When Saint Goes Marching In (50 page)

BOOK: When Saint Goes Marching In
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“Oh God!” she rocked her hips against his fingers and milked his cock as her orgasm drew the last bit of seed from him, too. Xenia fell back against him as he leaned against the back of the tub. Lazily, Saint reached over and turned off the jets.
The occasional drop of water from the bath faucet was the only music now to accompany their steadying breaths as they briefly fell asleep.
Saint woke up first, and looked down at Xenia who was asleep with a smile on her face. He stood and carried her cautiously out of the tub and into their bedroom. He laid her flat down on one side of the bed. Xenia stirred a bit, still exhausted and sleepy from the rigorous lovemaking and potent orgasms. He spread her legs wider and entered her again, this time in long, measured strokes. Sweetly, lovingly.
“Saint, I love you,” Xenia said as he moved inside her.
“I love you too, my triple-X baby.” He wanted to stay inside her forever. Pushing his hand underneath her, he rubbed her pussy as he increased his speed, his groin smacking against her ass cheeks, his dick hitting her G-Spot. Her sexy sighs made him harder and when she looked back at him with those big doe eyes, his release washed over him and he spilled himself inside her.
He rolled to his back and savored the contentment. Xenia caressed the side of his jaw. He delicately took her hand and kissed it.
“As much as I’d like to just lie here with you, I better get up and cook dinner,” Xenia yawned as she stretched her legs.
“Oh, no need. I’ve got reservations for one of the best places in town, baby,” Saint joked as he continued to look up at the ceiling.
“Really? Where?” Xenia asked enthusiastically.
“Chuck E. Cheese!” he laughed.
hit him and chuckled. “Nasty ass pizza…I asked them to pick where they wanted to go for dinner and the two little devils picked the one place on Earth every parent hates. It’s like a small slice of Hell, with cheese on it.”
They both laughed.
“It’s all a part of parenthood.” Xenia said as she popped up to go freshen up.
Saint turned onto his stomach, cradled his head on his hand and watched her clean her face and private area at the sink with a warm washcloth and soap.
“Yeah I know, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. There isn’t enough money in the world to make me give all of this up.”
* * *
Payton stormed out of her office, gripping her dark brown briefcase tightly as her supervisor watched her closely. A security officer walked directly behind her, ensuring she left out the exit and didn’t return. She’d never cried so much in her life. The interrogation she endured in the last twenty-four hours was the worst thing she’d ever had to experience.
One moment she was on the phone with a wealthy client and the next moment, a life shattering call from California, a bunch of faxes and emailed audio files knocked her world off its axis.
“Who the fuck did this?” she yelled angrily as she got off the elevator from the law firm she worked at and made her way through the busy parking garage. She was so outraged that she wanted to hit something bad.
Payton chewed her bottom lip, vexed as her heels click clacked loudly against the concrete.
She tried to understand what just happened, as if hearing her own voice utter it would give the words magical eight-ball power. She got into the new bright red Lexus she had just purchased and drove frantically out of the garage, tires squealing, leaving black tire marks.
Payton parked her car in front of her brownstone. She ran up her steps, quickly opened her front door and slammed it behind her to march to her living room with the high beamed cathedral ceiling. She plopped down on the cushy, overstuffed sofa with matching zebra print pillow and propped her leopard print high heel up onto her black coffee table.
Payton closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, still in shock and her head reeling from what just occurred. She took out her cell phone and dialed her friend and work colleague, LaToya.
“Hey babes,” LaToya answered. “It could be worse, you could’ve been fired.”
“Fuck that! Did you tell anyone, LaToya?” Payton hissed.
“Are you crazy? Of course not. I have no idea how they found out, but they did, so just be happy it wasn’t worse is all I’m saying,” LaToya said around a mouthful of food. “It’s just six months.”
“Just six months? Do you realize what that gap will do to my career? I’d have to explain to another firm the reason for the suspension. I’m not a rapist!” Payton screamed.
“Um, technically you are. Do you know how rare it is for you to even still have your license, Payton? If you were a man, you’d have been disbarred right after it happened. Count your blessings. You’re starting to get on my nerves. You know you can survive for six months so just chill. Turn it into an extended vacation.”
“You’re a real help, you know that?” Payton said sarcastically as she kicked her shoes off and flexed her toes. “OK fine, I shouldn’t have done it but I don’t regret it. Saint got just what he deserved and I’m ecstatic that little Ms. Perfect now can see him for the snake that he is.”
“Well, he isn’t a snake to her, apparently. You had to slip him a mickey to get him to fuck you.”
“Fuck you very kindly, LaToya. I have no idea why we’re even still friends. You are the worst person, ever!” Payton screamed into the phone.
LaToya laughed. “We’re friends because we have a love-hate thing going on and come on, you need me. I’m the only one not afraid of you and I tell you the truth. Look, Payton, you remind me of me when I was your age.”
“You’re only five years older than I! Stop acting like Grandma Wisdom, please! And quit smacking in my ear. Do you really need to go on with that right now?” Payton asked, rolling her eyes.
“Well shit, I’m hungry!” LaToya gaffed. “Hold on, someone is calling me.” LaToya put Payton on hold.
Payton sighed and looked around her living room.
“Shit!” she thought to herself. “I know Saint. I know he didn’t say a damn thing! He wants to look cute to all of his adoring fans. Who the fuck leaked this and how did they find out?” Payton said through gritted teeth.
Still on hold, she threw her phone down on the couch, slipped her shoes back on and marched out to her front stoop to grab her mail. Payton opened the door, put her hand in the mailbox and noticed the package.
“What the hell is this?” She picked it up and looked at the address.
“Stamped in California but no address.”
She grabbed the rest of her mail, threw it on top of the box and marched back to the living room, kicking her door closed behind her. Payton plopped down on the couch. She threw the envelopes on the table and proceeded to tear the tape off of the box as she cradled her cell phone between her neck and chin.
“OK, I’m back,” LaToya said. “That was Mr. Brewster from the Ali Day Foundation. They always want a donation. I may have to pass this year.”
“Well, I still don’t think it’s fair but whatever,” Payton shrugged. “I should’ve started my own firm eons ago.”
“That would’ve been worse. You would’ve had no one to vouch for you. The man that stands alone can’t climb on any shoulders to safety, Payton.”
Payton rolled her eyes as she struggled to open the package. Finally, she managed to pull apart all four flaps of the cardboard box. Payton carefully removed a DVD that had been protected with an extensive amount of bubble wrap and Styrofoam. The front of it read, “Something Special for Payton,” written in beautifully elegant handwriting. Payton turned the DVD back and forth in her hand, sizing it up. There was no additional information.
“Hey LaToya, let me give you a call back.” Payton hung up before her friend could respond. She walked to her entertainment center and slid the DVD inside the player. Grabbing the remote control from the top of the console, she walked back to her seat, kicked her shoes back off and crossed her legs.
She pushed play and Xenia materialized on the screen.
“Good day, Payton.”
sat outside on a park bench surrounded by what appeared to be a beautiful Californian day. The sun was beating down on her, making her skin glow with bronze highlights that shimmered like new pennies. Her natural hair was braided in shiny twists that went down the length of her sculptured back, adorned with a large purple flower to match her sundress.
Hate struck Payton like a bold of lightning.
“I see that you received my little
.” Xenia leaned closer to the camera. The faint background noises of cars driving by and children laughing played like an odd soundtrack. Xenia clasped her hands together.
“I’m on camera because I want you to look me in my eyes. Sending a letter wouldn’t be half as effective. I want you to see my face and hear my voice, Payton,” Xenia sighed. “Woman to woman, so that there will be no misunderstanding. What you did to my husband was…interesting. You see, women raping men is such an extreme and rare occurrence that there isn’t as much information on it as there should be. I start this video getting right into that Payton, because you’re a sexual predator,” Xenia said seriously. “You used sex to try to control a man who no longer respects you, desires you or wants you anywhere near him. You disrespected me, my family, our children, as well as yourself when you stooped to such an all-time low.”
Payton stared at the television. Her grip on the remote tightened, and she wished it were Xenia’s neck instead.
God, how she despised that woman.
“So,” Xenia said, clasping her hands. “Here is what occurred. I spoke to someone I know about what you had done to my husband and they were so outdone, that they contacted your Supervisor. I don’t know if you’re fired yet, but you will be soon and there really isn’t anything you can do about that. I did however insist that you not be disbarred and get the minimum punishment. The only reason I did that, Payton, was because I don’t want Saint to have to talk publicly about something he wishes never occurred, something that was out of his control. I did this for him, surely not for me because I’d sing like a damn canary about your nasty, desperate ass in a heartbeat. Your mission was to destroy him and to take his family away from him. No matter what he personally did to you, why would I and our children deserve such nastiness? Such vileness? So, because you’re angry about a man who never wanted to wife you up – even though he was real with you from day one about your placement in his life –you sought revenge by hurting innocent children and a woman you don’t even know. I thought lawyers were supposed to be somewhat logical? I see however that you live up to the attorney stereotypes quite well,” Xenia snarled. “If you ever, and I mean even so much as
of my husband, again, you will live to regret it. You might
you’re a bad bitch, but I’m badder. You don’t know me Payton. If you did, you would’ve thought twice about this.

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