When Dreams Come to Life (24 page)

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Authors: H.M. Boatman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: When Dreams Come to Life
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“Hmm… His ability to make a room full of people melt by simply smiling. His compassion for the future of the planet and every creature on it. His foundation and the amazing things it achieves. Oh, and he’s unbelievably intelligent. I could seriously go on for days about him but those would have to be the few things I love the most.” Delores laughs.

“All very good things,” she concedes with a smile. “Now! Where do you see things going with Eoin? Marriage bells?” she prompts gently. That question makes me laugh.

“I’m not sure where we’re going. We’re just taking it day by day at the moment. He makes me happy and I think I do the same,” I add. “It’s a little too soon to be thinking about marriage, I think. I just want to see him happy.”
I think I answered that diplomatically enough.

“Let’s wrap this interview up with an easy question. Do you have any plans to open another Conrad’s? We ran a poll on our website to ask the fans, and a lot of your clientele answered that they would like to see one in Aspen or Estes.”
Holy shit, I didn’t know that!

“Really? I hadn’t heard that. I’ll have to answer with a possibly. I’ve always wanted to live up there, though. Maybe I could hand this one to my sous, Jessie,” I add as an afterthought. “You never know what’s going to happen. It’s too soon right now to give a 100% yes answer.”

“Well, Chef McKenzie, this has been an amazing interview. Now, let’s go and get those outside snaps so that we can eat,” Delores says, rising from her chair. “I hope you will join us for lunch. I’ll have my staff check for paparazzi and the PD will cordon off an area, if needed.” I glance out the windows quickly and see they’re going to have to.

“Ah, Delores?” She acknowledges me with a nod, her phone pressed to her ear once again. “It looks like they’re going to have to block off an area. Take a
look.” Delores shoots the growing mob a quick glance and then continues talking rapidly into her cell.

“It would be my pleasure to join you all for lunch, after I prepare it, of course.”

“They never give up, do they?” Delores says with a sigh, snapping her phone shut. “Give me ten minutes and we will head out there.”

“Sounds good.” I stand and stretch. That was my first interview and it was pretty cool. I got the cover, too, which I can’t believe! I do a little dance as I head through the service doors and walk straight into my staff, applauding and cheering me.

Jessie walks up to me and hands me a glass of champagne. I notice Delores’ photographer lurking in the background as well.
What’s going on?

Jessie clears his throat and the noise dies down.

“Chef, we just wanted to show our thanks for all the hard work you’ve done to make this place the best restaurant Denver has ever seen. You’ve taught all of us so much and… Well…” Jessie clears his throat again.
Oh, is he crying?
“We had this made for you.”

Two of my staff members, Mary and Hilly, present me with a large frame. Taped inside is the first dollar we made at the restaurant and a series of pictures from opening day until now. The rest of the remaining space is covered with messages from all of the staff. I’m overwhelmed with appreciation. I glance back up at everyone with tears in my eyes.

“This space here is where you can put a few of the pictures from today and the cover of
, your first interview,” Jessie continues, a huge smile on his face. “Delores helped us organize this, too, because we told her you inspire
to be great chefs. She knew about the whole thing.”

Everybody claps and cheers again, and I can’t help but shed some tears. I make my way through the crowd and hug every single one of them.

“Thank you. All of you hold a special place in my heart. Now, let’s knock out some great food for Delores and the guys, and show them why we’ve got the best restaurant in Denver.”

I decide right then and there that I’m going to give them all a hearty bonus this week. They deserve it. I take the frame to my office and put it in a safe place.

Delores meets me back out near the chef table we head out front to take the cover shots. I throw a quick glance over at the mob of paparazzi and their flashes start going crazy.
I decide to pay them no mind, instead concentrating on how the photographer wants me to pose.

By the time they tell me they’re finished, my cheeks are aching from smiling so much. I head back into the restaurant and see that one of my staff has already laid out our largest table to seat Delores and her crew at.

I guide them towards it and then head out the back to check on lunch.  Luckily, they’re just about to plate up. Perfect timing. I finish up all the dishes and get the servers start taking them out.

“Looks perfect, guys. We’re going to have a staff dinner tomorrow night so that means no service.”

A few of the guys fist pump - I love how happy they all are. A staff dinner is when I cook for my crew and put on an open bar. I haven’t done one for a while and it’s good to keep the team spirit.

I head back out to eat with everyone. I get asked lots of questions and the compliments on the food are endless.

By the time everyone finishes up, I’m exhausted. It’s been such a long day and I’m ready to get it over with and go home. I desperately need to speak to Eoin and let him know what a great day I’ve had, aside from the small hiccup with the paps.

Delores approaches me before she leaves and thanks me again.

“I’ll let you know when the article is sent off to print, and I’ll be sure to email through all the pictures and the interview.” She reaches out and touches my upper arm, a motherly gesture. “Stay strong, Lea. I’ll keep in touch.”

“Thank you and please come again soon. It was such a pleasure to have you. Bring your staff as well.” We shake hands and she floats off to round up her assistant.















THE REST OF the day runs smoothly. Dinner is pretty quiet and for once, I’m actually grateful for the reprieve. As Jessie and I clean up, I tell him to enjoy his well-deserved break.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” I yell as I lock the back doors. “Make sure you bring your wife with you, too. Oh, and try to let the others know they’re welcome to do the same.”

“Will do, chef. Have a good night.”

I check the doors are secure and then hop straight into the back of Scott’s waiting car. I notice there are two police cars blocking the alley, too. My mind wanders as we navigate the evening traffic and I literally melt into my bed after I shower.

Grabbing my phone, I call Eoin.

“Hey, Lea. How was it?” Eoin says when he answers, raising his voice over the noise in the background.

“Great. My staff did the most wonderful thing for me today. I’ll show you when you get here next weekend.” He takes a minute to answer and it sounds like he’s talking to someone.

“That’s great. Have you heard from Olivia?”

“Not yet but I expect I will tomorrow. I was really busy today, anyway, so it probably wouldn’t have been the best time to talk. What are you doing?”

“I’m having a few drinks with the foundation crew. We achieved a lot today and they needed to unwind.”

“That’s great, Eoin. I’m glad you had a good day, too. I can let you go, if you’d like?” Again, he takes a minute to answer.

“I’ll call you tomorrow. It’s too loud here and I know you’re tired. Sleep well.” Before I can say anything, he hangs up.

I glance over to Maxx, tears blurring my eyes, and call him to me. I knew it. He’s going to call it quits. I hope I can let Delores know not to use that last bit of the interview.
No! I refuse to let my good day be ruined!
I turn my light off and fall asleep with tears streaming silently down my face.




The next day is busy at the restaurant and I feel like an emotional mess. The only thing that takes my mind off Eoin is that my staff will be here in a few hours to have a great night. I throw myself into cooking an amazing three course meal for them, even making gelato, which takes all day to get just right.

Just as the sun starts casting long shadows through the windows, I hear a knock at the back door. There is no way I’m answering that - they should know
where the buzzer is. I call Scott quickly on his cell to ask him who’s at the back door, just in case. It’s Jessie and his wife - they are the first to arrive. I greet him and his wife as they walk through door, saying hi to his wife and giving her a hug.

“Hey, Jessie, could you do me a favor?”

“Sure, chef.”

“Can you watch the front door, please, and make sure that no one but staff gets in?”

“Can do, chef,” Jessie replies, giving me a salute and heading through the service doors, his wife in tow.

I finish up the first course and Jessie must have been able to smell it because two of my serving staff pop into the kitchen to help me take everything out to the seating area. There’s another knock on the door.
Seriously? What’s with these people tonight?

I set Jessie’s plate down and walk over to open the door. Olivia stands on the doorstep, looking immaculate, as usual.

“Walk and talk,” I say to her, already heading off towards the kitchen. “I’ve got to get the second course finished and plated.” She falls in step behind me and waits until we’re in the kitchen to talk.

“Good news,” Olivia says, her fingers drumming restlessly on the counter top. “The D.A. has agreed to drop the charges. There’s bad news, though. She’ll only do it if you send Trent an apology letter, which she has to approve.” I look at her in disbelief.

“Are you fucking kidding me? What if I say no?”

“Lea, this is the fastest way to get it over with. Just do it. Write what she wants to hear.”

“Whatever. You’ll have to wait here ‘til I’m done and then I’ll type out a bullshit apology. I want it filed and the charge dropped by Monday.” I’m pissed off but Olivia’s right. It will be easier to write out what the D.A. wants, even if it’s a lie, than push this any further. I really just want this done and if I do this, in a few days it will be.

“Is the restraining order in place?”

“Yes, Trent isn’t allowed within 1,000 feet of you in general, except when you’re here at work - he’s not allowed to be within 50 feet of the location, then. It’s 100 feet for your apartment. It’s active as of about half an hour ago.”

Olivia reaches into her briefcase and pulls out a sheaf of paper. “Here’s the paperwork. I’ve made you a copy to keep here and at home, too. Oh, and the police have a copy of everything on file.”

I take the paperwork and tell her she can wait in my office. I make sure a plate is sent to her as well so she can at least have some dinner while she waits.

I’m so pissed that I’ve got to write out a lie. The least Trent can do is have it framed and mounted on his wall - that way, he can look at it every day and think he’s won, and I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing what an utter moron he is.

I push my tinge of irritation away so I can enjoy dinner with my awesome staff. Looking around at all their smiling faces, I’m not as vexed. They’re so great and I laugh so hard that I cry at some of the comments they’ve written on my present. Apparently, I’m like Gordon, too, when I get angry in the kitchen.

“Hey! At least I keep you all on top of everything!” I reply in mock-hurt. Everyone bursts out laughing.

Each and every one of them has the potential to open their own restaurants and I’m so proud. I watch Jessie dancing drunkenly with his wife and my thoughts drift back to opening another place in Aspen. He could definitely handle being the head chef of a restaurant. He’s shown me that over the past few months.

After I put the gelato out for everyone, I head into my office to type out an apology. I print it and hand it to Olivia.

“Good enough?” I ask, though at this point, I could care less. She scans it quickly and laughs.

“That should work fine. I’ll head back to the office and file this now. The clerk is waiting for me.” She collects her things and gets up to leave. “Oh, and dinner was great, thank you.”

“No worries, Olivia. And thank you, I really appreciate all your help.” She rushes out, her cell pressed to her ear, and I go out to join everyone in a few drinks. I’m on my second beer when my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket and check the display. It’s Eoin.

“Hi, Eoin. How was your day?” I’m not even going to talk about how he hung up on me last night. Well, not right now, anyway.

“Hey, you. It sounds like you’re out.”

“I put on a staff dinner for the guys and now we’re all having a few drinks. We just finished eating.” Vicki realizes who I’m on the phone to and rushes over, yelling hi to Eoin in my ear.

“Tell her hi for me,” he replies, but without the usual smile in his voice. “What did Olivia say?” I mouth
Eoin says hello
at Vicki and she wanders back off to join the celebrations with a huge grin on her face.

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