War of Dragons (8 page)

Read War of Dragons Online

Authors: Andy Holland

BOOK: War of Dragons
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"This is all the food we have," Arthur said, showing them the small spread of consumables he had laid out on a rock; the remainder of a leg of ham, some dried meat and some nuts and dried fruits. "How much should we eat now?"

"Just leave enough for breakfast," John replied. "Tomorrow evening we'll have a proper meal. I'll show you what hospitality means to Golden Dragons."

"Music to my ears," replied Seth. "I'm getting a bit bored of this dried meat."

"Are you sure we will be welcome?" Jenna asked.

John laughed. "A little late to be asking that question, don't you think? But yes, I'm very sure. As I said, this city is like no other city you'll ever see. Everyone is welcome there." He had established himself on a blanket near where Crystal and Jenna were building the fire, propped up by a smooth boulder to support his back. Daisy went to join him, but instead of sitting next to him, sat sideways on his lap and put her arms around him, stroking his face with her hand. Arthur frowned; Crystal hadn't seen the two of them publically display that much affection before, and Arthur was clearly not that happy.

"Getting nice and comfortable there, Daisy?" Seth asked. "Would you like me to pull a blanket over the two of you?"

"You will not!" Arthur spluttered as Daisy giggled.

"It is a little cold, Arthur," Daisy told him in mock seriousness. "A blanket wouldn't be a bad idea."

Her brother just glared at her, fuming silently. Crystal managed to stifle a laugh, but Seth couldn't resist the temptation to wind him up.

"It is cold, and poor old John has had it tough the last couple of days. Why don't you two just go and lie down in John's tent after you've finished your food? Get some rest."

Arthur looked like he might explode. "Daisy will not be sharing John's tent!"

Daisy giggled again. "Arthur, he's just teasing you. John wouldn't allow it anyway."

wouldn't! What about you?"

Daisy pretended to ignore him, but had a mischievous smile on her face as she turned to John and snuggled even closer. "So, John, our children, will they be Golden or Red Dragons?"

Arthur turned purple. "Your what!"

"Quiet!" John shushed him. "Daisy, Seth, stop winding Arthur up. Arthur, you know my intentions towards your sister are entirely honourable."

"Perhaps you could remove her from your lap then?"

"Hey!" Daisy objected. "I'm nice and comfortable here. And warm. You won't move me, will you?" She kissed him briefly on the lips, all too aware of Arthur's angry glare.

John shook his head. "Probably couldn't even if I wanted to in my current state." He pulled her close to whisper in her ear, but just loud enough that Crystal could hear him. "Oh, to answer your question, they'd be Golden Dragons."


Crystal woke first for once, feeling very cold and stiff from lying on the rocky floor. She poked her head out of the tent; it was still pretty dark so it would be some time before the sunrise and when she would be able to transform. As she lay wondering whether she should try and restart their little fire to warm up, she heard John getting up. Within a few minutes everyone was up, and despite the cold, everyone was keen to pack and get ready for when the first light allowed them to transform. Although they were getting tired from flying such long distances each day, they were excited by the prospect of finally reaching their destination.

"How long will we have to fly today?" Daisy asked as they waited for the sunrise, shivering a little. Her breath was visible in the half-light and John pulled her close to keep her warm.

"It's hard to say. I know how long it took us when we flew here, but that was just us Golden Dragons; my father and I. You are a little slower."

"A very polite way of putting it," Arthur replied, pulling his light cloak close to his body. "It's just a day though, right? We should reach there by sunset."

John nodded. "I think so, but leaving at sunrise is still a good idea. Talking of which, I think the sun is about to appear."

Crystal saw the sun peek out from above the mountains, flooding their campsite with light. She had never seen the attraction of getting up early to see the sunrise, but she appreciated it more than ever now. There was nowhere to hide behind, so as if by an unspoken agreement, everyone faced away from each other and removed their clothing so they could begin their transformations. She knew she would be the slowest so turned to face the others as soon as she finished. The four Red Dragons were sitting behind her, ready to take off, with John already soaring high above them. Daisy screeched excitedly before taking off.

John called from above.
We're not safe yet. The Sandy Dragons are not enemies with either of us but they know of the reputation of the Red Dragons and might not take too kindly to finding five on their doorstep.

Sorry, John, but I'm just so excited!
Daisy replied.
We're going to see a whole new country. One that no one else back home has even heard of! I never thought that would happen.

Let's just concentrate on getting there first,
John replied.
We have a lot of flying ahead of us, so don't get too excited yet.
He ascended higher, scouring the horizon for any sign of potential threats before signalling to the others to start on their journey.

Daisy wasn't the only one who was excited. Leaving the Blue Dragons behind and moving into these new lands seemed to energise the whole group. Despite having travelled for so long, Crystal noticed that they were flying faster and with renewed vigour, with even her cousin demonstrating newly found confidence and enthusiasm.

Stay below the line of the mountains,
John urged them.
Seeing me won't bother anyone here, but if we can pass by without being detected then so much the better.

But these aren't our enemies,
Seth argued.
Would it really hurt to have a look over the mountains into their lands? We wouldn't have to enter. We'll probably never have another chance like this, so it'd be a shame to pass it over.

These dragons are fast fliers,
John replied.
If they see you, you won't be able to outfly them, and they won't be intimidated by a single Golden Dragon—especially right next to their border with the desert—so far from my home. I'll have to explain to them why you're passing by and try to talk us out of any trouble. I'd rather just avoid that headache.

Do as he says,
Arthur told Seth.
We'll have to return at some point; this won't be our last chance.

Yes, Dad,
Seth replied impetuously.

What can you see up there?
Crystal called to John, wishing she could join him.
Any dragons in the air?

John paused before answering.
Not at the moment, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't take off at any moment.

Could they really catch us that easily if they had to take off first?
Seth asked.
I mean, we'd have quite a head start.

How can I answer this honestly without being rude about your flying speed and general ability in the air?
John asked.

Seth replied defensively,
there's no need to be like that. A simple 'yes' would have been enough.

Just enjoy the scenery,
John urged.
This is a beautiful mountain range and the desert isn't something you see every day back home.

No, but it is something we saw continuously for the last few days,
Jenna replied.
It lost its appeal a long time ago.

Rather like this conversation,
John replied irritably
. I'm going to fly on a bit to see what's ahead.

I thought you knew what's ahead,
Seth countered.
I thought you'd memorised this route.

Yes, that's right,
John replied before speeding up to leave them behind.

He's grumpy this morning,
Seth commented.
You'd have thought he'd be happy, being so close to getting home.

As John flew ahead, Crystal could see the ugly scar in his side. It wasn't bleeding any more but looked painful.
He's in a lot of pain,
she told the others.
Those wounds haven't healed yet. He's slower as well.

If you say so,
Seth replied, watching John rapidly fly away from him, the sun reflecting on the left side of his body.

The day dragged a little bit, Crystal unable to think about anything other than reaching their destination. The mountain range was pretty and a welcome change from the desert, but even that became a little dull as they weren't able to fly up to the top and see what was beyond. They followed the mountains as they curved towards the south-east, meeting the second range where John finally allowed them to ascend to fly above the mountains. Everyone was silent as they flew, awed by the dramatic scenery and the unfamiliar lands that spread out in every direction.

Are we going to stop for lunch?
Jenna asked John.
I could do with a break.

he replied.
We have no food, remember? You'll dine well tonight, I promise, as long as we keep up this pace. Stopping for a break would only guarantee another night in a cold tent.

The scenery to the north of the mountain range was markedly different to the south; in the north, the vegetation was quite similar to the forests back home, although perhaps with a few more rivers, but the south looked much wetter, with numerous rivers and lusher vegetation. Despite her desperation to see her homeland, Crystal was intrigued by the lands before her and wished that they could fly lower and explore, if only they had time. 

The sun was starting to descend and although John told them that they were making good time, something in his voice suggested that he was starting to doubt whether they would make it before sunset, his words of encouragement to fly faster becoming increasingly urgent.

How much longer, John?
Seth asked for the tenth time as John descended to speak to them again.
That sun is getting awfully low.

John ignored his question, distracted by movement ahead.
Everyone, stay close to me; we have company.

Seemingly from nowhere, three Golden Dragons rose to join them in the air, one flying to their left, one to their right and the other moving to fly above them. Crystal gasped slightly in surprise, smoke pouring from her nostrils. They moved so effortlessly, so fluidly, keeping pace with them with such ease.

Well, well, this is something we don't see very often,
one of them said
. Five Red Dragons. Do you mind explaining what you're doing bringing these five here? We should have given notice to our neighbours. You were lucky not to have been stopped.

The Blue Dragons are preparing an invasion,
John replied.
I expect it will happen in a matter of weeks, if not days. The Red Dragons are no longer a match for them, and left alone, they'll be wiped out and the Blue Dragons will take all their lands. They're here to see if we can facilitate an alliance with the Dark Brown Dragons.

The Golden Dragons exchanged startled glances.
Really? That doesn't sound like the Red Dragons, seeking alliances. So war is about to start? That's going to be bloody, especially between those two. We knew that this war would be coming eventually. Either that or the Blues attacking the Dark Browns. It was just a matter of time after the Green Dragons were eliminated. But I never thought we would see the day that we would have Red Dragons here though.

Excuse me,
Daisy interrupted.
How much further is it? We've been flying a long time and John has a nasty injury.

Yes, I can see that,
the first Golden Dragon replied.
John, is it? I'm Aharon. That does look like a particularly nasty set of cuts. Blue Dragons?

Yes, I had to fight them on the ground. It's not something I'm good at.

I see. Well, I didn't think you'd have received them in the air. I expect we will hear your full story eventually, so perhaps now isn't the time to go into that any further.
Aharon said something that Crystal couldn't hear to the dragon who was flying above them, who then sped up and flew ahead.

He will announce your arrival,
Aharon told them.
Now, I assume you're headed for the capital, but you're cutting it a little fine. Perhaps we could help you there?

That would be appreciated. What do you have in mind?
John asked.

Ask your friends to transform in the air, and we will carry them. We can carry two each.

They're not practised at doing that mid-air,
John replied doubtfully.
I think they may object. They wouldn't be able to do it and get dressed and three of my companions are female.

We could land first,
Aharon admitted.
But we are a long way up and you don't have much time. Every minute counts. My companion is female. If we split up, surely they won't mind her carrying them? Well, two of them, anyway.

Let's ask them and see what they think. Everyone, we won't make it before nightfall at this rate. These two have offered to carry you all.

We heard,
Crystal replied.
Could they really carry all of us at once?

Aharon replied.
Over this distance anyway. It wouldn’t be possible for a long distance.

Fair enough,
Crystal replied.
Shall we land?

John replied.
We're very high up and you dive too slowly. They'd like you to transform mid-air. It'll save time. Otherwise we're not going to arrive in time.

But none of us have ever done that, John,
Arthur objected.
How would we dress while falling?

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