Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1) (24 page)

BOOK: Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1)
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Gunnar took Nicole’s hand as they followed Taszim through the trees to his nearby office. The nymph leader gestured for them to go inside and entered behind them.

“I believe we have business to finish.” Taszim crossed the room and walked to a colorful tapestry hanging on the wall. Drawing it to the side, he revealed a door secured with a silver lock. He unlocked it and reached inside, pulling out a small glass jar. It was round, with a raised circular corked opening on top. “Rivkin is in your debt. The ash is yours.”

Gunnar took the jar and studied its contents. The fine gray granules seemed so innocuous, something that could’ve been scattered on a gentle wind. Not what he would expect to bring down a warrior-turned-mage. “Thank you, my friend. Now we just need to find this bastard.”

The nymph tapped a finger on his chin. “I don’t think I can assist with that particular search, demon. But I have something else that may help you. Being a more peaceful species, we must take every advantage possible.” He reached back into the safe and removed a small, leather-bound booklet. “We managed to take this grimoire from Xarrek’s cloak before he was completely incinerated.”

“Nice work.” Gunnar turned it over in his hand. He raised his eyebrows and traced his finger over the cover. “Here’s the same symbol that’s on the coins.”

“None of us can read a word of it, so I hope you can get something out of it.”

Gunnar flipped it open. “That’s because it’s in old demonish. Lucky for us, Rilan spends entire days translating this stuff.”

“We will continue to aid you in any way we can. You’re welcome to stay at Rivkin as long as you like,” Taszim replied. “Not every night is equal to last night in terms of revelry, but we have excellent food and entertainment. And tonight, we’ll honor you.”

“Tonight?” Nicole asked.

“Tonight.” Taszim smiled at her. “My wife is planning quite a banquet for you.”



as she and Gunnar made their way to the great hall. His arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close as they walked through the trees.

He kissed the top of her head and leaned close enough to nuzzle her ear. “You look stunning tonight. Even though that excuse for a dress is killing me.”

She tugged at the hem of the new moss dress Larissa had given her. “Can’t help it if I left all my party dresses at home. I didn’t know you were taking me anywhere fancy.” She smiled up at him, shivers racing across her skin as his blue eyes twinkled at her.

“Neither did I.” He stopped in the middle of the path, pulling her close to his bare chest. His sensual lips captured her mouth in a quick, searing kiss before he patted her bottom. “Let’s get you some food.”

It seemed they were the last ones to arrive at dinner. The lively strains of wind instruments filled the room, accompanied by one horn and one drum. She was grateful that the skills of the nymph musicians masked her growling stomach.

Though more subdued than last night, the nymphs were still feeling festive. This time, when she and Gunnar entered the room, no whispers floated on the air. The room quieted to an awed silence. Some of the nymphs met her eye before inclining their heads. Some bowed, as Taszim had in the woods. Still unsure of how to handle their adoration, she kept a peaceful smile on her face as they walked to the head table.

Two female nymphs brought platters piled with huge slabs of steaming ham, making Nicole’s mouth water. Bowls of roasted potatoes followed, as well as warm bread, soup, and vegetables. She dove into her dinner, listening as her hostess chattered next to her.

Larissa brought her up to speed on the health status of the injured nymphs. Nicole was heartened to see that several had been well enough to come to dinner and told her as much.

“Oh, darling,” Larissa murmured. “
are the main attraction, not the food.”

“What?” Nicole smiled and tried not to look shocked. “What do you mean? If they’re not well enough to be here–”

Larissa touched her arm. “Then they wouldn’t have gotten past our healer. But even if they are able to eat only soup or bread, they’ll be here tonight. Having you here is an honor that none of us ever expected. You’re not supposed to exist. And not only do you exist, but you defended us today. I speak for everyone here in telling you our feelings for you go far beyond adoration.”

“Oh.” How did one respond to that? Nicole decided to be honest. “I’ve had a wonderful time here, and I’m delighted that I was able to help. It felt good. I’ve never done anything on that scale before.”

“Well, my lovely, you could have fooled all of us.” Larissa dabbed delicately at the corner of her mouth. “And, just for you, we have a different sort of entertainment tonight.”

“Different?” Nicole’s eyebrows shot up. She couldn’t imagine how the nymphs could possibly top last night’s festivities.

“Oh yes. You’re in for a treat, my dear.” Her petite hostess beamed at her. “Look, here comes Niles now!”

Nicole’s attention shifted to the center of the room, where a nymph made his way toward them. He looked much like the other males: shirtless, trim, slight figure, brown hair left a little long. He approached the head table and Nicole could make out the faintest of lines etching his face. Bright eyes shone with confidence as he glanced at each of them, murmuring their names and inclining his head. When his gaze reached Nicole, he bowed deeply and intoned, “My most venerable lady.”

Nicole stuck with her routine of
to whoever was lavishing such attention on her. It seemed to be the right thing to do so far.

Niles straightened and addressed the room in a resonant voice. “As you know, there are two species of nymphs here on Torth. Our dearest cousins, the water nymphs, are much like us, except that they have no choice but to live half their lives in the rivers and seas.” His gaze swept the room. “It was not always thus. Our two species were once one. Tonight we will hear the tale of the lovers Lia and Idris, and the jealous river goddess Mara, who changed not only their lives but the lives of all nymphs from that point forward.

“Tens of centuries ago, nymphs lived cheerfully on Torth. They lived in colonies much like this one, and they set up their homes wherever they wanted. They swam in the rivers and climbed the trees as they pleased. They were not physically bound to one place or another.

“Among one of the colonies lived two lovers, Lia and Idris. They had been friends since they were wee children, stealing sweets from the kitchen when the cook’s back was turned. Now on the verge of adulthood, they realized that their long friendship was but a precursor to something much greater. They fell deeply into romantic love and wished to bind to one another forever.” Niles walked to the center of the room, his voice becoming grave as he continued.

“One day as they frolicked along the banks of a river that flowed across the edge of the nymphs’ territory, a river goddess happened to glide by on the current. Now this was Mara, who was bitter, jealous, and spiteful. As she floated by, she spied the lovers sitting together in the grass. She watched as handsome Idris fed his beloved a grape and tenderly caressed her hair. Mara couldn’t look away. She had never seen any creature that was as handsome and perfectly formed as Idris. He was strong, young, and virile, and the goddess instantly wanted him for herself.

“Rising naked out of the water, she perched atop the moving current and beckoned to him. When he did not run into her arms, she grew angry and demanded he come to her. Lia and Idris were rightly fearful and turned to run from Mara, but she bade the water to rise up and overtake them. Lia was pushed aside as the river formed a terrifying watery arm that grabbed Idris and dragged him down into the water. He was a gifted swimmer, but even his strength was no match for a goddess.” The storyteller paused, his arm rising toward one of the tapestries on the wall.

Nicole sucked in a breath, for the scene depicted the force of Mara’s rage. Chills ran down her arms as Niles spoke again.

“Lia had climbed a tree whose thick branches extended far out over the river. She tried to reach Idris, tried to extend her hand to him, but Mara held him firm in her grasp. Mara bestowed upon Idris the ability to breathe under water, and they disappeared below the surface. Lia shrieked and cried for her lover for hours, laying in the tree’s sheltering branches, her tears mixing into the river’s flowing waters.

“Her cries were heard by the other nymphs, who tried desperately to help. Many of them leapt into the water to search for Idris, but this so incensed Mara that she altered their lungs as well. She turned them into creatures who, although they could breathe both air and water, were not capable of spending any length of time out of the current. Thus, they were not able to return to their lives, homes, or families in the nymph colony.

“When the rest of the nymphs realized what Mara had done, they cursed the goddess and mourned their losses. And all this time, Lia would not leave her tree. She continued to watch the river for a sign of her beloved Idris. The rest of the colony decided, out of deference to her, that they would also make their homes in the trees. They, too, would continue to watch for their lost ones, in the desperate hope that Mara would return them one day.

“That day never came. Lia lived a long life, never leaving her tree, her heart forever bound to her lost love. Idris and Mara were never seen again. Generations passed, and the nymphs that had been taken into the river gave birth to young ones with lungs just like the ones Mara had given the parents. The nymphs who lived in the trees needed the woods for shelter, lest they grow weak. Over time, the nymphs evolved into two closely linked but different species: the wood nymphs and the water nymphs.”

Silence hung in the room for a few seconds before the nymphs wildly applauded Niles’ story. Whistles and catcalls filled the room. Nicole was stunned but delighted by the tale. The nymphs were so full of joie de vivre, it had never occurred to her that their history would have some dark moments. She clapped with the rest of them and gave Niles her biggest smile, which he returned as he bowed deeply to her.

“That was amazing,” she murmured to Larissa as the music started up again. “Thank you.”

“Niles is one of the best, if I do say so myself,” Larissa replied.

Gunnar got up from his seat next to Taszim and came to stand next to her. “Hell of a tale, Larissa. Rivkin has quite a fine storyteller.”

Their tiny hostess smiled and patted Gunnar’s hand. “I’ll tell him you said so but, by all means, feel free to speak to him yourself as well.” With that she scooted over onto her husband’s lap, cradling his head for a languid kiss.

Nicole glanced around the room for Niles, and saw that she and Gunnar weren’t the only ones who appreciated his skill. He was surrounded by several scantily dressed females who were stroking his arms and fawning over him. She looked at Gunnar and grinned. “Maybe we’ll tell him tomorrow.”

He nodded and took her hand. “C’mon. I have something to show you.” He tugged her through the colony, its paths nearly empty because most of the nymphs were in the great hall.

“That was quite a story. Have you heard it before?”

“No. Although, I always thought it was interesting that there are different kinds of nymphs. I never knew why.”

“It’s so sad.” She shook her head. “Is it real?”

He shrugged. “It may as well be. They believe it to be, and it happened so long ago that no one can verify it. A lot of myths are like that.”

“Except the myth of the Solsti.” She hesitated as she realized he was taking them along the walkway that led out of the safety of the dense canopy. “I thought you said it wasn’t safe to be outside at night.”

“We’re not going far. And extra watchmen have been added. I’ll keep you safe.”

Nicole had the fleeting thought that one day she’d be saying the same thing to him. Energy still buzzed in her veins from using her ability to help defeat such a heinous enemy. She wondered what would have happened had Brooke been here with her. What magic would they have been able to work together? There was that river nearby. Brooke would’ve been able to do a lot with–

Her thoughts broke off abruptly. She hadn’t seen or talked to her sister in days. She missed her and was bursting to tell her about every second she had spent here on Torth. And one day Brooke would see this place for herself. After all, Rosa had requested it. Nicole wasn’t about to go against any of the old witch’s requests.

Gunnar led her out of the colony and along the edge of the field, but stayed on the nymphs’ side of the bridge. He re-entered the trees a little ways down and stopped after a few feet. “There’s no path here, but it’s not far.” He scooped her into his arms.

She would never tire of being in Gunnar’s arms. And since she was so tall, not many men had ever carried her around like he did. She smiled and rested her head against his shoulder as he navigated his way through trees and brush. It seemed only a minute had passed when he announced, “We’re here.”

She looked up and felt her jaw drop in wonder. The most exquisite flowers she had ever seen covered the ground. Small and delicate like pansies, the petals held the lustrous tints of pink, purple, and yellow, and they
with a soft inner light. There had to be hundreds of them climbing up the trees that surrounded the tiny open space. It was like being surrounded by tiny botanical Christmas lights.

“What are these?”

“Phos-blooms. Their flowers naturally contain high amounts of phosphorous.” He set her down on the carpet of soft, downy grass.

“They’re exquisite.” She couldn’t tear her eyes from the softly glowing petals that surrounded them. Not wanting to step on a single one, she picked her way carefully to one edge of the clearing. “This looks like a dream.”

“Hopefully it’s a good dream and not a nightmare like this morning.” He moved closer to her, crowding her against the nearest tree.

“This morning wasn’t a nightmare. It was a lesson. One which the Vipers failed miserably.” She reached up to link her hands behind his neck.

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