War of Dragons (5 page)

Read War of Dragons Online

Authors: Andy Holland

BOOK: War of Dragons
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Just two of them against four of us. No wonder they tremble. Don't worry, we'll make this quick.

Perhaps you should recount,
Daisy retorted,
there's just three of you. Are you sure you don't want to get out while you can?

She sounded braver than she was, but she was right: there were just three dragons facing them.

What? Incompetents! Never mind, the three of us will be more than enough to tear you

He failed to finish his sentence. The Blue Dragon to his right had slowly and calmly reached over and seized his neck with his jaws, before ripping his throat out, killing him instantly. His killer spun to face the third dragon, slashing at its throat with his claws, but his intended victim was wise to his attack, blocking it with a foreleg and receiving only minor scratches.

Daisy cried out, realising who the mystery Blue Dragon was. The two Blue Dragons were circling each other and Daisy lost track of who was who, the two combatants indistinguishable in the dim light they created with their breath.

What do we do?
Daisy asked Jenna frantically.

Let them fight. He killed one, he can handle the other,
she replied, her thoughts sounding shaky and weak.

He surprised one, but he's no good at combat on the ground. You've seen him fight. We need to help!

Which one? I can't tell them apart,
Jenna replied. She shrank back even further from the two Blue Dragons.

Suddenly, one of the Blue Dragons sent a burst of flame at the other before charging and trying to slash at his throat while he was distracted. It was a poor effort and the other Blue saw what he was trying to do and dodged and slashed at his opponents flank, streaking his side with three bright red gashes. He moved in to finish him, but the injured Blue backed just out of his reach.

That's John—the injured one!
Daisy said to Jenna.

How can you be sure?
Jenna asked, still pressed against the wall. Daisy looked at her and then moved forwards to intervene. She sent a blast of fire at the other Blue Dragon, who spun to face her, temporarily ignoring the dragon that she assumed was John. The Blue Dragon rushed at her quickly, faster than she thought he would be able to move, nimbly evading her blows before lunging for the kill. He just stopped short of her throat, pulled back by John, who had grabbed hold of his tail with his own jaws. The Blue Dragon turned to face John and struck at John's head angrily, but John let go and pulled back again. Daisy saw her chance and struck her claws into his exposed flank, opening a deep wound. The Blue Dragon roared in anger and turned to try and face her, but as he did John struck at his other side, opening up an almost identical wound. The Blue Dragon roared again, this time in pain, and hesitated, unsure which way to turn. Daisy took advantage of his confusion and attacked. She lunged and seized him by the neck just beneath the jaw. She shook him vigorously as she bit down as hard as she could, before slamming his head and neck into the cave floor. Warm blood splashed into her face as her teeth ripped his neck apart, and she dropped him and sprang back in surprise and disgust. The corpse sprawled lifelessly in front of her, dark blood spreading across the cave floor towards the horrified Jenna.

Nice work,
John called weakly.
That's eight down; just two to go. Do you think you two could handle those for me?

Daisy laughed and ran over to John, greeting him by rubbing noses.
This is so weird, seeing you as a Blue Dragon! I was so glad when I realised it was you.

Can you change back?
Jenna asked.
I hate seeing you like this.
She was regarding him nervously from the far side of the cavern.

John glanced down at his wounded flank.
Yes, but it would be very painful. There are two more to fight and I can surprise them only like this.

But you can't fight two—not like that,
Daisy replied.
You're bleeding quite badly. You'd stand no chance. Can't you change into a stronger dragon?

John shook his head.
Stronger means larger and the tunnels are too small for that. My injuries would transfer over too and would probably get worse.

So what do we do?
Jenna asked.
There are still two more.

John hesitated.
We don't have a choice; we have to kill them. If they get out, in the morning there will be a hundred more of them. You're right, I can't take them on my own, but I could with both of you helping me.

No way,
said Jenna firmly.
I can't fight! I haven't had enough training.

You've had as much as me,
Daisy countered,
but that didn't stop me a minute ago. That's your boyfriend and cousin trapped back there. Are you really going to leave them?

I—I can't,
Jenna blurted out, looking down at the ground in shame.
I can't fight. Not against these things.

Daisy replied bitterly.
I've never met anyone as selfish as you. Why did you even come?

Daisy, Daisy,
John protested,
that's not like you. She's just scared.

Scared? I'm scared as well. But scared of losing you, losing Arthur, just as much as being scared of what happens to me. All she thinks about is herself.

Jenna was still huddled in the corner, her tail wrapped around her and her head on the ground. She did look rather pathetic.

Jenna, you have to come with us,
John told her.
For your own safety as well as to help us. Suppose when we go back we somehow pass the remaining Blues? They'd find you here on your own. There were lots of twists and turns, so it could easily happen. How would that turn out?

Jenna said with a sob. Hearing the thoughts of a crying dragon was quite disconcerting, but Daisy felt no pity for her.

If you don't help and we fail, you'll be on your own and they'll find you and tear you apart. Do you understand that?

Jenna replied weakly.

Then do exactly what I tell you,
John told her.
If we fight them and lose, then you'll be killed anyway. You have to help.

Jenna agreed, rising to her feet and moving gingerly towards them.

Good idea, John,
Daisy noted sourly.
Spell it out in terms that appeal to her self-interest. That's the only way to motivate her.

Don't be like that, Daisy,
John urged.
It's not like you.

I hate her,
Daisy replied angrily, her tail swishing irritably.
She's always so horrible to me. I've never done anything but be nice to her and now she won't do anything to help anyone but herself.
Jenna hung her head, refusing to meet Daisy's glare.

John looked at her sadly.
Maybe that's true, but don't let her selfishness spoil you. You're too good for that. Besides, we have work to do.

Daisy shook her head but turned to look at John.
So what's the plan?


When John reached the other two Blue Dragons, he found that they had blocked up the tunnel and were waiting for their return, but were not expecting an enemy, casually calling out to him in greeting. They didn't notice his wounds or comment on the fact that he was on his own, allowing him to walk right up to them without alarming their suspicions. Then using the arrival of Jenna and Daisy to distract them, he managed to make quick work of them, striking both in the neck simultaneously with his razor sharp claws, inflicting fatal wounds that eliminated them as threats immediately. Now that the danger was gone, Daisy and Jenna released their friends before they all retraced their footprints back to the entrance to the caves.

Quickly, go outside and bring the bodies in here,
John commanded the others.
They'll be easily spotted from the air.
He sat down to rest in the entrance to the caves, surveying the mess that he had created. His wound was very painful and he was feeling too weak to help the others. As Red Dragons they were stronger than him anyway and shouldn't need this help.

Seth, Arthur and Crystal were at the front, and tentatively peered out from the cave entrance, gazing up into the empty sky above them.

All clear,
Seth stated before hopping from the raised ledge at the cave entrance to the rock-strewn sand below. The sun was low and was creating long shadows from the rocks that were scattered over the sand. Amongst them were the lifeless corpses of the dragons John had slain before entering.

Seth said in awe, examining one of the dead dragons.
This one has been totally crushed. Hey, John, how did you do this?

Worry about that later,
Arthur replied impatiently as he started to drag one of the corpses by the tail across the sand, leaving an ugly red trail behind it.
However he did it, he's in no shape to do it again, so let's move them before we're seen.
He dragged the crushed corpse to the cave and disappeared into the darkness.

This one looks like it's been chewed up,
Seth called, looking at a body that was further away from the cave.
Hey, these are just like the ones that had us pinned down near your place, Crystal! I told you John had something to do with it.

Seth! Just move them!
Crystal cried in frustration, half carrying, half dragging another body.
Talk inside the cave!

Seth sighed and clamped onto the tail of the dead dragon, dragging it across the sand and stones and leaving another trail of blood behind him. Arthur was already moving the final body.

Daisy and Jenna were still standing next to John, watching the others move the bodies.
Daisy, we should cover the blood,
John told her.
It's unlikely to be seen, but it may stand out from the air.

Stay here,
she replied quickly.
I can do it.
She sprang out of the cave and used her claws and tail to scatter sand over the trails of blood that led to the entrance.
she said as she came back in.
All done.

replied John.
We should be safe now. We were unlucky to be spotted in the first place.

Are you sure?
Crystal asked, glancing up at the sky apprehensively before hurrying back into the cave.

Very sure,
John replied.
We're some way away from the Blue border now and it's getting late, so no Blue Dragon would want to be flying around here now. No other dragons live near here.

How can you know that?
Jenna asked.
They could have moved in since you were last here. How do you know that no one lives here?

Isn't that obvious?
Daisy asked.
Did you see any plants or water while we were flying over this place? Anything that anyone could live on? We're in the middle of a desert. No one lives here because no one
live here.
She paused.
Or are you totally oblivious to what's around you?

There was a slightly stunned silence following her response. Her voice and words had an edge that the others had not heard before.

Daisy, that was a bit harsh,
Arthur cautioned her.
Are you alright?

Daisy moved out of sight into one of the tunnels and transformed.

"I'm fine, Arthur. Care for a walk in the caves?"

Arthur nodded before transforming and joining her. They wandered off into the middle tunnel.

Crystal and Seth looked at each before following their lead and transforming as well. "Don't get lost," Seth called after them. He turned to Crystal, "Do you fancy exploring as well?"

"Not really. I think I've seen enough of these caves to last me a lifetime. Besides, they'll be pitch-black after a few metres."

"Hmm, that's true. I can't see why they're bothering exploring."

Crystal turned to Jenna, who was still a dragon and facing the ground morosely. "I think they're probably talking about whatever went on between Daisy and Jenna. Jenna, are you going to transform? Do you want to talk about it?"

Jenna shook her head, staying where she was. Crystal shrugged. "Alright, I guess we could try and explore. Let's look in the other tunnel." They wandered off into the darkness, leaving John and Jenna both still as dragons. John stared at Jenna, her reptilian features masked her feelings, but he could tell that she was very upset.

Jenna asked finally, staring back at him. She seemed uncomfortable looking at him and quickly turned back to studying the floor of the cave.

I was wondering what your plan was,
John replied.
I don't know what was said or what happened earlier, but I do know that Daisy wouldn't have started anything on her own. So whatever you did, Daisy is presumably telling her brother right now. To get Daisy to hate you—well, to hate anyone—takes a lot, so I'm guessing that Arthur isn't going to take it well. So when he comes back to see you, I was wondering what you were thinking of doing.

Jenna stared up at him again, a cold look in her red reptilian eyes.
I should have known you'd take her side.

John sighed audibly, breathing out bright blue flames.
Do you really want to talk about sides? If you push everyone into taking sides, who will they side with? Who would you side with if you were Arthur? What could you say to him to make him take your side?

Jenna shook her head miserably.
I don't know. I thought that maybe I could hide in the caves, but I'm scared of them now. I don't want to face him.

Or Daisy. You've somehow crossed a line with her. I've never seen her so angry. I guess you won't be calling her little Daisy any time soon.

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