Wicked Little Sins (23 page)

Read Wicked Little Sins Online

Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #bad boy romance, #romance about unrequited love, #dysfunctional behavior, #romance action suspense, #romance contemporary multiple partner

BOOK: Wicked Little Sins
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Adrian came through the doors of his mother’s home and immediately heard the commotion. Doors were slamming, and he could hear he
shrieks from all the way downstairs.

“Mother!” he yelled.

Immediately one of her little man servants showed himself and hurriedly led him upstairs. “She is very upset.”

Adrian already knew that would be the case but he let the servant explain it to him anyway.

He opened the doors to her bedroom and he found her sprawled out in the middle of her floor on her bearskin rug, weeping like some lunatic.

“Is there anything I can do?” He knew it was probably the dumbest thing he could say at that moment.

She fell on his leg sobbing. “They found Angelo on the street…dead.”

A little part of him wasn’t shocked to hear that his brother was dead. Angelo had been doing a lot of dangerous jobs for a long time. It was only a matter of time before it caught up with him.

“Someone stabbed him and he bled out right in the middle of some filthy street.” She cried some more, holding onto Adrian’s leg for dear life.

He touched the top of her head. “Someone stabbed him?”

“Yes. The police are telling me they found no weapon at the scene. But they do know from the looks of it that he was stabbed. They are transporting his body as we speak.”

Angelo was after the locket, he knew that to be true. But he hadn’t heard from his brother in hours. He had no clue if he ever got the locket or if he even made it there.

“Did he say whether or not the trip was successful?”

She only shook her head. “I never heard from him. The last thing he told me was that he was there. If we don’t get this figured out, our lives are ruined.”

It didn’t surprise him that his mother was more concerned with staying out of jail than his brother at the moment. That was precisely the woman she was. And then she focused all her attention on him. “What about you?”

He swallowed.

“You went to see her. Did you have any luck getting the locket?”

When he shook his head, she jumped to her feet and slapped him as hard as she could. “You mean to tell me you came back here with nothing?”

He backed away before she could slap him again. “It’s not as easy as it looks, Mother. But if it makes you feel any better I really don’t think she will do anything with it.”

She laughed. “Oh, that is just rich. Once again, my son thinks he knows what a woman he is in love with will do.” She glared at him. “You are just like your father.”

“She’s not like the other ones. She’s honest and …human.”

“Get out!” she shouted, as she pointed toward the door. Then she turned away from him, refusing to give him one more look.


Ethan sat down on the California king bed in the middle of his hotel suite. Luxury suite. He’d gone all out and opted for the best instead of the bed and breakfast.

He opened the laptop and inserted the drive from his watch and waited for it to load. Immediately, a file showed up on the screen with the number four. He clicked on the video.

When the video started, he recognized the man talking right away. It was the man his mom had the affair with.

Two minutes of confessing every god-awful sin someone could commit was on the video. It all made sense after watching why this was so important.

This man was ensuring he took everyone down with him if anything happened to him. It was all laid out right there for Ethan to see and hear.

“And if, or when, it is necessary to use this information be it for whatever reason, please note that it will take all four to have an entirely usable evidence for the authorities. This is for my piece of mind, in case I don’t make it out of this with my life or the life of my true love.”

Ethan noted the name of the place that housed all the people that could help him if need be. He had several choices to make when it came to sharing the evidence. He could go to authorities with his bit of information or he could take it to several individuals that would know just what to do. 


Sam should have been excited that he was a free man, but he knew that there would be no freedom outside of the jail walls that had housed him for months now.

The love of his life was dead. And his wife was on the hunt for anything that could make his life miserable now that he had betrayed her.

He pulled his luxury car into the parking lot of an old bar in a part of town he’d never been to in all his years in Ohio. He was a man of money and could afford to go to better places. He parked the car and sighed. Was this what his life had come to?

He opened the glove box and pulled out one of his guns. He wasn’t a violent man, but he’d always been a gun collector.

He wondered how much different things might have been. But he only wondered for a moment.  He took a deep breath and pressed the gun to his head. He recited the same prayer he had every night when he was younger, back when he had faith and something to believe in.

He ignored the cars pulling in, the young couple and the men getting out of their cars to go into the bar for some drinks. Maybe a little dancing. None of them were aware that he was sitting there.

He closed his eyes letting the last image he’d see be that of a beautiful brunette walking into the bar. Then he squeezed the trigger. His body fell over the steering wheel. The horn blared loud enough to be heard inside the bar. 

He finally had someone’s attention.

It only took dying to get someone to notice him for something other than the kind of man everyone thought he was.



Are you dying for more? Good news, book 2 is coming soon!


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