Whole Health (33 page)

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Authors: Dr. Mark Mincolla

BOOK: Whole Health
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Finally, to demonstrate the healing that just took place, the practitioner must once gain call out the previously discovered blockages while testing the muscle strength of the subject. You will find a very strong response this time, indicating the energy clearance. Ask how long the clearance will last and muscle test the responses for one day, one week, one month, one year, ten years, 100 years, an eternity. It always results in eternal clearance.


The word
refers to a resurfacing of a characteristic in an organism after generations of being absent. Atavisms are genetic mechanisms. They suggest that, no matter how hard we may try to escape our inherited characteristics, they are at some level bound and destined to surface through our map of mechanisms. I believe emotions are atavistic in the sense that they represent tendencies from our gene map, tendencies that are likely to surface and resurface over and over.

The most disabling of all blockages to the human spirit are those negative emotional tendencies that haunt us unceasingly. They seem to be a reflection of our core self—a part of who we are. In order for us to transcend our emotional atavisms, we must channel their core energy through the most powerful energy incinerator that we have—our heart fire. Before we do so, we must first empower our heart fire by accepting full responsibility for the blockage.

Many mistakenly insist on blaming their deepest, indelible emotional perturbations on some “other.” All emotional disturbances become channeled by our atavistic tendencies into the storehouse of the unconscious mind. There, they take control over us as we infuse them with emotion, neurology, and repetition. The power of the emotional atavism lies within the unconscious mind. The limiting blockages that were likely triggered by people, places, and things beyond our control end up becoming our unconscious, self-limiting blockages. It is only due to our own unconscious repetition and neuroemotional infusion that they grow into spirit-disabling monsters in our minds.

As the literal translation suggests, atavisms are mechanistic. Our deepest emotional disturbances make connections with our cells, molecules, and DNA. To invoke healing through such a complex matrix, we must reach beyond our material mechanisms into the atomic and subatomic realms of our most powerful energy field. We must trump the power of the brain and its connection to the subconscious mind.

The heart generates five times more electrical energy than the brain, and sixty times more electromagnetic energy than the brain. Every single one of our 100 trillion cells is energetically aligned with the heart's electromagnetic field. Where the negative emotional brain (amygdala/hippocampus/right prefrontal cortex) is wired to the unconscious mind, the positive emotional brain (left prefrontal cortex) is wired to the superconscious mind. The positive emotional brain and superconscious mind are where the heart fire is generated. The heart fire represents our miracle potential. Only through the heart fire can we burn away our deepest emotional disturbances.

Ironically, many people get nervous at the suggestion that they can delete a negative, lifelong emotional stigma. They often discover a distorted attachment to the very emotion they are most desperate to cleanse. This reveals the power of emotional atavisms.
Though negative, they become familiar spirits. For some, they may be the only remaining attachment to very powerful memories. Emotional atavisms often find ways to attach to those people, places, and things that generate the most compelling energy in our negative emotional brain and unconscious mind. They may drain us of our power, but they generate a compelling force.

Clearing the Shen with Heart Fire can be performed without the assistance of a practitioner. As with all Whole Health energy healing protocols, begin this exercise by ensuring that you will have undisturbed quiet for a good fifteen minutes or so. Then, exactly like the HeartMath heart entrainment exercise, you must begin by taking three deep breaths, and envisioning them as being drawn into the heart rather than the lungs. With eyes closed and both hands placed open and over the heart, visualize a fire of white healing light blazing in your heart. This is the healing flame that burns off any negative blockages that may stand in the way of the spirit's highest possible ascension to a state of pure joy. Take a few moments to build and empower the healing fire. Now picture yourself drawing all past emotional disturbances in the fire. It is not necessary to recall any specific incidents. As with most energy-healing protocols, it is more about the power of intention than it is about any details or recalling of events. Take several minutes to feed your fire with only two key intentions in mind.

Your first primary intention is to be determined to burn off any and all energies that block your spirit from joy. The second is to impose an intention of closure. You must be determined to finish what you've set out to do. When tapped into with sufficient focus and concentration, your superconscious mind has more than enough power to clear your Shen from these blockages permanently. When it comes to any healing release, you must believe in your power of closure!

Continue for several minutes and then gently open your eyes. Keep your mind quiet and clear for another few moments as you
gradually move back into the flow of your day. As you do so, know that you have permanently cleared your spirit of any blockages to attaining joy. Also, keep in mind that while you may have cleared past blockages, you will have to keep up with day-to-day emotional accumulations. Therefore, it is important to practice Clear the Shen with Heart Fire at least once a month.


The main purpose of balancing one's energy is to heal the body, mind, and spirit. The key to healing the spirit is increasing the internal energy. The simplest exercise for increasing the internal energy and instantly bringing calm to the spirit is by Merging Shen with Wood. Gently place the tip of both your middle fingers (Pericardium 9) on the neck just behind and below both ears (Gallbladder 20). Bow your head slightly and leave the fingers there in place for three minutes. Close your eyes and envision yourself
transmitting healing energy to your innermost spirit and mind. This will increase the flow of energy to your internal being, gently uplifting your spirit energy and bringing you peace.

Merging Shen with Wood


Once the Shen blockages from the past are cleared, it is important to keep one's spirit clear moving forward. We must remember that energy is accumulative, and that we are both conduits
collectors of energy. With every passing day we encounter potentially powerful life-changing experiences. Such experiences are capable of initiating new patterns of dis-ease that create Shen blockages. Whole Health has developed brain reprogramming, mind-changing systems for keeping the Shen clear as you move forward.

The spirit can only be kept clear if the energy that is presented to the cardiac intrinsic ganglia is positive. To keep clear, one has to remain positive. The signal from the heart's little brain to the amygdale, hippocampus, central nervous system, and unconscious mind has to be recorded as a positive entrainment signal in order for the spirit to remain unblocked.


We now find ourselves caught in the crosscurrent between old and new paradigms. Everywhere around and deep within us there is great turbulence. It's as if our new identity was moving forward, even as our former identity was moving backward, and all at warp speed. We are in the midst of an identity crisis of epic proportions. During this time of great metamorphosis, many are finding their unconscious thoughts and emotions increasingly difficult to manage. The stresses associated with such a transformational shift continue to bring great pressure to bear on our most subtle, internal intricacies. The transmutations within our deepest thoughts and emotions are also producing radical changes regarding our deeper needs. Much of that which nurtured and healed us a mere decade ago simply no longer can.

Everything is reforming—everything—including who we are, how we are, and how we heal, as the current health care system struggles to facilitate the kind of body, mind, and spirit wholeness we now require.

As our consciousness expands, we are becoming increasingly more sensitive. Our evolving sensitivities demand new strategies to support our nurturance and healing in ways more attuned to our changing needs. And while new systems to meet our deeper needs are evolving, we continue to wade through the powerful crosscurrent of shifting paradigms. Our transformational growth is thrusting forward even as our most fundamental systems continue to lag behind. This is especially true in the food and health care industries.

Today, our foods are genetically modified—fat, sugar, pesticide, and additive-laden beyond recognition. Up to 80 percent of the prepackaged foods on our grocery shelves are banned in most other countries. Many of our most common foods contain extremely toxic, carcinogenic chemicals like bisphenol A, bromates, phthalates, bovine growth hormone, and vinyl chloride. In fact, much of our food is now so denatured that it actually has the power to cause and/or mimic disease. Our medicines are even more harmful.

Our current health care establishment is still driven by a pharmaceutical model that insists on producing remedies so noxious that they are often far worse than the conditions they are prescribed for. You can learn everything you need to know about the disturbing truth regarding our medicines by simply listening to the side effects and contraindications narrative at the conclusion of any pharmaceutical television commercial. Once the solution to our ills, our food and medicine have now become the problem. Thankfully, the fading toxic food and medicine paradigm is gradually giving way to a new holistic archetype.

When biotech pioneer Leroy Hood first coined the term
P4 medicine
shortly after the turn of the new millennium, the new paradigm in health care was born. P4 is a revolutionary concept that stands for predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory medicine. Unlike the fading health care paradigm, where the system sought to manage the patient's disease, P4 medicine focuses on the patient's management of their own health through diet, nutritional supplementation, exercise, and mind/body strategies.

Whole Health is an energy-based, P4 holistic health care system for the twenty-first century. Its aim is to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to administer their own health care with safe, effective, time-tested strategies. Its primary healing agents are clean, natural foods, nutritional supplements, and energy medicine protocols. Its strategy is based on personalized, participatory disease prevention, with a focus on tuning into the causal roots of disease patterns.
Whole Health
empowers its readers with a “how-to” participatory approach to holistic nutrition and energy medicine.

The Whole Health Healing System is the culmination of my three decades of dedication to the art of natural healing. It is my heartfelt intention to gift all that I have learned through the vehicles of this book and system, for which it is named, to an ever-deserving world.


Whole Health Materia Medica Index


World Organics Triple Strength Chlorophyll (100 mg capsules): 2 capsules 3 times per day with water on empty stomach

Baking soda:
teaspoon in 3 ounces water before bed

Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate Powder: 1 teaspoon in 4 ounces water before bed


Nordic Naturals DHA (500 mg capsules): 1 capsule 2 times per day on empty stomach

Vitamin D (1,500 units, capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Solgar VM 75 Multivitamin: 1 with breakfast

Protein at breakfast

Increase egg whites, fish, and beans in the diet

Test for food reactions


Pantothenic Acid (500 mg tablets): 1 tablet 3 times per day with food

New Chapter Holy Basil (800 mg capsules): 1 capsule 3 times per day on empty stomach

Homeopathic Nux Vomica (pellets 30c potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach

Bach Flower Remedies Hornbeam (drops): dissolve 3 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach


BioAllers Allergy Tincture (drops): dissolve 10 drops under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach

Quercetin (500 mg tablets): 1 tablet 3 times per day with food

Vitamin C Complex (1,000 mg tablets): 2 tablets with meals—6 total

Test for food reactions


EGCG Max brand epigallicatechin gallate (700 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Nordic Naturals DHA (450 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Vinpocetine (10 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach


Methyl B
(1,000 mcg chewable tablet): 1 tablet per day with food

Dessicated Liver Tabs (700 mg tablets): 6 tablets per day with food

Yellow Dock Root Tea: 2 cups per day

Liquid Chlorophyll: 2 tablespoons in 6 ounces water 3 times daily


Jarrow Formulas Q Absorb (200 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Jarrow Formulas Ribose (powder): 2 scoops in water per day on empty stomach

Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate (powder): 2 teaspoons per day in water

Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Fish Oil (1,000 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day with food


Oreganol (drops): 10 drops 3 times per day after meals

Goldenseal (tincture): 25 drops 3 times per day on empty stomach

Monolaurin (600 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

Colloidal Silver (drops): 6 drops 3 times per day on empty stomach


Zyflamend (capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

Wobenzyme (capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Fish Oil (1,000 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day with food

Turmeric: to spice food

Rosemary Tea: 2 cups per day


(See Cancer)


Kava Kava (herbal tincture): 25 drops 3 times per day on empty stomach

Passion Flower (500 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

L-Theanine (100 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate (powder): 1 teaspoon in 4 ounces water before bed


ReserveAge Resveratrol (500 mg capsules): 1 capsule per day with food

Now brand Indole 3-carbinol (200 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Physician's Formula Chrysin (500 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach


Serrapeptase (40,000 units, capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Jarrow Formulas MK-7 (90 mcg—capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Lewis Labs Lecithin Granules: 3 tablespoons per day in beverage


Country Life MSM/GS Complex (tablets): 3 tablets per day on empty stomach

Vitamin D (1,500 units, capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Bromelain (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules midmorning and 2 capsules midafternoon on empty stomach

Homeopathic Bryonia Alba (pellets, 6X potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach


L-Cysteine (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Lobelia (tincture): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach

Marshmallow Root (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules on empty stomach twice per day

Mullein Tea: 2 cups per day


Magnesium Taurate (125 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day with food

Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate: 1 teaspoon in 4 ounces water before bed

Ashwagandha (450 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Planetary Herbs Triphala (500 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Jarrow Formulas Q Absorb (capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Fish Oil (1,000 mg capsules): 2 capsules 2 times per day with food

Now Grape Seed Extract (60 mg capsules): 2 capsules 2 times per day on empty stomach


Cilantro (tincture): 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach

L-Carnosine (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Vitamin D (1,500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day with food

Vitamin B
Methylcobalamin (pellets): 5,000 mcg per day with food


Dairy-free diet

Gluten-free diet


Cranberry (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules twice per day on empty stomach

Eupatorium Purpureum
(pellets, 6X potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach

Homeopathic Cantharis (pellets, 6X potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach

Vitamin C Complex (1,000 mg tablets): 2 tablets every 2 hours (total of 10,000 mg)


Homeopathic Cantharis (pellets, 6X potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach

Carno-See (drops): as directed

Colloidal Silver (drops): dissolve 2 drops in each eye 2 times per day


(See Anemia)


Dr. Michael Murray's ACE Peptide (500 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach

Folic Acid (400 mcg capsules): 3 per day with food

Hawthorn Berry (tincture): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach

Magnesium Taurate (125 mg capsules): 4 per day with food

Now Grape Seed Extract (60 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

Celery Root (tincture, with 3nB): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach


Celtic Sea Salt: a pinch with each major meal

Indian Spikenard (tincture): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day

Vitamin E (Gamma) (400 units, capsules): 3 capsules per day with food

Korean Ginseng Tea: 2 cups per day


Cinnamon (500 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

Bitter Melon Tea: 2 cups per day


Solgar Chromium GTF (200 mcg capsules): 1 capsule after meals

L-Glutamine (500 mg capsules): 1 capsule midmorning and 1 midafternoon on empty stomach

B 50 Complex (tablets): 1 capsule with each major meal—3 total per day

Zinc Chelate (25 mg tablets): 1 tablet per day with food


(See Anti-Inflammatories)


Garden of Life Bone Grow System: as directed

Jarrow Formulas Jarrowsil (drops): dissolve 6 drops in water 3 times per day after meals

World Organics Triple Strength Chlorophyll (100 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach


Evening Primrose Oil (300 mg capsules): 1 per day on empty stomach

Chasteberry Herb (tincture): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach

Raspberry Leaf Tea: 2 cups per day

Calendula Oil: as needed for topical rub


N-Acetyl-Cysteine (500 mg capsules): 2 per day on empty stomach

Myrrh (tincture): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach

Mullein Tea: 2 cups per day

Thuja Occidentalis
(pellets, 6X potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach


(The three most absorbable—choose one):

Garden of Life Bone Grow System: as directed on label

BioCalth (300 mg capsules): 1 capsule 3 times per day on empty stomach

Advacal (500 mg capsules): 2 per day on empty stomach

: (

Serrapeptase (40,000 units, capsules): 1 capsule twice daily on empty stomach

Bromelain (500 mg capsules): 1 capsule twice daily on empty stomach

Jarrow MK-7 (90 mcg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Lewis Labs Lecithin Granules: 3 tablespoons per day in beverage


Sugar-free diet

Fermentation-free diet

Avoid yeast, vinegar, nuts, melons, mushrooms, aged cheeses, beer, wine, and champagne

World Organics Triple Strength Chlorophyll (100 mg capsules): 2 capsules 3 times per day on empty stomach

Baking soda:
teaspoon in 3 ounces water before bed

Nature's Sunshine Cell Reg (Paw Paw Herb) (12.5 mg capsules): 1 capsule per day with food

Lemongrass Tea: 2 cups per day

Jarrow Formulas IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) (615 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day with food

Amazing Herbs Black Cumin Seed Oil (500 mg capsules): 4 capsules per day on empty stomach

Turmeric: spice with food

ProFibe Fruit Pectin Powder: 2 scoops in beverage per day on empty stomach

Cardiovascular Research Ellagic Acid (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Planetary Herbals Triphala (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach


Solgar Caprylic Acid (tablets): 1 tablet with meals—3 total

Pau D'arco (capsules): 2 capsules 2 times per day on empty stomach

Jarrow Formulas EPS (capsules): 2 capsules 2 times per day on empty stomach

Grapefruit Seed Extract (drops): dissolve 6 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day with food

Avoid all processed sugars and fermented foods


L-Carnosine (500 mg tablets): 4 tablets per day on empty stomach

Carno-See (drops): as directed

Vitamin D (1,500 units, capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach


Jarrow Formulas GPLC (Glyco-Carnitine) (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Jarrow Formulas Pantethine (450 mg): 3 per day with food

Garlicin 4000 (capsules): 1 capsule per day on empty stomach

Red Rice Yeast (500 mg capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Fish Oil (1,000 mg capsules): 2 capsules 3 times per day with food


Vitamin E (Gamma) (400 units, capsules): 2 capsules per day with food

Lewis Labs Lecithin Granules: 3 tablespoons per day in beverage

Now Grape Seed Extract (60 mg capsules): 3 capsules per day on empty stomach


(See Virus)


L-Lysine Ointment: applied topically as directed

L-Lysine (1,000 mg tablets): 1 tablet 2 times per day on empty stomach

Lemon Balm (tincture): dissolve 25 drops in 3 ounces water 3 times per day on empty stomach

Ecological Formulas Monolaurin (600 mg capsules): 2 capsules with meals—4 total per day


Homeopathic Pulsatilla (pellets, 6X potency): crush and dissolve 2 pellets in warm water and take 2 times per day on empty stomach

Avoid dairy, and drink soy/substitute Meyenberg's Goat's Milk Formula, or Biotics Nutri-Clear Rice Formula


Jarrow Formulas EPS (Probiotics) (capsules): 2 capsules per day on empty stomach

Nature Most Multi Enzyme (tablets): 1 tablet with breakfast and 1 tablet with lunch

Folic Acid (400 mcg tablets): 2 tablets per day with food

(Methylcobalamin) (1,000 mg tablets): 2 tablets per day with food

Homeopathic Ipecac (pellets, 30X potency): dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times per day on empty stomach


Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate (powder): 1 teaspoon in 4 ounces water before bed

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