When Our Worlds Collide (8 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Iler

BOOK: When Our Worlds Collide
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Chapter Fourteen




To say that I have royally fucked up (again) would be an
understatement. Kennedy just threw my first chance to be the person that she
thinks I am in my lap and I blew it, like royally screwed it up. What was I
thinking? Notes from Government class…really? I should have just said, “I would
never try to hook up with someone like Kennedy Conrad. I have standards.”

The look on her face is the only thing that I see during my
first two classes and lunch. I look for her in the hallway and in the
cafeteria, but haven’t been able to catch her yet. It’s ridiculous for even
caring. She’s clearly avoiding me with good reason. I saw the way she looked up
at me. The tears she fought hard to hold back made a pit in my stomach grow to
unrealistic proportions.

Most girls would have taken the cruel reality of my words
without question. A few harsh words have never deterred them from trying to get
what they wanted from me in the end. I’m beginning to realize that Kennedy
isn’t just any girl. She’s different.

Kennedy wasn’t just hurt, she’s intensely pissed off. She
said “fuck” and it sounded dirty coming from that sweet mouth of hers. She’s
not the type of girl that throws words like that around. When she says things
like ‘fuck’ and ‘damn’, she means all the anger behind them. I kind of like the
spunk she has when she’s angry. It’s cute to see her get all worked up.

I know that I have to talk to her to try to apologize. A
girl like her isn’t going to make it easy. Kennedy isn’t going to be willing to
listen to me, so I’d just have to make her listen. I had warned her last night
that something like this was bound to happen. I’m only meant for destruction.

When Kennedy walks into Government class I know that my plan
is well worth the side long glances from my team mates and glares from the
girls who begged to sit beside me. She looks around the room for an available
seat. Lucky for me, she has the crutches that hinder her from arriving to class
early. I sit in the front row with a grin plastered across my face knowing damn
well that she doesn’t have any other choice but to sit her tiny little ass next
to me.

Kennedy throws her books a little too hard on the table and
drops her crutches at her feet before sitting down next to me. I can’t stop the
laugh that bubbles up the moment she glares at me folding her arms over her
chest in agitation shaking her head. Mr. Stevenson begins class like he usually
does with asking random questions from the notes the day before. I get lucky as
he skips over me even though I see the look of confusion on his face when he
notices I’m not in my usual hiding spot at the back of the room.

“In groups of two, so the person sitting next to you at your
table please discuss what you read last night for homework and answer the
questions in the print out that I’m going to send around. It should take you
most of the hour,” Mr. Stevenson explains. Kennedy sighs at his instructions.

She flips through her notebook and turns her textbook to the
beginning of the chapter that was assigned to us in yesterday’s class. “Did you
read any of this?” Kennedy asks flipping through the pages of her textbook with
a little too much force.

“Last night? How, I was at your house till almost three in
the morning?” I reach down to grab my book where it lays on the ground. Kennedy
forcefully continues gliding through the pages one by one. “You’re going to rip
the pages of that poor book of yours if you keep that up.” As she looks up at
me, my eyebrow quirks up playfully.

“Aren’t you funny? I fell asleep as soon as you left, but I
think I got the gist of it when I scanned through it this morning,” she
explains. Of course Kennedy read through it this morning. She’s just that type.
I can’t keep up with this girl. I don’t know what to anticipate. I’m off my
game with her.

I reach out to touch her hand, but retract before I make any
contact. She notices and immediately tenses up in front of me. “Kennedy, we
to talk,” I beg running my hands down my face. I can feel her slipping away
before I even have a full grasp.

“I’m really getting sick of hearing those words come out of
your mouth. You made your choices, but that doesn’t mean I need to listen to
your reasons, Graham.” She whispers to insure no one overhears. I’m not sure
anymore if that small gesture is for her benefit or mine. She’s still avoiding
me. I need to see her eyes. They’ll give her away.

I think about the situation for a minute until I speak
again. “I screwed up, but in my defense I warned you that this was going to
happen. I’m not who you think I am.”

Kennedy looks down at her hands that are folded into each
other on her lap. Her knuckles are turning white from the tight grip she has on
them. “Mr. Stevenson, can I have a hall pass please?” she requests grabbing her
crutches. As she reaches out to grab the pass from his hand that he offered out
without question, I make my decision.

I sit in my chair watching her walk out of the room clearly
irritated with me once again. I don’t know what comes over me. My feet are
moving before my mouth has a chance to catch up.

“Mr. Black where do you think you are going?” Mr. Stevenson
hollers to me before I hit the door.

“I forgot my notes in my locker. Just gonna grab them,” I
lie walking out before he has the chance to oppose.

Kennedy’s leaning up against the lockers just a few steps
down the hallway. You can always tell when you are in trouble by the look on
the other persons face and I promise you that I’m in deep shit.






Chapter Fifteen




“Seriously, I am not in the mood right now Graham,” I yell
to him as he approaches me in the hallway. I want to bang my head against the
locker in frustration. I don’t understand Graham’s insistence with me. He’s
clearly never worked this hard at anything off of the baseball field, so why
the sudden interest?

“I know, but hear me out,” he pleads. “Please.” I should say
no or walk away or slap him across his perfect face. The problem is when Graham
looks at me the way he is now I find it hard   remembering why I am upset in
the first place.

I don’t say anything and I suppose that is my way of saying
“go for it”. He looks nervous, fidgeting from foot to foot trying to decide if
he should keep his hands in his pockets or take them out. With no words coming,
I interrupt him.

“Graham spit it out because I’m dying to hear how you’ll
talk your way out of this one,” my voice harsh and impatient. I had meant for
it to be. I’m not going to be that girl that falls at every word he utters.
This is one spell I’m not willing to be under if I have any control over it.

“I’m not trying to talk my way out of anything. Trying to
explain it is going to take longer than what we have right now.”

“How about you at least try?” I peer into his eyes searching
for any ounce of honesty.

“I’m an ass. There’s a list full of reasons why I behave
like I do. None of them excuse my behavior towards you earlier though.”

“I’m listening…” I leave it open for him to continue
watching him become more unsure with every breath he takes. A flustered Graham
is a sight to see.

“How I made you feel---I’m sorry, but you need to understand
something. I’m not used to the type of relationship that I’m attempting to have
with you. It sounds incredibly fucking dumb when I say it out loud. Trust me, I
know. I’m almost eighteen and have never been friends with a girl. I’m going to
make mistakes along the way,” he pauses to think before continuing. “But…if you
give me a chance to explain to you then I think you’ll understand. It’s going
to take time, but at some point you’ll understand me.”

“Why should I?” I ask with curiousness.

“I don’t have an answer for that.”

“Then I don’t have an answer for you, Graham. I’m not like
the girls you hang around. I’m not going to tolerate your bullshit in the hopes
that I’ll get my chance to sleep with you. I’m not going to sleep with you, so
if that’s all your after then I’m not the girl you want to trial for a
“friendship”. You don’t know how to be a friend to me and that’s fine. Just
don’t pretend like you do,” I start to walk back to the classroom.

“Kennedy, wait,” Graham tries to stop me.

I don’t bother to turn around as my hand slides over the
doorknob. “You don’t owe me anything. Let’s not forget that,” I say without
turning to face him. It hurts far too much.

I sit down in my chair as Graham follows in a few steps
behind me. We sit across from each other not saying anything. Surprisingly, the
hour goes by quick. I can tell he is looking over at me periodically. I quietly
read the chapter I hadn’t gotten a chance to read last night and finished off
the worksheet Mr. Stevenson passed out in the beginning of class. I sign
Graham’s name to the top even though he doesn’t help. He is too busy the entire
hour watching my every move to even pretend he is looking for answers in the
text. I can feel his eyes all over me, but refuse to give him the satisfaction
of looking up to meet them.

We pass each other in the hallway a few times throughout the
rest of the week sharing a glance here and there in the others direction, but
neither of us says anything. It is radio silence and I’m not sure how I feel
about that. Graham returns to his seat in the back of our shared Government
class, but continues to act as if we don’t know each other. I keep catching
myself staring in his direction no matter how hard I try to force myself to
look the other direction.

“Whatcha looking at?” Violet slides in next to me at the
cafeteria table that I’m sitting at. I avert my eyes elsewhere trying not to be
too obvious, but she has already caught on. “Graham looks hot today. I’d climb
that like a tree.”

“Quit quoting Bridesmaids,” I joke with her. Ever since we
saw it in the movie theatre she has made it her mission to quote it in her
every day conversation. She can’t help herself.

“What are we doing tomorrow?” Violet picks at the salad that
sits in front of her. She put too much salad dressing on top. I keep warning
her that all the dressing is ruining the whole healthy aspect of eating a

“I’m not doing anything, but I’m sure you have big plans
that you want to tell me about.” I fain amusement knowing very well that she
has something up her tricky little sleeve.

“You’re going to Craig’s with me and before you protest let
me give you three reasons for why you can’t say no to your best friend,” Violet
flashes her go to ‘let me get my way’ smile at me. “The first reason is that my
birthday is Monday, so I’m celebrating it tomorrow. The second reason is that
you haven’t been to a party at all this year…if ever. Consider it my birthday
present if you go. The third reason is that whole damn table right over there.”
Violet points to Graham and all of his friends. They’re sitting on the other
side of the cafeteria from us, clearly harassing each other like teenage boys
seem to always be doing.

I think about it for a second. Violet has solid points. I
haven’t been to a party all year. Avoiding pushy guys and belligerently drunk
girls is my favorite weekend activity. I’m not a prude, but I’m not exactly the
life of the party either. Sophomore year was the first time I had my first
drink and it didn’t turn out pretty. I spent the whole next day lying on
Violet’s bathroom floor with my head straight in the toilet puking up orange
juice and vodka. She still wonders why I don’t drink.

“Okay,” I answer. “I’ll go, but only because it’s your
birthday. If I don’t feel comfortable then I’m leaving without any questions
from you.” I raise an eyebrow towards her making sure she understands the
agreement. A smile creeps across her face making me laugh.

I don’t know what Violet is thinking. Before I know what she
is doing she stands up on her chair and addresses the entire cafeteria, at
least the ones who are paying her any attention. “Listen up, it’s official.
Kennedy Conrad is actually going to go to a party this weekend,” Violet shouts.
The cafeteria falls silent. I can feel everyone’s eyes on our table.

I grab at her leg to tug her down back to reality. “Are you
out of your mind?” I roll my eyes at her. She can’t stop laughing at my
embarrassment. I don’t expect anything else from my best friend. Violet is
known for being outspoken and obnoxious. After her impromptu announcement I
feel my body betray me and my skin burns with a blush.

“What! Just giving all the boys a heads up that you’ll be
out on the prowl.” Violet fights back her laughter some more knowing just as
well how embarrassed she has made me.

“No boys care if I’m out on the prowl which I’m not by the
way.” I smack her across the arm playfully.

“No? Then why are Mark and a few of the other baseball
players staring over here as we speak?” I peak through my hair over towards
their table and sure enough their eyes are locked on me. They aren’t bad
looking guys in the slightest, but they are your typical jocks. They chase
anything in a skirt.

And if you’re being honest with yourself, then we both
know there’s only one jock you hope to get attention from.

Graham looks up at me from across the room as if he can feel
my eyes on him. A small smile that is obviously meant for me crosses his
perfect face. It is discreet enough that no one would notice. He quickly looks
down and turns his attention back to Amanda who is rubbing his leg under the
That’s irritating.

I don’t know why I let Violet convince me to go to Craig’s
knowing that Graham will be there. I don’t want to have the same conversation
over again with him. It seems I am constantly telling him that he doesn’t owe
me anything and he is always apologizing.



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