When To Let Go (11 page)

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Authors: J.M. Sevilla

BOOK: When To Let Go
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Chapter 18
The Players’ Duet

Maggie screeched into an empty parking space, the passengers cursing her for the way she drove. She couldn’t help it, “safe” driving bored her; especially when every turn and bend of the road was one more second of practice.

Luckily everyone seemed to be in a better mood than they had been the previous weeks, so they didn't give her too much shit for it. Wes was smiling (something she thought he had forgotten how to do), Ava wasn't looking at him like he was water in a cracked vase, and Violet had stopped being cranky.

Maggie was almost skipping to class. She liked school. She'd grown up with mostly everyone in all her classes, so school was one long social hour. It also helped that Maggie was the type of person to make friends with anyone. She loved getting to know people. She was that rare person that seemed to be friends with all different groups. This made her popular, but not the kind of popular her brother was; the rare kind, because she made a point to interact with everyone, even the ones nobody else did, and was always truly interested in what they had to say.

Her first class was facing a main road and because of all the cars driving by she didn't hear the skate boarder roll by, purposely knocking her shoulder bag. It fell off, spilling all over the pavement.

Okay, so maybe not everyone was friendly with her.

She bent over to retrieve the contents of her bag, planting a foot over the edge of the sidewalk to better reach her favorite pen that had rolled off.

“Watch out!” A panicked voice shouted from the other side of the street, making Maggie jump back.

A car had swerved into the bike lane to miss getting hit, and she had been right in its path. Maggie stood close to the edge with a hand over her frantically beating heart. Through the gap of cars, she spotted a guy on a parked motorcycle on the corner, watching her. She couldn't see much of his face, but she yelled out a “thanks” anyway.

He didn't respond, so she shrugged and hurried off to the main building.


Ryder just about shit himself when that car came inches from smacking Maggie's head off.

That was his excuse to why he had been watching her and not Ava anyway. Something he did far too often – she just radiated so much light that for a boy who lived in the darkness it was hard to resist. This was the first time he had a way to justify it.

It also affirmed his decision on whether he should finally let Parker and Ava know he was there, something he had been brewing over a lot lately. It was causing him to lose sleep at night, which wasn't good since his nightmares still did their part to insure he rarely slept in the first place.

The Baxters meant something to Parker and Ava. They worried about them more than they let on, but Ryder could tell; years of observing and watching people made him able to read what most failed to notice. He needed to let them know he was here and willing to help keep an eye out for those they loved. He hoped that would make them accept him back into their lives. He wasn't expecting a welcoming party, but he couldn't handle it if they rejected him.

He revved his motorcycle engine, hitting the road to his construction job. His boss was strongly encouraging him to get his contractor’s license, believing Ryder had the potential to move up. Ryder wasn't sure about that, needing plenty of time to think it over before he could move forward, like everything in his life. First, he needed to find the courage to make his presence known.


Maggie was chatting with Ava at lunch time when some of the basketball team formed around them.

Someone started beat boxing.

Confused, she looked around, taken by surprise when Wes and Xavier hopped onto her table.


Xavier: Yo, my name is Xavier

But most peeps call me X.

Wes: Yeah, boy!

Xavier: You’ll find me on the courts

Yeah, I’m one of the best.

Here, now meet my wingman,

It’s the wild wild Wes.


The crowed whooped and hollered, joining around them as Wes took the lead and Xavier went to beat boxing, both boys getting into it with arm gestures and feet movement:

Wes: Girls find me so distractin’,

I’ll put your skills to the test.


Wes leaned over to wink at Ava, Xavier taking over:


Xavier: But that’s quite enough

About him and me

Wes: Uh huh.

Xavier: ‘Cuz we’ve got words to say

To some babes, ya see?


Both boys focused all their attention on the two girls below them, Maggie laughing and Ava visibly embarrassed yet swooning at the same time.


Xavier: They don’t know what’s comin’

Wes: Yeah, it’s a bit of a surprise.

Xavier: But we just gotta say

Both: You’re the loves of our lives!

Xavier: And it don’t stop there

Wes: No, you need some romance

Xavier: So whaddaya think, girls?

Both: Go with us to the dance?


They ended it back to back, arms crossed over their chests, their infamous smiles plastered on their faces.

Maggie knew after that she wouldn't be able to refuse him; not because of the obvious effort, but because what woman in their right mind would?

Xavier walked her to her next class with an arm slung around her neck, confirming plans, an expression that read he had just won a battle.

That's what always worried her. Was he only interested in her because she was a challenge, the only girl who had ever refused him a date?


Ava took her seat in art class, still glowing from the kiss Wesley had graphically displayed when he dropped her off. Or maybe it was from his early dramatics, or him confessing his love before she came in...

It was all of it and it had her wanting to burst through her pores, too happy and elated to be trapped inside her body, needing more room to expand from it all.

Dakota gracefully slid into her chair, “So you
serious about you and him being a
.” She said “thing” as though the word left a bad taste in her mouth.

Ava nodded, still glowing.

Dakota shook her head in disbelief, “Wow. Sorry, but that surprises me.”

“He told me he loved me over the weekend,” Ava was disappointed in herself for letting Dakota's words get to her and blurt out something that was so personal. She hadn't even told Maggie yet.

wants to get laid,” Dakota sang loud enough that Ava looked around to see who had heard. If anybody had it didn't show. Not even Pyro-boy or Sketch glanced up.

Ava hated how red her face got in embarrassment, but Dakota had a point because lately that seemed to be all she thought about, “Wes isn't like that.”

“The next thing you're going to say is ‘he respects me’,” Dakota all but rolled her eyes, her mocking tone not lost on Ava.

Dakota must have known it by the look on her face and laughed, “Guys always act respectful and caring at first, just to try and get in your pants.”

Ava didn't believe that, at least not when it came to Wes. She kept her mouth shut, not seeing the point of trying to explain him to her. She changed subjects, “Are you going?”

Dakota let out a puff of irritated air, “I had someone in mind, but it's not going to work out. Don't worry, I have a new plan.”

Ava was relieved when Eddie came over to show Dakota “her” latest work. Sometimes she wished Dakota had never started sitting by her. She was used to friends like Maggie and Violet who never tore her down, but according to Dakota that's what girlfriends did, “they kept it real.”

Chapter 19
The Dance

Parker watched his sister fiddle with her dress that was too low-cut for his tastes, even though it came closer to her neck than lower. His sister was…bigger in that department so they still popped through, making him want to lock her away in a tower until she was eighty. Stevie had done Ava's hair and makeup, ecstatic to finally get the chance as Ava had never expressed interest in the past, never getting into the whole makeup thing. It was hard for him to see his sister looking so grownup.

Stevie had applied very light makeup, almost as though Ava had none on, but it was enough to make everything pop, and had convinced her to let her hair hang lose and curled around the bottom. It was a look Parker approved of.

One could tell by the way she kept fiddling with everything that she was unsure about it all, despite having been told how pretty she looked.

“They're here!” His mom exclaimed, clapping her hands together with excitement.

His poor sister had gone pale.

He opened his mouth, taking a step forward to try and say something to help her relax, but his mum got to her first.

“Wes is going to drop dead from seeing how killer you look.”

Parker rolled his eyes from how lame that was.

Naomi lovingly looked at her daughter, “I know you have a hard time believing you’re beautiful, but hold your head high, especially in those moments you feel at your worst.”

Parker approved of.

They lead a more confident (or at least trying to be) Ava outside, where the rest of the group was getting out of cars. Parker followed behind. He had told himself he only came over because he wanted to see Ava off to her first dance, but he knew that was only half of it. He wanted to see Violet and what ever loser had asked her.

He hung back from the crowd gathering at the end of his parent’s driveway, trying to see through them to find

His heart stopped. It literally fucking stopped at the sight of her.

She looked beautiful.

No, that wasn't the right word. She was the way he felt the first time their mouths moved together; the first time he got a car running on his own; the way it felt to walk into his adoptive parent’s home and find they had everything he and his sister had always dreamed of in a home; she was butterflies and adrenaline, tingles on your skin, all from the way she looked.

Her dress was a pale blue, a color that always turned her eyes a vibrant violet. She had on a little more makeup than Ava. Normally Parker wasn't a big fan of the stuff. Tonight he approved. She had taken a darker approach with eyeliner and her complexion was even more porcelain-looking than normal, especially from the rosy glow her cheeks naturally had. Somehow she had made her lips the same color as when he kissed her. He missed those lips, lying awake at night thinking about them and who they belonged to. It was getting really hard to respect that she didn't want to do that anymore. Every part of him wanted to attach to her when she was around, and the dress she had on tonight wasn't helping any. It clung to her soft curves, concealing the legs he loved so much, yet the fabric glided around them enough to reveal their sensual shape. He didn't want anyone else seeing her, wanting that beauty all to himself. The fact that he couldn't and that she was here with another guy gutted him in a way he hadn't expected.

“I can't believe that's my little Vi,” Noah said, standing right next to him. “It's weird for me to see her without oil stains smeared on her face and clothes.”

Parker chuckled softly. Violet did always seem to have a black smudge somewhere on her face. He never knew if she didn't notice or just didn't care; it could be either one with her.

“It should have been you taking her.”

Parker jerked his head over at Noah in shock, their thoughts coinciding.

“I know I was hard on you about that night, and this isn't an apology because one day when you have daughters you'll understand, but what you need to know is that I would have reacted that way to any kid, not just you. If I didn't trust you around her, I would never let her spend so much time alone with you. I think you’re the only boy I'd semi-tolerate dating her.”

Parker didn't know what to say; he could only stare at the man like he had never met the guy before.

“You'd have to stop fucking every vagina that passed before I'd consider it,” Noah continued, eyes never wavering from the group of teenagers.

“What if I can't...”
. They both knew the unspoken word.

“Then you don't deserve her.”


Despite what her mum had said, when Ava reached the group her head dropped down, not having the courage to see Wesley's reaction to her appearance.

Maggie made it to her first, “Wow, you look amazing!”

Ava lifted her head to thank her, and seeing her best friend’s radiating smile had Ava feeling more at ease.

“So do you!” She gushed, never having seen her friend looking so pretty. Normally Maggie's looks could be described as cute; the enticing kind where she'd still have a youthful charm decades later. Tonight, however, captivating was a better term.

She was with Maggie when they picked out their dresses; however, seeing it with her hair delicately put up, a few cascades whisping her face, and a slight flush to her cheeks from excitement took it to another level.

She didn't have any makeup on, and Ava knew it probably had to be two reasons: she’d waited until the last possible second to get ready, wanting more driving time, and she couldn't sit still long enough for it to be applied. Maggie had always thought makeup wasted a ridiculous amount of time and she didn't have the patience. Ava wasn't sure there was anything Maggie had the patience for. ‘Ready, set, go’ seemed to be her life's motto.

She sensed eyes on her, and from the way her spine tingled she knew exactly who it was. Wesley was a few feet behind his sister, peering at her with that intensity he seemed to be doing more and more of.

His normal disheveled hair was sleeked back with a part on the side. He wore black fitted dress pants, a gray fitted button-up with the top button undone, a black tie loose around his neck (he couldn’t stand having things close to his neck), and his sleeves rolled up. His attire had him looking more like a man than a teenager. The ensemble had her pulse quickening, and when he took the few short strides to reach her she prayed nobody else could hear her heart thumping.

He stopped inches from her, her skin tingling from the proximity.

“God, Ava,” Wesley's hand came out to run his thumb along her jaw, those beautiful honey brown eyes reflecting the love he felt for her. He shifted closer, resting his forehead to hers, “You look...there's not even a word to describe it.” His lips lightly brushed along hers, “Spend the night with me.”

Her heart fluttered, “Tonight?”

“After my sisters fall asleep, come to my room.”

“Okay,” she exhaled.

The hand resting on her hips tightened, scrunching the fabric in his grasp, “Let's go get this dance over with.” His voice had a rough edge she'd never heard before; the strain in it had her stomach clenching.

“Ava!” Someone close by shouted in greeting. Ava recognized the voice, surprising her enough that it brought her out of her love fog.

Dakota was coming towards her with a huge Miss America smile plastered on her face.

“You look darling,” she appraised, pulling her into a hug, turning her so she came between her and Wesley, whispering in her ear, “Although, you might want to lay off the bakery food. I would have picked a more flattering dress. Next time we'll go shopping together and I can help you find something better fitting for your body type.”

Dakota was right, Ava was sampling far more than she should at her new job, but everything tasted and looked so delicious.

Dakota visibly admired Wesley. With a wink she said, “You sure clean up nice.”

He gave his signature smile, “Had to make sure I looked good enough to stand next to my girl.”

“With how she looks tonight, you'll be having to fight the other guys away.”

That was the first time Dakota had complemented her, in a way.

Ava peered around, “Who are you here with?”

Dakota pointed behind her, “Bradley.”

Ava glanced at Dakota’s date, who was leaning against Xavier's car with a bigger scowl on his face than Wesley had on after Dakota's comment.

Ava had met him a few times, another member of the basketball team and closer to Wesley and Xavier, so he had come to the tracks a few times to check it out. He always had his girlfriend with him, the same one since he’d spotted her on the first day of their freshman year and asked her out that very day.

“I thought he and Vicki were going together?” Maggie cut in, over hearing the conversation.

“She caught him cheating last weekend,” Dakota answered, as though it's to be expected.

“Really? They always seemed so in love.”

Dakota shrugged at Maggie, “Love doesn't last forever.”

Xavier called out to everyone that it was time to get going, so after a torturous amount of pictures they headed to the two cars that were carrying their group of ten. The last couple was another basketball player, Mark, and one of the cheerleaders.

“I'll drive my car!” Maggie declared, jumping into the driver’s seat, an irritated Xavier reminding her that they were going together and she would be riding in the passenger seat of

Maggie refused. Since the day she’d gotten her license, she never allowed anyone else to drive.

Xavier, not looking happy about it, tossed his keys to Mark to drive his car. Wesley led Ava to Maggie's car, wanting them to ride with their best friends, while Violet and her date went to Xavier's.

“I'll go with Ava,” Dakota came after them, Bradley joining the other car. “I'll take the middle,” she said, as though she was doing them a favor, “I'm the smallest between the three of us.”

Before Ava or Wes could protest, Dakota was sliding in and buckling the seat belt.

Wes had to wrap his arm behind Dakota in order to fit. He used the opportunity to let his hand play along Ava's neck.

Everyone yelled at Maggie more than once to slow down. Dakota sat wide-eyed and clutching Wesley's thigh, never having experienced her crazy driving.

The gym had been transformed best it could be, with Christmas lights dangling all around (a vast improvement compared to blaring fluorescent bulbs). Maggie and Xavier went straight to the dance floor, trying to outdo each other. The rest of them found a table to hang out at.

“Did you want to dance?” Wes asked, pulling out a chair for her.

“Not yet.” She always needed time to take a place in first.

Wesley sat next to her, scooting his chair to be closer, appearing relieved. She knew he hated to dance, but she was still going to make him later on for at least a few slow songs.

His hand rested on her neck, his thumb stroking the skin. He kissed her temple, “You’re so gorgeous.”

She turned her head to capture his lips, “I never told you earlier how hot you look.”

He flashed her a pleased grin, going to run his fingers through his hair but stopping when the strands were too stiff from gel, “Won't do this again. It's such a habit I keep forgetting.”

Ava loved the way it looked, but missed his unkempt hair that was so much a part of who he was.

Members of the team came over, pulling Wes's attention away. She turned to talk with Violet, who was laughing at whatever story her date was telling.

“Ava,” Dakota spoke, trying to get her attention, “Come to the bathroom with me.”

As Ava got up, Wes stopped his conversation to help pull the chair out, giving her hand a squeeze and a wink.

She loved that flirty wink, knowing she was the only ever recipient of it.

Dakota let her date know where they were going. He mumbled what sounded something like, “whatever.” He was too busy watching Vicki, who was there with a date. Ava didn't understand why you'd cheat on a person if you obviously had feelings for them. Luckily, Dakota didn’t seem fazed by it.

Dakota grabbed her hand, leading them towards the girls’ bathroom, “My date is such a drag. He just wants to mope over his ex-girlfriend.”

Ava felt bad that her date could care less he was there with someone else, “I'm sorry.”

Dakota dismissed her comment with a wave of her hand, pushing open the bathroom door, “No biggie, all I cared about was getting a date so I could go with my best friend.”

Did she mean that Ava was her best friend? For a girl who never had friends, she liked the idea.

Ava watched Dakota pull out a lip gloss from inside her bra and apply it, “God Ava, your boyfriend is so fucking sexy. If I was a jealous kind of person I'd be green with envy.” She rubbed her lips together, “Those arm muscles, jesus!”

Ava giggled at the way she brought her hands out to emphasize their size, “You should see his abs.”

“I plan to,” she answered with a devilish smirk.

Ava bunched her brows.

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