Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (24 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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my bathroom cabinet, help yourself
” shaking his head, Gavin turned back to
the barbecue and once satisfied that it was definitely lit, he too headed
upstairs for a shower and change of clothes.

In what seemed like no time at all the other beach going tee
nagers began to arrive, among them two of the members of
the band Gavin had auditioned for who on entering the house and helping
themselves to drinks, informed Gavin that he was their new front man and that
they would have to find some time in the week to
rehearsing some new material.

With James happily taking over the cooking, Gavin walked around to the
side of the house checking his mobile to see if he had any messages before
looking up to the window of the room currently occupied by Novak. The top
of the window was open and he could hear giggling.

” he shouted,
nothing. He called his friends’ name again adding

oods done

It took a few moments and Gavin was about to walk away when he heard a
noise and looked up to see Kiera’s back pressed
the window with Novak’s arms wrapped around her
“Already eaten
” Novak shouted
“Go away

By the time Novak and Kiera finally appeared most of the food had been
eaten and a few people had been thrown in the pool amid much laughter.

“Where’s James?” No
vak asked reaching past
Gavin and grabbing a bottle of beer.

“He’s cosied up somewhere with Gabrielle
” Gavin replied.

“The gymnast?”


ucky bugger
” Novak commented.

“From the display you put on earlier I’d say you have nothing to compla
in about
” Gavin nudged

“There was lots of moaning
” Novak mused
“But no complaining

e grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the table Gavin was sitting by
noticing that Gavin had his mobile
phone in his hand casting repeated glances at it
“No c
from Angel yet?”

“No, it’s getting late, maybe I should call her
” Gavin frowned.

“Leave it for another hour, then call her
” Novak advised.

“I guess they will have a lot to discuss
” Gavin slipped the phone into his
“I’ll leave it
for a bit




Angel wrapped her arms around herself as she put her feet on the
dashboard of Quinn’s car
wishing she had
a jumper with her
but refusing to
ask Quinn to turn on the heater. Braving the cold, she opened the passenger
window and lit a cigarette blowing the smoke out of the car.

“Put that out, I don’t want you smoking in my car
” Quinn demanded.

“You’ve never had a problem with i
t before, why
do you have issues with it now?”

“I’m told you can’t smoke in his car, you should treat mine with the same
respect. I can’t believe you embarrassed me like that today, especially after I
told you not to go near him
. H
ow dare you
disobey me.”

“Disobey you? I’m not a dog

he screamed
“How dare you speak to me that way,
I’ve had it Quinn, we’re done

Quinn pulled the car off
the road into a wooded picnic
“We’re not done
until I say we are
” he growled.

“We’ll see about that
” she hissed

They both fell silent as her phone began to ring, pulling it out of her
pocket and looking at the screen she saw with relief that Gavin was the caller
and slid the phone open to take the call, unfortunately for her
Quinn saw too, grabbing her arm he squ
eezed her flesh causing her to gasp in pain.

“Get the fuck off me

“I don’t fucking think so
” and he threw
the phone out of the window.

“You ar
” Angel yelled
pulling free and getting out of the car to retrieve her smashed mobile. Her
hope that it
would maybe still be functioning fading
as it disintegrated in her hand. Severely pissed off, she pushed the mangled
phone into her pocket and stormed off towards the trees.

“Where are you going? You silly little girl
” Quinn called coming around the car a
nd perching on
the edge of one
of the picnic

“Anywhere where you aren’t
” came the

“Do you have any idea where you are?”

” she spat
whirling to face him but she had no idea where they were.

“Angel, babe
” Quinn placated
“I haven’t han
this very well, I’m just in shock that you want to end it, can we talk about

“Well, yeah I guess, I honestly don’t think it will change anything
” she answered.

“I’ve been such a prat, I came on too strong, I’m so sorry, come and sit
we’ll sort this out
” he pleaded.

Caught off guard by Quinn’s change in attitude Angel took a step forward
further encouraged by Quinn’s smile.

“I don’t want to fall out with you Quinn, I just want to be sensible
about this
” she moved

“That’s al
l I want too
” he encouraged.

Quinn moved so fast that all Angel heard was the rush of wind as she
whipped through the air and landed on the table top, cracking the back of her
head on the hard wood. Dazed, she reached up to rub her head and that was when
Quinn pinned her hands above her with one of his hands.
Using his weight to keep her body pinned to the table, he began planting kisses
over her face, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, she bit down hard, tasting

” he spat in her
face as hi
s free hand balled into a fist and
connected with the side of her face. Quinn bent his head and took her t-shirt
between his teeth, with help from his free hand, the garment shredded
effortlessly followed swiftly by her bra which offered no resistance and
left her exposed to his mauling hand and teeth. He punched
her again when she screamed as his teeth mashed her nipple. Shaking her head in
an effort to clear the fog, Angel began to struggle, panic setting in. She
managed to free one of her hands and beat
at Quinn’s shoulder and pulling his hair to no avail.

Taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself enough to think of what
would get him off her she felt the bile rise in her throat as she felt Quinn’s
erection pressed into her leg. Realising tha
t Quinn
wouldn’t stop unless she put up one hell of a fight she swiftly jabbed her
finger into his eye making him yell and jump back.

She seized her chance and scrambled off the
table holding the tattered shred
s of her top
over her breasts as she ran but s
he wasn’t quick
enough. Quinn stuck his foot out and tripped her, she fell heavily, banging her
head again and receiving further blows to the face as he landed on top of her
rendering her almost unconscious.

Rubbing his injured eye and furious, Quinn deliv
a blow to her stomach as she lay prostrated in front of him then swiftly
dropped his trousers and underwear before grabbing the waistband of her jeans
and yanking them down to her knees.

Groggy and seeing stars, Angel began to stir as the cold night a
ir hit her bare legs, she imagined she heard her phone
ringing and called out Gavin’s name.

Infuriated beyond belief that she had said his rivals name and convinced
that she had given herself to Gavin when he had laid down six months of
groundwork and stil
l not succeed in having sex with
her, Quinn lost any reasonable thought he had left and put his full weight to
the punch he delivered to her groin, it was his turn now. He lowered his body
over hers.

Pain. Unbelievable pain pulled Angel out of her stupor t
o the horrible realisation that Quinn was in the process of
pulling her knickers to one side. Scrabbling frantically in the leaves
surrounding her, she grabbed the nearest solid feeling object and swung it at
Quinn’s head.

Thwack, the branch smashed into h
is face and
shattered into tiny pieces, flying into his eyes causing him to recoil. Angel
moved with lightening speed to pull her jeans up over her hips and get to her
feet, she paused just long enough to aim a forceful kick to his groin bringing
forth a s
cream of pain before she ran, sobbing into
the woods.

“I’ll find you, you fucking whore
” Quinn yelled after her. He slowly got to his feet, cradling his tender
genitals in his hands. He wanted to go after her but the pain between his legs
was crippling. H
e eased his bruised appendage back
into his trousers and went back to his car deciding to drive up and down the
road that edged the woods, positive she would appear at some point.

Angel stumbled blindly through the trees until she couldn’t hear Quinn
ing anymore. She leant against the trunk of a
large tree to catch her breath realising that not only was she stranded
semi-naked in the middle of nowhere but her phone was trashed and she had no
way of getting home. She began to cry again feeling useless,
lost and alone, her face and body throbbing from the
beating it had taken. She heard a noise behind her and decided to move in case
Quinn was getting closer. She was heading in the direction of the road when it
started to rain. She looked up toward the sky
silently cursing the heavens for adding more shit to her already crappy day.

Stumbling through the woods
, every minute sound and cracking twig
making her jump and whirl around. Expecting Quinn to be there each and every
Angel fell more than once as it was now so
dark it was impossible to see where she was putting her feet. Her torn clothing
now plastered to her body and rubbing her skin raw from the ingrained dirt from
her many falls, her long hair matted and not helping
matters by hanging in front of her face.
Relief flooded her when
she saw the bla
ck surface of the road quickly followed by horror when
she saw the white Range Rover doing a slow cruise just in front of where
she stood. Ducking behind a tree she waited for
car to pass, Quinn was still looking for her.
Would he never give up?
She lost all track of time while she
waited for him to get fed up of his search. God she was cold, she started to

She mus
t have nodded off as it was
darker and raining even
harder when she jolted
herself awake by toppling over in her sleep. Edging towards the road, she
peeked out between the trees and looked in both directions, relieved when there
was no sign of the Range Rover or anything else for that matter.

Gathering the
last shreds of her courage, Angel
stepped out on to the road, keeping close to the edge in case she needed to
dive for cover. Seeing a faint light a little further down the road she made
the decision to walk in that direction
elieved that she had made at
least one right
choice that day
as an old style
red phone box slowly came into view. Yanking open the door to the phone box,
she cringed back from the offensive smell inside but then decided the inside of
the box was better than standing in the rain and
least she had some light. She struggled getting her hands into the pockets of
her sodden jeans and the fight to get them out was harder. Looking down at her
open hands she regarded the wreckage of her phone in her left hand and then let
out a little lau
gh of relief when she saw the twenty
pence piece in her right.

Trying desperately to control her shivering she pushed the coin into the
pay phone and dialled her Mum’s mobile, cursing as it rang and rang,
remembering that her mother hadn’t set up her voice
She re-dialled, this time her Dad’s mobile which went straight to voicemail.
This was really too much and shredded her last nerve, she broke down, resting
her head against the cold metal pay phone as her tears flowed, she didn’t know
what to do, then
she remembered, his number was only
two digits different to hers, she lifted her head and began to dial.

Gavin jumped to his feet when he heard Quinn shouting at Angel and her
equally loud reply then a bang and nothing. He ran into the house and grabbed h
is car keys and faithful leather jacket, turning to go out
of the back door he found his way barred by the mountain of Novak accompanied
by Kiera and a few of his other friends who had seen his reaction.

“I have to go
” he told Novak.


“I have no i
dea, but I really need to get out
of here
” Gavin

Novak turned and ushered the other people out of the house
“Wait until she calls back
” he advised.

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