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Authors: Lisa Oliver

When No Doesn't Cut It (22 page)

BOOK: When No Doesn't Cut It
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Scott stood stunned for a minute.  Damien’s wolf looked almost feral in its rage.  But as Scott continued to watch, he could see the beauty of the moment. This was how justice was dispensed, wolf style.  Yes it was cold, hard
, bloody, and totally ugly in its execution, but it was necessary.  By his actions, Damien was showing that he would use the power of his wolf to protect his pack, against all who tried to hurt them.  And it was clear, from the faces of the people of the pack who had gathered to see the fight, that they reveled in having an Alpha with such strength and single minded purpose.  Damien wasn’t just taking out a rogue shifter - he was cementing his place as Alpha in the pack.

So Scott forced himself to watch as Damien’s powerful wolf tore Simon into bite sized pieces. It wasn’t an easy thing to
see, even for a beta wolf like Scott.  Sure, he had been in his own fair share of fights through the years and yes he had killed Levi, Drake and helped Damien kill the bear shifter that attacked them in Cloverleah.  But in all of his years he had never seen anything like the annihilation of Simon. But Scott knew it was important, both as Damien’s mate and Alpha Mate of this pack, that he stand witness to the gore in front of him.  He had to show support for Damien in every way.  If he was grateful for Troy’s comforting presence beside him, he didn’t let on, although he knew Troy understood how he felt.

When there was absolutely nothing left
of Simon to shred Damien lifted his head, howling his victory long and loud across pack grounds.  The roar of the answering howls from his pack showed Damien the appreciation and respect he deserved from the wolves he protected.

Damien started to shimmer, indicating he was about to shift,
and Scott ran forward with the jeans that Damien had left on the floor of the pack house.  Smiling his thanks, Damien pulled them on and Scott took a moment to appreciate that even covered in blood and gore the man still looked amazing. Looping his arm around Scott’s waist, Damien turned and faced the crowd that had gathered.

“The man I killed today, you know as Simon.  Simon was heavily involved in the systematic abuse of wolf shifter boys.  Young boys who had been stolen from their families.  He was also responsible in part for the fires that decimated three homes on our pack lands.  His death is just one small part of the efforts I intend to make to put this pack back on solid ground.”

Damien looked back at his house, and the Cloverleah pack that stood on the porch.  Then he looked back at the crowd.  “Today I have learned disturbing things.  Things I didn’t think possible in a pack like ours. The stealing and abuse of children was hard enough to hear, but my Alpha Mate tells me there is more. Allegations of domestic abuse against the women and children who live on our grounds.  Cage fights and gambling, both of which have been outlawed in this pack since I took over more than 100 years ago. All of these things will STOP!”

Taking on a softer tone, Damien continued.  “Until today I have been proud of this pack and proud to be called
its Alpha.  But the actions of a few have soured that experience and I only curse my own shortsightedness that I wasn’t aware of what was going on any sooner.  But believe me when I tell you this.  I am going to root out every single bad apple in this pack and the justice I meet out will be swift, sure and deadly.  Every single member of this pack, man, woman or child, has the right to live without fear, without pain, and with the full support of the rest of the pack.  Anyone who doesn’t get that can get the hell off my pack lands now.”

An older man stepped forward, holding the hands of a woman that was obviously his wife.

“Alpha, forgive me,” he said respectfully.  “Women and children have never had rights in this pack before.  Do you intend to change that?  I thought, well we all thought, that the only people who had rights in this pack were the men who frequented your club.”

Damien sighed and Scott could tell that he was hurt by what the man had said.  “That may have been how it looked, Zach, but it was never my intention to make any pack member feel they didn’t have value here.  There will be some big changes in this pack, one of which is the immediate implementation of
full rights for all women and children in this pack.  They will be treated with the respect, love and caring they deserve.  If I didn’t implement that before, then it was simply because I assumed that was what was already happening here.  I have been proven wrong today and I intend to rectify that.”

“I will have more to say, after I have talked to my mate and sought some advice from friends.  There are also seven boys currently in my care that need to be restored to their families.  Anyone who has any ideas on things they might like to see changed here, or implemented for the benefit of the pack can speak to my second, Malacai.  I will listen carefully to anything that is said if it benefits the pack, or my pack members.  There will be a full pack meeting after the Alpha challenges on Friday and I expect everyone who considers themselves part of this pack to attend and that includes all of the women and children.
  For now though, I really think I could do with a shower and something to eat.”

Maria and her female friend stepped forward.  “We’ll arrange food for you and your friends, Alpha.  And Josie and Fran have offered to help with the boys until their parents are found.”

“Thank you, ladies,” Damien threw them a smile.  “Any help in the pack house would be appreciated.”  Looking down at Scott, his smile changed into something more like a furnace than a spark and Scott felt his arousal grow under the gaze.  “I do need some time alone with the Alpha Mate, so please don’t disturb us for at least an hour.”

“Yes Alpha,” Maria said, ducking her head and blushing.

Scott let Damien lead him up to the porch where Kane and Shawn and the other men from Cloverleah stood watching.

“You did good, Damien,” Shawn said smiling at him.  “And I know you will do a lot more.  We will be here to help you for a few days until the boys are sorted and you have things on track with the pack.”

“Thanks, guys, you know I appreciate it, and I know I should be sticking around to help out with what you are all doing and being a bit better host.  But do you mind if I just take an hour to get cleaned up and get some down time with my mate?”

“We’ve got plenty to do, Damien,” Kane said.  “Shawn and I will finish off the interviews with the women.  Griff, Diablo and Troy are running down the contact details for the families of the boys who were taken.  Dean is playing with the boys and talking to them as they need it.  So we’re all good.  How about we meet back up at the dinner table, say about sixish?”

Scott looked up at the sun.  It was about two in the afternoon.  He grinned.  Four hours made for a bloody long shower, or two or more, and as he looked up at his mate, he knew he and Damien were on the same page.  Damien growled at Scott and bent down, picking Scott up and throwing him over his shoulder.  Scott’s yells of “put me down you Neanderthal,” were hidden by the laughs of the men from Cloverleah.







Chapter Twenty Five

The moment Damien got Scott into their room he was all over the man like a lizard on a hot rock.  But Scott wasn’t having any of it.  Yes, his cock was that hard he could explode at any moment and yes, Damien was as hot as hell even covered in the remnants of the fight.  However, Damien also stunk like crazy of Simon and Scott wasn’t getting down and dirty with his mate until the man was a lot less dirty himself.

Getting Damien to understand that fact took Scott a little more time than it should have.  For one thing the man’s hands were everywhere.  Damien was also hellishly strong.  He was full of testosterone, having just a won a fight and in his mind it was perfectly normal to want to fuck immediately afterwards.
Scott decided a bit of subtle manipulation was needed, after verbal pleas had been ignored.

Bending down Scott rubbed his face and neck into Damien’s stomach, letting Simon’s stench get all over his skin.   Then he wriggled his way back up his mate’s body and arched his neck, knowing that Damien’
s wolf adored the sign of submission and would undoubtedly sniff…Yep, Scott knew the moment Damien got the point, because the big man pulled back sharply and scowled.

“You stink of Simon,” Damien growled.

“So do you.”

Narrowing his eyes, Damien bent his head back down to Scott’s face, obviously intending to kiss him.  But then he pulled back again as Simon’s smell wafted between them. 

Groaning Damien said, “Damn you mate, I need to be inside you, right now.”

Climbing up Damien’s body so Damien could feel Scott’s hard cock pressing into his ab muscles, Scott said, “Shower sex is good.”  He leant over and whispered into Damien’s ear, “And just think of what I can do with my tongue if you’re clean.”

“Are you always this pushy?” Damien complained, as holding onto Scott he strode over to the bathroom.

“Yes,” Scott said, happy that he’d got his own way
. “But I’m also a lot of fun.”

Damien just shook his head
with a grin, but he did get the shower running, and he did help Scott remove his jeans.  As they both went under the water, Scott felt that a little thank you was in order and he quickly grabbed the shower gel and sponge from the little shelf in the corner of the shower room and soaped up Damien’s body. 

And what a body.  Scott thought he would never tire of being able to touch all those muscles and acres of smooth skin.  Pushing Damien’s head under the water so the man could wash his own hair, Scott chased the soap bubbles that cascaded down Damien’s body with his tongue.  Underneath the soap, Scott found the scent and taste of pure Alpha male and he loved it. 

Moaning his appreciation, Scott put more shower gel in his hands and ran them over Damien’s rock hard cock and heavy balls.  Damien moved into the touch, his gasps evident over the sound of the running water. But before he could get too carried away, Scott moved onto the man’s legs.  Cleaning, licking and biting his way down Damien’s inner thighs, his knees and nibbling his way south across Damien’s calf muscles and ankles, to his feet.

Satisfied the front was clean enough for
now; Scott turned Damien around and started down the man’s back.  Damien’s shoulders rippled under his touch and when Scott stood on tip toes and gently nibbled the nape of Damien’s neck, the man stilled for a moment, but then groaned at the touch.  Usually a less dominant wolf would never dare touch the nape of an Alpha, but Scott didn’t care about those customs.  Damien was his mate first, and Alpha second, and he had a nape worth nibbling.

Using strong hand movements, Scott worked all over Damien’s back, soothing muscles and working out kinks.  Damien leaned forward on the shower wall to make it easier for Scott to get more traction and Scott almost purred in the fact that he was making his mate feel good.  But Scott wanted to go a bit further
, and soon his mouth on Damien’s shoulders were distracting the man from the fact that his hands were now settled over Damien’s firm and beautifully molded ass.  As he kneaded the flesh in his hands, Scott prayed that the day he would finally get to pop Damien’s virgin ass would come soon.

Dropping to his knees again, Scott cleaned down the backs of Damien’s legs, taking time to lick different spots in an effort to see what pushed Damien’s buttons.  The inner thigh was a definite hot spot, as was the delicious crease the man had behind his knees.  Licking and kissing his way upwards, Scott subtly nudged Damien’s thighs apart and nuzzled up under Damien’s balls with his nose first, and then his tongue.

Slipping one hand between Damien’s legs and cupping the man’s heavy cock, Scott licked along the perineum.  As his tongue got closer to Damien’s tight little ass hole, he felt Damien start to stiffen up again, and not in a good way.  Stroking the man’s cock, Scott felt Damien relax and then he went for broke, running his tongue over Damien’s hole.

“Scott.”  Scott couldn’t tell if Damien was warning him, or encouraging him to do more.  Opening up his mind link he fed Damien images and impressions of how sexy Scott found his mate
, and how much he wanted to be fucked by him.  As he sent a vivid porn show into Damien’s mind, of Damien plunging his cock into Scott’s ass, Scott felt his mate relax and he let his explorations with his tongue get bolder.

Stiffening his tongue, Scott ran it the full length of Damien’s crease.  Not stopping over the twitching hole that Scott had finally got a look at, but just allowing his tongue to run over and over the space, Scott monitored his mate’s reactions until he got that little sign telling him to go further.  As Scott licked, Damien pushed his ass back slightly and that was the cue Scott had been waiting for.

Licking down Damien’s ass crease Scott stopped at the little opening, and used his tongue to lap over the tight muscles guarding Damien’s entrance.  Encouraged by Damien’s hushed moan, Scott pushed harder with the flat of his tongue, urging the muscles beneath him to loosen up a bit.  Keeping up a steady rhythm with the hand Scott had on Damien’s cock, he used his other hand to hold Damien’s ass cheeks apart and licked even more.  When Damien pushed his ass further into Scott’s face, Scott used his lips and teeth as well as his tongue, pushing and lightly tugging at Damien’s ass muscles, loosening them and allowing his tongue to dip slightly into the musky depths inside. 

BOOK: When No Doesn't Cut It
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