WHO FOLLOWS: a gripping, dramatic, intense and suspenseful thriller (11 page)

BOOK: WHO FOLLOWS: a gripping, dramatic, intense and suspenseful thriller
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Chapter 42

I have lost her, the water has reached above my thighs. I can’t see her anymore. I don’t want to stand on her, I can’t bear the thought of her body under my feet. The small bones, her fingers and her toes had fallen away and the mud swallowed them. It is hideous down here and I’m afraid. There’s a roaring in my head and my eyes are stinging with grit and water.

Now, there is a light, it is blinding, sudden and searing. The shock sends me onto my back, into the mud and bones, I swallow foul liquid.

“Bloody hell fire, Hannah, keep still or you’ll have the whole thing in on top of you!”

“Sarge, Sarge – is that you?”

“Of course it’s me you daft sod. Christ the whole thing is going, give me your hand.”

I reach and stretch but it’s too far and too wet. I see him turn away. “Don’t, don’t leave me.”

“Hey, one of you sods, hold my legs.” Now he lies on the floor.

“Bill, don’t, you’ll fall in.”

“Shut up and give me your bloody hand.”

I reach and reach again, the grave pulls me back, my feet suck and sink deeper.

Now he has me, his fingers touch mine, they slip, we reach again. He grabs my wrist and pulls, my shoulders scream, “No, no don’t, my legs are stuck.” More hands reach for me, they grab my arms, dragging me away from where she lies. One last, huge pull and they have me free. Clods of earth cascade and cover her as she gives me up.

His coat is warm around my shoulders, it’s ruined of course, “You’ll never get the mud out of this, Sir.” He shakes his head, his eyes gleam with moisture. “How did you find me?”

“The patrol saw your car. They’d logged it here before and so this time they ran the plates. Bloody pool car so they checked in to see what was going down. It’s logged to us so it came through to me. You shouldn’t have had the bloody car anyway, you were supposed to be signed off.”

“You saved me.”

“Yes I bloody did and you owe me.” His arms around my shoulders pull me closer as the flash of blue sparks in the trees.

“Come on, let’s get you into that ambulance. Let’s get you well again eh.”

“Yes please.” He helps me to my feet and we turn together to the half filled hollow. ”I found her though, didn’t I? I found Maria.”

“Yes, Hannah. It seems you did.”


The End

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