When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC (6 page)

BOOK: When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC
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“So Beth
, Ella tells me you’re a model. Do you enjoy it?” She looked over to me and I slightly nudged my shoulders with no answer as to why he had to go. “Yeah I love it, Jacob. I’ve always wanted to do it, it’s my dream job.”

I poured us some more wine but Jacob placed a hand over his glass, “I best not
, sweetheart, my car’s at work and I need to collect it before I head on home. But thank you for the offer.” We finished our pizza and garlic bread, Beth and I could not believe it all disappeared thanks to Jacob.

Beth got up, “hey you two
, I’m just going to call Joshua, back in a bit.” She looked all giddy; Beth and Joshua had been together for a couple of weeks now and they were well in their honeymoon period. Jacob stood up and shook her hand, “I will probably be gone by the time you get back, maybe we will see each other around. Bye Beth,” She cuddled into me and whispered in my ear. “He's a keeper. Don’t let him go.”

and I tidied the pizza boxes away and I started to wash the glasses, he was leaning against the breakfast bar, looking preoccupied.

“Are you okay
, Jacob?”

I said turning as I continued to wash.

He approached me cautiously. He came up behind me and placed his arms around my waist, as his chin rested on my shoulder and inhaled sharply. A few of his tears dripped on to my top.

“I’m good
, sweetheart. But I need to go.”

I was lost for words.

I turned around, but he retracted and slowly headed to the stairs. We walked down in silence. When we got to the bottom, he turned around and placed the sweetest kiss on the tip of my nose. “Goodnight Baby.” And he left.

I stood there astonished
. My eyes were all glassy.

id I get it so wrong? I was hurting him more staying friends. I gradually strolled back upstairs and Beth was sitting on the sofa.

“I saw Ella
, you’re breaking his heart and you need to make it right or leave the job.” I sunk down next to her. “I know. I don’t understand him though; when we are at work he never mentions our outside life. Work is work. And when we’re outside he never mentions work life, he only talks about us. He keeps them separate, and I can’t grasp why?”

cuddled me in. “Does it matter? Maybe, he thinks if he involves work too much then it becomes complicated. He's keeping the barriers between work and social separate. That’s a good thing.”

We both sat there in silence for age
s. “Yes I guess you’re right, Beth. I’ve got a business dinner with him and clients tomorrow evening, and then I will inform him I’m departing the company. He can’t move on while I’m in his face 24/7.”

Beth was dumbfounded.
“Ella, think about this. Once you leave, it will be hard to go back.”

I sa
t up straight, “I have to, Beth. Did you see the look in his eyes when he left? Every time we are together he's tormented that little bit more. Damn, I can’t torture him any longer. I’m moving on.”

I looked away regretful, “that also mean
s I will be moving on from here. I’m sorry Beth. I know its short notice but I will be gone by the weekend. I will pay the rent until you get a new tenant. If I don’t leave, I will only destroy him completely and he doesn’t deserve that.”

We sat in silence.
Beth didn’t argue as she knew if I couldn’t be with Jacob there was no possible way I could be around him while he loved me.

The only problem was
, I didn’t know whether my past could damage his heart more or we would be good together. The only thing I really knew was the more I tried to distance myself, the more he got attached. I tried, honestly, so many times to keep away from him even though it tore me apart, but Jacob was determined I would be his, even though that determination might be the root of all our problems.


Chapter Five

Day Two


“Where are my keys?” I screamed at everyone. I knew I had left them on the sideboard. I always leave them on the sideboard. I glanced around as everyone had stopped mid step. Why were they all standing there staring at me, as if I had lost the plot?

Frank and Jacob both frowned
at me. “Where did you put them?” Frank asked.

I turned around fu
ming. “If I knew that, then I wouldn’t be asking.” I stated with annoyance.

“Where are you going
, sweetheart?” Jacob whispered, just enough so I could hear.

“Work baby,” I confirmed calmly “Just like you.” Jacob looked surprised and shocked all at the same time. I honestly didn’t kno
w why. It’s not like we both didn’t have businesses to run. I know Jacob occasionally lets his Dad back for a few days when he wants time off, but I don’t have that luxury since Frank had semi-retired and there was the final takeover of Stones Industries to complete.

Taylor and Beth shifted so they were out of sight; I had to do a double take as I glared at them. “Beth
, shouldn’t you be at a photo shoot this morning? Oh and Taylor, I’m certain Mr Green junior would appreciate you at the office and not in our home.” I said as I pointed towards myself and Jacob. They both stumbled over words but I cut them short. “Have I missed something? Is it someone’s birthday?”  I said as I was reaching for my diary.

They both shuffled their legs as Beth answered “um, err” she looked to Frank and then to Jacob. No one spoke but I noticed Jacob
’s slight shake of his head. “It’s okay sweetheart, they just came to see me, Taylor was dropping some things off on his way to the office and he was giving Beth a lift to her shoot on the way. You know how these two like to mingle in the clubs until the early hours of the mornings.” I smiled, “yeah, I do baby.”


     I had literally been in work for not even an hour and Jacob was smothering me. I couldn’t take it anymore so I told him I needed to go and freshen up. I know I’m not dressed for work and I’ve seen the looks the staff are giving me.

But I just needed
to get out of the house for a few hours and work was my only way out. But now I’m here, I feel sick. I can’t believe I’m in here when my baby is… God… Fuck, I can’t even say it.

I nip to the toilet so I can get a few
minutes to myself; I glance around the bathroom and notice the fire escape door on the side. I’m so fucking glad these buildings have the old metal fire escape stairs still attached.

When I bought the building I wasn’t sure
whether to remove them, but thanks to all the fire safety regulations, they had to stay. Relief washes over me when I push down on the handle and it opens. I sneak out as quietly as I possibly can and shut the door closed without forcing it. I quickly scan where all the windows are and sneak down as slowly as I possibly can, so no one notices me.

Once I reach the bottom
, I quickly head towards the park. I know there are lots of places Sammy could just be hiding, scared. And I need to check. Maybe he’s just lost and they can’t find him. No fucker can find him. As I scanned left and right before I cross the road, I seriously thought I saw a news reporter but when I looked again no one was there. Maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

I quickly crossed. Where was everyone?
I was told there were tons of people looking for him. I know Hyde Park is huge but come on; I would give them all the money in the world so they could have this park full of men.

I got on my hands and knees and started crawling through all the bushes.

“Sammy!” I shouted.

“Come on Sammy
, it’s mummy. Hide and seek time is over.”

” I shouted again. I stood up and swung around as I saw a flash of light. I covered my eyes.

“Get lost,” I screeched.

But the flashes were coming faster as more reporters ran over to get their picture.

I turned around and just moved on to the next set of bushes.

“Samuel, baby, its mummy.” I said.

I could hear my name being called but I had blanked out. I was determined if they couldn’t find him
, then I would. I couldn’t go through another night without him by my side.



I stood there gobsmacked as Ella walked down the stairs with a determination I’ve not seen since, well bugger me, I’ve never seen it.

Did I just hear
her correctly? Was she fucking mad?

Has she already lost the plot?

What does one say in circumstances like this? Did she completely forget what happened yesterday?

I glanced over to Frank who had just come from the kitchen with his coffee in hand; he had stood still with his mug inches from his face. I think truthfully he was lost for words
, the same as me.

Tim was by my side, he leant over so we were
within ear shot of each other. “Just let her be. This is her way of managing” he stated.

‘Managing my arse!
’ I said to myself. What the hell does she really think she is doing? She can’t seriously think we are going to work when we don’t even know where he is?

, how she can even contemplate work when we had no fucking sleep last night?

My resolve wanted to hide and never come out
, but I knew Ella was determined. Heck, determined is an understatement, when describing Ella. But when she has an idea in her head, not even Jesus could stop her. She just goes with the flow regardless of the outcome.

Well bugger me
, this outcome will be bad. The fucking savages are out there on the lawn, just waiting to get their picture to make money from our horrific circumstance. They don’t care as long as it’s their newspaper that has the best picture and if she goes out right now then she will play into their hands, regardless if she thinks she is doing the right thing or not.

What can I do? Really
, there is nothing I can do. I just need to be by her side so she knows no matter what, I have always been here. I lift my head and shake it while I say a silent prayer and hope to God we can survive whatever is thrown our way.


Ten minutes. Since when does it take Ella ten minutes to pee? I will give her a few more minutes and then I’m heading in. I know she’s probably sorting herself out so she looks presentable, but in all honesty she has yoga pants on and pumps.

I rec
kon most of the staff is unsure of her at the moment. Heck, I’m unsure, she is giving off that vibe, and if you cross me you’re sacked. Which rightfully is true, but hell, she shouldn’t even be here and putting her staff in this awkward position.

This is our situation
, no one else’s. Trust me when I say no one would understand.  Hence, why we got those looks when she first walked into her office, with a face like thunder because someone had dared park in her spot.

I sort of felt sorry for the poor bloke who thought he had the upper hand for the day, but not sorry enough
. Truth be told, I don’t know who the skinny bugger thought he was. Heck, he will never be the boss.

No one will. O
nly Ella, and damned if I would want to cross her. Shit, I wouldn’t cross her on a good day never mind on a day like today.

There was a time many moons ago
, I thought she had the timid exterior that I always went for, how wrong was I? And in all honesty, I wouldn’t change who she is now. I love her hard, feisty exterior because I know when the door closes and she cuddles me close, that her wall crumbles ever so slightly and she lets me in.

Ella isn’t t
he best for being discreet; damn, she is always on the news or in the papers. I know Frank’s firm kept her out of it for a few years once she got to sixteen, as Ella had changed her name. Damn, it took me a while to get this information out of her, and only then I finally found out who the real Ella was, thanks to a business meeting she attended with me. Mr Bassette was my new Italian client and lucky for me Ella spoke the language fluently. Little did we know that he would have known her parents?

I was in shock to say the least. Trust me
, every business man knew her father. Fuck, every business man wanted to be him. He excelled quicker than anyone I knew. His empire built literally overnight and he became a legend. Little did I know the truth all of those years ago when I had idolised him.

, he was a genius in the business world. He got a silent partner to do all the work and he took the credit. And that genius we all know as Frank, now looks after my family. I’m grateful, don’t get me wrong. But damn, they’re my family and I want them home with me.

Kirsty ran up to me ou
t of breath, “Mr Green, the news.” My head swung around so fast I don’t know how I never gave myself whiplash. Was he found? My heart started to beat faster.

“It’s Ella,” she said. I ran as fast as I could to her office and as I came to a sto
p. Holy shit, I think I died. There, on the TV was Ella, down on her hands and knees in the park looking through all the trees, screaming for Sammy. She looked distraught and beaten.

“Shit,” I said as I pulled my phone out.

“Frank. Where the fuck is Tim?” There was silence so I knew he had seen it.

“On his way son.” F
uck, I hope he’s hurrying.

“How? S
hit Frank, she was only in the toilet.” I could hear Franks smile.

“Honestly Frank
, there’s nothing to smile about,” I heard him shuffle in the back ground and I presumed he was moving out of ear shot.

, honestly Jacob. You know her better than anyone. Since when does Ella listen to anyone?” I shook my head. “My thoughts as well son.” Bugger, how does he know? “Did you happen to check the fire escape doors to the bathroom? You do know the stairs are at the side of the building.” I felt defeated.

I’m on my way home Frank, when she gets home, try and talk some sense into her. Damn it, she’s all over the news on her hands and knees looking like a mad woman.”

“I know son.
I will try but you know Ella, she won’t even listen to me.”

I did know Ella better than anyone, and at this moment in time I knew that our relationship was non-existent, and I didn’t think it would ever be right again, if truth be told. If this ends in our favour I still think she will resent me. Fuck I know she will resent me. I know it’s not my fault, but in Ella’s eyes it is. I’ve given up trying to explain that it’s not my fault but she stems everything back to Matthew and my past.

Heck, I
can’t blame her, maybe it is my fault. Maybe if I hadn’t gone out with Rachel years ago then none of this would have happened.

Damn, what am I saying, it’s not my fault. Maybe if she never went for revenge we would have been bloody okay. Maybe if she kept her money in her bank like normal people instead of buying his company then we wouldn’t be standing here like this now.

Maybe if she never walked. Walked, stumbled more like it into my office then I wouldn’t have fallen in love with her. Shit, what am I saying? I wouldn’t change sod all. Okay yeah, I would change the situation we are in now, but Ella and I were meant to be, no matter what. She’s my all.

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