Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance)
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is hands rubbed
over my skin, squeezing my breasts and trailing down my stomach to grip my hips. I felt his hot breath on my belly before his lips and tongue grazed my skin leading over my mound and between my legs.

When his tongue flicked over my sex, sensation shot through me like a lightning bolt. My arms strained against the restraints, and I made a strangled gasp. Leo’s tongue pushed deeper inside me, lapping up the slick juices that poured from within me. He flicked my swollen mound with the tip of his tongue and my legs shook.

The feeling of being restrained while he licked my sex, gave me a sense of total liberation. It was as if all responsibility for my sexuality was lifted from my shoulders and given over to Leo. Even if I was a slut, even if I was a whore, I was no longer culpable for it. That release of blame make me intensely hot.

His fingers entered me, pressing in and out as his tongue pressed in tight circles on my clit. I moaned loudly as an orgasm shot through me. My sex throbbed and clenched on his fingers as I squealed. Almost as quickly as I had come, Leo was up and untying my hands.

A moment later he had me standing, still blindfolded with my arms bound behind my back. He lifted my arms up behind me, forcing me to bend over as he attached the rope around my wrists to a roped hanging from the ceiling.

I gasped, waiting for him to take me or spank me and make me come again. The warm air from the fireplace radiated over my skin. I could smell the subtle scent of wood smoke and leather. Leo’s footsteps padded across the room and back. Air whirred and a stinging smack landed on my ass.

I cried out in pain, wanting more, feeling completely free. I wanted the pain, wanted the intensity of surrender. I’d never been more excited, knowing for sure that I had chosen it. No matter who and what Leo was, even if he couldn’t love me, he gave me the freedom I truly desired.

The strap fell down again on my tender flesh, making my nipples tighten and my sex gush moisture. He rubbed his hand over my slick, swollen pussy as he spanked me again with the sharp leather strap.

I wanted more. I wanted him to take me harder, deeper, push me farther. He continued to slap me and rub my sex until my ass was hot and raw. He let the strap fall to the floor, and I heard him peel out of his clothes.

He gripped the back of my hair with one hand and opened my mouth with the other. The wide girth of his cock pressed against my lips. My mouth watered, and I groaned as he pushed inside me, holding onto my face. He slowly slid down my throat before he began to thrust into me.

Being used as his plaything sent me into ecstasy. My ass burned and my sex screamed to be fucked hard and fast. He pushed into my face, taking me so deep I could barely breathe. I felt entirely overwhelmed, and it was exactly what I wanted.

“Do you like me fucking your face?” he breathed over me. All I could do was groan. Blinded, with his cock deep in my throat, my mind swam in a haze of lust. My memories and worries seemed to vanish, and my entire mind focused on that singular point of time. The taste of him, the feel of his slick cock on my tongue, the smell of his body close to my nose, were all that existed for me, it was all I wanted to exist.

He slid from my mouth and let go of my face. “You’re a good girl,” he said softly, patting my hair. “You deserve to be rewarded. What do you want?”

“You. Inside me,” I said, my voice low.

His hand caressed my side as he moved behind me. My body was still moist and slick with its own juices, but I felt him apply cool lubricant to my pussy and ass. I groaned, waiting, wanting. His shaft pressed against my sex and slowly, effortlessly, slid inside. I groaned again before he shushed me, telling me to be quiet or suffer the consequences. Part of me wanted his punishment as much as the pleasure.

His length slid deep inside of me to the wide base at his groin. I could feel his abdomen rest against my ass, hard and warm on my skin. I panted, obeying his command to be silent. The intense sensations shooting through me made it nearly impossible to remain quiet. I wanted to scream as his rod stretched me wide. I wanted to shout with joy as my body stood at the brink of orgasm. But obeying him was what gave me the freedom to feel such deep sensuality. I would not break his rules.

He pulled back, coming out of me almost completely, and then slammed back in. I let out a silent breath as pleasure surged through me. I bit my lip as he pulled back again, repeating the deep thrust. He gathered my hips in his hands and began to pump into me in increasingly fast, and hard thrusts.

Staying silent was difficult, especially as I felt myself coming close to orgasm again. His shaft caressed my g-spot with each plunge inside my core. My breasts jiggled under me, swollen and on fire. My arms ached from being tied behind me, supporting my weight, but the power of his sex held me in a hypnotic trance I never wanted to end.

He pressed his thumb against my ass hole, slipping into my tight entrance that was slickened with lube. I gasped, turning my head to him. I was blindfolded and could not see the look in his eyes. I wanted to question him, but could not. I was too far under his spell.

His thumb pressed inside me as he pumped my sex with his shaft. I wanted to moan, cry out, scream, but I forced myself to stay silent. I forced myself not to question him even as he pulled out his thumb and pressed the head of his cock against my ass.

I cried out, “Oh!” as he began to push his length into my tight hole. Panting hard, I took him in my ass. My body went cold and numb as he sank deep into me. I couldn’t think, could barely feel. What was happening to me? What was I letting him do? I squealed as he pulled back and slid deep inside again.

My body was full in a way I had never experienced before. My ass stretched wide around his shaft. As he slowly pumped into me, he pressed against my g-spot from the back. I couldn’t stop moaning, but he didn’t correct me. I felt completely naked and used. I didn’t know if it was the best feeling in my life or the worst.

“God your ass is tight,” he groaned as he jammed into me again. I could feel his cock grow wide and hard inside me, pushing against my inner walls.

He pulled out and a moment later, pushed back inside my pussy. I squealed as his release shot deep into my core in throbbing hot jets of liquid. My orgasm burst over his shaft, clenching and pulling the last of his cum deep inside me. I moaned loud and long, panting, beside myself.

He slipped out of me and immediately untied me. Enfolding me in his arms, he lifted me off my feet, carrying me to the bed. He peeled back the blanket, depositing me under the warm comforter. He snuggled in beside me, holding me tight to his hot, sweaty body.

I rolled over, wrapping my arm around him. I drank in his scent as I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. He kissed my head and sighed contentedly. “Kira,” he said with a breathy voice. “Oh, darling Kira. How adorable you are.”

I tilted my head up and looked into his eyes in the flickering firelight. My heart continued to pound in my chest, enlivened by his tenderness. The sexual hypnosis began to fade, but it was replaced by the overpowering emotions of connection.

A tear slipped down my cheek. How could I feel so attached to someone I barely knew? He gave me sexual liberation. He freed me from myself, from my past. In his arms, I wasn’t the nerdy film student I’d turned myself into. I wasn’t the adolescent slut who temped my stepfather and eventually slept with him to spite my mom. I was something else. He made me feel like a goddess.

“Leo, thank you for bringing me here,” I whispered.

“Mmm. I like when you thank me,” he said, pulling me astride him. He was already half erect again. I gasped and giggled. My body was so sore and tender, I didn’t know if I could go again.

Instead of sliding inside me, he pulled me down to him and kissed my lips lightly, just barely brushing the surface. We kissed tenderly for several long moments before he slid me gently down onto the bed.

I felt so tired from the long car ride and the intensity of our love making. There was so much to say, so much I wanted to ask him, but I didn’t have the strength. Soon I was asleep.


n the morning
, the bed was empty. I sat up and looked around. The fire had died down in the hearth and clothing was folded on the bench at the end of the bed. I swung my feet over to the floor. The heated floor warmed my cold feet as I walked across the room to pick up the clothing.

It was in my size, a pair of comfortable designer jeans, under things and a pink cashmere sweater. I picked up the clothing and found the connected bathroom where I took a shower. After my shower, I put on the makeup in the bathroom, dried my hair, and went back into the bedroom.

I found my shoes and a clean pair of socks before slipping out into the hallway. I could smell the scent of coffee coming from downstairs. I slowly walked down the hall and down the stairs, turning through a large living space and finding a massive kitchen. There was a coffee pot on the center island with cream and sugar beside it.

I picked up a cup and poured the hot brew inside it, stirring in cream and sugar. I took a sip and sighed, feeling the sleep thaw from my body. I looked around, wondering where Leo might be.

Through the glass French doors, I saw a massive garden. The fall colors sparkled orange and red and yellow outside. I saw movement and a shadow. Curiosity called me and I opened the door to slip out. The air had a slight chill but my sweater kept me warm.

I walked down the stone path, past rose bushes in their last bloom, and the remains of a vegetable garden. Past a fountain, a massive greenhouse sprawled beyond a wide manicured lawn. To one side of the lawn a Japanese garden was surrounded by a stone wall, the other side sloped down toward a small lake.

A silhouette moved within the greenhouse, and I walked toward the entrance holding my coffee cup. Inside, the intoxicating fragrance of orchids filled my nose. I breathed deeply as I took in my surroundings.

Orchids of every shape, size, and color dripped from the walls, planters, and the ceiling. It was absolutely beautiful. The pinks and violets and whites flashed before my eyes, filling my senses with their loveliness.

It wasn’t until I’d taken in the flowers that I finally saw Leo standing at the back of the greenhouse, dropping liquid from a dropper onto an orchid. My eyes widened. I’d never imagined Leo as a gardener.

I walked over the smooth rocky floor, my shoes crunching on the stones. He turned, his eyes focusing on my face. A smile curved on his lips as he crossed the room toward me.

“Kira, come look.” He took my hand and led me back to the flower he’d been feeding. “This is
P. rothschildianum,
Rothschild’s Slipper. The rarest orchid in the world. It’s work $5000 a stem and takes fifteen years to flower. I had it brought in from Malaysia, and I’ve been tending it since it was a seedling. This is the first year it has flowered. The flowers are beginning to fade, this late in the season, but it’s still beautiful, isn’t it.”

His eyes glinted with childlike glee as he explained the magnificent striped orchid to me. I looked from the flower and back to him. Smiling softly, I brushed my hair behind my ear. I never would have expected Leo to be a flower enthusiast. It was incredibly cute.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, genuinely impressed by his flower. It was quite a prize. He smiled down at me. Cupping my chin in his hand, he ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

“Indeed.” He kissed my forehead and turned back to his flower. “Darling, could you fetch me a pair of shears from that cabinet back there,” he said pointing toward the front of the greenhouse.

I walked across the room, feeling the lovely haze that came over me when Leo showed me his tenderness. I opened the utility cabinet and looked inside. I couldn’t find a pair of shears. I wasn’t even quite sure what shears were.

Looking through the tools and fertilizers, I picked up some pots and looked behind them. A yellowed photograph fell from the back of the cabinet. I picked it up and looked at it. My eyes widened and my heart leapt. A pretty, pregnant girl sat on Leo’s lap, making an east coast sign with her fingers. Leo looked like he was having a good time.

I turned the photograph over and read the faded writing on the back. “Celeste and the baby. Club Scarlet. 2013.” A lump rose in my throat and my head went numb. Who was Celeste? Was that Leo’s baby? Was this what Clive had warned me about? The realization that Leo hadn’t once used protection with me, flooded my mind. I gripped my chest as my heart thudded against my ribcage.

What had happened to this girl? He’d never said anything about a child. I slipped the picture in my pocket and grabbed a pair of scissor looking things from the top shelf.

“Did you find them?” he asked from the back of the greenhouse.

“Yes,” I said, my voice shaky. I walked toward him, questions running through my mind. I handed him the shears and drew back. I wanted to ask him who Celeste was, but my voice caught in my throat.

He clipped the Rothschild orchid and handed it to me. The five thousand dollar bloom stood in my hand, but all I could think about was the girl named Celeste and her child.


’m taking
you to Europe,” Leo said, standing in the kitchen as he poured hot water into a china teapot.

The Rothschild orchid graced a crystal vase on the dark granite counter that stretched between Leo and me. My heart raced. I’d stuffed the picture of Celeste into my pocket and hadn’t found the courage to say anything about it yet. His announcement about Europe caught me completely off guard. He poured green tea into a china cup and slid it across the counter to me.

“Europe? I don’t have a passport…” I said, lifting the cup. I drew a long breath through my nose, smelling the soothing scent of the fine green tea.

“That isn’t a problem. I’ve already had one made for you.”

“What?” I asked, my head reeling. How in the world could he have a passport made for me without my knowledge? The whole idea practically gave me a panic attack.

“Money talks, pet. Now, drink your tea. I’m going to fuck you soon.”

I gulped, not knowing what to think. Part of me thought that maybe I was in danger. The other part of me, the twisted part of me, liked it. “But what about school?” I asked.

“Not a problem. I’ve already made excuses with your professors. You can do your assignments online, if you find the time, that is.”

“I can’t just go to Europe with you.”

He skirted around the counter, slid his hand up my back, and gripped my neck. His smooth hand was warm and firm against my skin. I felt instantly aroused, moisture flowing between my legs.

“Why not?” he asked, his voice deep and smoldering.

“I… just… can’t,” I said, enjoying the game of defiance.

“I told you I’d pay you twenty thousand for your time. You will come with me to Europe. I have plans for you there.”

“Twenty thousand, in advance. Directly deposited to my bank account, or I don’t go,” I said, finding my backbone.

“Ah, my little pet has found her voice.” He gripped the back of my neck harder and drew me into a deep kiss.

I broke away and studied his fierce blue eyes. “Do we have a deal?”

“Indeed. I’ll have the money transferred by this afternoon.” He gathered me up and carried me out of the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feelings of arousal and shame mingling in my stomach. I kept telling myself that what I was doing wasn’t prostitution. But deep down, I knew I was selling myself for money. Maybe I liked my sex being bought. Maybe I wanted him to treat me like a whore.

My face flamed hot, and I buried it in his chest. He marched up the stairs and deposited me on the massive bed.

“Take off your clothes,” he said, loosening his tie. I gazed up at him, still stunned into silence. A sinking feeling dropped through the bottoms of my feet. I couldn’t say no to him. His words compelled the darkest part of me and awakened my dirtiest desires.

I slipped quickly out of my clothes and sat in front of him, completely bare as he looked down at me. I blinked several times, trying to make sense of it all. My anticipation buzzed as I gazed down at the bulge in his pants.

“Lie down and spread your legs.”

I gulped and licked my lips, waiting for him to touch me, to release me from all my worries. The magic of his hands on my skin allowed me to run from all my problems, from myself.

“Touch yourself, Kira. I want to watch you.”

I gasped and bit my lip, crinkling my brow. Embarrassment flooded my face. He was staring right at my dripping sex. How could I let him or anyone else watch me touch myself? It didn’t seem right. My heart pounded as I reached down, sinking my hand between my thighs.

“Rub your breasts with the other hand,” he instructed.

I cupped my breast in one hand as my fingers sank between my wet folds. As soon as my finger grazed my swollen bud, my body shuddered with excitement.

I thrust my head back and mewed, pinching my nipple as I pressed my finger against my hard mound. I clenched my eyes closed, not wanting to see him watching me, but I could feel his gaze hot on my skin. Whining and writhing on the bed, my fingers slipped into my wet entrance.

“Good.” His voice rumbled above me. “Fuck yourself with your fingers and pinch your nipple harder.”

I gasped and opened my eyes wide, looking up at him. His cold, hooded eyes seemed to analyze my body as if I were an object to be used. His hands were on his hips as he assessed how to get the most out of me. My mouth dropped and I leaned up on my elbows, taking my hands off my body.

“Don’t defy me, pet. There are punishments for misbehavior.”

“I’ve never let anyone see me like this,” I whispered.

“I’ll do it for you. But I won’t be gentle. Turn over and put your ass in the air.”

Scowling, I turned over on all fours, my head bowed. I bit my lip hard, waiting for him to push up inside me. With my body completely open to him, the thought of running away flashed through my mind.

A hard slap landed on my bare, exposed ass. He grazed my pussy with the tips of his fingers. I cried out as the second slap came down over the tenderized flesh from the first. He continued to spank me, one cheek after the other. The intensity of his spanking seemed almost gleeful, but the sharpness was anything but tender.

I tried to keep myself from screaming as he pulled my hair and thrust his fingers inside me. He yanked me back against his chest and gripped my neck as he pumped his fingers into my hot sex. My breasts swelled with excitement, and my nipples pointed to the sky.

“Do you like this, Kira? Do you defy me on purpose?” I pressed my eyes shut. Did I do it on purpose? Did I like his rough treatment? I could feel his hard erection through the fabric of his pants, pressed against my ass. I knew I wanted him to take me like this, hard and rough. I wanted him to take me away, allowing me to give up all control.

Masturbating in front of him had put me in command of my own sexuality. I wanted to give the command away. I wanted him to take me, own me, and take all responsibility for my dark lust.

“Come for me, Kira,” he growled in my ear. I groaned as his breath tickled my neck. His words sent me into another world, a world where he controlled my orgasms. They belonged to him, not me. The feeling began in my tight breasts and spread down to my core, tightening around his fingers as my sex clenched and throbbed.

Leo growled and pushed me forward on the bed so that my body was flat against the smooth blanket. He pulled my legs tight together, my pussy still contracting and sending streams of pleasure and pain into my womb.

He slapped my ass again, his hand across my cheeks and over my closed off sex. I moaned. My bottom was raw and sore. I couldn’t take any more, but it didn’t cease to excite me.

I could hear him unbuckling his belt behind me. Taking a deep breath, I got ready for his cock to sink into me and take me to a new level of ecstasy. His phone rang and he growled, slapping my ass one last time.

He answered the phone, talking behind me as I lay naked on the bed. I dripped juice that ran up my sex, soaked my mound, and pooled below me on the bed. My breath hitched as I listened to him talking. I wanted him inside me so bad. My body screamed to be filled by him, now.

“Get dressed. Get ready to leave. I have to go to the office before we go. I’ll send the helicopter around in an hour.”

I sat up and turned to face him. My body and brain still buzzed with need. I blinked at him, questioningly. He fastened his belt and then leaned over to put his finger under my chin, tipping my head back. I was forced to look straight into his eyes, his face only a few inches from mine.

“Be ready in an hour,” he said flatly. He let go of my chin and patted my head as if I were a child or a dog. “I’ll meet you at the airport.”

He turned and strode out of the room, leaving me alone, naked, and wet.

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