Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Wicked: Billionaire Rules (Alpha Billionaire New Adult Romance)
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ou want this
,” he said, still holding me around the waist. I looked away. He was right. I did want it. I wanted to give myself to him. I wanted it all.

“Who was that woman?” I asked.

“No one.”

“Why were you with her here, in front of me? Are you trying to hurt me?”

“It was a test.” He pulled me against his chest with one arm around my waist. The other hand held my face up to look at him. He caressed my cheek with his thumb as his cold, dark eyes stared down at me.

“Did I pass?” I breathed.

“You changed the rules.”

With that, I started laughing, a goofy childish laugh. My whole body shook, and I snorted. This was all insane. It wasn’t like soccer or statistics. This was messed up shit.

He let go as hysterics rolled through me. I stumbled away and propped myself up on the table. I couldn’t stop. I laughed until I felt like I might cry. Finally, the laughter broke, and nothing seemed funny anymore. It just seemed sick.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“You. You’re funny. You wanted to make me jealous. So I did the same thing to you. Tit for tat. There are no rules in mind games.”

He strode across the room and grabbed me, pulling me against him. “Oh, but there are. There are
rules. Those are the only ones you need to concern yourself with.”

His shaft pressed hard against my body. I bit my lip as he ran his hands down my back and cupped my ass. He pulled me against his hardness. I gasped, wanting more, wanting to run away and cover myself back up with the illusion of being a good girl.

“You never answered my question,” I whispered in his ear. “Who was she?”

“No one. She’s a business associate. A beautiful one. We were having a dinner meeting about my company’s recent acquisition of an overseas account. She played a role here. Nothing more.”

“Why do you taunt me?” I asked, whimpering as his tongue slid across my earlobe.

“I want you to obey me, Kira. I will do whatever it takes to make you mine. Whatever it takes.” He gathered me in his arms and lifted me off the floor, carrying me like a bride across the threshold.

As he walked me to the bed, I asked, “Why me?”

“Why not you? I want you. Shouldn’t that be enough?”

“It’s not.”

He laid me on the bed and began to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. “The first second I saw you, I knew you would give me what I need. Now, take off that dress. You look like a slut.”

I gasped and narrowed my eyes at him. But his words sparked a fire in my core. I sat up and unzipped the dress. I knew it made me look overdone. But he’d picked it. He’d wanted me to look like a slut. I pulled it off my body and threw it at him. He glared at me as it struck his chest and fell silently to the floor.

He pulled off his shirt and tie and set them on a chair, before slipping off his shoes. “Take off the bra and panties and get on your hands and knees, facing me.” He removed his pants, and I could see his massive erection strain against his black briefs.

I took off my underthings and dropped them on the floor, rolling up on my hands and knees. I gulped, feeling stupid for letting myself get in this position again. I sucked my lip, waiting for whatever he might do to me.

He reached inside a drawer and produced a blindfold that he slipped over my eyes. “Now, turn around. And lie over the bed.”

I did as he asked. He dragged me over the side of the bed, yanking my arms behind my back. He clamped handcuffs on my wrists and propped me up so that my behind was in the air. His hand moved slowly over the bare flesh of my ass, rubbing and gripping.

Without warning, he slapped my bottom. I cried out. “Quiet. Slut. You want this.” His hand flicked up my crease and over my swollen lips. My body shuttered. I
want it. My nipples tightened at the word slut, and my body gushed moisture, wetting his fingertips. I sucked in a breath and tried to obey him. I suddenly wanted to obey him, to surrender, to let him have me.

He slapped my ass again then slid his finger over my sex, just barely touching it. “Do you like that?” he demanded.

“Yes,” I moaned.

I wanted him to take me like this: handcuffed, prone, vulnerable. I wanted him to call me slut and make me his slut. I wanted to feel him humiliate me and dominate me, put me in my place. I’d never felt so turned on or so alive in my life, finally admitting it to myself.

As I opened to my own submissiveness, I realized how much I adored Leo for showing it to me. I didn’t just adore him. I worshiped him. I wanted to give him anything he asked for.

He slapped my ass repeatedly, flicking his fingers barely over my sex between slaps. I could barely hold back my moans, but he’d ordered me to be quiet, so I stayed quiet.

“Do you want me to put my fingers in your pussy?” he asked, flicking the entrance to my sex.

“Yes, sir. Please,” I moaned, pushing my ass back toward his fingers.

He grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down on the bed as he slid his fingers inside my sopping, wet passage. I groaned. I couldn’t help it. The feeling of his fingers inside me almost made me come instantly. He gripped my neck more tightly, telling me to remain quiet and still.

I tried to comply as his fingers pumped in and out of me. I bit down on the blanket, my legs shaking as they held me up. I could feel my orgasm building, but it quickly erupted with such force, I couldn’t keep quiet.

“Oh God. Leo. Leo.”

My sex clenched on his fingers, as he continued to pump me holding me still with his other hand.

“Good girl. Come for me,” he cooed.

I squealed as the orgasm rocked my body. A cell phone rang. It wasn’t mine. Mine had been off since Addison had texted me. Leo’s fingers slid from my body and he left me standing over the bed, alone.

“Yes,” he said gruffly. “I’ll be right there.”

I could feel his hands on my wrists a moment later, unlocking the cuffs. I slid up to sit on the bed, pulling the blindfold from my face. As Leo yanked on his clothes, I tugged the blanket over my body. Were we done? I didn’t want to be done, I wanted more of him. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to take him with the full knowledge that it was what I wanted, what I chose.

“Where are you going?” I asked, feeling like a bored housewife.

“I have to go into the office. There’s an emergency.” He pulled on his suit jacket and all I could do was watch. He walked over to me and laid a gentle kiss on my forehead, cupping my cheek. I gazed up at him in surprise. His tenderness warmed my entire body. He smiled at me. And I saw deep and genuine care in his eyes for the first time.

“I’m sorry to leave you, Kira. Believe me, I would never do this if it weren’t a sincere emergency. I’ll have a car pick you up tomorrow night and bring you to my house. Go settle up with Clive for the last two days. Get that clunker of yours fixed and buy yourself some nice things.” He kissed me softly on the lips and turned to the door. “The car will take you home,” he said, before stepping out, and closing the door behind him.


sat in the suite
, stunned and confused for long moments. I couldn’t wrap my head around Leo’s behavior. He had been gentle and kind when we’d first met, but ever since he decided he wanted me, he’d been anything but.

His sudden change in attitude scared me. It shouldn’t have. It should have been what I wanted. What girl doesn’t want to be shown tenderness? If he’d ordered me to come to his house, I would have known what to expect. I knew now that I craved his demands. But his tenderness, his care, it terrified me. Could I accept both in the same man?

Ever since my stepfather had used me for sex, I’d been broken. I hadn’t had a single healthy relationship since. One loser-user after another had darkened my doorstep. I’d almost been prepared for Leo’s dominating behavior. I’d come to expect to be treated like a slut, even by the so called “nice guys” of the world. But now the dom was showing me kindness. It confused me and made my head hurt.

With painful tightness in my temples, I climbed out of bed and pulled my clothes back on. My body felt numb and empty without Leo’s eyes on it or fingers inside of it. I longed to have him back, to tell me what to do, what to think. I hated that I did.

I’d been on my own for three years now. I hadn’t had anyone to help me with anything. No family and barely any friends. Suddenly, this deadly gorgeous bilLeonaire wanted to take me, direct me, own me. Part of me truly wanted the release. I wanted to let go of all the responsibility of living independently.

I pushed the thoughts away from my mind. It was ridiculous to think that. I was an independent person. I had my own life and I had things to take care of. Perhaps I’d go to Leo’s house tomorrow. Perhaps I wouldn’t. I couldn’t let my emotions decide something like that.

I was too broken to think clearly right now or make rational choices. I needed to get away from here, get back to my normal surroundings so I could remember who I really was. I gathered my purse and coat and went out into the hallway.

Downstairs, I knocked on Clive’s office door. He answered from within for me to come inside. I pushed open the door to find him sitting behind his desk, pouring over a ledger.

“Leo said to settle up with you,” I croaked. Part of me didn’t believe I’d ever get paid.

“Yes. Ms. Glass. I have a check for you. Eight thousand dollars for both nights.”

“Eight… thousand. I thought it was a thousand a night.”

“You’ve gone… above and beyond,” he said, holding the check out to me. I took it and put it in my purse, shame washing over me for what I had done. I really was a whore now. I turned to go. “Ms. Glass, I want to warn you about Leo Cole.”

I turned around and met his eyes. “Warn me?”

“Leo has, let me just say, he has bad habits. He gets too involved. That leads to trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

“He has a history here, with the girls.”

“Tell me.”

“I can’t say any more. Just be forewarned. Don’t let him take you off the property. I can’t protect you if you do.”

“He invited me to his house.”

“I hope you refused.”

“I don’t know if I’ll go or not.”

“If you do, I want you to know you are doing it completely separate from your role as an employee of Club Scarlet. Do you understand?”

“Yes. Of course. But what happened with Leo? What did he do?”

“I have work to do, Ms. Glass. Please let yourself out.”

I huffed, stunned. He didn’t look at me again. I stormed out of the office and through the front room of the club. Outside in the cool night air, I panted, the breath heaving in and out of my lungs in a cloud. It was going to freeze soon, then I’d be really screwed without a car.

I walked up the street to my truck and found it covered in tickets. I scooped them up and got inside the car, pushing the key in the ignition. I said a silent prayer and turned the key. The engine made a strangled sound, chugged, then turned over.
Leo had said to take his car home, but I needed to think. I needed to be clear of him.

I drove home in a daze and parked my car on the street outside my building. Upstairs, my apartment was freezing cold. I flipped on the lights, but they didn’t come on.
I hadn’t paid for my electricity. I slammed the door and began searching the house for the electric bill. I finally found it and saw I was three hundred dollars past due.

I called the number and gave my credit card information to the automated service, after which I got a message saying my power would be back on in twenty four to forty eight hours.
I groaned and made my way into my bedroom, spreading every extra blanket in the house on top of my bed.

I slept fitfully in the cold house and in the morning, I dressed and went out to put my check in the bank. The electric bill took my last three hundred dollars and my bank would bounce it if I didn’t get money in there soon.

After I had my check safely deposited, I took my laptop to study in a café. I couldn’t stay in my freezing house with no power and no wifi. It felt good to go into the café and order whatever I wanted from the menu. I got myself a triple vanilla latte and found a comfortable seat by a big sunny window.

I liked studying. It made me feel normal. Real. I loved my classic film class. It inspired me more than any other class I’d taken over the last four years. Even doing my statistics homework felt better now that I had eight grand in the bank.

I reminded myself I needed to pay my landlord and my tuition by the end of the day. That would only leave me with a couple thousand dollars. It wasn’t exactly a retirement account, but it was enough to allow me to calm down for a few minutes.

Maybe all I needed was to find a better waitressing job and a new room-mate. Between study sessions, I posted a room-mate wanted ad on Craigslist and paid my tuition online. With that completed, I was feeling a little fried and tired.

I didn’t want to go home to face my freezing apartment, so I started surfing the internet. The first thing that came to my mind was Leo Cole. I did a web search for him and Club Scarlet. Nothing came up, not even when I did an exclusive search. Either there had never been any media of Leo associated with the club, or he had computer people scrubbing the internet for him.

Clive had said Leo had a history there. I wanted to know what it was.

After I’d eaten all the croissants I could eat and surfed the internet for a new job, the sun was starting to go down. I knew that Leo’s car would be coming to pick me up in a few hours and I still didn’t know if I was going to go with him or not.

I gathered my things and made my way back to my freezing, dark apartment. Wrapping myself in a blanket, I lit the few candles and curled up on the couch. This was hell. How could I survive the next few days without power?

A moment later, the phone rang.


?” I asked.

“The car will be there in fifteen minutes. You don’t need to bring anything. I have everything you need. Be ready.”

I was about to protest when he hung up. I sighed, thinking over my options. I could stay here in the cold and dark, with no hot water or internet, or I could go to my wealthy lover’s house. It didn’t seem like a difficult decision. If only it weren’t.

A moment later, the intercom buzzed. I answered, and the chauffeur replied, telling me he was downstairs. I grabbed my coat, purse, and backpack and locked up the apartment before going downstairs. The limo I’d ridden in the night before sat waiting in front of my building. The chauffeur opened the door, and I climbed inside.

The limo drove through town, and out of the city, north into the mountains. I sat in the back of the car as the hours ticked passed, constantly second guessing my decision. This could be dangerous. It probably was. But the limo was warm and there was plenty to drink and eat in the back seat of the luxurious vehicle.

I entertained myself by using the car’s built in wifi to surf the internet and track myself with gps. I knew I was headed into the Catskills.

After three hours of driving, we finally pulled off the winding mountain road and onto a straight wide drive that led to a sprawling three story mansion. The windows were aglow with light that cast down on the fountain bubbling up from the center of the circular driveway.

The limo parked in front of the house and the chauffeur quickly came around to open my door. I climbed the marble staircase to the front double doors that suddenly opened revealing Leo. He took my hand and pulled me inside. I felt like a ridiculous schoolgirl with my backpack, gawking at his massive front entrance, the high ceilings, and the glittering crystal chandelier that hung from 30 feet above my head.

“I’m so glad you came,” he said, lifting my hand to his mouth and lightly kissing the back of my knuckles. Leo wore a dark casual suit and was barefoot.

He led me through the house, over the marble tile and past walls adorned with expensive paintings, some by artist that I recognized. He led me up a staircase that curved to the second floor and down a hallway into a sitting room.

The room was furnished beautifully with high-end modern furniture, hardwood floors, and a plush rug. Leo told me to set on a low back tan colored couch as he crossed the room to pour us a drink.

He came back a moment later handing me a glass of red wine. I sipped slowly watching as he sat across from me in a leather arm chair. He crossed his legs and slung his arm over the back of the chair. Taking a sip of wine, his eyes never left me. As he lowered the glass, I could see the curve of a roguish smile on his lips.

I was still wearing my backpack, feeling like an idiot, and completely out of place. I tried not to gulp the wine, but that was exactly what I wanted to do. I couldn’t keep my knees from shaking nervously. Leo watched me all the time, the smile never leaving his eyes.

“I hope the drive wasn’t too long,” he said before taking another sip from his glass.

“No, it was fine. I got a lot of homework done. I’ve been getting behind, with the new job and everything...” I stop speaking and turned my head to stare at the wall across the room. I bit my lip and put the wine glass on a side table before slipping my backpack to the floor. Trying to make myself more comfortable, I kicked off my shoes and curled my feet up under myself on the couch.

I picked up my wine glass with one hand and crossed my other arm tightly over my chest, protecting myself as I drank the deep rich Merlot.

“I never asked you what you are studying,” he said, still looking at me with those dark, searching eyes.

“Film,” I said, almost defensively, as if trying to prove I was interesting. Not that it mattered. He was way out of my league already. I knew I was nothing more than a play thing to him. What more could I be.

“Really? Do you want to make films?”

“I’d like to be a producer.”

“And how do you plan to afford to produce these films of yours?”

“I have no idea. It’s just a dream. Everyone has dreams, don’t they?”

“Of course they do,” he said as his eyes moved over my body. “I have dreams too. Most of them involve you naked and bent over my bed. I think we can help each other achieve our dreams.”

My face heated. I knew exactly what he wanted from me, but it still embarrassed me for him to talk about it that way. “What do you know about film production?” I asked, feeling like he was playing with me again.

“Not much. That’s your area of expertise. Come, I want to show you mine.”

He took my hand and led me down the hallway to a master suite bedroom with an ornate king sized bed, dominating the room. A fire danced in a stone fireplace, surrounded by several arm leather chairs and a zebra hide rug.

“Take off your clothes and get in the bed,” he said behind me as he closed the door. I gawked at the luxurious room that was distinctly masculine before turning to him wide eyed. I’d thought perhaps we could talk more first. I didn’t know if I was here as his whore or his lover. I didn’t understand what was happening.

At Club Scarlet he’d offered me twenty thousand dollars to stay with him. In the sitting room he was insinuating that he would help me produce films. I’d come mostly to escape the cold and dark of my apartment. And to be with him.

The tenderness he’d shown me the last time we’d been together had changed how I thought of him. I wanted to believe he could care about me. I wanted to believe I was
his care. Even if he ordered me around and ultimately wanted to fuck me, I wanted to believe he felt something for me. Perhaps it was my downfall.

He crossed the room, pulling off his jacket. He tossed it on one of the leather chairs. The light was low and the glow of the fire flickered on his face and shadowed his eyes. He came to me, standing so close I could smell the spicy scent of his cologne. He pulled off his t-shirt and put his hands on my upper arms, his fingers gripping my soft flesh.

My breath hitched, and my mouth dropped. He leaned forward and claimed my mouth with his, his tongue diving into the moist depths between my lips. Desire built instantly from my core and pricked my nipples. I kissed him back, still wanting to believe there was something between us besides sex.

What made me need his affection? Even as part of me desired to be subordinated, the other part of me longed to be loved for it. I was so tired of feeling like a slut for just being me, just living in my own skin. I wanted to believe that he could redeem me, make me whole and clean again. If only he truly cared.

He pulled off my backpack and jacket before pulling my shirt up over my head. Running his hands through my hair, he gripped the back of my neck and used his other hand to unclasp my bra. His palm and fingers searched my flesh under the cups of my bra as it fell away. My nipples were as hard as tiny stones that he rolled between his fingers.

I moaned under his deep kiss, growing damp inside my panties. “Now take the rest of your clothes off and go lie down on the bed,” he commanded, looking at me with dark eyes and a slight smile.

I backed away, unbuttoning my pants. I kicked off my shoes and shimmied out of my jeans before dropping my panties and climbing in the bed. I watched him as I crawled onto the high mattress. He held his fist to his mouth as he watched me, his erection growing against his slacks.

I laid back on the cool downy comforter, waiting for him to touch me, to tell me what to do. Just the thought of obeying his commands made me quiver with desire. I bit my lip as he walked across the room. He drew rope from a drawer near the bed and pulled my arm over my head, tying me to the bedpost.

Gasping, I watched him tie my other arm. My sex was so slick with arousal, I squeezed my legs together to ebb the tide. I watched him as he walked across the room before he pulled out a blindfold and slipped it over my eyes.

“Leo,” I whispered as I felt his weight climbing onto the bed.

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