Read Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) Online

Authors: Erin Simone

Tags: #Erotica

Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) (25 page)

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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“I’ll stop that bitch with a stake through the heart.” Dane clenched his fists and his eyes flared with menace.

“Turning her to ash may be your only solution.” Ta’breyian gave a sharp nod. They were going to take her out. Jenny didn’t want Dane anywhere near that awful witch.

“I’m going to put an end to this once and for all. Dmitri, can you keep an eye on Jenny while I’m gone?”

She watched in disbelief as her mate prepared to leave without her.
Oh no you don’t.
“Wait a minute, you said ‘where you go I go’, remember?”

“This is different.”

“Really? How?” Was she the only one who saw the danger here? If they were linked then this bitch would know he was coming for her.

“I can’t take a chance with your life. It’s too dangerous.” He tried to ignore the question but she wasn’t letting it go.

“What about your life?” She scowled at him. “If Lucia is linked to me, she’d know if you were coming after her.”

“Jenny’s right. You can’t hunt Lucia, she’ll sense you before you get close enough to take her out. I’ll go. You should stay here with your mate,” Ta’breyian said.

“Be safe, my friend.” Dane nodded. Thank god he was seeing reason.

“I always am.” Ta’breyian disappeared.

“Dane, you and Jenny should stay with the pack. There is safety in numbers. We will set up patrols. If a Rogue sets foot on this land, they will die.” Dmitri was a good friend to Dane for offering to help.

“Thank you,” Dane replied.

Dmitri nodded, shifting into his wolf form. Jenny watched in amazement at how quickly they could transform.

Dane gathered their blood supply and quickly traced upstairs for a few changes of clothes.

“Are you ready?” He was on edge. Not that she blamed him. Things were heating up.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Then let’s go.”

Chapter Ten


Dane stared at the ceiling as Jenny lay draped across him. He slowly caressed her back, using a light touch to lull her to sleep. She had refused to sleep earlier even after he assured her she wouldn’t trace again. Luckily exhaustion won out, with the stress of the last twenty-four hours finally taking its toll.

He kissed her forehead, hugging her to him. The draw to her was like nothing he’d ever experienced in his long lifetime. Lucia’s words did hold some truth. Falling in love had never crossed his mind until Jenny came into the picture. There was a depth to this woman that he was now beginning to discover, like a Christmas present he couldn’t wait to finally unwrap. She made him happy, content. Maybe it was fate or some carnal instinct drawing him to her. He didn’t care anymore. Whatever it was, he wanted to be with her.
I’ll not let anyone come between us, ever.

Jenny shifted, causing her sex to rub against his semi-hard erection. She let out a soft moan of pleasure.
Is she dreaming?
Her warm curves felt like heaven against him and his cock stirred to life.

“Jenny…” He kissed her ear as he whispered her name.

She mumbled something as she continued to grind against his swollen length. “Dane, please…”

He lifted up to watch as she began to kiss her way down his chest, biting and nipping as she went. Her actions amused him.
My female is taking charge. I like it.
“Please what?”

She didn’t answer. Instead she fisted his shaft and covered it with her warm mouth. Dane fell back against the pillow with a groan. All his muscles seized at the intense pleasure.

She licked the tip, running her tongue over the slit. Dane clenched his teeth as she sucked him into her mouth.

“Ah…yes, baby.” He fisted her hair as her fangs slightly grazed his shaft, the sensation driving his passion higher.

She continued to play, taking him to the back of her throat while her tongue moved over his straining length. His cock hardened, pulsing like it had a heartbeat of its own. She paused, tracing the vein that ran along the length. He hissed when the tips of her fangs sank into the side of his erection.

“Sweet Jeezus…” His eyes rolled back as she began to suck him.

His back bowed from the intense climax that spread through him like fire. She held on to his hips and continued to feed while he shuddered and quaked. It was hard to remain still but he did his best to let her finish. After a few minutes, he cupped her cheeks and she gently released him.

“What a nice surprise.” He managed to get the words out. Her lips were crimson red and sexy as hell. “Jenny, are you awake?” Her eyes darted back and forth beneath her lids.
She’s still asleep.
It was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced with a female.
Is she even aware how much pleasure she’s given me?
Maybe her need to feed was playing out in her subconscious. He chuckled to himself and gently placed her on her back.

“My turn.” He was still impossibly hard and the scent of her arousal further drove his need to finish what she’d begun. He slowly licked her nipple, causing it to pearl beneath his lips. “You are so beautiful.”

She let out a sigh of pleasure and arched into his mouth. He rose above her and slid down the bed, his thumbs continuing to play as he kissed his way to her blonde curls. He pushed her legs apart and buried his tongue between her slick folds. His nostrils flared and his fangs extended when he tasted her essence. Her moans of pleasure vibrated through him as he speared her with his tongue. Her pussy was wet and her blood called to him. He groaned after the first lick, her taste rippling through him.

He slid the tip of his tongue upward, capturing her swollen clit.

“Yes…” She rolled her hips.

He slipped two fingers inside her pink folds and bit down. She jerked sharply, convulsing as blood flowed down his throat. He laved at the hard nub as he drank her sweet nectar, enjoying the sounds she made in response. She tasted like heaven and he wanted more, but not wanting to weaken her by drinking too much blood, he withdrew his fangs.

But still desire overwhelmed him. He lifted up, positioned his straining length at her entrance and drove inside her channel with a powerful thrust that caused her to cry out. His hunger intensified. There was only sensation. He plunged in and out, driven by a desire to be close to this woman as if they were one. His cock ached with the need to fill her with his seed.

When he could last no longer, he sank his fangs into the side of her neck and climaxed again. Another cry escaped Jenny’s lips. Her nails scored his back. Pleasure and pain combined as her pussy contracted and released over and over again in an erotic wave. Intense hunger claimed him as instinct took over and he continued to feed.

Control, I have to stop.
He ground against her one last time and finally stilled.

He shifted slightly to take his weight off her and noticed she was still asleep. “How did you sleep through that, baby?” He nuzzled her cheek with his own and drew her against his chest.


Jenny wanted to scream at the invasion in her mind. She could sense Dane but her body and mind were not her own.
What is happening to me?
She had no control of her extremities. She tried to move her limbs but they remained frozen in place. She screamed but no sound escaped her lips. Whoever had taken her over was strong.

You will do as I say. Go to sleep.
A woman’s voice tried to lull her into compliance.

Jenny was stunned at the familiar voice inside her head.

Smart girl. Now go back to sleep or watch, your choice. But tonight Dane is mine and when you wake, you’ll have no recollection of these events.

You can’t—stop!
Lucia had taken over somehow. What Jenny experienced next filled her with humiliation and pain.
Dane, please stop, it’s not me.

Revulsion swept over her as she was forced to watch Lucia take her mate’s shaft in her mouth and begin to play before she bit down to drink his blood. Jenny wanted to scream with fury because she was at the mercy of this bitch.

Why can’t he tell the difference? I never would’ve bitten him down there. I need to wake up.

She continued to push back, refusing to give in to the urge to sleep. Fighting for control was not easy when she heard Dane’s groans of pleasure. The idea that Lucia brought him to release made her want to vomit.

Her rage over being violated in such a personal way finally forced Lucia out and she disappeared. Slowly sensation in her limbs started to return.

Jenny’s eyes flew open and she sat up and screamed, “Let go!” She clawed at Dane’s arm, pushing him away, and scrambled off the bed.
How could he?

“What’s the matter?” He jumped out of bed after her.

“Stay away from me!” Her fingers curled into fists and she backed away. She was pissed. Couldn’t he sense something wasn’t right, or was he so caught up in fucking lust that his lower half canceled out all other instincts?
He probably enjoyed fucking that whore.

“Why? I don’t understand.” He regarded her with a hurt expression, bewilderment clearly etched across his handsome features.

“You mean to tell me you couldn’t tell something was off?”

“Maybe if you told me what the fuck I did to make you angry, I might. But right now I haven’t got a clue.”

“I need a shower.” She ran for the bathroom and slammed the door. Her skin crawled and she wanted to wash the remnants of his lovemaking with that other woman away. If only she could remove the memory of that dark invasion too. She twisted the nozzle with trembling fingers and stepped into the steamy flow. Lifting her chin, she closed her eyes and let the water run down her face.

Dane entered the shower, his hulking frame surrounding her. “What the hell is going on with you?”

“I can’t talk to you right now. Go away.” Hot tears slid down her face.

He seized her shoulders and spun her around. “Tell me.”

“I’m not cut out for this life.” She pushed him away and slid down the wall.

“You’re scaring me. Please, I don’t understand what’s happened.” He sank to his knees. There was utter alarm in his voice.

“I don’t even know where to begin.” How could she explain to him what had happened to her? He couldn’t keep her safe from this woman.

The water shut off and in the next instant two powerful arms scooped her up.

He carried her over to the bed and sat her on it then knelt in front of her. “Start at the beginning. Why are you so upset? Did I hurt you when we made love? Tell me, damn it.”

“You weren’t m-making love to me.” Her voice caught.

“Of course I was making love to you.”

“Lucia took over my mind. I tried to fight her off but she was too strong. Couldn’t you tell the difference?”

“You mean she possessed your body? I don’t understand.”

“That’s one way to describe it. I was asleep and a strange sensation came over me. I couldn’t move my limbs or speak. Lucia told me to sleep but I refused. I-I watched you make love to her with my body.” She pulled away.

He let out a slow hiss. “That bitch.”

“Whatever. I saw how aroused she made you so don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it.”

“You don’t honestly believe I’d find pleasure in another woman—I assumed it was you.”

“I’m going to be sick.” She doubled over and wretched but nothing came out.

“Baby, I didn’t know, I swear to you…” He gently rubbed her back.

“I can’t bear your touch right now.” She flinched.


Dane couldn’t believe it. Why hadn’t he noticed the difference, especially when she bit him down there? Only an experienced vampire would know how to do that without causing damage or pain.
I’m such an idiot.
The knowledge that Lucia had violated them both in such a personal and intimate way filled him with rage.

“She tricked me. I’d never betray you like that.” He had to fix this but how?

“I’ll never be able to get those images out of my mind.” She broke into another sob.

“I love you, baby. There’s no one I desire more than you.”

“Obviously that’s not true. You responded to her. Not me.” She wouldn’t listen. Why?

“How can I fix this? I’m sorry.” What else could he say? It wasn’t his fault but he’d take all the blame if it helped.

“I’m weak, I have no control. Lucia walked right in and took over. Every time I fall asleep, something bad happens.”

“I’ll find a way to stop her, I swear to you.”

“I need some space.” She tried to get up.

“Don’t do this.” He clutched her chin and forcefully covered her mouth.

“Stop it!” She drew back and slapped him across the face.

“No. I’ll not let her ruin what we have between us.” He seized her wrist, shocked that she’d struck him.

“Too late.” Her words stung him more than the slap did. He was a victim in this mess too though he’d never admit that to her.

“She doesn’t have my heart, you do. She tricked us both. But it won’t happen again.” He was at a loss for words.

“You’re damn right it won’t. Now get off me.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Did she plan to not ever have sex with him again over this?

“You’re bright. Figure it out.”

“This isn’t my fault!” Fear of losing her made him finally lose his temper. It wasn’t fair of her to treat him like this. He didn’t knowingly betray her.

“Jenny, is everything okay?” He heard Ivanna outside their door. She had seriously bad timing. It wasn’t as if he were hurting Jenny. They were having a fight. Why couldn’t she mind her own business?

“We’re fine, go away.”

“I need space. Give it to me.”

He released her and she flew off the bed, threw on some clothes and went to the door.

“Why are you and Dane fighting?” Ivanna shot Dane an angry glare.

“Ask her, because I haven’t got a clue what I did wrong.” He shook his head angrily.

“Okay…” Ivanna’s gaze traveled between the two of them, her expression confused.

“Right, you’re innocent.” Jenny’s response was sarcastic. He was beginning to agree that maybe some time away might help her calm down.

“Come, Jenny, we’ll talk.” Ivanna put her arm around Jenny and led his mate away.

I’m going to kill you, Lucia. Do you hear me, you fucking witch? Your death will be my greatest pleasure.
He balled his fists, wanting to hit something.

Oh, but it was so worth the effort…

Dream on, Lucia. I’ll never be yours. I was thinking of Jenny. Not you.

It wasn’t her touch you enjoyed this night. It was mine. And we both know you enjoyed what you experienced with me as much as I did.
He heard her laugh inside his mind.

Dane let out an anguished roar. He had enjoyed it but not on purpose. Lucia had tricked him into betraying his mate. He flew off the bed to get dressed. She was close by. He sensed it.

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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