Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (19 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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After three weeks of perfection, Dom gets a call from his father. I knew that the perfect was going to come to an end, but I hoped that he would give us a little longer.

Before he leaves, he corners me in the bedroom and makes sure to leave me wanting more from him. “Love you sweetness,” he says as he kisses down my neck, heading straight for my breasts. Arching my back so they are closer to his mouth, he moans in appreciation.

“Do you really have to go?” I pout. He comes back up to my face and kisses my nose in response.

“Sorry babe, I already told you it doesn't work this way. This is a onetime deal. Brant didn't even get time off when Anslie came home. So I’m just glad we got the time we did.” He pulls me into his arms and I wrap my arms around him neck.

“Axle and I will miss you,” I whisper.

“I’ll miss you both,” he buries his face in my neck and I try to keep myself from getting upset.

“I love you Dom. Please be safe." He kisses my neck and then walks into the nursery and over to where Axle is sleeping in his crib. He leans over the side and kisses Axle before whispering to him.

When he's done, he walks over to me, and kisses me once more before he leaves.

Sitting in the rocking chair by Axles crib, I watch him sleep for a while before I find the motivation to get in the shower and go to the store to get more diapers and formula. Part of me is scared that Dom won't come back, and the other is afraid that something is going to happen to him.

When I am finished showering and getting ready, I hear Axle start to cry. Walking into his nursery, I pick him up, and bounce him on my hip while making our way to the kitchen to make him a bottle. Once he is fed and burped, I take him to the bedroom to get changed.

I can faintly hear my phone going off, but I have no idea where I left it, so I finish getting Axle ready before we go in search of it. Axle keeps looking around for Dom, but can't find him. When he starts to whine, I hum to him which causes him to smile a little bit. When I finally find my phone, I see a text message from Dom.

Miss and love you both already. We just got to our stop so I'll call you before I head to Sac.

His dad sent him on a run with a few of the guys before he is supposed to go back to Sacramento. Knowing he's going on a run scares me, but he promises that nothing bad will happen. Snapping a picture of Axle and I with our sad faces, I send it to him.

these are our missing you faces :(

If I was there I'd be showing you what you're missing ;)

Giggling at his message, I tell Axle that his daddy is silly. He looks up at me and smiles while trying to grab the phone.

I'm only missing your face right now.

Good, I left you satisfied.

You wore me out the last few weeks.

That was my plan. But I got to go baby. Love you.

Love you too.

Tossing my phone into my bag, I take Axle out to the living and grab the truck keys and make my way out to the garage. After Axle is in his car seat, I get in and head to the store.

While Dom was home, he got me a reloadable debit card so I can buy Axle what he needs without having to worry about money. He explained that every week so much money would be put on it and to use it on whatever I needed.

Little does he know that I am only going to use it on Axle. I don’t need anything, but Axle does. I never knew babies went through so much stuff.

After our shopping trip, I feed Axle, burp him, and rock him to sleep. Sitting in his nursery, I watch him sleeping until my phone start to ring. Luckily, I had put it on silent when I got home.

Quietly walking out of the room, I answer Anslie’s call.

“Hey Anslie,” I say walking to the bed room to change into some sweats. “Coley, thank God you answered. I thought for sure you’d have your phone on silent.” I can hear the panic in her voice, so I instantly know something is wrong.

“What’s wrong? Is Dom okay?” My mind is throwing a million scenarios out and I can feel my heart beating a million miles an hour.

“Dom and Jase got arrested tonight,” she sighs.

Arrested? How the hell did they get arrested? He said that this was an everyday run, that nothing bad could happen. “What was he arrested for?” I whisper. I don't know how to process this.

She takes a deep breath and I know it's bad. “Attempted murder and evading arrest.”

Putting my hand to my mouth, I can’t help but let out a sob. “Oh my God Anslie, what happened?” I want to try and find out as much as possible before I hang up with her. Axle shouldn’t grow up without a father. Dominic wouldn’t put himself in jeopardy of going to prison with Axle at home with me.

I know he rather be here, then doing the club’s work right now. He wouldn’t get arrested.

“I don’t know all that happened. My dad is talking to the lawyer right now and he will keep us posted. Please don’t worry; they will do everything in their power to bring him home,” her voice is tense and I’m sure she knows how much this is affecting me. Heck, it sounds like she’s just as broke up about it.

“I know they will. Please call me if you find out anything else,” I whisper into the phone. I wish he was home with me instead of in a jail cell.

“I will. If you need anything, please call or stop by. My dad has a guy on the inside, so let me know if you want me to pass anything along.” With tears running silently down my face, I tell her to tell him that Axle and I love him.

After we talk for a little while longer, I make my way into Axle’s room and just sit in the rocking chair. Sitting in here makes me feel the closest to Dom, even though I know he’s miles away.

I end up falling asleep in the rocking chair just listening to Axle’s movements.

Chapter Thirty

A simple fucking run turned into Jase and I being locked up. As much as I knew I shouldn’t have gone after those motherfuckers, I couldn't help it. It has been drilled into me to protect the club, and that’s what we were doing when we went after those bastards that shot at us on the highway.

Of course when we caught up to those pussies, they outnumbered us and turned us over to the cops; but not until after putting a bullet through my fucking shoulder.

I’m going to put each of those pussy ass motherfuckers in the ground when I get out of here.

Once Jase and I are processed, we are taken to our holding cells until our lawyer can get us a bail hearing. “You okay brother?” Jase asks from the top bunk.

I run my hand over the bandage and wince at the pain. “Yeah, nothing I can’t handle.” I reply running my hands over my face.

“This is such bullshit. I can’t believe they are working with the fucking cops. I knew those bastards were shady, but I didn't think they would stoop low enough to work with the Black Hills fuckers.”

“All I know is I wanted to get this shit done and over with so I could get back home to my fucking kid and ole’ lady, but no instead I am fucking sitting in a god damn cell with your ugly ass.”

I hear Jase laugh and as much as I want to be pissed, I know my old man won’t let us stay here too long.

Spending the rest of our night in our cell, we shoot the shit, and talk about Axle. It’s not like we got anything better to do, until they at least give us yard privileges or something.

“So man I have to say, I never thought you’d be one to get a fucking ole’ lady.” Jase says as he drums his fingers on the bed. That fucker can’t sit still to save his fucking life.

“Yeah, me either, but she is definitely worth it,” I state with a grin. I hear him snort and I know he’s thinking I’m pussy whipped like his twin, but hell I wouldn’t give her up for anything. I would rather walk away from being the next president than lose her.

“You’re so fucked, man. You sound like my pussy ass brother,” he sighs. “I’ll never be part of the ball and chain club you fuckers seem to be fucking lost in. Fuck that. I rather get all the pussy I can until I can’t get my dick up anymore.”

Laughing at him, I can’t help but remember when I felt the same damn way. Shit, I bet Coley is freaking the fuck out right now.

Hopefully, my dad’s contact can get a message out to her for me. As much as I don’t want her to see me in here, I want to at least let her know I’m fine, so she doesn't pitch a fit.

Leaning back on the shitty ass mattress, I close my eyes and think about my boy and ole' lady back at home.

The next morning the guards wake us up in a not so friendly manner. As much as I want to deck the mother fucker in front of me, searching me, I know it will only keep us inside longer. Once he's done patting us down, they send us out to the yard.

Posting up on a bench against the fence, we watch the rest of the inmates. "You think our old man's are gonna get us out in a timely fashion or are we gonna be stuck here?" Jase asks while scanning the yard.

I watch a Black Hills prick come walking towards us. "No idea, but I'm sure those motherfuckers from the Black Hills planned this." The big mother fucker comes and stops a few feet from us.

"Well, look what the cat brought in. Here I was thinking that this place was boring. You boys are gonna make this shit a whole hell of a lot more fun." His snickers make me want to get up from my seat, but I really don't feel like wasting any more energy than I have to at the moment.

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