Read When The Runway Went South Online

Authors: Lois Kasznia

Tags: #Romance

When The Runway Went South (46 page)

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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"When you put it that way," said Ally. "I can do this, Kat. I'll just run things by him and if he doesn't like them, I'll change. All I know he said he wants this to happen quickly."

"There you go. Are you able to drive with your ankle?" Kat was eyeing the bandage with suspicion.

"I don't see why not," said Ally. "It's my left ankle."

"Good," said Kat. "You should get out there and get some ideas on how you want to plan your wedding.”

"Now, I'm getting excited." Ally's good mood increased tenfold.

"Start cooking and I'll be back sometime this afternoon." Kat picked up her purse and grabbed her car keys. "Do you need anything?"

"Nope, I'm good." Ally had started on her next project of cooking and thinking about her wedding dress.

"Lauren. I know I have her number here somewhere," said Ally to herself as she dug into her purse. Frustrated, she emptied the entire purse on the kitchen table. The cheesecakes were cooling, giving Ally a chance to act upon the ideas whirling through her mind. Lauren would be perfect for her dress. Ally booted up her laptop for her personal files and browsed through the database she had built for all of her contacts. She quickly found Lauren's number and called her.

"Ally, where are you? I heard about your show. Are you okay? Look up bitch in the dictionary and there will be Monique's picture."

"I'm back home in Texas. Henri said they let her go from the agency. In all of my years of modeling, I've never had something like that happen to me."

"Well, it's in all the gossip columns and you have everyone's support. Is your ankle broken?"

"No, it's just strained. I'll be good to go in a couple of weeks."

"So, what brings you to Texas? I heard you had moved."

"I just wanted to get out of the rat race. Besides, my family is down here," said Ally.

"Well, we miss you. You certainly know how to create chaos."

"Yeah, so I've heard. I bet you're probably wondering why I called you. I'm getting married."

"Congratulations. It's Greg, right?" Lauren did not sound enthused.

"No, Greg is a loser. It's someone I met here. He's a rancher, Caleb Strait."

"You're marrying a cowboy? I can see the headlines now; Follow Ally Duncan from New York to a Ranch."

"Yes. I know. I've been through some changes," laughed Ally. She knew Lauren wouldn't understand being a pure bred New Yorker. "Just wait till you see him. Kind of like the Marlboro Man, but he doesn't smoke."

"I'd love to meet him. Do you want me to do your dress?" squealed Lauren, as her voice jumped an octave.

"Would you, Lauren? I just love your work and I wouldn't trust anyone else," said Ally seriously.

"I'd be insulted if you didn't ask me. When is this going to take place? I have a show going on now, but I can start sometime next week?"

"Perfect. We really haven't discussed dates, but he said he wanted it soon."

"When did all of this happen," asked Lauren.

"Believe it or not, at the show, he flew up to New York to see the show. He proposed to me after I fell."

"How romantic," said Lauren, laughing. "Got to run, but I have your number and will call you when I start."

"Thanks, Lauren." Ally disconnected the call, feeling happy. Things were going to work out after all. She got back to her cooking and started on the new recipes Kat had given to her.

"What do you have for lunch?" asked Caleb as he rode up to Ally's back yard.

"Caleb. Where are you?" Ally felt tickled that he had called.

"I'm in the back, right here." He walked into the kitchen and gave Ally a kiss and a hug. "I'm kind of dirty, so I'll just stay here. With Gracie gone all day, I haven't had time to cook anything for myself."

"Well, you came to the right place. Would a sandwich do?"

"Since I didn't eat breakfast, anything will do," stated Caleb

"You know what? I've got some lasagna in the freezer I can heat up for you. And some garlic bread, too." Ally busied herself getting the meal ready for Caleb.

"That sounds delicious." Caleb removed his boots and walked over to the sink and washed his hands. "Been busy?" He noticed the cheesecakes and the mixing bowl Ally had set aside.

"As you can see, but tell me about you. When is Jeb being released?"

"Today, so hopefully things will get back to normal. Found out the cattle thieves have been caught."

"They have? Now, what happens?" Ally took the lasagna out of the oven along with the bread. She whipped up a small salad for Caleb who stared at her appreciatively.

"Here, let me carry that." Caleb took the plates from Ally and sat down at the table. "They will do some jail time. One thing is certain, Ally. Don't mess with Texas." He took a bite of lasagna and chewed it thoughtfully. "This is really good. Gracie is going to be jealous."

"Thanks, Caleb. You'll have to build another kitchen for me to work in, or maybe I can work here."

"No, you're staying at my house. I mean our house. I don't want you going anywhere."

"I didn't think about selling the house, but I guess I should." Ally looked at Caleb. "I mean, we don't need to sell it right away, do we?"

"When I asked you to marry me it's because I want to spend the rest of our lives together. So, the sooner you move in with me, the better."

"So, you want me to move in with you now?" Ally started to feel overwhelmed. Between the wedding and the business, she just couldn't face the packing and unpacking again.

Caleb watched Ally carefully and his heart was thudding in his chest. "What's wrong?" His gaze never left hers. "Don't you want me anymore?"

"Oh Caleb, that's not it at all." Ally hobbled over and sat on Caleb's lap. "It's just planning for the wedding and the thought of moving again, it's a little much." She hoped he would understand. "Your house," Ally began before Caleb interrupted.

house," corrected Caleb.

"Our house is all decorated. I'd have to sell my furniture and what about a kitchen for my business? I can't go into Gracie's kitchen."

"One step at a time, Ally. Move in with me now and start bringing your things over a little at a time. Lord knows we have enough room to add an additional kitchen. Until then, do the cooking over here. Relax baby, it's going to be okay."

"You know what it is?" teased Ally


"You don't like my furniture. That's what."

"Well, I hate to admit it, but you're right," said Caleb laughing.

"Careful, I'll replace all of yours with mine," warned Ally.

"I don't care what you do to the house, but none of that sissy stuff," replied Caleb.

"I guess we can come to a compromise," said Ally.

"Now would be a good time with your ankle busted up. I hate to think of you alone in this big ole house. That does is. You're moving in tonight."

"Caleb, hear me out. I'll do it this weekend. I promise. Let me get some things together. I'll make it worth your while for four more days," said Ally seductively.

"I'll hold you to that." Caleb kissed Ally passionately, to demonstrate his feelings for her God, how he loved her; stubborn streak and all. "I've got a whole mess of work to do before the sun goes down. I'll see you at dinner."

Ally watched him leave and slumped down in her chair. How could she get packed up in four days?




Chapter Twenty-Seven






Undaunted by her task, Ally worked steadily, packing away her belongings to take to Caleb's house. True to his word, Caleb had dutifully cleaned out one side of their closet in order to accommodate Ally's vast wardrobe. Ally had all of her modeling pictures and awards packed into a box ready to be placed somewhere in the house. Jeb had come home, anxious to get back on the job at the ranch, so Ally had carte blanche to check out Caleb's house to make her feel comfortable. Because of her ankle, Kat helped Ally with some of the packing.

"Kat, I'm almost done here, do you want to give me a hand with this box?" yelled Ally from her bedroom.

"Sure," answered Kat as she took the dishes out of the oven. "Just give me a minute."

"Take your time," said Ally. "Thanks for loaning me your van. I'll use my car to take Tank over. Jeb suggested that I take him over there for the time being so he can get used to it and his new brother, Rex. So far, the two of them have gotten along great, which is a good thing."

"I can't believe you're moving in together before the wedding," said Kat.

"You don't think it's a good idea?" asked Ally.

"Well, it just looks funny. You would think you could wait until after the wedding."

"Kat, we spend every night together, what's the difference?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm old fashioned." Kat shrugged her shoulders. "I guess if you love someone, you should wait."

"We do," confirmed Ally. "You know it's funny, Kat. Six weeks ago I never would have imagined that I would move to Texas, let alone get married. Who would've thought?" Ally shook her head in wonderment.

"Life is full of surprises, Ally. Where is the box?"

Ally pointed it out to Kat and started another box. The two of them worked diligently until the last load had been secured in Kat's van.

"Looks like we're ready to go," said Ally as she surveyed the last of the remaining items in the house.

"Ally, make sure you take your files and your printer. I'm sure Caleb has a place you can use as an office. It's better to have it at your fingertips instead of running back and forth."

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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