Washington: A Life (184 page)

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Authors: Ron Chernow

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Curwen, Samuel
Cushing, Thomas
Cushing, William
Custis, Daniel Parke
Custis, Eleanor “Nelly” Calvert (stepdaughter-in-law)
remarriage to David Stuart of
Custis, Eleanor Parke “Nelly” (step-granddaughter)
education of
on GW
GW and Martha’s adoption of
marriage of, to Lawrence Lewis
portraits of
Custis, Elizabeth Parke (step-granddaughter)
Custis, Frances Parke “Fidelia,”
Custis, George Washington Parke “Washy” (step-grandson)
difficult behavior of
education of
on GW
GW and Martha’s adoption of
portraits of
Custis, Jack “Black Jack,”
Custis, John
Custis, John Parke “Jacky” (stepson)
as aide at Yorktown
children of
courtship and marriage of
death of
difficult behavior of
education of
GW appreciated by
GW cheated by
on Patsy’s death
portraits of
smallpox inoculation of
Custis, Martha Parke (step-granddaughter)
Custis, Martha Parke “Patsy” (stepdaughter)
death of
epilepsy and other health problems of
portraits of
Custis estate
customs service
customs taxes
Cutler, Manasseh
Cyrus (slave)
Dagworthy, John
Dalby, Philip
Dalzell, Lee Baldwin
Dalzell, Robert F., Jr.
Dandridge, Ann
Dandridge, Bartholomew
Dandridge, Frances Jones
Dandridge, John
Danton, Georges Jacques
Davies, Samuel
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Tom (slave)
Deane, Silas
among colonists
of GW
imprisonment for
state, federal assumption of
wartime promissory notes and
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Declaratory Act (1766)
defense, national
DeLancey, James
at Constitutional Convention
Constitution ratified by
Delaware Bay
Delaware nation
Delaware River
Delaware Society for Promoting Domestic Manufacturers
Democratic-Republican Societies
Demont, William
Denny, Ebenezer
d’Estaing, Jean Baptiste
Deux-Ponts, Guillaume de
Dick, Elisha Cullen
Dickinson, John
Digby, Robert
Dinwiddie, Robert
Discourses on Davila
district courts
Dixon, Jeremiah
Dogue Run farm
Doll (slave)
Donald, Alexander
Donop, Colonel von
Dorchester Heights
Drowne, Solomon
Duane, James
Duane, William
Duer, William
Dulany, Elizabeth French
Dumas, Count de
Dunlap, William
Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of
Norfolk, Va. torched by
Dunn, Arthur
Duquesne, Marquis de
Durham boats
duties, import
Dyer, Eliphalet
East India Company
East Indies
East River
Echard, Susan R.
Edict of Fraternity
Edwin, David
Ehlers, John Christian
of 1789
of 1792
of 1796
of 1800
Electoral College
Elizabethtown, N.J.
Ellicott, Andrew
Ellis, Joseph
Ellsworth, Oliver
Emerson, William
as America’s antithesis
farewell address and
prewar debt to
Spain’s military confrontation with
see also
Great Britain
English Channel
American Revolution in context of
rationalism in
Enys, John
Episcopal Church
Erskine, Sir William
Eskridge, George
Estates-General, French
Evans, Israel
Evans, Joshua
Evans, Oliver
Ewald, Johann
Ewing, James excise taxes executive branch
under Articles of Confederation
under Constitution
domestic policy and
economic policy and
equality between legislative and
foreign policy and
war powers of
Fagan, John
Fairfax, Bryan
Fairfax, George William
death of
departure for England of
GW’s friendship with
Fairfax, Sarah Cary “Sally,”
departure for England of
GW’s friendship with
Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, sixth Baron
Fairfax, William
Fairfax County Committee
Fairfax family
Fairfax Independent Company
Fairfax Resolves
Fallen Timbers, Battle of
Falmouth, Mass.
“Farewell Address to the Armies of the United States,”
“Farmer Refuted, The” (Hamilton)
Fauchet, Jean-Antoine
Faulkner, William
Fauntleroy, Elizabeth “Betsy,”
Fauntleroy, William
Fauquier, Francis
federal deficit
Federal District (Washington, D.C.)
Federal Gazette
Federal Hall
vs. fear of centralized power
fear of chaos and
in GW’s farewell address to armies
Federalist, The
(Hamilton, Madison, and Jay)
Adams and
Alien and Sedition Acts and
as antislavery party
in 1800 election
envoy to Britain sought by
executive power and
French Revolution feared by
GW in support of
GW’s death and
in GW’s second-term cabinet
high society and
hopes for GW’s continuance in office by
on Jay Treaty
Martha Washington as
representational government and
on Reynolds scandal
federal vs. state power
Fenno, John
Ferguson, Patrick
Ferry Farm
Fersen, Axel von, Count
Field, Robert
Findley, William
First Continental Congress
independence not goal of
First Maryland Regiment
Fischer, David Hackett
Fishbourn, Benjamin
Fishkill, N.Y.
Fithian, Philip
Fitzgerald, John
Fitzhugh, William
Flexner, James T.
Forbes, Eleanor
Forbes, Gilbert
Forbes, John
Ford, Theodosia
Ford, West
foreign policy
Forks of the Ohio
Fort Cumberland
Fort Dinwiddie
Fort Duquesne
Fort George
Fort Le Boeuf
Fort Lee
Fort Necessity
Fort Pitt
Fort Ticonderoga
British capture of
weapons from
Fort Washington
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Fourth of July
Fox, Charles James
Adams’s diplomatic overtures toward
American alliance with
American independence recognized by
American ships seized by
America’s relationship with
antislavery sentiment in
army of
British seizure of cargo bound for
condescension by
Directory in
émigrés from
in expulsion from Canada
farewell address and
Fauchet bribery allegations and
financial assistance sought from
fleet of
in French and Indian War
GW’s proposed trip to
GW’s skepticism about
Jefferson’s support for
Ohio Country claimed by
postwar alliance with
projected war with
Quasi-War against the United States by
self-interest of
volunteer officers from
in war with Austria and Prussia
in war with Britain
in war with Holland
XYZ Affair and
Franklin, Benjamin
as abolitionist
as ambassador to France
on celebrity
at Constitutional Convention
in Continental Congress
death of
executive power distrusted by
on GW
Society of the Cincinnati opposed by
Franklin, William
Franks, David
Franks, Isaac
Fraser, John
Fraunces, Samuel
Fraunces Tavern
Fredericksburg, Va.
Frederick the Great, emperor of Prussia
Freeman, Douglas Southall
French, Penelope Manley
French and Indian War
bounty lands for veterans of
Cornwallis in
end of
GW in
William Howe in
French Guiana (Cayenne)
French Revolution
American Revolution and
Jefferson’s support for
Lafayette and
origins of
Reign of Terror in
turmoil as result of
Freneau, Philip
Frestel, Félix
frontier warfare
Frost, Amariah
Fry, Joshua
Fugitive Slave Act (1793)
Gage, Thomas
in Battle of Lexington and Concord
replacement of
Gainsborough, Thomas
Gale, George
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gates, Elizabeth
Gates, Horatio
Camden defeat of
in rivalry with GW
Saratoga victory of
Gazette of the United States
General Advertiser
General Court of Massachusetts
Genet, Edmond-Charles “Citizen Genet,”
Gentleman’s Magazine
George II, king of England
George III, king of England
appreciation of GW by
Bowling Green statue of
delusional state of
as head of Church of England
Jay Treaty and
George Mann’s Tavern
George Washington in Prayer at Valley Forge
Constitution ratified by
pine barrens of
war debt paid by
Gérard, Alexandre
Germain, George
Germantown, Battle of
Germantown, Pa.
Gerry, Elbridge
Gibbs, Caleb
Giles (slave)
Giles, William Branch
Gimat, Chevalier de
Gist, Christopher
Gist, Mordecai
Gist, Nathaniel
Gloucester, Va.
Glover, John
Gordon, William
Graham, Catharine Macaulay
Grant, James
Grasse, Comte de
Graves, Thomas
Graydon, Alexander
Great Britain
American colonies of
America’s relationship with
blocking exports to
boycott of imports from
class system in
colonial declaration of independence from
colonial land policy of
debt in
defections to
early end of Revolution expected in
Federalists and
fighting in Canada by
fighting methods of
France’s enmity toward
France’s war with
in French and Indian War
fur trade vs. settlements of
GW’s ability to learn from
GW’s struggle against injustice of
Indians as allies of
inexhaustible resources of
invincible power of, questioned
Jay Treaty with
London factors vs. Virginia colonists of
mercantilist policies of
North American aspirations of
Ohio Country claimed by
Republican hostility toward
resistance to rule of
slave trade banned in
taxation of colonies by
Townshend Acts and
trade restrictions on
trade with
treason punished by
war avoided with
in War of Jenkins’ Ear
war propaganda in
western forts of
West Indian markets shut to Americans by
see also
Great Dismal Swamp
Great Kanawha River
Great Lakes
Great Meadows
Green, Ashbel
Green, Charles
Green, Thomas

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