When Dreams Come to Life (25 page)

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Authors: H.M. Boatman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: When Dreams Come to Life
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“The charge will be dropped on Monday. I had to write an apology letter to Trent, though.”

“What? That’s cheap. I hope you didn’t mean it, Lea.” He should know that I’ve got zero sympathy for that jerk. As if I’d mean it!

“Of course not! I typed it out in minutes.”

“Good girl. I’m beat and need to get to bed,” Eoin replies, stifling a yawn. “We’ll talk more this weekend. I meant to call when I landed but I forgot.”
Why is he being so short with his responses?

“It’s okay, get to bed. I’m going to head home after this beer, anyway. Scott’s been driving me all over town so I want to make sure he’s getting enough sleep, too.” There’s obviously something not right between us, but what can I do?
I bet he doesn’t even come back here to visit this weekend.

“Okay. Talk soon.”
I set my phone down and take a long sip of my drink before deciding to head home early. Vicki will be able to close up for me. She must see the look on my face because she hurries over from across the room.

“What happened?”

“He’s going to break it off, I just know it.” She hugs me and after we break apart, I hand her the keys to the restaurant.

“Can you please lock up for me? I’m going home to a long shower and bed.” Vicki looks at me with
sympathy in her eyes, and I nearly start crying right then and there. “I’m sorry. I just can’t handle this right now.”

“Go! I got this. Dinner was great, by the way,” she adds with a grin. “See you tomorrow.” I say goodbye to everyone and get Scott to drive me home.




The next few days seem to mush together like a poorly made stew. I walk around like a zombie. I don’t get any calls from Eoin and I certainly don’t call him. I wish I knew why he was avoiding me but then I remember I pulled a stupid card, and had his name dragged through the mud once again.
Good job, Lea - you fucked up a dream come true.

I seem to have a track record with that. My whole life has been that way. The restaurant seems to be the only thing I haven’t messed up. Well, not yet, at least. What’s next? Am I going to let this dream fizzle out like the rest of the great moments in my life?

This feeling sorry for myself crap has got to stop! At least I got to live a dream for a little while. This is exactly why I didn’t let myself think too much about just how deep my feelings were for him. I knew it was a possibility that our relationship would be only a moment - a fraction of my life, a memory I’ll cherish forever - burned in my mind. I just don’t belong with Eoin. He deserves so much more in a partner then me…

Lea! Stop! Why are you feeling sorry for yourself? You know it’s your fault that the relationship
is ruined! Let it go. Concentrate on the good memories you have and forget all the bad - it’s pretty simple!

The charge’s been dropped today so at least you don’t have to worry about court drama. You got to spend an amazing few months with Eoin Skye. How many people can say that?

Go to bed and start tomorrow fresh with a smile on your face. You can get over him, just like that loser, Trent.




When I wake, I try not to think about anything but work. I head to the market and grab my fresh ingredients for the day, thankful that I can drive myself everywhere again.

I took my own car yesterday and didn’t have any issues with the media so decided to drive myself again today. I’m sure Scott appreciates the break, anyway.

I pull into the alley behind the restaurant and unlock the back door. I’m unloading my car when I hear a noise. I look down the alley both ways but don’t see anything. It must have been a stray cat. I take the first load into the kitchen and come back out to grab the last one.

I’m leaning into the trunk, trying to reach a carrot that escaped the bags, when somebody grabs my shoulder. Instantly, I freeze.

“Looks like you decided to come to work alone, Lea.”
My heart is racing and I turn to face him. He has two black eyes and his nose is bandaged.

“You know you’re not supposed to be here. I’ll give you one chance to leave before I call the cops.” His eyes are wide and glassy, a look that says danger.

“That stupid D.A. might have believed your apology but I sure don’t.” He moves forward, slamming my trunk shut, pinning me between him and the car.

“Apologize to me now properly before I have to do something that will probably earn me another punch to the face.” I say nothing. I merely look at him but not with fear. He should know me better than that.

“Your pretty new boyfriend got a nice fuck you from me. Are you sure you don’t want to say sorry?” He grabs my chef jacket and rips it open.

Okay, I’m a little scared now.
What did he do to Eoin?
Tears sting my eyes.

“Trent, regardless of what you do to me, this is going to land you in jail. What you do now will just decide for how long.”

“Shut up!” he yells in my face. “I’m going to show you what happens to stupid women like you who defy me.” He flips me around, bending me over my car.

When I try to fight back, he slams my head down, splitting my temple open. I’m frozen in fear now. He reaches around to the front of my jeans and pulls on the button.

“Ready for your punishment now, you stupid bitch?” Before I can say anything, his weight leaves my body and I hear him being thrown into the dumpster.

I quickly turn around to see Scott repeatedly throwing blows into Trent’s face and abdomen. I button my jeans and walk over to them, yelling at Scott to stop.

“I think he’s out. I’m calling the police,” I say, a tremor of fear in my voice.
Damn it!

“I already, did, Lea,” he replies, breathing heavily. I grab him, hugging him tightly.

“I thought… I just…” I begin to cry hysterically and he holds me to his chest. Jessie comes rushing out the back door. He must have arrived just as Scott got here.

“What the hell happened here?” he asks, quickly surveying the scene. Scott explains quickly and then hands me to Jessie as the cops pull up, sirens blaring.

“Are you okay, Lea?”
He called me Lea! Not chef!

“No, but I will be. You called me by my first name!” I reply, letting out a shaky laugh. He does, too.

“It’s going to be okay. He really fucked up this time,” Jessie says, a look of pure hatred on his face.  I hug him tightly and we move inside where he takes me to my office and sets me down on the couch, covering me with a blanket.

“I’ll be right back, okay? Just relax and get your breath back.” I nod and sit there in amazement, frightened and literally speechless. If it weren’t for Scott, who knows what would have happened? Jessie would have walked out a few moments later but into an even worse situation, and he could have been hurt.

Oh, my God, Eoin! What did he do to him?
I jump up and look for my phone. Where the hell is it? I grab my desk phone hurriedly and dial his number. It just rings out, so I try again. No answer! Now I’m freaking out badly.

I run out, storming straight over to where Trent is still out cold and kick him swiftly right in the stomach. Officers rush over and grab me almost instantly but that doesn’t stop me. I thrash wildly in their arms and just lose it.

“What did you do to him, you piece of shit? I hate you!” I yell, tears pouring down my face.

“Miss, you need to calm down or we’re going to have to cuff you,” one of the officers says. I immediately go limp. “Now, what are you talking about?”

“He said he hurt my boyfriend, Eoin, and I tried to ring him and he’s not answering his phone.”
Wait! Scott!
I whirl around to face him. “Scott, have you talked to him today? Is he okay? I know he hates me now but I need to know he’s okay! Please tell me!”

I can’t breathe and I feel light headed. I’m going to pass out.
No! Not Eoin! Why? Why did I ever get involved with him?

“Lea! Lea, you need to breathe,” I hear Jessie say and Scott must reply to me because I can hear the rumble of his voice but I can’t see either of them. The light is no longer there. I pass out.




My face is freezing.
Why is my face cold?
There must be ice on my face. My eyes dart open and I see Jessie.

“What happened? How long was I out?” I ask, my heart pounding in my chest. Slowly, I get my bearings and remember what happened. I sit up and wince, instantly regretting it. My head’s throbbing.
I slowly lie back down, telling myself to stay calm.

“You were out for a couple hours, Lea,” Jessie replies. “You’re okay, you just need to rest.” I don’t even know where to begin.

“Is Eoin okay? What did Trent do to him?”

“Lea, the police are looking into it. Scott said he rang Eoin to tell him what had happened and that he just hung up. They can’t locate him right now but they’ll let us know as soon as they do.” Well, that gives me some relief but not enough.

“Where’s Trent, that piece of shit?”

“He was arrested and is going to be held without bond. You won’t have to worry about him anymore.” I’m not as happy about this as I should be. All I can think about is Eoin. I want to know he’s okay.

“Ugh, I need water. Can you please get me a glass, Jessie?” He gives me a small smile and opens the door to my office to go and get some, but stops dead in his tracks.

I look over and Eoin is standing there, a glass of water in his hand, and a look on his face that makes me want to cry.

“I’ll be out here, Lea,” Jessie says, motioning towards the kitchen. “I thought it was best if we didn’t open today but I’ll stay here ‘til you say, okay?” I nod at him and he sidesteps Eoin, who shuts the door behind him. I struggle to sit up and decided to prop myself up on the pillows instead.

“Are you okay, Eoin? What did he do to you?” Eoin hands me the water and makes me drink, watching me intently. He touches my face softly and eyes the cut and swelling bruise on my forehead. The look in his eyes is one of both anger and pain.

“Lea, I’m so sorry I worried you. The reason I didn’t call was because Trent was lurking about in Atlanta. I wanted to find out what he was doing but I had to be careful.” I frown angrily, making myself wince.

“What did you find out? Was he trying to get you alone? Where was he seen?”

“We didn’t find out anything because he caught on that we were on his tail. He was seen on the set and at my condo, trying to break in. My lawyer will be making sure he’s extradited to Atlanta after he’s done with his cases here.” Eoin’s face softens.

“Trent won’t get away with any of this, Lea.” He kisses me on my lips, so softly I almost can’t feel him.

I feel a tear drop onto my cheek.
No, please. It’s not your fault.
My heart breaks. I’ve got to ask him about how he’s been acting lately and if it’s because… If he’s here to call it off.

“Why have you been so distant with me, though? Even when you were talking to me on the phone?” I let
out a shaky breath, preparing myself for this conversation.

“I can’t help but think you’re here to break it off with me. If you are, I totally understand, especially after everything that’s happened.” Eoin takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

“Right after you and I landed in Colorado, I got a text from Trent saying that he was going to hurt you if I didn’t back off.” He opens his eyes and gazes at me intently. “Luckily, Scott was here working so I asked him to watch over you.” He pauses. He looks like he’s going to start crying.

I reach up and place my hands tenderly on his face. “Lea, I needed to know that you were okay. That meant I had to give us some distance. I felt so bad that I left you alone with him around.” A tear slides down his cheek.

“Eoin, why didn’t you tell me? I could have had the restraining order put on him straight away!” He shakes his head slowly.

“What good would that have done? It hasn’t stopped him from hurting you even more than he already had. It could have been so much worse, Lea.”

He’s right. A piece of paper isn’t going to stop anyone who’s determined to get what they want.

I gingerly pull myself into a sitting position and motion for him to sit next to me. He kisses me gently. My head is starting to feel better already. Eoin puts his hands on either my face softly, brushing a strand of hair off my forehead.

“Lea, I want to tell you something. It’s important.” I look into his eyes, urging him to go on.

“I love you, Lea. I really, truly love you.” My mouth opens in amazement, my heart beating at high speed. It was only a few hours ago that I thought he hated me. I open my mouth to speak but he stops me.

“I’ve loved you since the day I came back here to get you after the convention. I’ve been dying every day without you, waiting ‘til I saw you again. Come to Atlanta with me!” he finishes, gazing at me intently.

“Eoin, I just got back from there. I’ll come and visit again soon, I promise,” I say with a laugh. He’s still got that serious look on his face.

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