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Authors: Dixie Lee Brown

Whatever It Takes (17 page)

BOOK: Whatever It Takes
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“We should go.” She readjusted her clothing, but otherwise made no move, her head hanging with obvious guilt.

Nate should have known better, particularly considering the
mission Joe had planned for Alex. For a little while, he’d forgotten what her part in the afternoon’s event was. He wanted to protect her from all of it, but she didn’t see the necessity. Rage tore through him, and for a moment, he couldn’t speak.

When he could breathe normally again, he held out his hand. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

She stepped forward and placed her hand in his.

Nate rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. “Will you promise me something?”


“When we’re finished here and Marco is safe, come back to Portland with me. Stay a few days. We’ll talk—­and work through some things.”

A grin brought her dimples alive. “I’d really like that, but Joe is my ride.”

“I’ll take you home whenever you’re ready to go. We’ll fire up the Mustang and take a little road trip.” He stroked his fingers down her cheek.

Alex snorted. “Oh great! I could probably walk there . . .”

Nate pressed two fingers over her lips. “Careful, darlin’. Don’t say anything you might regret.”

She studied him, apparently not a hundred percent sure he was joking. Finally, her grin returned, and she tossed her head, making her ponytail bounce from side to side. “Should I be jealous of your car?”

He laughed. “I’ll admit I’ve spent a lot of time with her, but . . . you needn’t be jealous of her . . . or anyone else. Promise me you’ll come?”

She locked gazes with him. “I’ll come.”

“And stay a while?”

She nodded. “I can do that.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her close, covering her face with kisses. He found those three little words on the tip of his tongue again—­the ones that had gotten him in so much trouble when he’d uttered them in that realm between sleep and wakefulness. He didn’t press his luck this time, swallowing them instead.

He gave her one more kiss before he set her away from him and grasped her hand in his. “I’m hungry, darlin’. Stop distracting me.” As a sparkle flared in her eyes, Nate pulled her through the doorway.


Chapter 14

what Joe requested—­she’d fixed things with Nate. She’d also agreed to the time he wanted, and alternated between excitement at the prospect of being alone with him and guilt for the happiness that grew within her when she didn’t deserve any. She was pretty sure what she felt for him was love, but that didn’t alleviate her fear that she’d end up hurting him and he’d be sorry he ever cared about her.

The immediate problem was solved, however. Joe had seen them enter the dining room, hand in hand, and nodded his silent approval across the room. Her position on the team was secure for now. Once Marco was safe, she’d gladly fulfill her promise to Nate before she went home.

She stayed close beside him in the dining area, finding she craved his touch or his smile. Little things like bringing him back dessert and clearing away their dishes gave her pleasure. She was turning into one of those spineless women who waited on their men—­and she didn’t care. They had only a short time left. She was overcome with need to make the most of it. After she went home, she didn’t ever expect to see Nate again. And that would be okay—­she’d go back to her hunt for Hu Sun.

Nate’s eyes were dark and hungry as he watched her return from the kitchen, weaving through her team members, who sat and talked. She smiled when he threw her a wink. He was so damn sexy, and there was a whole lot of promise in his gaze. Desire radiated through her and, when she reached his side, she wrapped her arms around him and gently nuzzled his neck, nipping and kissing.

He pulled her face around in front of him, and the look in his eyes grew serious. “I know I said no strings, but I’m going to say it anyway. I love you, Alex. Any chance I can talk you out of this plan Joe’s got you lined up with?”

Regret made the breath catch in her throat for a moment. Strangely, she wanted to give Nate what he requested, but it wasn’t possible. Marco waited for her, and she couldn’t disappoint him. She started to pull away, but he held her securely.

“Don’t run. I understand where you’re coming from. I didn’t really think I could change your mind, but I had to try.” He met her lips lovingly, then pulled her down on his lap as Ty and Rayna joined them at the table.

A half hour later it was time to head out. Ramon had provided three black Ford Excursions for their rendezvous with Diego. If anyone else thought it was strange that Ramon
three identical vehicles, better suited for either federal agents or the drug cartel, no one said a word.

“Will that get it done for you?” Joe’s voice came from somewhere behind her.

Alex turned to see Walker give a thumbs-­up and grin. “The Mc TAC–338. She’s one of the best ever made.” Walker’s enthusiasm was contagious, and the rest of the team oohed and aahed over the American-­made sniper rifle he laid reverently in the back of the SUV.

Rayna slid her rifle in beside the other. Ty and Jimmy, straining under the weight of ammo canisters, leaned against the Excursion’s bumper and set their burdens down carefully. Walker made one more trip inside, returning with the black backpack Alex seldom saw him without. Any number of things could be found in that bag, including items of an explosive nature. Hopefully, those wouldn’t be needed today.

Joe, Ty, and Ben took the first vehicle; Walker and Rayna the second; and Nate, Jimmy, and Alex brought up the rear.

Silence and pre-­mission jitters rattled around them for most of the drive. It was Jimmy’s habit to grow quiet and pensive before an op. He’d shared with her some of the atrocities he’d seen during his military ser­vice. That was the reason they’d become friends. They had violence that few could comprehend in common. Like her, his past got to him at times—­times like this when his future looked much like his past.

“Nervous?” Nate glanced at her from the driver’s seat.

Was she? No one had ever asked before. “I wouldn’t say nervous exactly.”

you say?”

She gave it a moment’s thought. “I’m ready. There’s no alternative. We have to get Marco out because anything less just isn’t fair.”

Nate nodded slightly. “You have a keen sense of fair play.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Relax. I’m not judging. Just trying to understand you.” He reached a hand to cover hers, curled in her lap.

She chuffed a short laugh. “Good luck with that.”

“It’s not as hard as you think. You’re all about saving the underdog. Marco is a good example . . . or anyone who can’t help himself. Someone with the odds stacked against him—­like me in that bar the other night. But then there were those men back at the campground. They were after
. I don’t even want to think about why, but you never drew your weapon until they made a move on me. You deemed
worthy of protection, but not yourself. Why is that?” He braked and swerved to miss a pothole.

In front of them, Walker and Rayna left the road and headed across a flat stretch of desert toward some rocks in the distance.

Alex looked straight ahead, afraid if she made eye contact with Nate, he would read her thoughts. They didn’t have far to go. If she could avoid answering his question for a few minutes, he’d forget in the chaos to follow.

“Answer the man, Alex.” Jimmy suddenly sat forward, laying his arms across the seatback.

She swiveled and gave him her fiercest warning glare.

He only grinned. “If you don’t tell him, I will.”

He wouldn’t dare!
“You promised . . .”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but it’s time this secret came out in the open. You see, Nate . . .”

tell him.” Alex shot a murderous glance at Jimmy. If she didn’t care about him so much, she could get even a hundred times over with all the skeletons in his closet. She
care, though, and Jimmy knew his deepest, darkest moments were safe with her.

She turned and stared forward again. “Enough ­people are dead because of me.”

Jimmy groaned and flopped back against the seat. “Well, there’s a cryptic answer if I ever heard one.”

Nate’s brow furrowed. From the corner of her eye she could practically see the cogs turning, trying to solve the riddle. It was all right there in front of him. What more did she need to say?

“Okay. I guess you better bring me up to speed, Jim.” Nate’s gaze went to the rearview mirror.

“Don’t, Jimmy, please . . .” Alex shook her head, her voice breaking.

“I really am sorry, Alex.” He touched her shoulder, but she flinched away. “She doesn’t intend to defend herself. Someday, when there’s no one nearby who needs her protection, and I’m not around to save her ass, she’ll pull an Obi-­Wan Kenobi in the middle of the Death Star docking bay. I always thought she’d wait until Hu Sun got his, but now I’m not so sure.”

With knuckles turning white around the steering wheel, Nate followed the vehicle in front of them onto a one-­lane road that wound toward a lavish estate on a small rise ahead. Alex waited for his explosion but, when it didn’t come, she let herself hope that he hadn’t understood Jimmy’s
Star Wars

She didn’t think of it as suicide. That word soured on her tongue. To her it was simply justice. She had to pay for the innocent lives she’d taken.

The other vehicle pulled over and parked. Nate skidded to a stop beside Joe’s SUV, slammed the gearshift into park, and was out of the car before it stopped rocking. With the brim of his hat pulled low and his spine as stiff as a board, he stalked around the front of the Excursion toward Joe.

Her heart dropped in freefall. If Joe believed what Nate was no doubt telling him, it could very well be the last straw. He might even have her committed. She couldn’t allow that to happen. Being locked away again would be worse than death.

The door opened and closed in the backseat, but she didn’t turn. Jimmy was the one person she’d trusted above everyone else, and he’d betrayed her. That he obviously thought he was helping her by disclosing her most private thoughts was no comfort. She inhaled two deep breaths and fought for control of the nerves churning in her stomach. Swinging the passenger door open, she stepped out into the hot sun.

Alex checked the dagger in her boot and adjusted her sock to better cover the handle. Ty and Ben were scoping the layout, and she joined them.

The house was one story, long and sprawling, and surrounded by a concrete wall that fenced in not only the buildings, but several acres of ground. The only way to reach the hacienda was to pass through a gate and traverse way too much open space. From where she stood, she could see armed men—­at least six—­on the roof. It was clear they were expecting Joe’s team. The gunmen simply watched from their positions while the new arrivals exited the two vehicles and milled about, getting the lay of the land. It gave her a shiver to realize how easily those men up there could mow them all down. It remained to be seen if anyone other than herself could get inside the gate.

Luckily, she had a special invitation, and even if Joe was seriously pissed, he’d be hard-­pressed to do this job without her. She couldn’t explain why it was so important to make sure Marco got home safely. Maybe it was because she’d been where he was, and when help finally came, many would argue it’d been too late. She’d have to agree.

Alex sneaked a peek at Joe and Nate, still standing near the driver’s door of Joe’s vehicle. Less than a foot apart, Nate talked while Joe listened. Neither seemed particularly worked up over the conversation. Maybe they weren’t talking about her. Had she mistaken the reason for Nate’s hasty exodus?

Ben nudged her arm and drew her attention back to the hacienda. The dark-­haired, fortyish man she’d met at the restaurant two nights ago, flanked by three armed soldiers in camo gear, one of whom was Sanchez, strode from the house toward the gate. Joe and Nate joined her with the rest of the team watching their approach.

“Ben, Ty—­let’s go see what he has to say.” Joe’s long strides quickly covered the rough ground.

Alex leaned against the front of the SUV and followed them with her eyes. Nate rubbed arms with her, announcing his presence. She resisted the temptation to meet his gaze. Part of her was dying to know what she’d find there, but the other part feared she’d lose it in the face of his disdain.

At the gate, it wasn’t difficult to tell that things weren’t going the way Joe had hoped. He shook his head and pointed back toward her. Diego’s coarse laughter drifted across the courtyard as he backed up and turned to go. He stopped at a word from Joe, and his evil smile sent a chill down Alex’s spine. One final nod from Diego and the deal was apparently struck. Both parties turned and retraced their steps.

Joe stopped directly in front of her. “Last chance to back out, Alex.”

“Not happening. What did he say?” She blew out the breath she’d been holding. Was it possible Nate hadn’t told him? If not, what had their lengthy conversation been about?

“He’ll hand Marco over to us in front of the house—­after he has a chance to talk to you. I told him under no circumstances would you go inside with him. Look at me and nod your head so I’ll know you understand.” Joe placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Got it. What else?” Alex barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

“I agreed that his men could be armed if ours could too. So everybody keep your cool. There’ll be itchy fingers all over that place. Ben will be in constant contact with Walker. First sign of trouble, Walker and Rayna have orders to take ’em out. Ty is already headed for the cave in case something goes wrong, and I may follow him after things are set here. I’ll play that part by ear.” Joe paused and stared at her. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to talk to Diego, then get Marco out.”

“You’re going to stay with Jim—­do what he tells you.”

“Right.” She bobbed her head continuously.

“And you’re getting out of there as quickly as possible—­do not stay behind on your own.” Joe’s darkened eyes rooted her where she stood.

“What if they release Marco before Diego is finished talking? Jimmy will have to get him away from there.” Alex frowned. “I can take care of myself, Joe.”

“I think she’s right, but I’ll be there with her anyway.” Nate, still leaning against the car next to her, addressed Joe.

“All right then. Let’s get this show on the road.” Joe stepped back.

“Wait. Why Nate? That wasn’t the plan.” Alex met Joe’s gaze when he swung toward her.

“Plans change, Alex. Do you have a problem with that?” Joe glanced from her to Nate and then tilted his head toward the house. “Let’s go.”

The gate opened for them as they approached. Alex’s mind kept wandering from the objective at hand to the two men on either side of her. Nate on her left, Jimmy on her right, she was sandwiched between two big, beefy warriors. She should have felt safe, but for some reason, Nate’s presence only made her more vulnerable. The reason for that screamed to be analyzed, but that would have to wait.

Alex sidled toward Nate. “Thanks for not telling Joe.”

He shrugged. “Didn’t do it for you, sweetheart. I’d have told him in a heartbeat if he hadn’t agreed to let me go with you.”

Alex felt tears sting her eyelids and bit down on her bottom lip until they receded.
Come on, girl. Get it together.
That had been a mean thing to say, even for him, but her purpose on this mission had nothing to do with whether he approved of her actions. There was only one thing that mattered today—­Marco, out of there, safe and sound.

As they strode across the dusty courtyard, Sanchez and Diego’s two henchmen lined up in front of the house. Sanchez’s welcome presence bolstered her confidence, and she quietly assessed the other two.

“We’re too vulnerable out in the open. If they start shooting, the house is the only cover.” Jimmy stepped close and spoke low.

Nate nodded. “If things go to hell and we get separated, meet up in the basement as soon as we can.”

Alex, Nate, and Jimmy stopped twenty feet away from the hacienda. The arched doorway slowly opened, and Diego stepped through.

BOOK: Whatever It Takes
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