When To Let Go (12 page)

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Authors: J.M. Sevilla

BOOK: When To Let Go
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Dakota lightly shoved her shoulder, “Not like that silly. I figured since we’re best friends now we'll be spending so much time together that that will include him too. And you couldn't blame me for looking.”

She couldn't; it would be impossible not to.

A girl next to them joined in, “Are you talking about Wesley Baxter?”

“Yup,” Dakota smacked her lips, tucking the gloss back in.

“There's a bet going on who will be the first girl to lick them this year.”

Ava's mouth dropped open.

Dakota stepped into the girl's space, “You do realize this is his girlfriend?” She pointed at Ava.

The girl didn't even glance Ava’s way, “So?”

Ava didn't understand how girls could be so cruel to each other. She had to hold in a strong urge to put out her palm for the bet money, declaring she had already won.

,” Dakota sneered, “have some fucking respect. He's taken. And not to be a bitch, but size two with A cups isn't going to attract anybody.”

The girl's only response was to leave in a huff, the bathroom door swinging behind her.

“Thanks,” Ava told Dakota, grateful to her for coming to her defense.

“Don't mention it,” she responded over her shoulder, “No way could I let the skanks at this school try to think they could steal my best friend's boyfriend.”

On their way back, Dakota pointed out which girls she thought looked hideous or tried too hard. Ava wasn’t listening, busy watching Maggie and Xavier have a good time on the dance floor, a crowd of people watching them dance together. When they weren’t competing (a rare moment) they worked well together, doubling each other's charisma.

“Those two make a cute couple,” Dakota commented, noticing where Ava was focusing her attention.

“They do,” Ava agreed. She’d always hoped they'd get together; they were perfect for each other.

By the time they got back to their table the only people left not dancing were Wesley and Bradley. Wes was standing with his arms crossed, that dark, brooding look back on his features, locked on Ava as though he was angry with her.

“Let's dance,” he sneered, taking her hand and striding over to the dance floor where a slow song had come on.

He tucked her tightly into an arm, the other holding her hand against his chest, and rested his chin on top of her head. His muscles were tight and the vibe he was letting out had Ava too afraid to find out what was bothering him.

Halfway through the song his mouth began kissing along her neck, stopping at the end of her collar bone. His tongue and lips sucked, pebbling her flesh. He sucked in harder, making her gasp both in pleasure and pain. Once he made his way to her mouth they attached in a rough, savage collision.

“Jesus,” Violet spoke up next to them, “This is a school dance, not a private bedroom.”

Ava flushed, hiding her face in Wes’s chest, embarrassed, knowing half the school had probably seen them.

After continuing through the following slow song they went back to their table, Wes leaving her to go get them something to drink, getting stopped by everyone along the way.

Violet came crashing down into the chair next to Ava, having danced hard to the last upbeat song. She was glowing, obviously having a great time.

Violet sat up, leaning over to examine Ava’s neck, “I can't believe my stupid brother. He marked you like some territorial caveman bullshit.”

Ava's hand went to the spot he had sucked hard on, tender to the touch, “Does it show?”

Violet winced in sympathy, hesitant to respond, “Yeah, it's pretty bad.”

Ava jumped up, hurrying to the bathroom.

She couldn't believe what she saw. Wes had marked her with the fattest hickey she had ever seen. Parker would flip out when he saw it. What the hell was Wes thinking?

Frustrated, she headed to the food table to find him. He wasn't there. A quick glance at their table said he wasn’t there either. She scanned the gym, easily spotting him as his height towered over everyone. Her stomach dropped at the sight of him slow dancing with Dakota, who had him grinning and laughing, his earlier brooding gone.

“Don't,” Xavier said, coming up behind her.

“Don't what?” The words came out in a whisper.

“Get jealous.”

“I'm no–” she started protesting, but he cut her off.

“It's written all over your face.”

Ava didn't doubt it. Her face always gave her away.

“She asked him,” Xavier explained. “He told her no, but somehow she got him out there anyway.”

Her insides churned at the way she was pressing her body into his, resting a hand on his chest, following the seam of his buttons, peering up at him through her thick eyelashes, blushing over something she was telling him.

“You've had him whipped since he was eight years old,” Xavier teased. “He's never even noticed other girls exist, and believe me, they've tried.”

Ava knew he was only trying to help ease her mind, but now she had a mental picture of the whole school competing for his attention.

“You’re going to have to toughen up if you want to survive basketball season.”

Ava swallowed, knowing tryouts were next month, signifying the start of the season.

The song ended and Wesley pushed Dakota away, searching, stopping when he spotted her.

A smile lit up his face. He came straight for her, oblivious to the people who moved out of his way so he could get to her. Entwining their hands, he jerked his head towards the back exit, “Let's go to the car and make out until it's over.”

She eagerly agreed, adding in a warning as sternly as she could, “No more marks.”

He grinned at his work, never accepting her terms, having Ava forgetting it in seconds once he had her in the backseat, hiking up her dress, grinding himself against her, having her want to forget the after party and go straight to the part of the night where they had sex for the first time. It was getting to the point that she might explode if they didn't take that next step.

Time disappeared the way it always did when they were alone, Ava not realizing the dance was over and their group was getting closer until Wesley had her straighten, helping to fix any disheveled parts. She did the same for him, both unable to look away from the other.

“Boys against girls!” Maggie shouted, throwing open the driver's door.

Ava and Wesley rolled their eyes at the same time, Maggie always finding ways to race Xavier, who never backed down from a challenge.

“You two have one fucked up way of foreplay,” Wes grumbled, sliding out of the car. He had to brush his whole front side against Dakota’s, who didn't leave him any room before she got in.

Maggie glared at her brother, “Shut up.”

At the first stop light that was a straight-away, the race began. Right away, Ava knew this time was different than others. They were both driving more reckless than usual, and not only passing through yellow, but Maggie ran a red.

Violet and the cheerleader were yelling at Maggie.

Maggie dismissed them by saying no other cars where around.

Once on the intersection the two were weaving through cars, speed building higher and higher.

Ava was certain a cop would pull them over any second (actually hoped they would), and put an end to the race. She was worried they were going to crash at any moment despite Maggie reassuring them she had it under control.

Ava trusted Maggie, never thinking she would do something that might put the ones she loved in harm’s way.

That is, until Xavier had the lead on a back road that led to the party house.

Maggie was fuming, getting caught up in the need to win, ignoring that the curve to the road required slowing down, too small to even attempt drifting. The passenger’s side lifted off the ground, the group of girls screaming in terror, believing they were about to crash.

It thumped back down, jarring their heads.

Maggie let out a whoop, side by side with Xavier as he pulled back, allowing their car to get around in just enough time to avoid a semi.

They arrived at the house first. Dakota and the cheerleader called Maggie a crazy person and they were never getting into the same car with her again.

Violet was pissed, “I can't believe you! How far are you willing to go to win? Christ, Maggie, you could have killed us!”

Maggie wasn't listening, too caught up in her victory, hopping out to gloat.

Before she had the chance to rub it in Xavier’s face, he held up a hand, “There are some things more important than winning.”

“You’re just bitter ‘cuz you lost.”

He shook his head in disappointment, “I can't talk to you right now. I'm too angry.” Slipping his hands into his pockets, he turned and walked away, still shaking his head.

Wesley was right there helping Ava get out, scanning her body as though they had crashed and he was performing triage. He held her to him, his heart thumping wildly, venom shooting out at his sister, “You took it too far! He slowed his car down just so you would stop driving like a maniac. Don't you dare ever drive like that again, ever! You scared the shit out of me!”

Maggie gave an exasperated roll of her eyes as though they were all exaggerating, “I had it under control.”

“It didn't look that way,” Wes argued. “It was like watching a train wreck about to happen, except that train carried the three most important parts of me and I was helpless to do anything about it.”

Maggie had enough sense not to respond, and for a flickering moment appeared regretful.

Having nothing more to say, Wes led Ava to the party, his anger still emanating off him.


Violet refrained from laying into her sister even more. If she didn't feel guilty after Wesley's speech, she never would.

Her date had headed inside. She didn't blame him; family feuds were always awkward to be in the middle of. She left her sister alone by the car to go find him.

The evening was turning out to be some of the most fun she'd had in a long time. He was a blast to dance with because he was so horrible and knew it but still got out there anyway, making no apologizes for his complete lack of rhythm. A trait Violet found attractive.

Given some more time with him, there was a big possibility that whatever she was feeling towards him tonight would grow stronger. The idea excited her. She hadn't thought of Parker at all since they had arrived at the dance.

She found her date by the drinks, offering her a beer he just poured. She declined, not wanting Maggie to be the one who drove them home. He slung an arm around her with ease and familiarity, giving off the impression he had done it countless times. Violet couldn't figure out if his confidence annoyed her or not.

Wes's eyes were on them with an expression that let them now he didn't approve. She glared back, wanting him to knock it off.

Unspoken communication always came easy for them, and although he wasn't happy about it, Wes made an excuse to leave the group, not trusting he would be able to mask his apparent displeasure.

“Sorry about that,” she apologized to her date, low enough for only the two of them to hear. “He's been acting way too protective lately.”

“Did you know I had to ask Wes's permission before asking you?” He revealed, seeming more amused by it than deterred.

“What?” She was going to kill him. Slowly.

He laughed, “Yup.”

Who the hell was her brother turning into lately?

What worried her the most was how he was behaving towards Ava. It was clear he was having some major issues with other guys noticing her. At the dance he looked like he was going to blow a fuse if one more guy admired her, even the ones who had innocently glanced her way.

So what did he do? Gave her a fucking hickey you could see from miles away.

She would never put up with a boyfriend who acted like that.

She was about to talk to Ava about it and find out how she was feeling towards her brother's jealousy fits, but the new girl, Dakota, was busy talking to her.

Ava had her eyes to the ground, nodding to whatever was being said.

Violet couldn't pinpoint why, but she didn't trust Ava's new friend. Something about her rubbed Violet the wrong way. It wasn't that she had done or said anything, it was just this vibe she got from her. Warning bells one could say.

Violet’s date gave her shoulder a squeeze, “I'll be right back, I see a friend I want to go say hi to.”

“No problem, take your time,” Violet replied, not understanding why they had to stay together the whole night. It wasn’t like they were a couple.

Bradley came huffing over, filling his empty cup, mumbling what sounded like, “watch your back around her, she's a crazy bitch,” and casting a murderous sneer at Dakota. He gulped down his beer, filling it again before disappearing.

Everyone in their circle focused on Dakota, who shrugged it off, “He's just upset because his ex found a date. If he really cared, why was he oh-so-willing to come home with me last weekend?”

the girl?” Ava asked in surprise.

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