Washington: A Life (185 page)

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Authors: Ron Chernow

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Greene, Catharine Littlefield “Caty,”
Greene, George Washington
Greene, Jacob
Greene, Nathanael
in Battle of Brandywine
in Battle of Germantown
in Battle of Monmouth Court House
in Battle of Princeton
character and personality of
death of
in defeat at Fort Washington
as GW’s aide
as quartermaster general
in siege of Boston
southern department commanded by
Greenwood, John
Griffith, David
Grove, William B.
Guilford Court House, N.C.
Güllager, Christian
Gunn, James
Hackensack, N.J.
Hale, Nathan
Half King (Tanacharison)
Halkett, Francis
Hall, David
Hamilton, Alexander
as anglophile
anonymous attacks by
and Arnold affair
background of
Bank of the United States proposed by
in Battle of Harlem Heights
in Battle of Princeton
in Battle of Trenton
in battle on Chatterton’s Hill
character and personality of
chief justice position declined by
and command of new army
and Constitutional Convention
in Continental Army
death of
debt funding report of
excise tax proposed by
papers and
on federal powers
financial program of
Gates’s confrontation with
on Gates’s defeat
George Washington Lafayette and
on GW
as GW’s aide
GW’s death and
GW seen as puppet of
GW’s farewell address written by
GW’s last letter to
GW’s relationship with
honorary French citizenship for
investigations of
Jay Treaty and
Jefferson and Madison’s deal with
Jefferson’s rivalry with
and Laurens’s duel with Lee
manufacturing supported by
marriage of
and officer revolt
in resignation from Treasury
retirement desired by
and 1789 election
skepticism toward French of
slavery opposed by
strong central government advocated by
tension between GW and
as treasury secretary
Whiskey Rebellion and
yellow fever outbreak and
at Yorktown
Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler
Hamilton, James
Hammond, George
Hancock, John
in election of 1789
GW’s correspondence with
resignation as Continental Congress president by
Hand, Edward
Harcourt, William
Harlem Heights
Battle of
Harmar, Josiah
Harris, Hannah
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Robert Hanson
Hart, John
Hartford, Conn.
Hartford Woolen Manufactory
Harvard College
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hazen, Moses
Head of Elk, Md.
Heath, William
Heights of Guana (Gowanus Heights)
Heister, Leopold Philipp, Freiherr von
Hemings, Madison
Hemings, Sally
Henley, Elizabeth Dandridge
Henriques, Peter
Henry, Patrick
Hercules (slave)
Herrick, John
Herring, John
Hewes, Joseph
Hickey, Thomas
Hiltzheimer, Jacob
Hoag, John
Hoban, James
Hobby, Jonathan
diplomatic recognition of America by
France’s war with
Holy Ground
honor culture
Houdon, Jean-Antoine
House of Burgesses, Va.
Botetourt’s dissolution of
British imports boycotted by
Committee of Correspondence of
Dunmore’s dissolution of
Fauquier’s dissolution of
GW in
GW’s aspiration toward
Jefferson in
Lawrence Washington in
opposition to Stamp Act in
response to Boston Port Bill in
Virginia Convention and
House of Commons, British
slave trade banned by
House of Representatives, Massachusetts
House of Representatives, U.S.
bank bill in
form of address for president discussed in
Hamilton investigated by
increased army troops allowed by
Jay Treaty in
proportional representation in
Republicans in
see also
Congress, U.S.
Howe, Richard, Viscount
and British invasion of New York
Howe, Robert
Howe, William
and Battle of Brandywine
and Battle of Germantown
in Battle of Trenton
Boston occupied by
and British invasion of New York
departure of
knighting of
negotiated solution pursued by
New Jersey incursions of
New York occupied by
Howell, David
Howell, Richard
Howland, Prince
Huddy, Joshua
Hudson Highlands
Hudson River
Hudson Valley
Humane Society of the City of New York
Humphreys, David
Hunter, Robert
Huntingdon, Earl of
Hurley, James
implied powers doctrine
import duties
indentured servants
Independence Hall
Indian Queen
American relations with
in American Revolution
atrocities of
as British allies
conflicts between settlers and
as French allies
fur trade with
GW’s ambivalent relations with
GW’s first encounter with
GW’s image among
and GW’s mission to the French
Knox’s land policy on
Wayne’s expedition against
Industrial Revolution
Innes, Harry
Innes, James
Instructions to His Generals
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) (1774)
revolutionaries from
settlers from
Irish Americans
Iroquois Confederacy,
Six Nations
Irving, Washington
Izard, Ralph
Jack (slave)
Jack “Mulatto Jack” (slave)
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, James
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, William
Jacksonian era
Jameson, John
James River
James River Company
Jay, James
Jay, John
as chief justice
Constitutional Convention and
in election of 1789
as envoy to Britain
papers and
as governor of New York
as president of Continental Congress
resignation as chief justice by
Jay, Sarah
Jay Treaty
Jefferson, Thomas
on Adams
as agrarian
ambivalence of, toward Constitution
anti-British policies of
appearance and personality of
bank bill opposed by
cabinet resignation of
on capital city
deal with Hamilton by Madison and
Declaration of Independence and
diplomatic assignment to Paris of
in election of 1796
in election of 1800
on First Continental Congress
France and French Revolution supported by
as governor of Virginia
on GW
GW deceived by Hamilton in view of
GW’s falling-out with
Hamilton’s rivalry with
in House of Burgesses
on Lafayette
Madison’s alliance with Martha Washington and
and Mazzei letter scandal
monarchy feared by
as populist
powerful national government feared by
as Republican presidential candidate
in resignation from cabinet
retirement desired by
as secretary of state
and slavery
Society of the Cincinnati opposed by
as states’ rights advocate
as vice president
as Virginia aristocrat
on Whiskey Rebellion
attempt to oust Adams by
see also
Jenkins, Robert
Jews, Judaism
Johnson, John
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Thomas, Jr.
Johnston, Samuel
Joncaire, Philippe Thomas de
Jones, John
Jones, John Paul
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Thomas
Journal of Major George Washington, The
“Journal of My Journey over the Mountains, A” (Washington)
Judge, Andrew
Judge, Ona (slave)
judicial branch
Judiciary Act (1789)
Julius (slave)
Jumonville, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, Sieur de
Kalb, Johann de, Baron
Kanawha Canal
Kelly, Nelson
admitted to Union
Ketchum, Isaac
King, Boston
King, Rufus
King’s Chapel (Stone Chapel)
King’s College (Columbia University)
Kip’s Bay
Kitt, Frederick
Knight, Humphrey
Knowlton, Thomas
Knox, Henry
as acting president
in Battle of Germantown
in Battle of Princeton
in Battle of Trenton
as bookseller
character and personality of
and Constitution
in defense of New York
in Delaware crossing
GW’s correspondence with
GW’s disappointment in
in GW’s farewell
GW’s trust and friendship for
as Hamilton ally
Indian policy of
in new army
in resignation from War Department
as secretary of war
Shays’s Rebellion and
Society of the Cincinnati founded by
standing army supported by
Ticonderoga guns transported by
Whiskey Rebellion and
at Yorktown
Knox, Lucy Flucker
Knyphausen, Wilhelm von, Baron
Lafayette, Adrienne de Noailles
Lafayette, George Washington
in America
Lafayette, James Armistead,
Armistead, James
Lafayette, Marquis de
Arnold affair and
in Battle of Brandywine
French Revolution and
on GW
GW’s closeness to
GW’s correspondence with
imprisonment of
invasion of Canada advocated by
in release from prison
in return visit to America
slavery opposed by
in Virginia
at Yorktown
Lake Champlain
Lake Erie
La Luzerne, Chevalier de
Lancaster, Pa.
Langdon, Elizabeth
Langdon, John
Langdon, Samuel
Lansdowne portrait
Lansing, John, Jr.
Latrobe, Benjamin
Laurens, Henry
GW’s correspondence with
Laurens, John
death of
in duel with Lee
slavery opposed by
as special envoy to France
Lauzun, Duke de
Law, Thomas
Lear, Polly Long
Lear, Tobias
GW’s final illness and
marriage of Fanny Bassett Washington and
slavery and
as surrogate son
Lee, Ann Fairfax,
Washington, Ann Fairfax
Lee, Charles (attorney general)
Lee, Charles (general)
at Battle of Monmouth
British capture of
correspondence with Reed
court-martial of
rivalry of GW and
Lee, Frank (slave)
Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,”
funeral oration for GW by
Whiskey Rebellion and
Lee, Mary
Lee, Richard Henry
GW criticized by
Lee, William “Billy” (slave)
portraits of
Leffingwell, Ebenezer
Legaux, Peter
legislative branch
under Articles of Confederation
equality between executive and
supremacy of
Leibiger, Stuart
Le Mayeur, Jean-Pierre
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles
Lengel, Edward G.
Lenox, David
Leslie, Alexander
Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies
Lewis, Betty Washington (sister)
Lewis, Fielding (brother-in-law)
Lewis, Fielding, Jr. (nephew)
Lewis, George W. (nephew)
Lewis, Howell (nephew)

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