Welcome to New Haven (32 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“It’s ok Holly.” He whispered. “I’ll keep you safe.” Holly was finally able to catch some air and her breathing began to slow down a little, but she was still gasping.
As they got to the end of the pool, Alex sat Holly down but she still kept a tight hold of him as she was shaking uncontrollably.

“Holly!” the girls shouted as they kneeled beside her.

“Get some towels and a bottle of water.” Alex said, and the girls got up as Em dropped to Holly’s side.

“Baby girl…It’s ok now.
You’re out.”

It didn’t make much difference. She still held tight.
Alex pulled back, and Holly’s arms loosened up.
He put his hands either side of her face and moved the wet tendrils of hair out of the way.
He kept his hands on her cheeks, and he bent to look into her eyes.

“Holly. Try to breathe for me, ok? Deep breaths.
Everything’s going to be fine.” He whispered. “You’re safe.
You’re not going to fall…I’ve got you.”

Holly’s breath evened out, but her legs were still wrapped around his waist. She could feel his voice soothing her.
She, somehow, just knew she was safe with Alex.
He wouldn’t let her fall.
He’d saved her.

she barely whispered, coming out of her panic.

He just smiled at her and brushed across her cheeks with his thumbs.
The look in his eyes…Holly blinked a couple of times and then she burst into tears.
Alex pulled her into his chest and held her.
His arms wrapped around her and he kissed the top of her head.
The girls were by Holly’s side.

“How did you do that?”
asked Em, narrowing her eyes in question.

“Do what?” Alex replied.

“Get her to calm down so quick.
The last time this happened, it took ages to calm her down.
She even passed out for an hour and paper bags hadn’t helped at all.”

Holly’s crying slowed to sharp breaths between sobs.
She sat back, red eyed and slightly dizzy. She wrapped her arms around herself, but kept her legs either side of Alex.
She wasn’t about to let go whilst her feet were still in the water.

Em saw Holly’s face as she looked up at her.

“That little shit!” Em shouted, getting up to attack Ryan again.

“Em, don’t…” Holly said, making Em stop suddenly.
Surprised that Holly was calm enough to speak. Last time, she couldn’t say anything for crying and even after she’d passed out, she was too traumatised to speak for the next hour.

“He didn’t know.
He wouldn’t have done it otherwise.
He was just having a laugh.”

“Yeah…A laugh that could’ve killed ye!” Em spat.

“But it didn’t.
Alex got me out. I’m Ok.”
Holly looked over at Ryan.
He had a red cheek, as though he’d been hit.

“Dev slapped him when Alex jumped in.” Said Kayla, explaining the mark.

“We’re so sorry Hol.”

“It’s ok” she replied.

“No it’s not…”

“Em…it’s fine!” Said Holly, still hiccupping.
She turned to Alex…

“You knew”

“Yeah.” He said.
“I heard the coaches talk about it because you were running track.”

Holly felt her heart swell.
Alex knew, and he didn’t tell her secret.

“That’s why you agreed I should ref.” She stated.
Alex nodded and took a step back.

“Um…” He said as he stepped closer to her again. “Don’t move”
he looked to Dev.
“Pass me a towel, please.”

Dev handed him a towel and he reached behind Holly to wrap it around her shoulders.
He kept himself close to her.
As he brought the towel around, he pulled the ends towards himself and then together when he quickly arched back.

“You have a white shirt…” He said. “…And it’s now see through.” He whispered.

Holly was too grateful to be shocked.
Alex was keeping her modesty and without gawking at her.

Could he get any more perfect?

“Thank you.” She said quietly.

“Anytime.” He smiled.
“Em, hold onto Holly and help her up.” He said.

Holly had to release the thigh grip she had on Alex, and she felt the loss immediately.
Alex held her hips as Emily helped her up. His hands against her felt good. Really good.

Alex got out of the pool after her.

“Come on…” let’s get you changed. Said Em as she steered Holly to the changing room.

“I haven’t got another T-shirt.” Holly told Em.
She wasn’t expecting to need one.

“You can use mine.”
Alex said from behind her.
“I have another in there.” He pointed to the changing room.
“Have this one,” Alex picked up his T-shirt that he’d removed just before Ryan had thrown her in, and handed it to her.

“Thank, Alex.”
She said.
Holly could smell Alex on the T-shirt instantly, and she moaned internally.

Oh my goodness!

Just his smell set her lady parts alight.

As Holly and Em were in the changing room, Alex approached a very dejected Ryan.

“What the
were you thinking!” He spat.

“I’m so sorry Alex, I didn’t know… I didn’t mean to…” Ryan said apologetically.

“I know.” Alex glared at him, and he was physically restraining himself from tearing Ryan apart.

“The only reason I’m not killing you, right now, is because Holly seems to have forgiven you, and it may upset her further.”

“I deserve it.”
Said Ryan as tears filled his eyes.

“Yeah. You do.” Said Alex though gritted teeth.
“Why though? She screamed at you to put her down. Why didn’t you just fucking listen?”

“I thought she was just doing what girls usually do. I didn’t notice she was scared, I swear.”

Alex felt like he was ready to explode. He was finding it hard to control himself.
He’d never had an issue with it, until he met Holly.
Now, he had an overwhelming urge to protect her.
So much so, that one of his closest friends had almost taken a beating.

Holly, followed by Em, came out of the changing room and Alex could see that she was still visibly shaken.

He saw how good his T-shirt looked on her.
It swamped her body but that made it so much sexier.
He, well his shirt, covered more of her.

“Holly, are you ok?” Dev asked gently as she walked over to her best friend.

“I’m sorry.” Riss said.

“I’m ok and Riss; it’s not your fault. Holly replied, and Alex saw her looking at him after he’d been glaring at Ryan.

“I think it’s best that we go now, Hol.” Em said as she held her arm around Holly’s shoulder.

“Thanks for helping, Alex.” Em said and then shot Ryan a nasty look.

“No problem.” He replied.
It wasn’t.
He knew he’d do anything for Holly.

“We should go too.” Said Dev.

“You don’t have to” Holly said to Dev.
“You stay.
I’ll text you later.”

Holly didn’t want her friend to miss out because
wanted to leave.
Holly wasn’t just leaving because of what had happened.
She wanted to leave because of her raging hormones since being pressed up against Alex.
Holly needed to go to steady her nerves… If they knew just leaving the pool room would be enough to calm her from her panic attack, they may try to convince her to stay. Then, she’d be all hot and flustered in Alex’s presence.

She could still feel his hard chest against her.
Her legs wrapped around his taught waist and solid abs.
His thick, strong arms holding onto her…
Holly’s knees were shaking and her lower area was heating up.

She needed to go…and soon.

Alex was watching Holly, and he didn’t want her to leave.

Maybe it’s a good thing that
of us is going.

His body’s reaction to Holly was magnified now that he’d felt her in his arms.
He was using every ounce of his control to restrain himself from pulling her to him.
That would’ve been the case if Emily weren't there.
He knew she was safe with her sister.

He watched her eyes travel up and down his body.

Did she just check me out?

His inside were boiling at the thought. He’d seen her looking at him when he’d taken his shirt off, earlier, and she’d blushed. He tried to hold back a smile, but he’d been caught looking at her too.

Holly quickly looked away, and her cheeks flushed. Seeming to realise what she’d been doing. Alex had liked her eyes on him.

A lot.

He would have to sit down soon or take a cold shower, before it became
evident how he felt.

Riss showed Holly and Em to the door and they stepped outside.
When they got out of the house, there was a guy sitting on a motorcycle next to Holly’s car.

He looked to be in his twenties with mousey, longish hair, but not enough to tie back, lightened in parts by the sun.

His grey eyes trained on them as they walked down the path.

”Hello ladies.” He said slowly to them, but looked at Emily.

“Hey Nick.” Said Riss, from the door.

“Hey Riss.” He replied with a wave.

Em just stared at him and then looked to Riss as he answered a text message.

“I’ll get Ryan for you.”

“He’s on his way out” Nick said as he held his phone up to indicate Ryan had texted him.

“You’re here for that little fuck-wit?” Spat Emily.

“Careful Missy” Nick said as his eyes looked her up and down. “He’s my baby brother.”

baby brother just nearly drowned
baby sister.”

“Oh my God, Em stop!” Holly whisper shouted, embarrassed that Em was causing a scene in the street.

“What?!” Said Nick with a snort. “I highly doubt that.”

“Why don’t you ask
that then ay?”

“I like your accent.
Where are you from?” He asked, cocking his head to the side and narrowing his eyes.
Em’s eyes, however, widened in surprise.

”Oomph” she frowned, rolling her eyes.

Ryan stepped out of the door, and he saw the drama happening outside.
Holly wanted to just go so Em wouldn’t start on him again.

“Hey Bro,” Nick said. “Is it true you nearly drowned this pretty little girl?”

“Don’t say that about my sister!” Em said angrily.

“That’s nothing to what I was going to say about
.” He smiled cockily.
“I was going to say…’this sexy woman told me…’”

“You did
just say that!” she snapped, fists balling up.

“Em, let’s go” Holly tried tugging on her arm but she didn’t budge.

Nick laughed.

“Um…I…think…I…did…“ He said tapping in his chin and looking up as in thought.
I definitely did.” He smirked.

Em opened her mouth to say something when Ryan spoke up.

“Nick, don’t. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to…”

“Oh save it.” Em snapped at him.

“I said careful little Miss.”
Nick said with a warning tone.

“Or what?”
Em glared.

Nick rested his arm on his knee.
His foot was on the footrest, so his knee was higher up. He leaned slights towards Em.

“…Or I’ll have to take you over my knee.” He said in a low voice and a cocky grin, eyes glinting with mischief.

Em gasped with both surprise and disgust.

“What the…?”
Holly grabbed Em sideways around the waist and managed to pull her to the car.

“Em just get in and let’s go.” Said Holly.
Eager to diffuse the drama between hers and Ryan’s older sibling.

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