Read Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Romance, #Christian, #Grief, #Hawaii, #Fiction, #Christian Fiction, #San Francisco (Calif.), #California - History - 1850-1950, #General, #Religious, #Tragedy

Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1) (40 page)

BOOK: Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1)
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School had gotten off to a good start for everyone but Sean. Kate had worried when they'd arrived in Santa Rosa that Sean would want to quit school and work full time. Kaitlin's suspicions had been correct, but it happened in the fall.

Rigg promised him as many hours as he could handle, but Kate could see he was still unhappy. He did his schoolwork, but with no extra effort. Two other boys who sat near him were able to distract Sean with barely a word or glance, and Kate was just sick each time she had to reprimand him in front of the class. She finally told him one day after school that he should write to Father.

"You're angry because he hasn't come and I think I understand. What I don't understand is why you're taking it out on the rest of us. If you've got some anger to vent toward Father, then do so. But when you're in my school, you'll show proper respect to me and the other students."

Sean had slumped low in his seat and looked at the empty desks around him. It took Kate a moment to realize he wasn't going to say anything. Her sigh was almost one of defeat.

"Just think about it, please, Sean." The surly 14-yearold finally nodded, acknowledging this time that he'd at least heard her.

The problem with Sean was not the only ripple on the surface for Kaitlin. She had cried for a solid hour after she and Rigg met with Pastor Keller to discuss the ceremony.

"My father should be here, Rigg. I feel like I'm betraying him. He should be here to marry us."

Rigg had been tender with his distraught fiancee but also adamant that they were making the right move. He reminded her that her father had encouraged them to go ahead with their plans.

"Katie, we don't know when he's coming, you said so yourself. If I thought it would be soon after Christmas, I'd say let's wait. But it could be months and I don't think I'm being selfish in wanting us to start our life together now.

"Like I said, we could set a date sometime in January and let your father know. But that only pressures him to come here even if the time is all wrong. I believe he was sincere when he said don't hesitate and follow your heart."

Kate was comforted by Rigg's words and admitted to him that she hadn't really wanted to delay the wedding. She also told him he was going to have to be patient when she missed her father so much that all she could do was cry.

The ever present handkerchief appeared from Rigg's pocket and he informed Kate that she could cry on him anytime she wanted.

May had the wedding dress done in record time and Kate couldn't believe how beautiful it was, especially considering it was made of cotton.

"You'll thank me Katie," May had told her when they'd decided on a pattern and fabric. "We always have Indian summer in October and your wedding day is sure to be a scorcher."

Kate stared in awe at her reflection in the mirror. The dress was snow white with a high neck and three quarter sleeves, the cuffs of which were trimmed with valenciennes lace. The skirt fell straight to the knees and then flared to the floor with a deep flounce.

Kate fingered the intricate embroidery on the bodice and wondered in amazement how May had accomplished such a feat in so short a time.

"Oh May," Kaitlin whispered.

"Don't hug me, Katie," May said with a smile, "you'll wrinkle."

"But where did you get this lace and how could you have embroidered this so quickly?"

May was grinning at her with an impish light in her eyes, when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in, unless you're Rigg and then you'd better not open that door!" May called in a loud voice.

Jeff's head appeared through the crack and the rest of him emerged when he spotted Kate. He whistled appreciatively at the sight of her.

"It's not too late to change your mind and marry me," Jeff teased as he plopped in a chair.

"What would Sylvia say?" Kate asked, her brows raised in censor.

"Did you need something Jeffrey?" his mother wanted to know. She was somewhat immune to his charm.

Jeff hemmed and hawed a bit and Kate had the distinct feeling that he didn't want her to know what he'd come to say. She excused herself without giving anymore thought to Jeff's actions and headed to "her" bedroom at the Taylors'.

After the wedding dress was hung on the wardrobe door and Kate was once again dressed in her calico skirt and simple blouse, she stood and stared at the dress.

Can you see my dress, Mother? Has God let you peek down and see how happy I am and what a wonderful husband Rigg will be? Can you feel how much I miss you Mother, or would that make you sad? Kate was not even aware of the tears that streaked her cheeks.

There wasn't a day that passed when she didn't think of her mother and had to face the fact all over again that she really was gone. Today was no different. The fact that Aunt Maureen was coming and had been so valuable in the past weeks was a balm to Kaitlin's pained heart.

Kate's mood lifted when she remembered that Aunt Maureen was scheduled to arrive on October second. When that happened, Kate had only five days to wait until she became Mrs. Marshall Riggs.



Santa Rosa was blanketed in fog the morning of the wedding. The CLOSED sign that Rigg had hung on the doors of the mercantile the night before, was still in place long after the store should have been open.

Uncle Leo had surprised everyone by showing up on Thursday evening with his wife Ruth. It was his first visit since he'd moved to Texas. He announced that he'd come to run the store while Rigg was on his honeymoon.

This news came as more of a relief to Jeff than Rigg, since Jeff had agreed to take care of things while the bride and groom were in San Francisco. But even though Leo Riggs was on the scene, Rigg opted to keep the store closed on Saturday. That way everyone could enjoy the wedding.

Rigg had not banked on being so nervous that he couldn't eat. Jeff had stayed the night at the house with Rigg and Sean and was able to observe his older brother in as close to a state of panic as he'd ever seen.

"Why don't you eat some breakfast Rigg?" Jeff suggested.

"I'll get something on my-shirt.",

"You're not wearing a shirt," Jeff pointed out, but Rigg only stared right through him.

The wedding was set for one o'clock and, when Rigg disappeared to get dressed, he spent so much time in his bedroom that Jeff finally pounded on the door to tell him it was twelve-thirty.

Rigg hurried out, struggling into his coat and asked Jeff how-he-looked-something he'd never done before.

"You look good. In fact, Kate is so in love she'll even forgive you for not shaving."

Rigg's hand flew to the heavy stubble on his jaw before he began tearing his jacket off with enough force to rip the seams.

"You don't have time Rigg," Jeff pleaded, but found himself ignored. Sean told Jeff he should have stayed quiet.

While this scene of bedlam was being played out at Rigg's residence, a most serene bride was being helped from the wagon at the back of the church.

"Thank you, Gilbert." Kate adjusted her skirts. "Do you suppose they're here yet?"

"I don't think so. Let's get inside out of the heat."

May had insisted that Kate go in Gilbert's wagon and that they use the back door of the building in an effort to avoid most of the dust.

Tables had been set up under the huge trees that lined the churchyard. Arriving guests delivered every type of food, from hot dishes to fruit salads, to be shared at the reception following.

At three minutes to one, Gil joined Kaitlin in the small room in which she was waiting and told her that all the guests had been seated.

'Are they here, Gil?"

"No," Gil answered and watched Kate in amazement. She didn't seem to be the least bit upset that her intended was nearly late for his own wedding.

"What do you suppose happened? You don't think Jeff is up to something, do you?"

"No, I don't," Gil said with conviction and then muttered, "he might do something after the fact but not before."

"Should I be getting worried?" Kate asked but just then Bill came in with good news.

"Here's Sean. We're all set."

Brother and sister were left alone to wait for the music that was to be their cue to come down the center aisle of the church.

"You're beautiful, Kate."

"You look quite handsome yourself." Sean grinned over the compliment and straightened the neckline of his shirt.

"What happened to you guys?"

"We were all ready to go and then Jeff reminded Rigg that he hadn't shaved."

Kate giggled. "Did Rigg really forget to shave?"

"You can laugh, Katie, but I swear the man nearly panicked!" Kate was still chuckling when the music sounded and they moved into position at the back of the church. Kaitlin caught sight of Rigg and then lost him again when the congregation stood.

-At the front of the church Sean handed Kate over to the waiting groom. She felt Rigg's hand tremble within her own.

"Second thoughts?" she teased in-a- soft whisper.

"Absolutely not," he assured her, his eyes dark with emotion.

The ceremony was perfect, not overly long but with everything they'd wanted. Kate thought her heart would burst when she was finally able to turn and look out over the sea of friendly faces as Mrs. Marshall Riggs. They came down the aisle, her hand in his, their smiles nearly stretching off their faces.

The reception was a delightful affair of laughter, best wishes, good food and precious fellowship.

Rigg no longer looked ready to flee and Kate teased him about being late.

"The best things come to those who wait," Rigg teased her back and stole a pickle off her plate.

At different times throughout the afternoon, people had pressed in on the newlyweds and they'd been separated. They thought nothing of this, secure in the knowledge that eventually they'd be alone.

Kate was talking with Joey when Jeff approached and announced that he needed her inside the church. Kate figured he was taking her to Rigg who was going to tell her it was time to leave. She unsuspectingly accompanied her brother-in-law.

"Now Katie," Jeff began to speak the moment they were indoors, "you just need to stay quiet and go along with my little plan. I promise Rigg won't be the least bit upset with you."

"Jeffrey," Kate said, "what are you up to?"

"Oh, it's just an old custom called, 'stealing the bride."'

"No!" Kate spoke adamantly and turned to leave but Jeff grasped her hand and began to hurry her toward the front of the church. He was making jokes as they went, and Kate became weak with laughter. She also didn't believe he would really go through with this.

Kate tried to reason with Jeff but he was talking as fast as he could and she couldn't do anything to make him release her hand. Jeff stopped at the front of the church and opened a small door.

"In you go."

"Not on your life," she refused. Kate glanced into a small room, little more than a cubicle really, and gasped in surprise. Jeff had set a chair and small table in place on which sat a cup filled with something and a plate full of food.

"How long have you been planning this?"

"Since I found out Rigg was in love with you and if you don't get in there right now, you're going to ruin all my work."

Kate looked at him indulgently. "Jeff," she said with the patience of job. "There is nothing to keep me in there, just as soon as you walk away, I'll let myself out."

"That's a risk I'll have to take," Jeff told her sagely.

Kate shook her head, but being the good sport she was, she walked in and sat down. Jeff grinned, winked at her and shut the door.

"I hope you'll forgive me Kate!" Jeff said softly as he flipped the small lock shut-a lock that Kaitlin hadn't noticed. "Now that I think about it," Jeff said, still speaking out loud, "I hope Rigg forgives me."

"Where in the world is Katie?" May asked her newly married son.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her for about fifteen minutes. But she was talking with Joey just before I saw Jeff come and claim her."

"Well, if you see her, please ask her to find me. I want her to meet the Crawfords." May sailed off at that point to check on the food.

BOOK: Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1)
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