Read Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Romance, #Christian, #Grief, #Hawaii, #Fiction, #Christian Fiction, #San Francisco (Calif.), #California - History - 1850-1950, #General, #Religious, #Tragedy

Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1)
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The middle weeks of summer sped by and Kate waited anxiously for news from her father. Aunt Maureen had been in touch several times and reported that Uncle Mitch was back out to sea. Once again she was lonely. Kate had long ago replied to Scott's letter, carefully giving him no hope of a future relationship with her.

Mr. Parker and Joey came to supper at the Taylors' nearly every week and Joey also continued his visits with Kate from time to time. Kaitlin was to learn new meaning for the word patience, as no opportunity afforded itself to talk with the little boy about his need to trust in Christ for salvation.

Mr. Parker blossomed slowly under the tender ministrations of this family and they soon found that no one had ever made a move to help this man. In bits and pieces it came out that he was an orphan, abandoned when he was five. He lived with a number of different families until he was ten and the father of one household beat him until he couldn't stand up. The next day he took every dime of money he could find on the place and left. He'd been on his own ever since.

Parker never outright admitted it, but the Taylors were able to gather that he hadn't been married to Joey's mother. He also didn't know if she was dead or alive. They hadn't laid eyes on each other since Joey was nine months old.

But of all the things that Parker shared, Joey's words to Kaitlin one night were the most revealing.

"One morning," the little boy said, "the marshall came and took my Pa. Said he'd hurt a woman. But he didn't do that, Miss Donovan. I know because he'd been drinking and Pa can't hardly stand when he's been drinking, let alone go off in the woods and hurt somebody.

"He didn't leave home all day, I told them that. But they wouldn't listen and when he was in jail I was the most scared I'd ever been in my life. I hated staying by myself. Even if Pa's passed-out drunk, I want him there. When they kept him a second night I snuck into town and slept outside his jail window."

Kate had no words for the sober confession from this child. She put her arms around him and held him close. Joey clung to her and Kaitlin begged God with a renewed burden to use her in the life of the boy.

While Kate's relationship with Joey became stronger, the closeness she'd always shared with Sean began to wane. It was heartbreaking for her but she knew the steps from boyhood to manhood were awkward and confusing. Some things you couldn't share with your sister.

Kate and Marcail were as close as ever, but Kate found herself dealing with an unexpected well of emotions over Marcail's closeness to May. Kate's heart asked God if nine was young enough to forget your real mother. It seemed that every week Marcail was with May she became more her daughter and less Theresa Donovan's. What would Father say?

It wasn't that Kate didn't love May-quite the opposite-she thought the world of her. But she was also having to realize that a 20-year-old's need for a mother were quite different from a 9-year-old's.

And very recently, as with most things in Kaitlin's world, she had talked to Rigg about it. They had grown closer just as Rigg had hoped and there weren't many things they hadn't discussed. Sometimes in calm logic, other times at the tops of their voices.

The subject of Marcail was the most recent to come on the table and Rigg would never know how close Kate came to throwing her arms around him for his sensitivity.

It was Wednesday night. Rigg, Kate, Sean and Marcail were all walking home from mid-week service; Rigg's wagon was undergoing repairs at the livery. When they'd arrived at the church Marcail had gone immediately to May and wrapped her arms around the older woman's waist. To watch them you'd think they hadn't seen each other for days.

On the way home Rigg seemed almost pensive as he walked at Kate's side, Sean and Marcail far in front of them, kicking a can as they went.

"You're quiet," Kate commented.

"Just thinking."

"About?" Rigg was usually very open, giving Kate the freedom to ask without feeling an intruder.

"I was thinking about Marc and my mother and feeling rather thankful that your father can't see how little she seems to miss your mother."

Kate stopped Rigg with a hand on his arm. "Oh Rigg," she whispered, "I've agonized over this. Please don't get me wrong. I adore May. But I can't believe Marc has forgotten Mother. I tell myself that Mother isn't here and May is but it doesn't make it any easier and I don't dare say anything to Marc."

"Kaitlin, I wish you'd have come to me. I just noticed it this evening."

"I've been seeing it for a few weeks. And just this week when Sean and I both had to work, I told Marc to write to Father because May always has ink and paper handy. But when I picked her up she said she'd been too busy cleaning house with your mom.

"I'm trying to remember how young she is but-" Kate shrugged helplessly and Rigg reached for her hand. They walked that way for a time and Kate reveled in the comfort she found in the simple act of having her hand swallowed up in Rigg's. They were both disappointed when Sean and Marcail stood still and waited for them to catch up, causing them to let go of each other's hands.

Once at the house Sean didn't wait around but headed straight for Rigg's. Marcail went in to ready for bed and Rigg lingered outside, as always, reluctant to leave Kaitlin.

"You haven't heard from your father lately, have you?"

"No. I'm expecting a letter soon though. I always pray when I send mine that God will speed it to him but I'm afraid service to the island usually takes a while. Why do you ask?"

"I guess I was just wondering if you'd ever mentioned me to your father and if you did, what he had to say?"

"I've written about you, yes," Kate replied carefully, remembering how in her last letter she'd told Father that she thought she loved this man. "But like I said, I'm waiting to hear from him now."

"Has your father ever mentioned where he wants to live once he returns?" The question was a study in casualness but Kate wasn't fooled.

'As a matter of fact, I brought that subject up in my last letter. Like I said I'm-'

"Waiting to hear," Rigg finished for her, his eyes on hers, serious and intent. "I hope you understand Kaitlin, I can't just let you walk away."

Kate understood very well but could find nothing to say in response. She watched Rigg step close and let him take her hand once again. They stood for a moment, enjoying one another without words. Finally Rigg gave her hand a small squeeze and spoke.

"Good night, Kate-love. I'll see you in the morning."

Kate was sure she could still feel his hand holding hers long after he'd disappeared into the dark.



"Did we really agree to do this?" Kaitlin asked Marcail as they readied for church the next Sunday.

"Yes, we agreed," Marcail informed her. "Katie, what are you so upset about? You've sung in church a million times."

"This is different."

"Why is it different?"

Because Rigg will be there, Kate thought, but didn't bother to voice that sentiment to her sister. Kate was certain she was going to go in front of that church and make a total fool of herself. Why, she'd never be able to face Rigg again!

Kate knew the minute she saw Sean that he was just as nervous as she. They exchanged an agonized glance and did little more than play with their breakfast.

It would have helped to be called to the front immediately after the service began, but there were announcements to be made and then the congregation sang a few songs. When the time finally came, Bill was not satisfied by just allowing Pastor Keller to call them forward. He went into the pulpit and introduced them as though they were a traveling band.

"I know all of you have had the privilege of meeting Kaitlin, Sean and Marcail Donovan, and probably most of you know that they grew up as missionary children in Hawaii. But I don't think many of you know that all three of them are fluent in Hawaiian. And this morning they've agreed to sing for us in that beautiful language."

On those words Kate, with her heart pounding and wishing they'd had some sort of accompaniment, led the way to the front. None of the Donovans realized how beautiful they sounded a cappella.

The song they shared was the same one they had sung for the Taylors many weeks ago and since it was short, they sang it through twice. Both Kate and Sean were nearly giddy with relief that it was over, when Pastor Keller jumped from his seat and asked them for more.

For a moment the two older Donovans stood frozen, their minds blank and then Marcail saved the day by suggesting another hymn. This happened two more times making a total of four songs and at one point, Kate remembered they were singing to the Lord. As she committed the lyrics to God along with her voice, all selfconsciousness disappeared.

When they moved from the front back to their seats, Kate sat down next to Rigg. She didn't look at him but could feel his eyes on her. When he reached over and gave her hand a squeeze her whole being melted with relief. Kate smiled at Rigg with her heart in her eyes.

Pastor Keller began his sermon just after that. Kaitlin had been too uncomfortable up front to look beyond the second row or she would have seen Joey Parker sitting in the last church pew.

She did catch sight of him as they exited, disappearing around the corner of the church toward home. She nearly ran to intercept him and he stopped reluctantly. He looked at her with shy embarrassment.

"Hi Joey. Did you hear me sing?"

"Yeah. It was nice." He smiled at her and as always, Kate's heart turned over.

"I could teach you a song in Hawaiian sometime. Would you like that?"

"Yeah." Joey's face came alive with the idea but when Kate asked him if he wanted to come for lunch he stepped away from her, declining as he went.

Kaitlin watched him walk away, her heart heavy. He was so young to be fighting God but Kate was convinced this was exactly what he was doing. Pastor Keller had challenged everyone in the room that morning to settle their eternity before leaving. Kate was certain that if Joey had trusted in the Lord that morning, he'd have told her.

"You're quiet," Rigg commented as they drove toward his folks.

"I was thinking of Joey. I know God is speaking to that boy but he's fighting Him and making himself miserable in the process."

Rigg agreed with her and then told her he liked the songs she sang.

"Were we really all right?" Kate's hand went to Rigg's arm and he was suddenly conscious of his brothers in the back.

"You were great. Your voices harmonize beautifully. I almost hope for Sean's sake that his voice never changes. He's a great tenor."

"Poor Sean," Kate commented. "He thinks he sounds like a girl. He hates it."

"There's nothing feminine about the way Sean sings," Jeff commented from the back. "He has nothing to worry about."

"Unless it's the number of teenage girls who nearly fall out of their seats when he passes by," Gil commented almost absently, but Kaitlin's head whipped around in surprise. She never thought about girls finding her brother attractive. Sean was cute, or at least she'd always thought so, and now she was seeing for the first time that she wasn't alone in that belief.

"I can see Gil surprised you." Rigg was watching her and Kate felt her face heat up.

"It's hard to see your own brother in, well, that way," she admitted.

"We know what you mean, Katie," Jeff called forward. "We don't see how you can stand to spend so much time with Rigg."

"She must feel sorry for him because he's so homely," Gilbert added in a stage whisper.

"You can both be replaced you know," Rigg informed them. A giggle escaped Kaitlin but when Rigg turned to look at her she gave him the most innocent look she could muster.

"Are you going to tell me I can be replaced too?"

"No. I don't like to tell lies."

"Now would you listen to this!" Jeff said with disgust. "What do we have to do to get a little appreciation around here?"

"For one thing, it would help if you smelled better."

Everyone laughed at Jeff's expense but he took it well. They were still chuckling when they got home and found Burt Kemp waiting for Miss Donovan.

"I know I shouldn't be doing business on Sunday but I missed you at church. And truth is, I just heard that they need a schoolteacher over on the west-side of town and I didn't want them to steal you away from us."

All of these words had been directed at Kate as he'd helped her from the wagon. She now stood staring at Burt in confusion.

"Mr. Kemp, you'll have to forgive me, but I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Why teaching in the fall of course." He smiled at Kate as though he'd just offered her a lifetime contract. That such a thing never occurred to Kate was clear by the look on her face.

"Is there some reason you don't want to come back and teach at our school?" Some of Burt's enthusiasm drained away and he rushed on to sell Kaitlin on the idea.

"Oh, I know there was that whole mess with your salary, but Greg is sorry about that and you would be hired full-time at full pay. And if you don't like the dates we've picked for school to begin and end, we could certainly discuss that."

BOOK: Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1)
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