

He thought of his own pretty female as he padded up the stairs to his room. Cracking open the door, he paused, noting her slow, even breathing. Her peach scent assailed his nose, and his heart swelled with possessive satisfaction as he took in the view.
Nicole in my bed
. Curled on her side under the sheet, she faced away from him. With his acute vision, he could easily see every strand of pale blond hair splayed across his pillow.

Crossing the room, he pulled his T-shirt over his head. He hadn’t gotten covered in Skell blood tonight, instead letting Kai do the dirty work. Gunnar could sympathize with the need to vent his anger through a good brawl. And now, he wouldn’t have to turn on the shower and risk waking Nicole.

She should be exhausted after their eventful days on Torth. It hadn’t even been a week since she had learned that she wasn’t human, and the things they’d been through could’ve made her run for the nearest bus to anywhere-but-here. But she handled things with a grace and level-headedness that awed him. Although she did seem too eager to jump into battle…but hell, how could he fault her for that? As a Solsti, she would have to fight one day. And if not for her sense of justice, he wouldn’t have found her facing off with thugs on the city’s meanest streets.

He stripped completely—he usually slept nude. Seeing her in his bed and inhaling her sweet fragrance had him semi-hard, but he was resolved not to wake her. They’d have time in the morning, especially because she was so damn perky at that time of day. He pulled back the sheet to slide in beside her, admiring her long, bare back, small waist, the slight flare of her hips, and her perfect ass.

Which was clad, barely, in a pair of red bikini panties that revealed more of her rounded cheeks than they covered. But the words printed along the top edge, just below the waistband, made all the blood in his body rush to his straining cock. In bright silver block letters, they read “Wake Me Up.”

Good gods
. In a heartbeat, he climbed in next to her and tugged her tightly against him, her back to his chest. He needed to be skin-to-skin with every long inch of her. Burying his face in her hair, he nestled her sweet bottom on his now-throbbing erection and reached around to cup her breast. She wanted him to wake her up? Good, because he couldn’t stop thinking of things to do to her. He couldn’t quite believe that he had found a female so perfect, and then she sighed and tried to turn into him.

He didn’t let her. Holding her close, he traced circles on the velvety skin of her breast. He moved his thumb back and forth over her nipple, rubbing and circling until the soft skin turn hard and pebbled under his touch. She whispered his name and wiggled her barely-covered ass against him. “You’re back.”

“You’re naughty.”

“What’d I do? I was just sleeping.”

“In naughty panties.”

“They’re not as messy as writing on the mirror with lipstick.” She moved her free arm up and back, around his neck, bringing her other breast tantalizingly close to his face. He leaned down and closed his lips around her puckered nipple, flicking her with his tongue. His fingers teased under the edge of the red panties.

“I like these. I’ll try to not rip them off you.”

“There’s more where they came from. I have a whole collection.” She giggled as he groaned and released her nipple.

His fingers wandered further down, pushing her panties aside to stroke her.

“Be a good boy and you’ll get to see the rest,” she managed to gasp out before her words disintegrated into a whimper, and her body went completely pliant in his hands.

“Wicked woman.” He knelt and pulled her onto her back, then slid off the red, taunting scrap when she lifted her hips. Still kneeling, he kissed his way along her inner thigh, inhaling the spicy-sweet scent of her arousal. Unable to resist, he put his hands under her ass to raise her to his mouth.

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