When Saint Goes Marching In (53 page)

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Everyone started laughing. He just had to crack a joke. Xenia cuffed him on the arm.
“Xenia, I’ve no idea how you put up with this man. He is quite the character,” the minister ribbed.
The rotund man stepped aside and allowed the Buddhist monk to stand before Xenia and Saint. His words carried a heavy accent.
“In the future, happy occasions will come as surely as the morning. Difficult times will come as surely as the night. When things go joyously, meditate according to the Buddhist tradition. When things go badly, meditate. Meditation in the manner of the Compassionate Buddha will guide your life. To say the words ‘love and compassion’ is easy. But to accept that love and compassion are built upon patience and perseverance is not easy at all. I wish you two a blissful marriage.” He bowed and stepped back.
Saint and Xenia bowed back.
Saint’s father stood and approached them. He instructed them to hold hands, which they did.
Saint looked deep into her eyes, making her weak at the knees when he chased her soul around in a playful game of cat and mouse.
“I’m not an Imam, but I am prepared to speak today on behalf of my son and my daughter.”
turned her eyes to her father-in-law.
“Xenia, I know we are to wait until the reception to give toasts and share stories, but I want to say right here and right now, I’ve never seen my son as happy in his life as he is with you. You are good for him, like wonderful medicine. He had a broken heart since the age of fourteen, and you restored it. He now believes in love again, he believes in what he grew up around.”
smiled proudly. Hot tears threatened to fall. Dear, dear man.
Damn it, why do you go and make me cry?
“I ask that Allah bless your
“Bless your
? I know he didn’t say what I think he said ol’ bean-pie-eatin’, bow-tie-wearin’, flyin’-planes-into-buildings son of a bitch!” Pam shouted as she shot out of her white chair and put her hand on her hip. Saint’s eyes widened. Pam’s loud grumbling broke Saint’s father’s flow. “Osama bin gettin’ an ass kickin’, that’s what’s gettin’ ready to happen!”
Saint turned beet red as he obviously tried hard to suppress his laughter.
“Mama Pam,
in Islam means ‘marriage!’” Saint turned redder, the vein in his neck popped as he clutched his stomach, bent over and laughed hysterically. Everyone started laughing. Xenia lost her battle with restraint and burst into fits of laughter.
She’d have to tell her mother a word or two after the ceremony was over. At least, everyone seemed to be having fun though at her expense.
Pam embarrassedly sat back down.
“May Allah bless you and your union. May He shine down on your children and may you continue to be fruitful. Saint, treat this woman with respect and dignity. She is your beautiful bride, your wife, the mother of your children. Xenia, treat my son with respect and dignity. He is your husband, the father of your children, my grandsons whom I love dearly, and your friend. I’m blessed that he chose a woman such as you. You’re a good person and that is what matters. You have a good heart, so love him. Cherish each day together.” The older man’s eyes watered up. “Don’t ever take any day, any hour, any minute or second for granted. Be good to one another. Don’t go to bed angry with one another. Make up before you close your eyes for the night.”
Saint smiled at Xenia. What she would give to bottle this moment and save it in a physical box, along with other treasured memories.
But it would always be in her mind and heart.
Always and forever.
“I know you would not be able to function if this precious flower were out of your life, so keep her in your arms and mind. I love both of you.” He smiled and kissed his son on the cheek, then kissed Xenia’s hand like a chivalrous knight before he returned to his seat.
The minister walked back up to her and Saint. He put one hand on each of their shoulders.
“Saint, was there something you wanted to share with Xenia before we conclude?” he asked.
Saint nodded, slightly nervous. Xenia loved it when he looked just a tad vulnerable, like this. It was such a rare treat. He put his arms behind his back and regarded her in a soulful way. Her heart leapt in her chest.
“Xenia, we had some…personal problems happen to us recently that were either going to make us or break us. A long time ago, after we first got married, we did a radio interview together. I said in that interview that we’d still be married long after many others because this right here is forever. I meant that. I asked you to marry me again because I’m so in love with you, and you never really got the wedding you wanted because I just had to have you not long after we met. You never got the honeymoon you deserved because of my work schedule but not once did you complain to me about it. I never thought I could be more in love with you than I was six years ago. Well, I was wrong. It continues to grow with each passing day. I depend on you for so much in my life. You’re my rock. When I’ve had a bad day, you’re there for me. You don’t even have to say anything, you just come up and give me a hug and make it all better. I never have to beg you to help me, that’s just what you do.
“You put me and your children above yourself on a daily basis. I’m so selfish sometimes, I don’t want to share you with other people, but I know that’s not right. What good is a diamond if no one else gets to see her shine? And you’re a diamond, alright. You’re beautiful, and you emerged like a rose in a concrete jungle. That made you all the more valuable and alluring to me. You appreciate me, you appreciate hard work. You appreciate love, family and dedication. I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful wife, a better mother to my seeds, a better friend and a more lovely creature to share my bed with. When I wake up and look over and see you asleep, I thank God that I received you as a gift, for another day. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than seeing a smile on your face. You appreciate the small things in life, so it’s so easy to spoil you. You never act like you are owed what I do for you, you’re grateful and I love you for that. It makes me want to do more and more. You spoil me, too. I’m not talking about just the gifts, I’m talking about how you treat me.
“The calls, emails and texts to see how my day is going. Coming to my job and dropping off lunch, you don’t have to do that. You’ve got your hands full with the boys, the house and work. You learned how to cook my favorite foods – the ones my mother used to make. All of these things matter. You pray over me at night, over our children. Xenia, I couldn’t imagine my life without you. It would be so empty. When you came into my life, everything changed immediately. I knew you were the one for me. I knew the moment I saw you that I was going to marry you. Some people didn’t believe that and here we are, six years later, showing that this wasn’t a stunt, gimmick or joke. We are for real. It was truly love at first sight. I had never had butterflies in my stomach over a woman before. I’ve never been at a loss for words. Your beauty, your essence, your energy mean the world to me. Thank you remarrying me, baby. Here’s to six more years turning into twelve, eighteen – then the rest of our lives. I’m so in love with you Xenia, that if I can’t be with you in Heaven, then it would be Hell to me.”
A few sobs broke the silence when he paused. Xenia swallowed through the lump in her throat.
“If I couldn’t come back once again and get another lifetime with you, I wouldn’t want to come back at all. I’ve known you several times before, we’re old souls, and you’ve always been my mate in each and every case. I’ve always had the same reaction to your soul. That is why you’re always my mate, and I yours. We have to be paired together because we were designed as one. With you I can feel whole.” Saint’s Adam’s apple bobbed. She knew he was battling emotion, trying hard to keep a grave face. But he couldn’t hide the love from his eyes.
looked down. Her fingers sought his. With her touch, she wanted to show him she understood.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “I love you so much.”
The minister stepped in. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, for the renewal of your sacred wedding vows. Saint, you may kiss the bride.”
Saint bent down and pressed his lips to hers to the sound of loud whistles and congratulations. Xenia walked down the aisle with her husband and wondered, excited, what the future would bring.
* * *
Saint and Xenia held hands while they watched people mingling, drinking and dancing. Soon the nighttime fell, leaving a starry night with a slightly cool breeze.
“What are you looking up at?” Saint asked as he leaned back in his chair, nursing a bottle of beer.
“The sky, it’s just so beautiful,” Xenia answered softly. Saint sighed as he regarded his wife. His lazy gaze raked her lips, neck, breasts, stomach, then to her flowing dress skirt. Stacy had helped remove the train right after the ceremony.
Saint set his beer down and caught sight of his children running around screaming and laughing with other children. “We have a fifteen hour flight, with a hour layover to Sicily,” he whispered in her ear. “We are leaving early in the morning and you still have to pack a few last minute things. By the time we get through customs and security, add on another hour or two. Then, once we get to the hotel there, we will probably be exhausted and just want to sleep.” He settled his hungry gaze on her breasts. “So, I want you to follow me into the house and join me upstairs in our bedroom please.”
Saint stood, threw down his napkin and excused himself from the table. He swiftly entered the house through the patio door and climbed to the bedroom.
* * *
picked up Saints beer. Taking a big gulp, she slammed it down and followed her husband. She raced up the steps to the bedroom where Saint was already waiting for her on the bed, his toned, golden naked body in full display. One leg raised, he made her senses scream with need. His smile sent tremors through her body when she closed the door behind her. He put his hand behind his head and raised one leg as the other one remained straight. He tilted his head slightly to the left as he smiled at her and winked.
He stood and walked behind her, confident in his nakedness. In paced movements, he helped her remove her jewelry and unhooked her dress. She slid it off her shoulders and it pooled on the floor around her. She stepped out of it and away from him to remove her undergarments.
She did it leisurely, starting with the corset, every move meant to titillate her husband, to drive him wild with desire.
“You are so damn beautiful,” he rasped as she walked over towards him with only her wedding bands and a smile.

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