Wesley [Resistant Omegas 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (2 page)

BOOK: Wesley [Resistant Omegas 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“There were so many of you in here and Asher pities me and I had a flashback,” I rambled as he moved me to sitting up. He nodded sympathetically, but I didn’t feel pity from him. This man was like me. I leaned in and he met me halfway, giving me a quick kiss. “Tristan.”

“Hey, Wes,” he said fondly as he cupped my cheek. “Rough morning already, huh?”

“I’m okay,” I lied, wiping my eyes. “Don’t get mad at Asher. He can’t help the way he feels.”

“I know. I also know that just because we read an emotion one way, doesn’t mean that’s exactly what they’re feeling. I’ve made that mistake way too often. Asher can feel sorry that you went through what you did, but that doesn’t make it pity. You know what I mean?”

I nodded because I did, but I was older and had these gifts longer than Tristan. I’d known how to tell the difference for years now. Asher pitied me and while a good man, he thought most times in his head that he’d rather have died than live life the way I had to.

Sometimes I wondered if I should agree with him.

“Want to tell me what happened?” Tristan asked gently as he took my hand and pulled me off the floor. I glanced at all the strangers. “First let’s get you reacquainted with three of them. The other three you don’t know.”

“Okay,” I whispered, wiping my eyes. A man with a warm smile leaned in and gave me a kiss. “Jared.”

“Morning.” The man was like the older brother I wished I’d had, kind, warm, strong, and always on my side. He was good down to his toes in a way I admired. Kissing him today gave me a flash though and next thing I knew, words were coming out of my mouth that I hadn’t meant to share.

“It’s not your fault any more than it is Tristan’s, Jared. The High Council didn’t even know they had a traitor in their midst. You’ve done so much more for so many people. You can’t always know everything about everyone.” Being able to “see” him again reminded me of the vision I had had yesterday.

“What did you see?” he asked curiously. His emotions were of love. He loved me like family and Jared never pitied me or got frustrated… Okay, except when I ate the last of his cookies that one time. Then I thought he was going to make me walk to the store and get him some more.

“You talking with Tristan last night,” I answered, not wanting to tell him everything since we were in mixed company. “I saw it after lunch but I didn’t see you until now.”

“Thanks, Wes. It’s just hard, you know?”

“Yeah, I do.” I made sure he saw it in my eyes. I got it better than I could ever put into words. Having gifts or being in power came with a great deal of pressure and hardship. It was just the way things were.

I quickly kissed Cameron and Rhyce, smiling at them when the fog moved away from them and I knew who they are.

“Okay, let’s get you something to eat and you can meet our visitors,” Tristan said gently as he led me to the table. A stranger sat next to me as Cameron made me a plate of food. Something was different from when most were strangers to me. This man meant something. But they said I didn’t know him. Testing that, I moved from my chair onto the large man’s lap.

“Well hello there. I’m Bay Edson,” he stuttered nervously as his hands fidgeted as if not knowing where to put them.

“That means nothing to me,” I mumbled as I moved my arms around his head. “I can’t see you yet.” He nodded and let me pull his head down. Normally when I kissed someone it was for recognition and like a hug. It wasn’t ever more than that… Until Bay. At first it was quick and we stared at each other a moment when it was done.

Then I went back for more. Bay moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth, his muscular arms holding me tightly. I melted against him, really getting into it and wanting more. But air became necessary and we broke apart.

“You’re him. One of the three,” I whispered, searching his deep blue eyes. Then I reached out and twined my fingers through his shoulder-length chocolate-brown hair. “My Alpha and mate who will fix me and uncross the wires.”

“You’ve seen him before, Wes?” Tristan asked from behind me. I could hear the shock in his voice.

“No, but I woke with an off feeling that something was in the house I needed. When did he arrive?”

“About an hour ago,” Bay answered, searching my gaze. “We came to look for an Omega. We never wanted one when it was about buying them because we felt it was wrong. But now that things have changed, our pack could use the strength of one and our family needs someone to bind us.”

“The two you love are here? The other of the three I need?” I waited until he nodded and turned to look at the other strangers. I slid off his lap and onto the man sitting next to him. I leaned in and pursed my lips but he backed away. “I need to see you.”

“I can’t,” he whispered as he moved me further away from his body, as if hinting to get off his lap. “You’re injured and mentally handicapped. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Don’t judge, Harkin,” Tristan growled. “No one is taking advantage of Wes.”

“I don’t mean it like that,” he replied, shaking his head. “I know you said he has some quirks since his Alpha tried to kill him but from what I’ve seen it’s more than that. He’s not of sound mind.”

“You think I don’t know what I want and shouldn’t be allowed to make my own decisions?” I waited until he nodded before getting off his lap. “You can’t be one of the three. None of the three I need to help me would be so quick to say I was broken when they just met me.”

“He’s my Beta,” Bay hedged, glancing between us. “He’s one of the three of our inner circle.”

“No, my visions are never wrong,” I growled, shaking my head and then grabbing it when it started to hurt. “I saw three and rebonding set the wires crossed in my head right.”

“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Jared asked gently, looking concerned.

“Because you, my dear friend and Alpha, would have tried to order every inner circle here for me to kiss so I could find them,” I explained as I took my seat again. “You would kill an army and climb every skyscraper in Denver to help someone you cared about. Your mates as well. I couldn’t do that to you when you have so much else on your plate. There are others that need your help much more than I do and desperately. I could wait.

“And a little confusion and a breakdown here and there are nothing compared to what others have and are going through. But knowing you guys, you’d want to help all of us all at once and never take a moment for yourselves. It would be your downfall and kill your mating. I wanted no hand in that because I have my own guilt as well that my being here has been taxing on your relationship.”

“Yeah, he sounds
mentally handicapped,” Bay drawled, shooting Harkin an unfriendly look.

“You’re right and obviously he’s not,” Harkin sighed and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset or offend anyone here or say something wrong was going on here. It just didn’t feel right to kiss the little hottie when he’d just been scared, crying, and all-around confused. The idea made me feel dirty and like I was taking advantage of him.”

I held out my hand to him and he stared at it. I sighed. “Give me yours.”

“Right, sorry.” He took it and while he was still foggy, I searched him. “And you worry that bringing in an Omega would hurt your bond with the ones you love instead of making it better. You think if you can’t make two happy to the point they don’t want more that bringing in a third would simply be another failure for you.”

His eyes went wide. “That’s not for—”

“But you’re wrong. You’ve
nothing wrong. It’s no one’s fault when there are only three pieces to a four-piece puzzle put together.”

“How can you know that?”

“Because I’m one of the most powerful Omegas that has been born in over a century,” I answered, already having had that flashback to when I found that out. “Even with my damage and control issues, like what comes out of my mouth when I have a vision, as when I was a pup, I’m more powerful than probably any Omega you’ve ever met.”

“We’ve only met a few so that can’t be hard. But Tristan is quite powerful we hear,” Harkin said slowly, choosing his words so he didn’t upset me again.

“Oh no, short stuff here has me beat by a mile,” Tristan chuckled before giving me a wink. “He’s actually helped me work on my telekinesis and a few other Omegas as well.”

“You can move stuff with your mind?” the stranger I hadn’t spoken with yet asked. I smiled and took my hand from Harkin.

“Here comes the show,” Cameron snickered behind me. I focused on every moveable object in the room. It barely took any energy and I lifted them off the floor… Everything off the floor. Table, chairs, plates on the counter, glasses, towels. Everything that I could feel the energy surrounding that I wouldn’t ruin.

Granted, I’d had issues in the past when I was learning how to use gifts. I’d had a flashback to when I’d accidentally lifted the countertop off the cabinets in the kitchen and my old Alpha had beat me severely. Just thinking about that broke my concentration and things started to fall. I quickly focused and the only thing that landed like it shouldn’t was some towels.

“You almost lost your energy,” Tristan said as he sat down next to me. “I felt it waver. What’s up?”

“Bad memory. Was thinking about when it wasn’t so easy for me to do this,” I mumbled, picking up my fork and eating so I didn’t have to talk anymore. Revealing memories of abuse in front of strangers was hard for me to do. Okay, that was a partial lie… It was always hard for me to do, strangers or not.

“What else can you do?” the man asked, looking excited and almost giddy. I shot a look to Tristan, who didn’t seem happy. I wasn’t either. We weren’t toys to be brought out for party tricks.

“Take his hand. You’re having trouble focusing past your emotions,” I guided my friend.

“What do you mean?” he asked, his eyes on me now. One of the things Tristan needed to work on was his energy flow. He saw each thing we could do as an individual gift so they were all separate in his mind. But that’s not how things worked. Power was power and just like the electricity in this house ran on different wires but crossed at times, so did our powers.

“You’re pissed that he worded it badly, like we’re circus freaks,” I explained gently, giving him a lopsided grin. “I’ve gotten used to that so it doesn’t really bother me from strangers. But since you’re upset by
he said, you can’t gauge what he
instead of his words. If you touch something it focuses you better. You see past everything else as if channeling only their energy to read them.”

“I hate when people look at me funny because I reach for their hand.” I saw the truth of his words in his expression. I’d gotten over that as well because people looked at me
funny for kissing. Taking their hand wasn’t such a big deal after that.

I thought a minute about how to fix that. “You know how you can take like a snapshot of a computer hard drive and see all the files they had on it at that one moment.” I waited until he nodded. “You can do the same thing. You don’t have to make the contact long.” I reached for his hand. “Read me and mimic what my energy does.”

I’d been working with Tristan and a few other Omegas to show them how to expand on what they could do. He nodded and took my hand. I focused solely on mapping the stranger’s emotions and thoughts, not wanting to get bogged down with memories or knowledge. Then I reach over and smacked his hand.

“That’s for not thinking before you speak,” I chastised. Then I glanced at Tristan, who was smiling “You get it now? You don’t always have to touch while you’re scanning if you know what you’re looking for.”

“Yeah, he’s not a dick, just excited he was floating in a chair.” Tristan let go of my hand and ruffled my hair. “Thanks, short stuff. It always amazes me how much you know and how good of a teacher you are.”

I shrugged, dipping my head at his praise. “I learned how to adapt and expand what we can do from lots of trial and error. I know how logic makes people think things work, but it’s not about logic when it comes to powers and energy. Then I was locked away and bored so many times that I kept pushing to see how much farther I could take my powers.”

“I’m sorry I upset you both. I don’t think you’re freaks,” the stranger said. “I think it’s amazing what you can do. And you’re right, floating on the chair was cool. I apologize for how what I said sounded.”

“Forgiven, but I still need to see you unless you think I’m mentally handicapped like your friend.” In a flash I was up out of my chair and in Harkin’s arms.

“I said I was sorry and wrong. Don’t I get points for making sure I wasn’t taking advantage of you first?” He didn’t wait for an answer, growling as he mashed his mouth down to mine. I moaned and wrapped my body around him, holding on for dear life as the most pleasurable, overwhelming emotions swarmed me… Almost to the point of being too much because I was getting so much energy off of him that the huge waves of them were hard to keep my head above.

“You’re one of the three,” I confirmed when we broke apart. “And you’re forgiven because you think I’m the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen.”

“What else did you get, sweet thing?” he asked as he kissed along my chin. I was swarmed with images, mostly of what he wanted to do to me and several personal ones but I focused on one in particular.

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