Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (52 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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With the presentation behind them, the Jensen family and their guests hea
ded for home having decided to forego the celebratory meal
Paul had proposed, opting instead to get a take away delivered.

Sitting on the living room floor, his back against the sofa, his legs
underneath the coffee table that was positively groaning under
the vast amounts of food and alcohol, Gavin picked up a
pair of chopsticks and unsuccessfully tried to scoop up some noodles.

“Oh look, something else I can’t do
” he said pointedly to Angel, she smiled and fed him the noodles already
on her chopsticks.

th the general high spirits of the family and
large amounts of food and alcohol consumed, it was after midnight when they
made their way upstairs to bed, Paul being the last one to mount the stairs and
enter his room.

Fuelled by the alcohol she had consume
d, Angel
reached for Gavin as soon as he closed his door. On his own high from his
victory and slightly drunk, he grabbed her and pulled her into the bedroom.

“Undress me
” he told her,
half expecting her to hesitate but raising his arms as she pulled his
t-shirt up over his chest and dropped it on the floor
before starting on his jeans, her arms getting tangled with his as he tried to
undress her at the same time. Within moments they were both naked, he pulled
her to him, lifting her easily and laying her
the bed, standing at the side of the bed, he grasped her legs and hooked her
ankles over his shoulders, his arms wrapping around her knees, holding her legs
against his chest as he entered her.

Angel grasped the edge of the bed in order to have some
tiny amount of control of how deep he penetrated, with her
thighs and knees held together he felt massive as he moved inside her. She
gasped as his hands came around to grasp her knees, pulling her legs apart as
he quickened his pace, she gasped again as
he swiftly
pulled out of her and dropped to his knees beside the bed and wasted no time in
spreading her wider as his mouth began to work on her.

Coming back to his feet and swiftly entering her again, he reached for
“come here
” he whispered, holding
her to him when she wrapped her arms around his neck, her
legs around his waist. Sliding his hands beneath her thighs, he lifted her onto
him and moved so that her back was against one of the bottom uprights of his
four poster bed and they began to move i
n earnest.
Angel stretched her arms above her head and grasped the ornately carved post
causing her back to arch, altering her position on Gavin’s body and
conveniently putting her breasts at the right level for his mouth and he wasted
no time at all in la
tching onto her right breast.

Her orgasm fast approaching, Angel placed one hand on his back, her nails
digging into his shoulder blade as she pulled him closer, drawing blood as they
raked his skin making him groan against her nipple and forcing his orga
sm from him only moments before hers. Still buried deep
inside her, he carried her to the bed and laid her back onto it, his body
covering hers, alternately kissing her and grazing her breasts with his lips
and teeth while he waited for his body to recover
, he
wasn’t finished yet.

Angel felt his right knee come to rest under the left side of her bottom
soon to be joined by his other knee; he once again wrapped her legs around him
as he sat back on his haunches, pulling her with him. She placed one hand on t
he back of his neck, the other grasping his shoulder when
his hands held firmly onto her hips and encouraged her to take up the rolling
motion he was guiding her into while he thrust upwards into her. This time her
orgasm was swift and powerful and she soa
ked him with
her juices making it impossible for him to keep a grip on her. He let her slide
off his lap and inclined his head to one side, silently asking her to turn
over. She didn’t need asking twice and rolled over onto her stomach, coming up
onto her
knees and beckoning to him to enter her

The combination of the rugby game, lots of food and drink and a rather
satisfying session with Angel left Gavin exhausted, he collapsed onto the bed
beside her, breathless and unbearably hot, rolling onto his
back when she moved in to kiss him, her tongue languishing
in his mouth.

” she told him.

“I can’t
” he laughed
“I’m knackered
” he looked at his watch
“We need to get some sleep sweetie, we
have college in a few hours.”

Angel sighed and snuggled
into his side, both
of them still sticky with sweat as they drifted into sleep on top of the duvet.

Paul slowly approached consciousness through his hangover, an annoying
pain in his side. He opened his eyes to see Suzanne standing by his side of the
bed n
udging him in the ribs.

“Suzie, there are better ways to wake me up
” he groaned rolling onto his back.

“You need to get up, you have meetings to go to and my usual subtle
methods didn’t work
” she told him
“I haven’t heard any hint of movement
from Gavin
’s room so you’ll have to get him up too

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he gingerly sat up to
discover his hangover wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. He reached for
his dressing gown and headed across the hall to his son’s room.

’s living room was flooded with light
streaming in the window, his bedroom door was ajar. Paul listened at the door
and not hearing any sign of life, he knocked before pushing it open, the light
from the living room creati
ng a muted light in the bedroom,
he dried blood on Gavin’s back had him
smiling, the gouge marks from Angel’s nails unmistakable.

Paul cracked the curtains open a little and turned back towards the bed,
he had bent to pull the duvet over the sleeping forms when his eye caught sight
Angel’s tattoo and he stopped, looking down at the
young woman wrapped in his son, thinking to himself
she really is stunning
. He
didn’t feel bad for staring as despite
their nudity, they were wrapped around each other in such a way that their
modesty was
the duvet up, covering them both before going back to Gavin’s side of
the bed and shaking his son.

Gavin stirred, he moved back from the heat in front of him and then he
felt a cool hand on the top of his arm, shaking him, he tur
ned onto his back, his left arm still trapped beneath
Angel’s head.

“Dad?” he croaked
“Shit, my

“Get up
” Paul told him
“You’re going to be late

“Do I really need to go in today?” Gavin asked running his free hand over
his face.

“You want to sta
y home and not give yourself a
chance to gloat at Quinn?” Paul grinned when his son finally opened his eyes.

“Good point
” Gavin agreed,
he turned back to Angel, heaving himself up onto his side, he pressed his lips
to her cheek
“Angel, we have
to get up
” he said
softly, he eased his arm from under her and turned to sit on the edge of the
bed, groaning quietly, his body ached from the combination of the tackle he had
taken the previous day and the over enthusiastic sex last night, his shoulder
was sore an
d stiff and his head was pounding, his
Southern Comfort induced headache an unwelcome visitor on what would otherwise
seem to be a beautiful morning.

Angel had woke
when she heard
Paul’s voice in the room, she turned to see Gavin sitting on the side of th
e bed when the older man had left, she wriggled over to the
other side of the bed, sitting up and pressing herself into Gavin’s back, her
cheek resting against his uninjured shoulder.

“I have a headache
” she groaned.

“Me too
” he replied
“For some strange
reason, my shoulder aches too
” he told her.

Angel pulled away from his back
“I drew blood
” she pressed
her lips to the nape of his neck “You’d better let me clean that up

Gavin arrived at college to somewhat of a hero’s welcome fitting for the
n of the winning team. The match was relayed in
detail during the hour long assembly that morning with the members of the rugby
team being called onto the stage and formally congratulated.

Thursday was one of the days where he and Angel didn’t see a lot of
each other so they arranged to meet outside the cafeteria
at lunch time where they were greeted again by a large crowd intent on
congratulating Gavin much to Quinn’s chagrin as he passed by without a single
head turning in his direction. Angel slipped her
into Gavin’s and led him into the cafeteria amidst much back slapping and hand

“I think every single person has just hit me where you scratched me
” Gavin murmured into her ear as they
waited in the queue.

“Oh man up
” she told him
“You lik
e the
pain, you told me so yourself

They passed their lunch break surrounded by friends, all in high spirits,
unaware that Quinn was watching their every move. He observed each and every
time Gavin touched Angel and the way she looked at him when he spok
e to her. Quinn hated the way Gavin would pull Angel’s hair
away from her neck and lightly press his lips to the exposed skin and the way
her fingers lingered on his when she passed him her phone, leaning heavily into
his side. Aware that Angel had always
been very
tactile, Quinn was all the more vigilant in his observations of her actions
towards Gavin, in public at least, she was definitely the more open one with
their relationship and while Gavin would touch her and kiss her neck, Quinn
could tell he was
holding back for when they were

Gavin and Quinn had had a few classes together so far that day, some of
which they were required to share a table. Quinn had quietly passed insults to
Quinn didn’t even register on his radar
Gavin’s mother,
into his tirade. “Your mother abused her
position of trust and your father paid the price for it.”

“My Dad was fully aware of what he was doing
” Gavin hissed.

” Quinn replied
“Your Dad was love struck and easily influenced
And your mother
proved herself to be a

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