Why Romeo Hates Juliet (40 page)

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And suddenly, she felt those thousands of tiny stars magically twinkling on her swol en lips again as they had that first time when they’d kissed in the hospital room all those many moons ago. She opened her eyes, and looked over his head and saw the real stars shining up in the night sky.

She felt like they were there shining only for the two of them and giving their union their blessing. She closed her eyes then and gave herself up to his mindless, drugging kisses again.

Juliet felt him pull away. She opened her eyes and saw him staring intently at her before she felt him slowly and silently plunging into her wetness. He was hard and hot, and she could feel every inch of him leisurely filling her up. He tore his eyes away from her then and looked down at himself and watched as he pulled out of her, his shaft slick with her juices. He slowly slid into her again and out again, and she watched him as he kept watching himself.

Shit, Romeo thought, that was one sight he wanted to keep seeing for the rest of his life. His fevered eyes came back up to hers and he began to ride her, slowly at first and as she matched his rhythm, he increased his pace. Pleasure shot through him and he groaned. Deeper and faster he plunged, and she arched her back to accommodate him even more, snuggling deeper into the warm sand.

Their eyes locked and he watched every nuance of bliss flitting across her face - as she watched him. He was determined to give her another climax before he took his, and he knew he was in control enough to do it. She cried out then and half closed her eyes, and he felt her internal muscles wrap around his penis and start to contract as she took her pleasure again. still riding her hard, Romeo bent down to her ear. “You’re my little piece of heaven, Juliet,” he choked out, before finally allowing himself one last plunge and then releasing. He gasped and his breathing stopped as he exploded inside her with a climax that shook him to his core.

As the sensations subsided, he felt spent and breathless with exhaustion. He slowly pulled out of her, coll apsing onto his side in the sand. He stared up into the stars and tried to steady his breathing. He turned his head and looked over to Juliet who was waiting patiently for his next move, and as he felt his love for her course through him again, he reached over and wrapped her naked body into his strong arms. He planted a swift, hard kiss onto her temple and she looked up at him then, with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

“Romeo?” she asked, with a saucy smile playing on her lips.


Juliet’s derriere began to squirm uncomfortably against his body. “I think there’s sand inside my treasure chest.” He burst out laughing and held her tighter. “Well, we’ll have to do something about that, won’t we?” he answered, before promptly planting a quick kiss on her nose.

~ ~ ~

Chapter 79

That had been the most fun Juliet had ever had in a shower stal before and she still couldn’t stop giggling as she remembered all of the silly things they’d just done together. After Romeo had kissed her slowly and thoroughly again for a good ten minutes more after they’d made love on the beach, he had sensuously brushed off as much of the sand as he could from her soft body and she had done the same to him. They’d then gathered up all of their discarded clothes and had walked hand-in-hand, naked, back to the beach house.

With the full moon shining low in the night sky and with the warm breeze whispering across her bare skin and with the man she loved more than her heart could stand walking beside her, Juliet had never felt more freer and happier in all her life than she did at that moment. It was as if the universe had blessed her by granting her a magnificent wish called Love. And that Love was now coursing through every pore of her body and radiating back outwards - back to that same universe, making her feel at one with everything in the cosmos. She was receiving and giving and giving and receiving, and the feeling transcended time and space, and space and time.

On reaching Juliet’s beach house, they stepped inside and Romeo immediately gathered her into the warmth of his hard body. He gave her a long, soulful kiss before pulling away, amusement flickering in his eyes. “By the way, how did you figure out I was scamming you about the amnesia?”

“Faith found Nick’s picture in one of her old soap opera magazines and then she Googled him and we found out he was your friend.”

“Good ole Faith, remind me to thank her.”

Juliet laughed. “Thank her? For what? She busted you and blew your scheme sky high.”

“Well, if she hadn’t done that, you wouldn’t have come up with your crazy wedding plan and then I would never have had Mrs. Boyd in my arms right this second.”

Juliet’s heart leapt with delight at hearing him refer to her as his wife. It was still all so incredible and wonderfully unbelievable. She felt his hands lazily trail a path down her spine coming to rest on her bottom and squeezing her flesh. Her skin tingled where his warm fingers touched her, and she felt safe in the circle of his arms, blissfully happy and fully alive.

“I think I should inspect that treasure chest of yours and see about getting some of that sand out, don’t you think?” he teased.

“Treasure chests need keys to open them up. Do you think you have the key, Romeo Boyd?” He burst out laughing. “Juliet, I think that lock was already busted open back there on the beach.”

“Nevertheless, I’ve reset it to a new combination and you’re going to have to guess what it is if you want to get back inside ever again, mister,” she coyly tantalized, as she snuggled deeper into his hold. She felt one of his hands softly playing up and down the length of her spine and it sent warm shivers tingling through her.

His eyebrows arched in mock surprise. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yup; it’s some special words and when you say them, it’ll magically open up for you again. I’ll give you three guesses.”

“I only need one,” he tenderly whispered, as his lips slowly descended back to hers, reclaiming them in a feather-touch. After a few seconds, he pulled a hair’s breadth away before mouthing, “Romeo…” He pressed his hard lips back down on hers before releasing them again. “… Loves…” He moved back to her swol en mouth one more time, this time devouring its softness with his now more insistent one. He released her again to barely breathe her name, “… Juliet.”

She stared into his earnest blue eyes and her heart was touched by the sincerity she saw reflected there. “Congratulations, Mr. Boyd, you’ve cracked the code. Open Sesame.” She parted her mouth and raised herself up, claiming his hard lips with her velvet ones. Romeo groaned and she felt his open palms snake around to her backside, crushing her nakedness into his nakedness even more. It was obvious he wanted her again, and Juliet felt a thril shoot through her at that knowledge.

He dragged his lips off of hers and pulled back a fraction to stare into her eyes. His own smiling eyes crinkled at the corners in a mischievous, twinkling way. “I think it’s time I had a look inside that treasure chest now, don’t you?” he teased, and before Juliet knew his intentions, he’d bent down, grabbed her legs and effortlessly hauled her naked body up and over his strong, right shoulder, easily lifting her up as if she weighed nothing at all.

She squealed with laughter. “What are you doing?” she shouted, as he carried her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Romeo smiled. “I heard you telling your sister earlier that you thought I was acting like a caveman, so - I’m giving you what you want; I’m acting like a caveman.”

Suddenly, a wave of worry engulfed her as she thought about his shooting injury. “Romeo, your shoulder - you’re going to hurt yourself. Put me down!”

“Not a chance. And for the record, you shot my left shoulder, not my right. I’m feeling fine, woman.” He laughed and then planted a hard slap on her bare bottom eliciting another squeal of delight from her before he started climbing the stairs with her to the second floor. He headed towards the hallway bathroom.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to clean the sand out of every crevice on your body, what else?” he said, and he entered the bathroom, strode to the shower stal and turned on the taps with his free hand.

The steam from the hot water immediately began to envelop the room in a foggy, hazy, warm mist and he gently lowered her form underneath the spray and climbed in beside her. He closed the doors, then quickly captured her body to his and leaned her backwards over his arm. He lowered his desperate lips back to hers, giving her a resounding and thorough kiss which she could feel reverberating through her veins.

He pulled away slightly and his blue eyes twinkled at her in a devilish, bad boy way. “Time to get to work,” he decreed, as he reached for the bar of soap.

* * *

The bathroom was still steaming with warm mist long after the water taps had been turned off. Juliet was wrapped in a large fluffy white bath towel which she had also wrapped around Romeo’s broad shoulders, cocooning the both of them inside its protective warmth. Bare skin touched bare skin, and her burning lips quickly sought his again, parting shamelessly and allowing him in. Blood pounded in her brain and she knew that she wanted him again, but this time she would take the lead, giving him as much pleasure as he had given her earlier on the beach.

She pulled a fraction away from him and smiled. “I want to do something different, something freaky, something cosmic. Are you up for it?” He glanced down at himself before his amused eyes came back up to her. “You know I am.” Her eyes twinkled. “Have you ever had heart sex before?”

Intoxicated by her every move and the delectable feel of her warm body in his arms, Romeo shook his head and barely mouthed the word ‘no’.

Juliet let go of the towel she was holding around their bodies and it dropped to the floor. “Then take my hand, sir, and come with me.” She extended her hand out to him and he gently took it, and she led him out of the bathroom into her bedroom. Pressing her open lips to his again, she then gently pushed him backwards onto the bed against the pillows at the same time. “Lie down here and I’ll be right back,” she instructed as she pulled away.

Captivated, Romeo did as he was told and he watched her disappear out of the room. Within seconds, she was back and carrying what looked like a tube of lipstick. Slowly, she uncorked it and swiveled it upwards, revealing its pale pink color.

“What’s that for?” he asked, his eyes never leaving hers.

Juliet smiled as she came to kneel on the bed beside his naked form. “Pink is the color of love,” she said, “…and deep inside your chest, right about here…,” she took her lipstick and drew a small ‘x’ in the center of his well-muscled chest with it, “…is a glorious cave called The Cave of the Heart. It’s where your true heart resides and it’s where your love for me lives.” She handed him the tube of lipstick. “Your turn; now you draw an ‘x’ on my chest where my Cave of the Heart is.”

After gingerly drawing the ‘x’ on her as she’d told him to, Romeo handed the lipstick back to Juliet. “Okay, now what?” he smirked, enjoying her little game a lot.

“Now, ‘x’ marks the spot.” She gave him a slow, secret smile. “So, imagine a pink string of love connecting my ‘x’…,” she pointed to the centre of her chest, “… to yours.” Gently, her finger touched the centre of his. “Know that this magical string connects us forever,” she revealed and she bent forward, grazing her lips to his in a whisper of a kiss, allowing their souls to mingle as they exchanged breaths. His lips were soft and tender as he followed the gentle tempo she was setting, and Juliet knew he was signaling to her that whatever she wanted to do was fine by him. She was in control. Silently, she pulled her dreamy lips off of his.

“God, I never want to stop kissing you,” he rasped, as he reluctantly let her go, but not before quickly brushing his lips to her brow. “Okay, what’s next, teacher?”

“What’s next is that you lie back and close your eyes…” she waited until he did what he was told before continuing, “… and then imagine yourself deep inside that cave where it’s soft and safe and warm and filled with pale, pink, sparkling light, and where you connect to me. Are you in there yet?” she laughed softly.

Romeo impishly opened one eye. “I’d rather be in you,” he said wickedly.

“I think that can be arranged, but first just humor me with my little game, Mr. Boyd. I promise you, you won’t regret it.” He shut both eyes again. “Okay, okay, they’re closed and I’m obeying all forthcoming orders, master.”

“Good. Now stay centered in that spot, connect to me and just experience whatever I’m going to do to you.” Romeo had no idea what she was up to, but whatever it was, it sounded promising. Just as that thought flitted across his mind, he suddenly felt her nearness as she brought her face an inch away from his. He felt a gentle tickling against his right cheek, like a soft feather fluttering against his skin and a shot of intense pleasure traveled from the top of his head to his toes and radiated outwards. He literally felt like he’d been plugged into an electrical socket and received a jolt of divine ecstasy making him feel more alive than he’d ever felt in his life before. His eyes flew open and he saw that she was so close, almost touching his face with hers, and she was batting her long eyelashes against his cheek, brushing them quickly back and forth on his skin in a fluttering motion.

“What - what are you doing?” he barely choked out, as the exquisite sensations kept coursing throughout his body.

Juliet stopped then and gave him a barely-there kiss on his lips before smiling up at him. “They’re called butterfly kisses and they mean I love you,” she whispered. “Now close your eyes again, stay inside your cave and let me work my magic.” Romeo immediately shut his eyes tight and grinned. “You have my permission to proceed with your work, wife.” At the first sensation of the gentle fluttering against his cheek again, Romeo gasped at the thrilling shock wave that went through his body. And then he felt the flickering of her lashes travel downwards onto his neck, down to his chest and ever so slowly further down across his flat stomach and onto his thigh, before suddenly landing on his erect penis.

God, Juliet…
,” the words exploded out of his mouth, as he felt her eyelashes flutter as gentle as a butterfly’s wings across the full length of him.

The electrical vibrations fanned through him - wave after wave - and the exquisiteness was almost unbearable. He groaned out loud.

Suddenly, he felt her tongue touch the tip of his penis while her hand snaked around it. Romeo gasped, his eyes flew open and he looked down at her. She was kneeling beside his thighs on the bed and he watched as she flicked her tongue back and forth around his fully aroused manhood before swallowing him up. He moaned again then and threw his head back against the headboard while his whole body stiffened with bliss and all of his thought processes stopped.

“Stay inside your cave,” he heard Juliet mutter, before her mouth swallowed him up again. And then he felt her tongue begin to work her magic from the top of his shaft downwards and back up again, interspersed with flicks as if she was licking an ice cream cone. His hands clenched at his sides in ecstasy and another groan escaped his lips. And then when he felt her sucking in the sides of her cheeks against him, he couldn’t hold out any longer and he released. It was at that point that he experienced a burst of liquid fire shoot out from the centre of his chest, engulfing his entire body with a climax so strong like he’d never experienced in his life before, making him feel at one with everything. He was left breathless and spent.

As he came back down to earth, he sensed Juliet move to lie beside him, wrapping her arms around him. He opened his eyes and she smiled up at him. “Sleep now, my Romeo.”

And he did just that, surrendering completely to the warmth and love of his wife who was cradled beside him.

~ ~ ~

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