What to expect when you're expecting (3 page)

Read What to expect when you're expecting Online

Authors: Heidi Murkoff,Sharon Mazel

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Postnatal care, #General, #Family & Relationships, #Pregnancy & Childbirth, #Pregnancy, #Childbirth, #Prenatal care

BOOK: What to expect when you're expecting
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Preterm Birth

Incompetent Cervix

Your Pregnancy Profile and Preterm Birth

Rh Incompatibility

Your Medical History

Rubella Antibody Levels

Immunizations in Pregnancy


Pregnancy After Gastric Bypass


An Eating Disorder

Having a Baby After 35

Is 35 the Magic Number?

The Father’s Age

Uninsured, Mama?

Genetic Counseling

Pregnancy and the Single Mother

Prenatal Diagnosis

First Trimester

First-Trimester Ultrasound

First-Trimester Combined Screening

Chorionic Villus Sampling

It’s a … Surprise!

First and Second Trimester

Integrated Screening

Second Trimester

Quad Screening


A False Screen

How to Freak Out a Pregnant Woman

Second-Trimester Ultrasound

If a Problem Is Found

Chapter 4: Your Pregnancy Lifestyle

What You May Be Wondering About

Sports and Exercise


Caffeine Counter



(Don’t) Put That in Your Pipe

An Early Baby Present

Breaking the Smoking Habit

Secondhand Smoke

Marijuana Use

Cocaine and Other Drug Use

Cell Phones


Hot Tubs and Saunas

The Family Cat

Is Hot Stuff Not So Hot?

Household Hazards

The Green Solution

Air Pollution

Domestic Violence

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Chapter 5: Nine Months of Eating Well

Have It Your Way

Try These Instead

Nine Basic Principles for Nine Months of Healthy Eating

The Six-Meal Solution

No More Guilt

The Pregnancy Daily Dozen

Count ’Em Once, Count ’Em Twice

Vegetarian Proteins

Can’t Find Your Favorite?

White Whole Wheat

A Little Fat Goes a Long Way

The Good Fat Facts

What’s in a Pill?

What You May Be Wondering About

Milk-Free Mom

Pasteurized, Please

A Red-Meat-Free Diet

A Vegetarian Diet

Low-Carb Diets

Cholesterol Concerns

Junk Food Junkie

Shortcuts to Healthy Eating

Eating Out

Reading Labels

You Can’t Tell a Fruit by Its Cover

Sushi Safety

Hot Stuff

Spoiled Food

Sugar Substitutes

Herbal Tea

Chemicals in Foods

Something’s Cooking

Pick and Choose Organic

Eating Safe for Two

Part 2: Nine Months & Counting:
From Conception to Delivery

Chapter 6: The First Month
Approximately 1 to 4 Weeks

Your Baby This Month

Making the Pregnancy Connection

Pregnancy Timetable

What You May Be Feeling

Symptoms? Starting Soon

A Look Inside

What You Can Expect at Your First Prenatal Visit

The Wholly Healthy Pregnancy

What You May Be Wondering About

Breaking the News

For the Other Pregnant Half

Vitamin Supplements


Morning Sickness

Your Nose Knows

Excess Saliva

Metallic Taste

Frequent Urination

Breast Changes

Lower Abdominal Pressure


When to Call Your Practitioner

No Worries

HCG Levels

HCG Levels


Relaxation Made Easy

Expect the Best

Your Pampered Pregnancy

Your Hair

Your Face

Your Teeth

Your Body

A Day at the Spa

Your Hands and Feet

Making Up for Pregnancy

Chapter 7: The Second Month
Approximately 5 to 8 Weeks

Your Baby This Month

What You May Be Feeling

A Look Inside

What You Can Expect at This Month’s Checkup

What You May Be Wondering About

Heartburn and Indigestion

Bringing Up Reflux

Heartburn Today, Hair Tomorrow?

Food Aversions and Cravings

Visible Veins

Spider Veins

Varicose Veins

An Achy, Swollen Pelvis


Dry Skin


Belly Piercings

Come and Go Belly

Losing Your Shape

Measuring Small

Measuring Big

Difficulty Urinating

Mood Swings


Panic Attacks

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

How Much Should You Gain?

At What Rate Should You Gain?

Why More (or Less) Weight Gain Isn’t More

Breakdown of Your Weight Gain

Weight Gain Red Flags

Chapter 8: The Third Month
Approximately 9 to 13 Weeks

Your Baby This Month

What You May Be Feeling

A Look Inside

What You Can Expect at This Month’s Checkup

What You May Be Wondering About


Another Reason for Being Tired, Moody, and Constipated

Lack of Constipation




What’s a Corpus Luteum Cyst?

Stretch Marks

Body Art for Two?

First-Trimester Weight Gain

Boys Will Be Boys

Showing Early

Carrying Multiples?

Baby’s Heartbeat

At-Home Dopplers

The Heart of the Matter

Sexual Desire

Cramp after Orgasm

Pregnant on the Job

When to Tell the Boss

The Pregnant Worker’s Rights

Making the Announcement

The Juggling Act

Staying Comfortable on the Job

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Staying Safe on the Job

Quiet, Please

Getting All the Facts

Staying on the Job

Changing Jobs

Unfair Treatment at Work

Chapter 9: The Fourth Month
Approximately 14 to 17 Weeks

Your Baby This Month

More Baby

What You May Be Feeling

A Look Inside

What You Can Expect at This Month’s Checkup

What You May Be Wondering About

Dental Problems

A Gum Alert

Pearly White Wisdom


Expecting X-Rays?

Nasal Stuffiness and Nosebleeds


Snooze or Lose?


No Peanuts for Your Little Peanut?

Vaginal Discharge

Elevated Blood Pressure

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