When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC (9 page)

BOOK: When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC
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Chapter Nine

After news conference


Ella has been upstairs in her room since she collapsed after the press conference yesterday. We had all been careful not to mention the kidnap or Samuel but we couldn’t protect her from the undeniable questions the hound dogs were going to ask. Even I felt sick to my stomach when they wanted to know why we had been questioned. Didn’t the fuckers realise we have done nothing wrong? Couldn’t they tell by just looking at Ella that she didn’t do this? Fuck, if I ever thought she would have. Shit, I would have strangled her myself. But I know my Ella. She loves Sammy more than life itself.

, when they mentioned death, Ella tried to jump out of her chair but her body was too weak, she vomited as she fell to the floor. Some fucking arsehole had the bloody nerve to take her picture.

Let me tell you now that that camera is no more

I grab
bed the fucker and smashed it into smithereens. He can try and sue me all he likes; the shit thinks he can threaten me. I heard the police informing anyone if her pictures were to hit the headlines they would be charged, but no matter what, the news conference was live so everyone got a shot at Ella falling to her knees and vomiting. Thank fuck a lot of the news stations have deleted that scene, but there are the odd few that put it on air.

, it’s now viral.

’s team are working to remove the footage but the greedy fuckers are spreading it like wild fire. It’s hot news. Ella Jamison pukes on TV. What the fuck is funny about that? But some twisted fuckers think it is.

Mum and dad are finally here though. They rang Ella, I doubt she
listened to them but I did hear her say Sammy loves them and they should be here. I’m fucking glad really. Mum’s the best in a crisis, even though this one is wearing thin on them. They are my rock.

The only thing we can’t grasp yet is why?

We’ve had no ransom, no anything really so we know it’s not for money. I think the coppers were hoping for that really, but after the first day I think they changed their mind. Whoever took Sammy never knew what we were worth, and now we think they have shit themselves but we still don’t know why or where he is.

No fucker does.




I could feel my entire body tense up as the anger consumed me. I fucking hated this, I felt vulnerable and fuck, I’ve not felt this vulnerable since Matt threatened me to spy on Jacob’s business.

, I can imagine what you are thinking.


Well, why is the very question.

Matt decided I was no longer required as his girl, but he just couldn’t let me walk away so easily. He had wanted revenge on Jacob since university. I never questioned why as I knew I would never get the answer I wanted, but this one revenge was the sequin of our lives.

We sometimes wonder what path we would follow, but mine was determined for me by one man.

One man who has destroyed all I have loved and I tell you now if he is behind this then I will get more than revenge
, I will seek death.

I’m a heartless bitch now
adays but that is the product of being with a bitter, twisted man. He turned me this way. I never used to be like this when I was younger; I was sweet, innocent and naïve. Now I’m broken, bitter and out for revenge.

Did I seek revenge on Matthew?

Fuck yeah I did, but trust me he deserved it.

I know I never should have spied on Jacob
’s business but trust me, when I met him and fell in love, the guilt sank in and I tried to get out of Matthew’s plans. But he wouldn’t allow it. He’d had me followed and threatened.

Did I
ever consider going to Frank at the time? I thought I was a big girl and could handle it. Heck, not that Frank’s advice was the best. Fuck, that auction got so much bad press I couldn’t believe it. The only good thing was since investing into Stones every fucker loved me. I never wanted that though. I never wanted to be centre of attention. No, I wanted to hide in the back ground but Frank’s plans bought me to light. A light in a way, which could have gotten us to where we are now.

Some peo
ple may think I deserve this and in a way I do.

But do
Sammy and Jacob?

No. O
h, God, fuck, Sammy. Please let him be safe and alive. I would trade my soul for him, take a bullet, even swap places as long as that fucker doesn’t touch a single hair on his precious head.

I’m a mess. My body has developed the shakes now and I can see him everywhere if I just reach out
, but then he disappears. Shit, how can I survive this?

I can see the drip sticking out of my arm; I don’t even remember it being there. I don’t remember much anymore.

What day is it? Who are these people that come in and pretend to smile towards me? I don’t need them here. Fuck that, I don’t want them here.

I need Jacob and Sammy and the rest can fuck off.

My mind has blanked out, I’m lost. I can’t even think for myself. I know there are things I need to do.

But what?

The burning feeling in my body is back. There is something happening but for the love of me I don’t remember.

Where am I? I try to look around but my neck feels so heavy on my shoulders since my headache refuses to move. Why do I have a headache?

I remember going to work on Monday morning then everything blanked out. Is there something or somewhere I need to be? Should I be working? My days are a blur.




I had to get out of the house. I know I promised not to leave her side, but Christ she doesn’t even recognise me anymore.

My everything is crumbling all around me and I just
can’t sit back and watch the world pull us apart.

What hurts the most are the lies.
Still, after all we’ve been through. She lies to me. Heck, I thought we had got past all the damn lies.

She went behind my back and seeked the ultimate revenge on Matthew
, even though I had asked her time and time again to leave the past in the past. If he is behind this, I will kill him with my bare hands. But seriously, I have doubts. I know Matthew Stone unfortunately, and in all honesty I know he wouldn’t do this to us.

There was a time back at the hospital when I wanted to get revenge on him myself, but most of it was lies. Lies that cost me everything. Okay yes
, Ella did spy on my company for him, but when we got together she wanted out and he wouldn’t let her. But deep down in my gut something is telling me to look elsewhere. Somewhere closer to home.

looking, fucking trust me. But who would do this to us?

Frank? N
ot a hope in hell's chance. Jesus, he loves Ella and Sammy like they’re his own. Beth? I shake my head. Christ, what am I thinking? Beth is his godmother; she wouldn’t touch a hair on his precious head. So that leaves, Taylor? The shivers run through my core. Would Taylor do this to us? Fuck, I screamed. Shit, how can I think so low of Taylor? After all he does for us. He loves Ella and Sammy there’s no way. So that just leaves the staff, and let’s face it, it’s more than their job’s worth.

Everything just stems to Matthew
, and the only reason I could justify that he would want to seek revenge is because of that damn takeover. She promised me she wouldn’t and she lied again.

I wish I could walk
away, but then what?

My entire life is at the very end of this road.

I glance up as I notice my dad sit next to me. He pats my leg, “I’m sorry for following son, it’s just… Well your mum and I are terribly worried about you and Ella. Where’s her fight gone? I remember her tough exterior wall she had not too long ago.” I laugh nervously, “boy, dad. You do pick your moments. I remember there was a time when you were dead set against her.” He nodded, “Touché, son. What can I say? I’m stuck in my ways. Honestly son, I thought she was after you for your money.” I laugh at how ironic it was. Seriously Ella was richer than my parents and my dad was worried that she would take me for all I was worth.

“Shit dad. I’m
worried sick.”

“I know son.”

“What if this doesn’t turn out in our favour? Do you think Ella would come back to us? Hell she...” I gulp back the lump in my throat as my dad takes me in his arms and cuddles me like when I was a young boy. “Shh, she will come back, fighting stronger than ever and back to her former self.” I nodded as I wiped my tear away; I had tried not to cry in front of Ella, so I kept my tears to myself and only shed them when I went to the bathroom, away from prying eyes.

Where’s mum?” we started to walk back down the gravel drive back towards Ella’s house. “She had to nip home for more bits.” I shook my head. “Again? I thought she wanted to be here and help. She is always nipping out.” Dad nodded. “She doesn’t feel comfortable at the moment son. It will take her some time again.” Seriously I knew how mum felt.

I’m scared, dad. I don’t think I could survive it if he isn’t found. Honestly I’m standing up still because I love Ella and Sammy so much, but I’m dead on the inside. Dad, my fight is slowly fading with each passing hour. My thread is nearly bare.”

There was nothing dad could say or do to make this better. I had to stay strong and fight. Fight for my family and for my life.


Chapter Ten



The temperature had dropped and my body started to shake in what now feels like a bucket of ice. My head is lulling slowly as my body easily drifts lower and lower. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and this just feels so right.

I don’t know why.
But something is pulling me in this direction.

can’t handle what has become of my life anymore.

They’ve won.

They have beaten me down to the person I once promised myself I would never become again. The light is now closing, as I can feel the cold submerge over my chin and images start to flash before me.

Was this always my purpose?

Was I always so weak?

not certain when the turning point finally hit me, but it’s been seven long excruciating days. I know now, that we will never see Samuel again and I don’t think I can carry on without him. I know it’s not fair on Jacob and I truly do love him.

A while
ago I even thought marriage would be on the cards, but with all our pasts, I’m just happy with us and that we had finally become a family. Then, one horrible Monday afternoon changed our entire life and this is the final nail in the coffin.

I know I should be strong and say he will come home
, and for days I was hoping and praying he would. But I know now he won’t and I can’t breathe another breath without him.

They say the first few days are critical if we are to get him back and we never did. Then they made us do that stupid news conference which achieved fuck all.
I’m not stupid; I’ve seen the looks they are giving each other. The silent whispers, the less police officers arriving at the house.

They have given up
, so why shouldn’t I?

, I’m weak without a shadow of a doubt, but wouldn’t you be?

This is my baby, my boy, my entire reason for living and without him I
can’t and won’t live.

My breaths are starting to struggle as I can feel water slowly going into my lungs. My
body’s instinct is to get up and fight, but I’m all fought out. I lay still and try to absorb what is happening to me, trying to fight any horrible images of what could have happened to my baby.

I can
hear the banging but my body refuses to move. I’m not moving. This is my chance to be with Sammy.

I can feel how close I am now.




My heart was in my throat when I saw Ella submerged lifeless in the tub. Frank and I had to smash the door down when we realised she had gone in alone. I was banging for ages but something told me she wasn’t going to answer.

, she doesn’t even know; I had only disappeared for a minute when she had decided to come in here.

Her body had gone into total shock and shut down. The doctor has said she will be okay and come around when her body is ready, but she has locked down completely.

To be honest, I expected it a lot sooner, especially after the news conference but thankfully she had just spaced out due to dehydration. Everyone had said she will come around but I think she realised what the situation had finally come down to.

no pushover, but with the loss of Samuel, I think she finally couldn’t carry on. She’s just sleeping and her body will come back to me when she’s ready, and then I can tell her our fantastic news. Until then it’s again a waiting game.

face it, when it comes to Ella, I am always bloody waiting. I laugh out loud, thinking how ironic this situation is and how since I met Ella, how my once quiet life has been turned upside down and backwards and forwards.

It didn’t seem to
o long ago when I had to wait at the hospital. But, damn, that was a waiting game on a whole new level. A waiting game I never want to experience again.

I thought I knew
Ella. Okay yes, we hadn’t been together for too long, but she never once gave me the impression she could be that girl. I do love her, no matter what we have been through, but that one experience changed me completely.



2 years earlier.




I’d just burst through the doors praying they had got the wrong Ella. My stomach was already in knots and my heart was beating twenty to the dozen. There is no way that my sweetheart could be laying here.

I ran straight up to a desk. The receptionist was busy doing some pape
rwork, I shifted my feet side to side wondering when she was going to realise I was here. Out of the corner of her eye I noticed the arrogant look she gave me as she looked me up and down.

I help you, sir?”

I couldn’t catch my
breath; I tried inhaling a few times before I could speak.

“It’s my girlfriend
, Ella. Ella Hardy.”

I found I was scanning around for anyone to point me in the direction of home. Hoping this was just one big nightmare.

“They said she was bought in by ambulance.”

The lady glanced down and typed into the computer, she looked at me strangely.

“We have an Ella Jamison, just through those double doors. Wait, sir.” I didn’t let her finish I just rushed off as panic began setting in.

As soon as I pushed open the double doors
, I froze to the spot.

There she was
, my innocent sweetheart, lying there out cold, on the bed.

Bile rose to my throa
t, my heart was pounding and I felt dizzy. I couldn’t breathe, and I was struggling to catch my breath.

I wanted to hold her, to feel her, but the doctors and nurses were attaching tubes and drips to her body.

Her face was covered in blood; they had cut her clothes from her.

One of the nurses turned around as the doors closed behind me, she glared at me then came rushing over.

“Excuse me, sir, you can’t be in here, you need to wait in the waiting room.”

I stumbled back
, as I shuddered and shook my head. There was no way was I moving from this spot apart from straight across the room to hold her. I couldn’t leave her lifeless body lying there with strangers.

“She’s my girlfriend. I… I… I, need to be here with her.”

The nurse looked at me sternly. “Come on, sir, she already has a friend in the waiting room. Please, let me show you the way.” She took hold of my shoulders and twisted me around.

I couldn’t move my feet as she led me away. I stopped and looked at Ella once more.

Wait a minute; did she say she already had a friend waiting for her?

She was home ill in bed all day; mum left her only three hours ago.

She pushed open the waiting room door and a woman about Ella’s age was sitting shaking, the nurse turned to me.

The Doctor will be along shortly, Mr?”

I glanced up, as my body was trembling with sheer panic.

“Mr Green.” I gulped.

The nurse disappeared and I was left sitting with the other woman, she coughed before she spoke.

“Hi, I take it your Jacob, I’m Suzanne. I’m Ella’s colleague and sort of best friend.” I sat there stunned as I closed my eyes.

I couldn’t get the vision of Ella out of my mind.

My Ella, my darling sweetheart, lay there attached to machines while doctors were working on her lifeless body.

She lay on the bed frozen
, like she was sleeping.

It felt not that long ago when she was sitting in my office, I couldn’t believe
it, she was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I know I never cared for relationships before. But I knew deep down she was the one. She affected me in so many ways, like I’ve never been affected before.

She was beautiful and so fragile and precious; I could wrap her up in cotton wool and protect her forever. Damn, I’d never been more certain of anything in my life and I know I’m going to make it my mission to have her as Mrs Green before the year’s out.

I was still in a trance when another person joined us in the waiting room. He went over to the woman sitting opposite me; I couldn’t remember what she said her name was. To be honest
, my mind was empty and the only thing I could see was, my Ella.

Someone coughed and I looked up.

And there stood Matthew Stone, from Stones Industries.

My ex-roommate from college and university.
Shit, the hate I held towards this man was unbearable. What the fuck is he doing here?

I stood up so he knew he didn’t intimate me. The cheeky sod held his hand out for me to shake.

I didn’t return the favour.

I just wanted to know why he was here
with Ella’s so called friend. What did she say her name was again?

He studied me all over with a glint in his eyes.
“Jacob. My old chum, it’s definitely so nice to see you again. Obviously, it would have been so much nicer under better circumstances.”

I was fuming. Who does he think he is?

“What are you doing here
, Matt?”

He smiled and gave a dirty laugh.
“What do you think? To check on my Ella, of course. I heard she was in an accident, and I needed to be here for her.”

Was he deluded? O
r did he just call my Ella, his? “What the fuck is going on here, Matt. Why are you here to see my partner?” He laughed so loud; I just wanted to punch him.

I wanted answers, my blood was
boiling and I was getting beyond pissed.

He scanned the room and patted the other women’s head before replying.

“Well… well… well, let’s see, Jacob.” You could hear the intent in his voice; he was on a mission to do something so nasty.

Your partner, as we should say, is also my partner. I’ve been seeing her for the last few years. Oh yeah, and she also works for me.”

I stood there
, gob smacked. “When you were losing clients, I was gaining them. Our pretty little Ella has been busy. She has been forwarding me your clients for months. She only works for you as a spy for me, and she thought it would be a good idea to mix business and pleasure. Got to say she is a pretty little fuck, don’t you think? I’ve enjoyed sharing her with you and finding out about all your misdemeanours.”

Before I even knew what was happening
, I had flung him so hard against the wall, wrapping my hands around his throat. How dare he insinuate my Ella was capable of that? While she was in there, fighting for her life.

How dare he even come here after what happened all those years ago.

Fuck me, I so wanted to kill him.

I pulled my fist back to punch him in the face, when someone pulled us apart. I started lashing out at
whoever was holding me back. “Jesus Christ, just let me get that shit.”

I glared at the man holding me and ruffled to get free when I notic
ed it was two police officers. “Either quit this now or you will both be joining us in the cells, and I’m certainly sure neither one of you two gentlemen would want that at this moment in time. Now calm down. Who is Ella’s next of kin?”

I pulled my self-straight and looked the
officer straight in the eyes. “I am, officer.” I stood there bewildered by the whole situation.

It took me a few seconds to get my breath back.
“Can you tell me what happened? Ella, my partner was home ill, and the next thing I know I get a call in work saying she has been taken here by ambulance after an accident. I’m slightly puzzled.” The officer took his hat off and sat down on one of the chairs, the rest of us followed.

I glared at Matthew, “I want you out,
you have nothing to do with Ella. Leave now and take your associate with you.” I shouted as I flung my arms at him, before I could do anything else the other officer stopped me. “We need to speak to Suzanne regarding the accident; we will take them in the other room to take a statement.”

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