Warning Track (22 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: Warning Track
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“During the season. Chatty owns a boat and we would go driving around on the Chattahoochie during off-days. He taught me everything I know.”


Parker laughed, “Matt Chatwood, the second baseman.”

“Ohh,” Margo carried out. “You guys call him Chatty?”

“Yeah, most of us have nicknames, well the rookies and newcomers do, at least.”

“I think you got the short end of the stick…Kirby. But for some crazy reason, it seems fitting.”

“Why’s that?” Parker asked as he turned toward Margo and looked her in the eyes. Margo couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous he was with his dark brown hair and eyes that matched. His smile was breathtaking, a smile you don’t see very often on a guy.

Margo reached up and ran her hand down his freshly-shaven face. “I don’t know, you just look like a Kirby to me.” Parker reached up and grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers together, making Margo’s heart rate pick up. They were so close, connected in every way possible. She’d dreamt of this moment for years, prayed for it her senior year, but it had never happened then. Now that it was, it felt so surreal and nothing like she ever expected.

The scent he carried around was all male with a bit of fresh soap tacked on. His muscles were toned, not bulky, and they pressed against her in all the right ways. His grip on her was firm, but soft, and the way his voice whispered into her ear was like magic.

As the sun set in front of them, Margo took a mental note of the smell surrounding her, the feel of Parker against her, and the way he held her, like she was the only girl in the world. This was her moment with Parker, the moment she’d been waiting for and she was going to soak in every bit of it because she wasn’t sure how long it was going to last.

She pressed her head against his chest as music filtered through the sea breeze. Ironically, “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri filtered through the night air, freeing all the feelings Margo had bottled up for years. She felt like she had loved Parker for a thousand years and was finally starting to explore her feelings as time stood still for them.

Her emotions were running wild as she tried to calm down her beating heart. Parker pressed a kiss against her hair as he gathered her up more. He placed her between his legs, so she was leaning against his chest and his head was resting on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” Parker said in a whispered tone, throwing Margo off.

“What? What are you sorry for?” If he was pulling away from her, sorry for becoming intimate, she was literally going to throw herself off the boat; she wouldn’t be able to take the rejection, not after being so close to him, getting a taste of him.

Parker cleared his throat and pulled her in even closer. “I’m sorry for not seeing you in college the way I see you now.”

Her heart paused, literally stopped beating as she waited for him to elaborate. “How do you see me now?”

Parker’s lips lined up with her ear as he spoke to her with such gruff in his voice that she thought she was going to pass out from the male oozing from him. “I see you as so much more than a friend. I see you, not just as a beautiful friend of mine, but a gorgeous woman who I can’t get enough of. I see the kind, caring human you’ve grown to be and the fun, sassy girl that I’ve always known and loved. I see not only an athlete, but a body that can bring me to my knees. And those eyes of yours, Margo, I have always seen you, but for the first time in my life, I feel like I can see inside of you and I can’t get enough of what shines through those heart-stopping green eyes of yours. Every part of me wants you, mind, body and soul…every damn part.”

Margo’s lips went dry, her heart kicked up to marathon pace and the juncture between her legs sped up to full-on pulsing mode. He touched her in every which way and she had no clue what to do about it.

Before she could say anything, Parker spun her around so she was straddling his lap and took her head in his.

“I want to be with you, Margo, in every way possible. Please tell me you feel the same way.”

All Margo could do was nod her head. Even if she didn’t want to be with Parker, which was laughable, her heart would always belong to him. She couldn’t say no because the way his deep brown eyes tortured her soul, she couldn’t deny him what he wanted and, lucky for her, what he wanted was her and what she wanted was him.

“I’ve always felt that way about you, Parker, you know that.” Parker nodded, but then looked deflated as he lowered his head. “What is it?” she lifted his chin so they were looking each other in the eyes.

“I’m such a fuck head. If I wasn’t so oblivious in college, our lives could be different.”

“You can’t think of it that way; we have each other now…that’s all that matters, right?” Margo held her breath as she waited for Parker to confirm. He might have said he wanted her, but it still didn’t feel real. He could still change his mind in an instant. It was hard for her to believe that she, finally, after all these years, had the man of her dreams.

“Yes, we have each other now.” Parker lifted Margo’s face and lightly placed his lips on hers. The feel of his soft lips rolling against hers was something she would never forget. Passion rolled through both of them as they lightly kissed each other, never diving too deep, just staying on the surface, as if they were testing new territory.

A growl escaped Parker’s throat as he rolled Margo to the side, placing her on her back. Parker looked down at her and smiled, right before he went on a full assault of her lips. His tongue darted in her mouth, begging for her tongue to match his every stroke, and she did as her lips worked in perfect harmony with his.

Every thought she once had, every dream of Parker she’d lived vicariously through, was completely erased from her mind and the only thing that she thought about was the way Parker made her feel, the way his lips ran across her, and the way every nerve in her body was screaming with excitement…and the way that what was happening to her was so real.

This was actually happening, she was finally able to be with the man she’d always loved.


The moment Margo said she had always wanted to be with Parker, he lost all control. He had to be close to her, he had to soak her in; he had to make love to her. It wasn’t an option, it was a requirement…especially after seeing what she’d dressed in. She was trying to kill him…that was the only conclusion he could come to when he saw her open the door and she was wearing a strapless yellow dress that flared around her glorious hips. She was gorgeous and he was one lucky fuck that she cared about him.

He continued to run his tongue along all the contours of her mouth, taking in her sweet taste that was mixed with the wine they were drinking. Slowly, Parker felt Margo’s hands timidly explore his chest, like if she touched him too much he might disappear. The fact that he made her so unsure of herself drove him to want to drink. How could he have been so naïve in college?

He tried not to think about it because it would only bring up sour feelings and he didn’t want that right now, especially when he was holding the most beautiful woman he had ever come across in his arms.

Trying to encourage her, Parker reached down while he continued to kiss her, grabbed her hand and ran it up and under his shirt, making her gasp in his mouth. Parker smiled as she froze in place at the skin-on-skin contact.

Parker pulled away and said, “What are you waiting for, Mo? Explore the fuck out of my body. I want to feel your hands all over my skin.”

Sheepishly, Margo smiled and guided her hand up his shirt, but still was cautious, which was funny to Parker because in college, she’d shared her bed with a decent number of men, which come to think of it, really pissed Parker off now, but he wasn’t going to dwell on it.

Pulling away, Parker said, “Let me help you.” He pulled his shirt over his head without unbuttoning it and tossed it to the side. Parker amusingly watched as Margo’s eyes widened while she took in his bare chest. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen him with his shirt off, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by the way she was looking at him. Where did this shy girl come from? It was endearing and he was loving the fuck out of it.

“Doing some window shopping, babe? Checking out the merchandise before you purchase it?”

“Something like that,” she said, as she licked her lips.

Inwardly groaning, Parker said, “You can’t go and lick your lips and eat me away with your eyes like that.”

“And why not?”

“Because, I won’t be able to hold back.”

Margo smiled as she sat up on her knees, reached to her side and undid her dress. The fabric fell down and she wiggled out of it, exposing her strapless orange bra and matching panties. Parker always loved a good set of black lace underwear on a woman, but holy fuck did Margo change his mind…orange was his new favorite color.

It felt like he’d swallowed his tongue as he took her all in. Her hair fell over her breasts, teasing his eyes and making his mouth go dry. He needed her…now.

“Do you have protection?” Margo held out her hand, putting up her force field. Parker’s mind went blank for a second before he could answer.

“Uh, yeah,” he said sheepishly.

Margo laughed. “Pretty confident in yourself, aren’t you?”

“Nope, just a hopeful and very horny bastard who had the privilege of taking out someone completely out of his league.”

Margo’s eyes lightened and, instead of coming back with a witty comment, she grabbed his hand and laid back down on the blanket as she pulled him down on top of her. Her hands ran up to his face and pulled him down to her lips. They were a breath away from touching when she whispered, “Make love to me, Parker. Right here on this boat, make this night perfect.”

He didn’t have to answer, he just took what she was offering as his lips met hers for one explosive, mind-blowing, heart-stopping kiss. Electricity shot through them as they both wrapped themselves in each other bodies.

Sitting on his knees, Parker pulled Margo up and unclasped her bra. He let it fall to the side, but didn’t look down. He didn’t know if he could, because he knew it would most likely be the death of him.

Margo pressed her chest against his bare one and that was it, he was a goner. His lips travelled down her neck, slowly making it to her plump breasts. With one deep breath, he opened his eyes, just before he took her left breast in his mouth. He could have exploded in his pants right there if he didn’t have any self-control. Her nipples were hard little pebbles that reacted to his touch like he controlled her every movement. Her breasts were heavy, rounded and perfect, just like he thought they would be. They were his new best friends, it was established right then and there.

Moving over to the next breast, he sucked in her nipple just to even the score. Margo’s head flew back, arching her back in just the right position that gave him better access. She was absolutely perfect.

“I need more,” she breathed, as her hands wandered down to his jeans.

“I want to go slow, I want to enjoy every aspect of you,” Parker replied, as he kissed her cleavage and worked his way back up to her lips.

“We can go slowly later; I need you now.” Parker smiled, not only from her lack of patience, but also from the fact that she said there would be a later. Hell yeah, there would be a later.

“I can’t deny you anything,” Parker answered, as he sat back and pulled on Margo’s panties, completely exposing her naked body to the night air. The sun had set and the moon was now shining down on them, making her look even lovelier than he thought possible. “Fuck, you’re perfect.” He breathed heavily as his hands ran over his face in disbelief.

“I’m far from perfect, Parker.”

Parker shook his head. “No, you’re so damn perfect. So damn perfect for me.”

Margo smiled and clasped her hand around his neck, bringing him in close for a kiss. Every time their lips touched, Parker’s stomach fluttered like it was his very first kiss. She had a spell on him, a spell that brought him back to his younger years where everything was so simple, where he didn’t need to worry about being mobbed by adoring fans or chased down by his agent.

Pulling down his pants, Margo disrobed Parker, finally freeing him to the cold night air; it was invigorating. The heat of his skin mixed with Margo’s and the sea breeze was nothing he had ever experienced. The fact that they were on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, butt-ass naked was exciting, but the fact that Parker was sharing this moment with Margo, his Margo, was more exciting than anything.

Margo’s hand ran down his body and met up with his soaring erection. He was harder than he could ever remember, like teenage-boy-status-about-to-blow-a-gasket-hard.

“Fuck, I’m really not going to last long,” Parker groaned, as Margo ran her hands up and down his erection.

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