Wicked Little Sins (4 page)

Read Wicked Little Sins Online

Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #bad boy romance, #romance about unrequited love, #dysfunctional behavior, #romance action suspense, #romance contemporary multiple partner

BOOK: Wicked Little Sins
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              Quinn was finally moments away from her dad’s home. She was barely able to contain herself as the cab pulled up in front of the house.

              “This is it,” she said.

              She dug through her purse, taking out some cash and tossing it at the cab driver. She was sure that was plenty enough for the ride.

              “Hey, hey, hey, you try to jip me lady!” The Indian man yelled at her as she tried to get in the trunk.

              Quinn sighed, rifling her purse for something else. She knew she was out of money.

              “That should cover it,” Vinnie said, leaning into the cab and handing the cab driver a twenty. Quinn stopped looking and zipped up her purse. At last, the trunk popped open, and she looked up at Vinnie as she tugged at her suitcase. A big smile crept across her face. She couldn’t get over how hot he was or how her sister had managed to land such a catch. She’d seen him dance and she imagined he was a beast in the bedroom.

              “Let me get that,” Vinnie said, beaming a sly smile at her. She controlled her urge to gush.

              “It’s been too long, Vinnie, Where have you been all my life?” she flirted, grazing her hand on his forearm. Vinnie slammed the trunk shut, giving a quick knock to let the cabbie know he could leave.

              “I’ve been with your sister, remember?” he asked, winking at her.

              Quinn bit her lip. He was so intense. She loved how he smelled of cigar smoke. And how he looked like he wanted to attack you when he talked. His eyes were incredibly sexy and his accent made her go weak at the knees.

              “Oh yeah, of course. I have missed Everly.” She rolled her eyes, taking off her jacket. It wasn’t that she was hot, she just wanted him to check her out and maybe see what he was missing. It felt a bit wrong to do it, but she was young and Vince and her sister weren’t married. What’d she have to lose? Her mother had always told her when you want something, you should try your best to go for it. She didn’t see why that should be any different just because of whose he was.

              She headed up the stairs with such spunk, but when she reached the door and saw Everly inside, she regretted her actions toward Vinnie. She knew it was wrong. She’d have to keep reminding herself of that.

              “Shall we?” she said, looking back at Vinnie. He held his stare on her rear-end intentionally to let her know he noticed. He loved the stupid games girls played with him, there was no denying that. He also knew how easy Quinn was, and that she kept stringing along her rich boyfriend. He had no respect for the girl.

              “Of course,” he said, giving another wink that he was certain would be enough to have her fantasizing about him tonight when she climbed into bed.

              Quinn laughed when her two older sisters rushed her. They both squeezed her tight, telling her she looked fantastic, yet tired, how skinny she looked and all the other things they usually said when they hadn’t seen her in a while.

              “How was the flight?” Everly asked Quinn, they all headed for the kitchen. Quinn reassured them it was great as she looked around for Ethan.

              “Quinn’s here, Dad!” Charley shouted. Her dad turned from the pot on the stove, a large saucy ladle in hand. He scooped her up like a little rag doll, her feet dangling as he mashed her around. She’d always hated his hugs.

              “My little Quinn Rose, it’s good to see you. Where’s that hotshot boyfriend of yours?” he asked.

              Quinn surveyed her white shirt for signs of tomato sauce before answering her goofy father.

              “He’s back in LA filming or whatever it is he does,” she said, making her way to the food. Charley was busy cutting up vegetables with their mom’s favorite knife. She was even wearing her pink apron, she didn’t like this much, and those were Mom’s things, not Charley’s.

              “I thought you said he told you he would take time off to come with you?” Everly reminded her. She snagged a carrot, nearly losing a finger as Charley worked the knife spastically in the zone.

              “Yeah, he did, but I’m a big girl,” Quinn said. She hated when her sister tried defending anything that Jordan did.  He wasn’t her idea of Mr. Right; in fact, she didn’t want
man. She thought the role her mother played her entire life with her father was bullshit. And she didn’t want to tie herself down to any man, giving him the upper hand.

              “We all know you’re a big girl. But you guys get along so well together. It would have been nice to see him,” Everly said, pulling out the dishes.

              “Tell me, how’s the wedding going?” Quinn shot at Everly. Everly’s face took on a saddened look. It amused Quinn to see she had elicited such a response from Everly. She’d always known how to bring her down a notch when she wanted to.

              “The wedding is still set for summer. It’s just a matter of what year, Quinn,” she replied, eyeing her sister. Sometimes she wanted to smack the little bitch right across her face.

              Vinnie sat at the table watching them all gossip and cook, not saying much of anything. Everly knew he was most likely upset with her. But now was not the time to get into

              “I thought the colors were ugly,” Quinn said, laughing. Vinnie smirked. Everly’s expression remained aloof. She knew her sister was trying her best to rattle her cage. It was her defense mechanism when she didn’t want to talk about something, and shewasn’t going to win. Everly set the dishes on the countertop, pursing her lips
debating what she would say next.

              With her hand on her hip, Everly turned to face Quinn.

              “Were you going to speak at Mom’s service tomorrow?” Everyone grew silent in an instant. Quinn’s satisfied grin melted quickly from her face. Quinn’s response delighted Everly, how dare she make jokes in times like these?

              “You’re a bitch,” Quinn said heatedly. She was ready to haul off and punch her. She was ready to lose it.

              “What? It was a serious question,” Everly replied.

              Charley shook her head in disbelief at her sister’s crafty slam. Vinnie sighed, hoping he wouldn’t have to step in between a catfight.

              “Whoa, no name calling,” Ethan said, entering the room. He’d been out back smoking.

              Quinn’s anger subsided as soon as she laid eyes on her baby brother. She ran to him, ruffling his hair and punching him in the arm. He was the coolest in her eyes, any girl would be lucky to have such a handsome and sweet guy to call their own. She secretly hoped that would never happen so she could claim all his time for herself. She regretted not seeing him more often, but he came out to LA whenever she could afford to pay his way or beg Dad to. All her girlfriends had a crush on him, not caring they were years older than he was. She had warned them all to back off where he was concerned.

              “We have to catch up,” she said, taking hold of his arm. Charley gave him a wave with the knife in her hand, Everly kissed his forehead. He loved all these women in different ways, there were many advantages of being the little brother to all sisters. Charley was the one he went to for solid advice. Everly was the one he went to when he just wanted to talk about life. And Quinn was just fun and real.

              He gave Dad the usual high-five in passing; it was cheesy, but Dad liked it. His dad treated Ethan like a man from the beginning, sports and video games, life lessons on girls and all the important things to become an appealing well-rounded guy. It must have worked because Ethan could easily have a girl eating out of the palm of his hand in no time. He’d never wanted to admit it, but in his humble opinion, he was quite the catch.

              Everyone was together now after years of being apart. The last time he’d seen Charley was three years ago. They all flew out to visit her at her new place. He was a young kid and he really didn’t care about her success, now he appreciated it. But this time they were together for an unhappy occasion--one no one wanted to talk about. How would they be able to plan a funeral when no one could even speak of her?

              “Who wants some wine?” Everly asked, opening a bottle. Vinnie helped with glasses, even handing him one. Ethan looked at his father who shrugged taking one as well.



              Charley sipped the red wine, looking from one person to the next. The food was nearly done, and now they’d just wait. She wasn’t sure how to process this reunion of sorts. Her mother would be so pleased to have seen them together again under one roof, knowing it was important they were all together as a family. She hoped everything would go well, but that was yet to be seen.

              She raised her glass in a silent toast, finding Vinnie staring at her as she did so. He hadn’t let up, and he spooked her sometimes.  Feeling a little uncomfortable, she touched her blouse, making sure she was covered.

              “Food is done, so let’s eat, shall we?” she said, smiling at everyone, and untying her apron. Everyone hurried to the dining room, not denying her the job of homemaker for the night.




Charley silently cleaned up the dishes. It was nearly two in the morning, and she was a little tipsy. She’d indulged in too many glasses of wine. With the house in order, she was just about ready for bed. Turning off the kitchen light, she stopped at an up-to-date picture of her mother hanging in the hallway. It hurt to look at her face, to not hear her voice any longer. She couldn’t even find the words to ask her father how it all had happened. She really didn’t need to hear the details, and she didn’t want to put her father through the ordeal again. She just hoped her mother hadn’t suffered.

              Opening the bathroom door, the scent of her mother hit her nose. She picked up her perfume bottle, spraying her chest lightly, a smile showing on her face.

              Charley washed her face, trailing her fingers across her skin, staring at herself carefully in the mirror. The running water was the only sound in the whole house.



Vinnie stumbled into the dark bedroom, running into a chest at the end of Everly’s bed. He cursed silently as the pain radiated in his toe. He really had to take a leak. He had way too many shots of Jack with Ned, and now he was paying for it. He could usually handle his liquor, but tonight, for some reason, it had actually affected him.

              Finally out in the hallway, he hiccupped, found the bathroom door, and opened it. Charley let out a scream as she dove for the robe on the bathroom hook, her face as red as a beet.

              “I didn’t know anyone was awake,” Vinnie said. He wasn’t bothered in the least. He’d caught a nice glimpse of her breast and was impressed—the girl had a nice rack on her. He’d never gotten a good look before, she was always covered up.

              Charley screamed, pushing him out the door.

              “Charley, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to look,” he whispered at the door. Seconds later Charley cracked the door open, a face mask on. Her robe securely tied. She did her best to stare him down.

              “You do know my sister has a bathroom in her room don’t you?” she snapped.

              Vinnie held back the urge to laugh. She was so prudish for such a beautiful girl.

              “I did not know that. But I do now,” he said.

              She finally came out, rather unnerved. Vinnie had some nerve, she thought. She never let anyone see her naked, not even her sisters.

              “You have been here before, Vinnie. God, sometimes you’re nothing but a perv.” She slapped hi
the arm, heading down the hall.

              Vinnie shook his head, knowing she’d be giving him the evil eye in the morning at breakfast.

              He hurried back to bed. Being in the hallway made him uneasy. All those pictures of Sandy, but no Sandy was enough to make him batty. He wasn’t a superstitious man, but he got a bad feeling being in the house.

              Pulling the covers back, he found Everly’s leg and ran his hand up her silky nightgown. He was immediately aroused. She was asleep and he wished she would wake up. He pushed her hair away from her face, kissed her cheek, and waited for a sign she sensed him. When there was no response, he continued.

              Her breathing seemed to stay the same. Every few seconds, Vinnie slid his hand up her leg a little farther.

              “What are you doing?” Everly whispered. She focused in on his face, annoyed he was even touching her as she slept.

              “I want you,” he whispered. He moved closer to meet up with her mouth only to feel a stinging slap across his face.

              “You have two hands, go jerk it in the bathroom!” She yelled, flipping over. All of a sudden she was vertical and as mad as a hornet. “My mother just died and all you can think about is getting some!”

              And with that, she flung herself back down, almost knocking hi
the bed.

              Vinnie was flabbergasted. He knew she was cranky when she slept, but this was over the top. He silently stared off into the dark room, unsure of what to say next.

              “Do you see how you’re acting, Everly?” he asked, waiting for another smack.

              “Her funeral is in a couple hours and you want to have sex. Do you see how
acting?” she asked, enraged even more now.

              “I don’t know what you want from me. Would you rather me get it somewhere else?” he asked.

              Everly couldn’t believe he would ask such a thing, at a time like this.

              “You do whatever the hell you want. I can’t believe this is even being discussed,” she said, near tears.

              “What do you want me to do, Ev? I’m a man. I have needs. You used to as well. I’m getting very tired of the cold shoulder!” he yelled, sitting up in the bed now. He threw his legs to the floor, his back to her.

              “Vinnie, for once life doesn’t revolve around you. So deal with it. I am not going to feel bad because you weren’t able to get your way tonight, now good-night!” she screamed, loud enough for everyone in the neighborhood to hear her.

              Vinnie stood up and rushed for the door, only to stub his toe a second time. This time he screamed at the top of his lungs the vilest thing he could shout.

              “Fuck!” he yelled. He flung open the bedroom door, nearly plowing down Quinn. He grabbed hold of her arms before he trampled her, totally flustered.

              She looked up at him in shock. More than likely she’d heard the whole thing and that upset him even more. He hated anyone talking down to him, and he hated others hearing it.

              “I was going to get some cereal. I can’t sleep. Want to talk?” she asked.

              “I could use another shot, but I’ll pass on the cereal,” he grumbled.

              Quinn smiled, pleased, and pulled at his t-shirt, leading him back down the stairs. Vinnie allowed it, not bothered in the least if Everly woke up. It served her right after talking to him like she had. They’d fought before, but nothing like that.

              He watched her move down the stairs in nothing but a t-shirt and tiny little boxers with hearts on them. Her behind revealed itself just a little at each step. She had a nice body, there was no denying it. And he wasn’t afraid to look. Her t-shirt hugged her tightly, revealing just a small amount of skin. And that was enough to turn Vinnie on. It didn’t take a lot when he was intoxicated. She pulled out the milk, searched the cupboards for cereal, her hair messy and all over the place. He watched her get on her tiptoes trying her hardest to find some cereal.

              “I hate to say this, but I don’t think your dad has bought groceries in a while,” Vinnie said.

              “Yeah, me either.” She sniffed the milk, plunking a glass down on the counter.

              “A little milk can do the trick,” Vinnie said, staring off. He took a seat on a barstool.

              Quinn sat down next to him, overly confident and not caring in the least for how close she was to him.

              “Is everything okay with you and Everly?” she blurted, focused on turning her glass.

              Vinnie sighed. This wasn’t something he wanted to talk about with a kid sister.

              “She’s grieving,” he said. Quinn laughed, making him a bit cross.

              “No, I’m not laughing at that. Your pronunciation, some things you say just don’t sound right.”

              “I’ve always been told my accent was sexy,” he said, eyeing her. Quinn stared right back at him.

              He licked his lips, moving towards her, she didn’t move, just calmly blinking as he stopped short of her lips, pulling a stray hair off her shoulder.  Quinn’s heart sped up at the idea he was going to kiss her, only to be sadly let down.

              “You have a hair,” he said, dropping it to the floor. She wasn’t amused in the least. And she knew it was a game to him. He knew she wanted him and he was playing hard to get. She wasn’t going to play along.

              “My sister is shutting you down. She does it all the time. I’ve seen it a million times before. That is what Everly does when she checks out. If I were you, I’d run,” Quinn explained, crossing her arms.

              “What exactly are you saying? She is tired of me?” he asked, shocked. He knew she was direct, but this was to the extreme.

              “That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she said with a nod.

              “I think there is more to our relationship than you think, Quinn. We have had our share of bumps along the way. But the thing is we always make it through them,” he insisted, looking off.

              “Well, dumb it down all you want. But it’s clear to me she checked out on you in the bedroom already. And how long can one go without sex? I know I couldn’t go for long.” She laughed.

              “You think you know it all, huh?” Vinnie asked her.

              “I know enough about men,” she shot back.

              Vinnie studied her carefully. He knew her kind of girl. He knew if he touched her face, she would pull back just the slightest. He lightly touched her face, and she pulled back, just like he’d predicted. He knew when his eyes met hers and held his gaze a bit longer than hers, she would move a little closer, and he was accurate.

              He pulled her barstool closer to him. Quinn shot out of her seat, straddling him, and she straight away attacked his mouth. Vinnie pulled her hair to direct her movement, enjoying the closeness. He really got into it, running his hands down to her backside, letting her revel in what she’d been craving since she got there He’d give her just enough before he shut her down.

              She bit his bottom lip pretty hard, she was as animalistic as he was in the bedroom, he thought as he bit at her neck. She smacked his mouth as he tried slipping his hand into her shorts.

              “No, no, no, Vinnie,” she whispered before they started up again.

              “You’re a tease, huh?” he said back, bringing his hand to her neck. He squeezed a little, turning her on even more.

              “I never said that,” Quinn said back with a smile.

              Vinnie realized she was going to be a challenge, but he could break anyone. He stood up, pulling her off him. Quinn looked down seeing how aroused he was, and he didn’t try to hide it. She had imagined this for some time now, and she figured they could both use the
‘I was drunk’
defense if they were caught.

              “Let’s go into the laundry room,” he said, pulling her behind him. With the doors shut and locked he knew it was their safest bet, unless she was a screamer.

              She shoved the laundry off the top of the washer just as Vinnie lifted her up on top of it. He tore at her shirt, gasping she wrapped her legs around him, covering his face with kisses.

              Breathless, she continued pawing at him, using her feet to get him out of his pants. Vinnie wasted no time, pulling her shorts off and with that, they were both stripped bare.

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