Read When The Runway Went South Online

Authors: Lois Kasznia

Tags: #Romance

When The Runway Went South (39 page)

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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"Yeah, I wonder why they're here. Ally didn't mention anything."

"But you haven't seen Ally for a while." Jeb studied Caleb closely. "Is there trouble in paradise?"

"We're just trying to determine what our relationship is." Caleb still had a hard time talking about this with Jeb.

"Sounds like y'all got cold feet again. Is it because of her ex?"

"No. I know she doesn't like him. Look, I really don't want to talk about it."

"Fine by me." Jeb clamped his mouth shut.

Pulling into the garage, both men got out of the truck and headed in different directions. Caleb headed into his room to change into riding clothes. He needed a good hard ride to get rid of his tension and think about Ally. God, he missed her. With a purpose, he strode into the barn to gather Thor who whinnied at the site of Caleb. "Hey, buddy," said Caleb softly while he saddled the magnificent animal. Eager to get on his way, Caleb rode out, letting Thor take the lead. The horse sensed Caleb's restlessness and took off like a shot. Riding like this, set Caleb to do some serious soul searching. Okay. He admitted he behaved like an ass. What made it so hard to answer Ally's question? Could he be ready to make a commitment? Ally occupied his mind constantly. Perhaps if he could just admit this, he would get his mind back on track of his life. Caleb knew he hadn't been pulling his weight around the farm; he had been so caught up in Ally. Caleb let Thor slow down, getting some much needed rest. He got off the horse and led him to the pond for a drink of water. Taking out his phone, Caleb left a text message for Ally.

How about dinner tonight? My treat

Shoot. Her parents were here. He had forgotten about that. What were her parents doing here anyway? Had something gone wrong again and Ally had called them instead of him? Caleb gathered Thor and this time at a steadier pace, he rode over to Ally's house. Robert was out in the back yard with Tank, cleaning the pool.

"Hey, Robert."

"Caleb." Robert looked up from what he was doing and Tank followed him to the fence. "How have you been? Ally said you've been really busy."

"On a farm, there's always something to do. If it's not fixin' fences or birthin', it's something else. What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

"Ally had to leave for New York this morning, so she asked us to watch Tank. She's going to be gone for a while, so we're taking Tank back with us."

"Did she say how long?" Uneasiness gripped at Caleb's heart. What if Ally didn't come back?

"She said she would call us."

"Um, do you know where she's staying in New York?"

"No, she never tells us that information." Robert looked at Caleb quizzically. "You didn't know she left? I would've thought she told you with the house being empty."

"We haven't seen much of each other, been kind of busy." Caleb cleared this throat before moving on. "I'll keep an eye on the house."

"Well, I sure do appreciate that."

"Uh, is Kat around?"

"No, she and her mother are at Kat's house doing some women stuff. Once Tara gets back, she and I will head back to Houston."

"Could you ask Kat to stop by when she gets a chance?"

"Sure." Robert sensed something didn't sit right and he squinted hard at Caleb. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Caleb smiled bravely even though his heart felt heavy. Ally had gone back to New York and he knew she might not be coming back. "I've got to run, Robert. See you later." Caleb urged Thor to leave and he rode slowly back to the barn. He took his time in brushing down Thor and made his way back into the house. Walking slowly, he ran into Jeb on his way in.

"What's wrong? Is it one of the herd?”

"Ally went back to New York." Caleb's eyes were flat.

"You made a mess of it, boy." Jeb shook his head and walked away.







"Ally Duncan, you have some explaining to do," said Kat angrily into the phone.

"What are you talking about?" asked Ally as she walked to the cab station.

"About Greg and what were you doing at a Las Calinas' nightclub?"

"How did you find out?" A prickly sensation of dread traveled through Ally.

"We watched it on TMZ this morning. Didn't you know about it?

"No." Ally had to sit down, the cab forgotten. "What happened?"

"Greg was arrested and he swore that the two of you were almost engaged and he was down in Dallas to bring you back to New York. But you didn't tell me who you were with at the club. They said it's your new man. Ally, I'm your big sister. I love you. Why didn't you tell me? Who is he?"

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be mad at me," said Ally softly, unshed tears threatened her eyes. "Besides, there is no

"Ally," said Kat quietly. "It's Caleb, right?"

"Yes." There. Ally had admitted it to Kat.

This is really about Caleb and not Greg
. Kat thought quietly before she continued. "You ran away, Ally. Why would I be mad at you about Caleb? I knew he fell in love with you the minute he met you."

"You did?" asked Ally, surprised.

"Oh, Ally, honey. The way you two would look at each other, it became very obvious. I know I teased you about your relationships with men, but Caleb is different. It's almost like love at first sight."

"But he doesn't feel the same way, Kat. He confronted me about our relationship and why I hadn't told you we were seeing each other. I told him I didn't know how our relationship stood and he..." Ally could barely continue so she said in a hushed voice, "Caleb said he's not ready to discuss it. He hasn't spoken to me since."

"Ally, what is your schedule while you're in New York?"

"I'm to meet with Henri and we're going out to dinner. I don't have to do the show until Monday, so I'm just going to hang out for a couple of days. Henri said he had some parties he wanted me to go to, but I don't think I will."

coming back to Dallas, right?"

"I don't know, Kat. I need some time to think."

"Ally, I need you, please," begged Kat.

"I've got to run," said Ally. "I'll call you later." Ally disconnected the call and tried her best appear calm. She then checked her messages and saw the one from Caleb. She smiled wanly and began to type.

Not tonight

She sent the text and then hailed a cab to Henri's office. As they drove through the city streets, Ally tried to feel any connection with it, but couldn't. As much as her move had troubled her, she still loved her place in Texas. Ally paid her fare and looked at the familiar tall granite building that housed Henri's office. Squaring her shoulders, she caught the elevator to the thirty-second floor.

"You look marvelous," cooed Henri as Ally stepped foot into his office. "I hate to say this, but Texas definitely agrees with you." Henri air-kissed both sides of her cheeks while Ally grimaced. "We're going to have so much fun; you'll want to move back here." Henri clapped his hands in glee. Ally just rolled her eyes.

"What I'd really like to do is check into my hotel and change clothes," said Ally tiredly. Not only did the traveling tire her, the emotional conflicts with both Kat and Caleb had totally wiped her out. "What's our evening look like?"

"First, we're to have dinner at the 21 Club and then there are several parties we need to attend. I've sent all your clothes to the Pierre where you'll be staying." Henri peered at Ally closely. "Are those
under your eyes?"

"What?" said Ally, somewhat distracted. "I don't have bags under my eyes. I need to get something to eat and some sleep if I'm going to be up half the night." She yawned to prove her point.

"Run along. Be at the 21 Club at nine. Oh, the makeup artist will be at your room at seven, so be ready." Henri shooed Ally out of his office.

Ally caught a cab to her hotel, ordered room service, unpacked and looked over the selection of clothes Henri had chosen for her with disinterest. What had she done?

"Henri, what is TMZ doing here?" hissed Ally as they walked out of the 21 Club."

"Hello, Ally Duncan. Welcome back to New York." TMZ cameras zoomed in on her.

"Thank you," replied Ally politely and continued walking with Henri, his arm protecting her.

"I thought you had given up modeling?" The camera man tried to be polite but relentless for a good story.

"Not entirely," said Ally with a forced smile while Henri hailed a cab.

"What about your ex-boyfriend?"

"It's what he is, an ex. 'Bye." Ally quickly got into the cab and turned to Henri. "I tried to avoid them because my ex followed me down to Dallas. I figured I could be up here while he's down there."

"You should've told me," whined Henri. "This is all publicity for the fashion show. Come on, Ally. You're a pro at this."

"Well, if Greg shows up, I hope you're prepared to have him arrested if he gets even fifty yards near me." Ally sat back into her seat. "Henri, now where are we going?"

It seemed the night went on forever. Ally's face had become sore from having a smile plastered at all times, but Henri played in his element dragging Ally from one party to another, making sure she had optimal coverage. She finally got back to the hotel at four in the morning. She fell into her bed and was in a deep sleep immediately.

Chapter Twenty-Three






"You wanted to see me?" Kat stood tentatively in the doorway of Caleb's house. She was startled by how miserable Caleb looked and her heart went out to him. "Caleb, what's wrong?" Kat quickly closed the door and went to Caleb's side.

He sighed heavily and walked to the family room with Kat following him. He poured a healthy whiskey and sat down. "I want to talk about Ally."

Kat put her purse on the bar and sat down next to Caleb. "Ally hasn't been upfront with me, Caleb. I don't know if I can help you."

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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