Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (2 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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I stare at the ceiling and pray he takes the hint. I get lost in a day dream of what Las Vegas will be like. I've never been, but I'm excited to become my own person. I won't let someone else change me again.

My mom has always pushed me towards Danny because of his family. But, I have come to realize that the more they have, the worse they are.

I hear my phone beep, so I take a deep breath before looking at the screen.

what the fuck?

we are done.

why Coley I love you and you love me

I did, but after tonight I don't

what are you talking about?

I saw you and her on the balcony

babe it's not what you think.

I don't care. I don't want to hear your lies. Leave me alone

don't do this babe

fuck you Danny. I saw you and heard you. Go fuck yourself

Fuck him. I don't need a man to take care of me. I will make it on my own. Just like I have since I turned eighteen.

I turn my phone on silent and close my eyes hoping sleep comes soon.

The next morning I get up early and grab a couple of things from the gas station next door. Once I’m ready and packed, I make my way back to the freeway and head west on the 290.

During the whole drive, I barely notice the cars as I am driving in a haze. The scenery just flies by and I can’t even see it for what it really is. I just want to put as many miles as I can between me and everything I left behind in Texas.

I stop a few hours in and grab some food at a drive through before getting back on the freeway.

I drive another six hours before I decide on getting a room for the night. My body is tired and all I want is a hot shower, clean clothes, and sleep.

I stop in Arizona and get a room at another cheap hotel. Once I check in and shower, I climb into bed and check my phone. No messages or calls. I must have got my point across.

Startling awake, I hear my phone ringing right next to my ear.

I’m disoriented, so I end up answering it without looking at the screen. "Hi hunny," my mom's chipper voice fills the silent room.

"Hey mom," I grumble into the phone.

"Is everything alright baby? Danny called and said he couldn't get a hold of you last night." I snort. Like he was really worried. He was too busy giving it to that bitch on the balcony to even care that it was our anniversary.

"Yeah mom. I'm just out of town right now." She's probably going to yell at me when she finds out where I'm going.

"Why? I thought your anniversary was last night. Did you and Danny go away for the weekend?"

I sigh. This is going to crush her. She loves Danny like her own kid.

"Mom, we broke up last night."

I hear her gasp. Her voice is full of emotions and you would think that we were talking about her relationship and not mine. "Oh baby I'm sure you can fix things."

"No mom we can't. I caught him sleeping with someone else on our anniversary. To top it off, it was someone I know and am close with.” I can feel the tears threatening to fall, so I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Sweetheart I'm sure it was a mistake. Men do stupid things all the time. Just cool off and then you guys can make up and work things out between you guys."

She doesn't get it. I can't forgive him for this. I would never trust him again.

"No Mom, I can't forgive and forget. I'm not coming back. I have to go. I love you."

I hang up before she can say anything else. I can't believe she would be on his side. He cheated on me and somehow he's not the bad guy. She’s crazy.

I stare at the ceiling and try to forget what she said.

Unable to sleep, I turn the TV on and start watching an old rerun of
Criminal Minds
. I watch the show until my eyes get heavy and close.

I wake up early the next morning and get ready. I need to keep going, so I fuel up my Camry and hit the road.

Chapter Two

The bright lights of the city hit me as soon as I get close enough to Las Vegas. I can't believe I'm actually here. I find a somewhat cheap hotel near the strip to settle into. I need to find a job or I won't be able to last long out here with the cash and savings I currently have with me.

I book a room for the week, then make my way to it so I can freshen up. I shower, dress nicely, and I make my way to a bar I saw a few blocks away from the hotel on my way in.

When I get there, I notice all the black shiny motorcycles. There are four of them lined up side by side, right next to the door. I walk in the side of the dark dingy bar, and run straight into a wall of muscle.

I stumble back, but strong arms wrap around me and steady me. I look up to see the hottest guy I've ever seen smirking down at me. My cheeks flush and I try to get around him, but it’s no use.

"Sorry babe, didn't mean to almost take you out."

Holy crap. This guy is at least six foot tall and dressed in leather. I can’t get myself to speak, so I lamely just nod my head.

"You aren't from around here are you beautiful?" He drawls.

"No, I'm not. I just got here," I say quietly.

The dark haired biker looks me up and down, and then his eyes linger on my chest.

"Where you from love?" I'm pretty sure I swooned right there. No one has ever called me anything but my name before. I'm not even sure how to respond

"Texas," I squeak out.

He just nods his head thinking it over.

A beautiful dark haired woman comes up behind him and pushes him out of the way.
"Hi I'm Anslie!" She smiles and smacks the guy on the arm.

"Collette, but you can call me Coley,” I reply checking her out. She is like supermodel beautiful.

Her smile widens. The biker is looking at Anslie like she is crazy and shakes his head.

"Jase, you can at least offer to buy this beautiful girl a drink. Unless she likes being eye fucked all night," she looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

I blush. "I would really like a drink after the week I've had."

She grabs my hand and pulls me to the bar. I hear the hot biker yell out to his friends that are sitting in the corner booth in the back of the room.

"Brantley get your ole' lady on a fucking leash."

Anslie laughs out loud, flips him the middle finger, and turns back to me.

"Don't worry about Jase. He's just mad I have more game than him." She winks and yells out, "Baby, tell your brother to stop trying to fuck the poor girl. I like her and I'll be damned if he runs off another new friend." I shake my head and laugh.

"So what brings you to Las Vegas?" She asks as she flags down the bartender.

I smile back at her. This girl is crazy, but I instantly like her.

We order our drinks and she puts them on Jase's tab with an evil grin. I'm sipping on a vodka cranberry, while Anslie has a jack and coke.

"Well, I caught my now ex screwing someone else on our two year anniversary." I say and take a huge gulp of my drink. I set it on the bar and look up at Anslie.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She sneers. "You’re beautiful! That bastard is the dumbest man in the world. I swear! My brothers can't keep their eyes off you. He is totally missing out."

I smile at her declaration and chance a small glance at the table in the corner.

"Thanks Anslie," I say with sincerity. Not many people compliment me so it’s hard to know how to respond.

Chills run up my spine and I feel like someone is watching me. Turning to look again, I see one of the bikers in the booth staring right at me.

Anslie nudges me and winks, "See, told you."

She grabs my hand and drags me to the booth where Jase and the others are sitting. "Guys, this is Coley!" I look around at the table and see some of the hottest men I've ever seen before.

My god, where did she meet these guys? The guy that was watching me is now staring directly into my eyes and it makes me nervous.

I can feel the butterflies dancing in my stomach, and I’m afraid I’ll sound like an idiot in front of this sexy group of men.

"Coley, this is Brantley, Jase, Bash, Raef, Robbie and Dom." I look around at all of them and notice that Dom has a weird expression on his face, almost like he rather not know my name.

"Hi," I say with a small wave, looking at everyone but him.

Anslie walks over to Brantley and kisses him on the lips like they are trying out for the leads in a porno. He must be the one she was talking to.

"Hey sweets, nice to meet you." Brantley says once he stops locking lips with Anslie.

I nod and smile at him. After a course of ”Hi’s,” I sit down next to Anslie. These guys are intimidating. I'm not sure what to say or do.

All eyes are on me until Brantley starts to talk about his sons. I count my blessings that he saved me. I would have probably started to ramble on about stupid things, like the news or the weather.

I continue to sip on my drink when Dom gets out of his seat. He nods to the guys and walks to the other end of the bar. I watch his movements as discretely as I can. There's something about him that draws me to him, aside from the fact that he is hot as hell. He puts all the other guys at the table to shame.

He has to be at least six feet tall, if not taller. His jeans fit his ass perfectly, which causes my mouth to water. He has broad shoulders and huge arms. I can only imagine what is under that tee shirt. Probably an eight pack that is totally likable.

God I need to get laid. Bringing myself out of my sex haze, I tell Anslie that I’m going to use the restroom, and that I'll be back in a minute. She smiles and points in the direction of the restrooms.

I get a few steps down the dark hallway that leads to the bathroom before someone grabs my arm and spins me around, causing me to panic.

My face is pointing to the wall and I can’t make out the features in his face. I know it’s him and I can feel his hard body right behind me.

He leans into me and I feel my body flush. His nose grazes the side of my neck and he takes a deep breath in.

“Mmm, you smell even better than I imagined," he whispers in my ear.

I feel a tingle spread through my whole body. Never in my life have I wanted to rip someone’s clothes off before. My sex starts to throb as he presses into my body more.

I turn around and come face to face with Dom. My breath catches in my throat. I didn't expect him to be so sexy up close. His face is so close to mine that if I moved, I would be able to put my lips on his.

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