Welcome to New Haven (17 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“So…do you think I should cut my hair?
Dev turned to him, looked at his hair and frowned.

“I like your hair. Just a trim to the usual length. Don’t do anything drastic.”
Alex smiled…

H: Do you want me to pick you up?

D: Yes that would be awesome!
Saves Alex dropping me off and picking me up.

H: No probs.
See you at 5:45 x

D: Thanks. X

Holly was hoping to catch a glimpse of Alex before he left for the gym.
She felt safer in the confines of her car because she wasn’t going to be near him.
She hoped he hadn’t cut all of his glorious hair off too.

Holly pulled up to the house, just as Alex opened the front door.
He hadn’t cut all of his hair!
It was obvious he’d had a trim though because it wasn’t much shorter than last week.

Oh God he looks so fantastically delicious! I need to get a picture

Her hands started shaking so she gripped the steering wheel to stop them.
Her heart was fluttering, and her skin was being tickled by thousands of little electric shocks.
Holly didn’t know why she felt so anxious. Nobody had ever made her feel that way before.

I need to see a shrink…seriously

Alex looked over at her and smiled, but Holly could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.
She bit her lip and looked back at the steering wheel. Her face was on fire.
She closed her eyes, but all she could see were his sad eyes.

Whoever had put that look on his face had better watch out!
What?! Whoa…Protective much?

Yes…she was definitely in trouble.

Dev came bouncing out of the house as she shouted…

”Hey Holly!”
Holly looked to Dev, and Alex also turned to her.

“No se olvide.”
He said.

Holly had no idea what he said, but to hear him talk in Spanish…she swallowed hard and tried to breathe.
She felt like she was going to melt.

Oh my God that’s so sexy!

The heat in her cheeks increased. She needed to get away from there…now.

“No haré” Dev replied with a wink as she got into Holly’s car.

“What were you saying?” Holly asked as she pulled away from the kerb.

“Oh. He asked me not to forget.”

Holly looked at Dev, with a quizzical expression, and Dev explained further.

“…Um…I need to text him when I get to Kayla’s”

“Oh ok”
Holly nodded and they drove the short distance to Kayla’s house.
It wasn’t far away from Dev’s, but it was in the opposite direction of Holly’s house.

Holly lived the closest to school.
Maybe that’s why she hadn’t seen any of them when she moved there a few weeks earlier.
They didn’t hangout near where Holly lived.
Not that Holly had known where anything was. She had tended to stay close to home, only venturing as far as the park when she was alone.
Other than that, she would be with her Mum and Dad.

“Um..Holly…can I ask you something?”
Dev said, a little nervously.

“Yeah sure”
she replied, quickly glancing at Dev.

“Well…I was just wondering, earlier at school, what Ben said.“ Holly’s stomach was swarming with butterflies and her nerves were on edge again.
She had a feeling this had something to do with Alex.

“Well, you don’t really seem to talk to Alex.”

Holly felt her face redden. She could feel Dev’s eyes on her and she could tell from Dev’s reaction that she’d felt bad for asking, but then she took a breath and rattled on…

”You don’t have any problems talking to us, and apparently Ben, but you’re quiet with my brother.
He’s a nice person Hol.
Has he done something to bother you?”

“Uh…no. He hasn’t. At all.”
Holly said, nervously.

“Well what is it then?
If he hasn’t done anything, why do you avoid him?”

Holly wasn’t sure but she thought she could see Dev trying to hide a smile.

“I’m sorry if I made you feel bad but I’m just trying to understand, you know, so maybe I can help.”

“It’s nothing Dev.
Can we not talk about this right now?”
Holly blew out an irritated breath and pushed her back into the seat.

“I thought it was best just the two of us.
I won’t say anything, Hol.
You can trust me.
Maybe just tell Alex why you won’t talk to him.”

“NO!” Said Holly, as she felt herself beginning to panic. “You can’t say anything to Alex.”

Oh my God, she would just
if he found out.
He’d probably think she was just another girl who was drooling over him.
If he knew, then maybe he wouldn’t smile at her anymore.
She didn’t want him to turn it into a look of distaste.
She wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“Look, Holly.
We regularly hang out together with the guys at lunch, and occasionally after school.
I don’t want there to be any bad feeling.
Especially for my brother.” Dev said completely unaware that Holly was at the beginning of a freak out.

“It’s not that Dev.
Can we drop it?”
Dev just looked at Holly.
The smile Holly thought she saw was now gone, replaced with worry.

Do you

Holly didn’t answer her.
She had a feeling Dev knew and was just asking her those questions to make sure.
Like she had a feeling, but didn’t want to just come out with ‘
Hey Holly, do you like my brother, or what?’

“That’s it isn’t it?”
Dev said, wide eyed.

Holly continued to stare ahead, gripping the wheel tighter.
Admitting to Dev how she felt about Alex would make it real.
Not that it wasn’t already, but telling somebody else…It couldn’t be taken back.

“I promise I won’t tell the others, Hol. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have pushed.
It’s just…Alex thinks he’s done something to offend you and the way you’re different around him, well I had a good idea, but I was worried about you too.”
Dev said, her hand on Holly’s arm as they pulled up outside Kayla’s.

Holly let out a long controlled breath.
She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again.

“Hol? Please say something.”

Holly shook her head and smiled.

Big girl pants? Check.

“We’ll talk later, but right now I need a manicure.”
Holly finally replied.

“Oh my God I thought you were going to stop talking to me or slap me or something!”
Dev laughed.

I know you’re looking out for Alex, but we’ll talk later. Kayla’s waiting for us.”

“So we’re still good?”
Dev looked worried as she asked.

Holly smiled.

Kayla opened the door, Riss next to her, and the girls went inside for their ‘girly time’.
Kayla’s room was the epitome of teenage girl.
Posters across the walls, cork board full of photographs, school schedules, reminders.

Her queen sized bed was sky-blue with pink edging piping around the edges, and the pillows the same shade of pink.

There was a huge round, fluffy, pink rug on the floor and her white dresser was full of nail care items and polish.

“Ok, let’s get to work”
Kayla said as she opened a box of nail files.
“We’ll order takeout later.”

The girls all sat on the fluffy rug, and it reminded Holly of the scene in Grease where the girls are in Frenchy’s bedroom, but minus the nightwear and bitchiness.

The girls were having so much fun doing their nails.
Holly had chosen very light pink polish.
So light that it was pearlescent and shimmered in the light.
Kayla painted little white hearts on her third finger nails.

“This is so in right now. Just the third finger is different.
I think it looks awesome, even though people get it

Holly had to giggle at Kayla’s expression.
Rolling her eyes in annoyance at other people’s ‘faux pas’ when it came to nail decoration.
Not something Holly would normally be into, but she was enjoying doing girl stuff with her new friends.

Kayla suddenly said with a mischievous smile. “Any guys catch your eye at school yet?”

Holly’s stomach dropped as Riss smiled and Dev looked between Riss and Kayla, before turning to her.

“Um…” Holly said as if thinking. She didn’t want to lie and say ‘no’.
It was weird, but it felt like betraying Alex if she said it.
“I haven’t really looked, to be honest…”
she said finally.
Which was the truth.
She hadn’t looked.
She’d only seen Alex and that was it. “…I’ve only been there just over a week.”

“Yeah there’s plenty of time”
Riss said as she began filing a nail.
“Personally, there are a lot of cute guys. I can’t decide who I like the best.”
She said with a beaming grin.

Kayla looked up at her with a knowing smile.

“I think Kyle’s cute.”
She said.

“Wooooooh” the girls chorused.

“Shut up!” Kayla laughed.
“He’s just sweet, funny…”

“and has a rocking body to boot” added Riss with a wink.

“Well I guess that helps too” Kayla agreed.

The girls burst out laughing.

So Kayla likes Kyle huh?

Holly thought and smiled to herself.

“How about you Dev?
Do you still have a thing for Ben?
Riss asked as she turned to Dev.

“Not really.”
Holly raised an eyebrow at Dev.
“I used to like him but…he’s like family.
Alex and Ben have been friends since we were six.
It would be weird.”

Holly wasn’t convinced because she could see something in Dev’s eyes that said she wasn’t being completely truthful.

The conversation turned to the boys’ dating habits and Holly instantly didn’t want to know.
Alex’s dating history wasn’t something she wanted to hear.

“I haven’t seen them with any girls, and we see them a lot, so I’m guessing they still haven’t gone there.”

Holly didn’t know what to make of what Riss had just said, but she
didn’t want to hear more.
The thought of Alex dating made her feel queasy.

“Well I know Alex hasn’t dated anybody”
Dev said as she quickly glanced at Holly.

“Seriously, that guy could have anybody!”
said Kayla as she shook her head a little.

“I know right?” Riss said in agreement.

“He’s a
Dev said as she winked at Holly.
Riss and Kayla both looking down, their attention on their finger nails.

“Tell that to Stacey”
Riss added.
“That skank can’t keep her hands to herself.”

“I know. Holly saw her with her hands all over him outside our homeroom last week.
I wanted to punch her in the face.”
Dev said with a scowl.

“Hear, hear.” Said Kayla waving the polish brush in the air.

“So how are you liking school so far, Holly?”
Riss asked as Kayla placed Holly’s nails into the dryer.

“It’s good.” She said.
“A lot different from my old school, but I’m liking it so far.”

They began to discuss the schedule shake up.
The girls thought it pretty strange to change it a week after the break.

“It makes more sense though.”
Kayla said as she placed her polish back into their case.
“I mean…the classes
all over the place.
My cousin on my Dad’s side, in Portland, has a schedule similar to our new one.”

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