War of Dragons (19 page)

Read War of Dragons Online

Authors: Andy Holland

BOOK: War of Dragons
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I haven't seen much of our borders. What are they like?
John asked.

Populated, for a start,
Mark replied,
which makes them very different to here. And that's true on both sides of the border, as our neighbours know that we aren't going to attack them either. There are a few border towns which are pretty lively places where you can mingle with our neighbours quite freely. I highly recommend visiting some of them when you get the chance.

I think there's probably only three towns that fit that description,
Theo added,
and other than in those towns we have very limited numbers of people crossing our borders, but we do at least have reasonable relationships with all of our neighbours
The trouble is we can't persuade them to talk to each other. They're not even that interested in communicating through us. It's a constant struggle to dissuade them from killing each other. Still, none are as bad as the Blues or the Reds.

Come on,
John objected.
You can't compare the two, not any more. The Reds haven't attacked anyone in years.

Mainly because they've wiped out everyone weaker than them,
Theo countered,
leaving just two races they can't ever beat, or at least they've given up trying for the time being. If the Blues ever lost enough territory to the Reds, creating a border between the Reds and one of the smaller countries, you'd see that nothing has changed and they'd immediately set about attacking their neighbours again. In my opinion they're by far the worst offenders and are a bloody and ruthless nation, and if the tables were turned, they'd be doing exactly as the Blues are. I wouldn't blame the Dark Browns for letting the Blues maul them for a bit before joining the battle. An overly powerful Blue Dragon nation is scary, but not as scary as an overly powerful Red Dragon nation.

Is that fair?
John asked.
None of the leaders alive today took part in those campaigns. Is it fair to blame them for the misdeeds of their ancestors?

John, I think you're a bit too close to them to see impartially,
Mark observed.
Talking about blame is a little irrelevant. Theo is talking about what they may do in the future, based on what we and everyone knows is a very long history of expansionist, aggressive and murderous behaviour. I like your friends, but they're not really representative of the nation are they? You've probably influenced them a lot; definitely the case with Daisy and she in turn has probably influenced her brother. Can you say this small group of young people are a true reflection of the rest of them?

That's the wrong question,
John countered.
Are their leaders a true reflection of their nation? Red Dragons don't get to choose their leaders and they're kept ignorant by isolation and a one-sided version of events. The King never fights in these wars, he just sends his people to fight for him and they have no choice in the matter. We've been lucky in our leaders, but can we really say that we would be that different to them if we had a King? Crystal has grown up with the Reds and thinks just like they do.

An interesting discussion,
Theo interrupted,
but one for another time, boys, as I think I can see some company up ahead. Two of them. Now, before we meet them, I need to remind you of something. Don't refer to the Dark Browns as Dark Browns. It gives us away. Everyone else calls them Browns.

Seems wrong,
Mark objected.
It would be like forgetting the Light Browns existed.

It is necessary,
Theo replied.
Get into the habit. Besides which, they themselves don't think of themselves as Dark Browns. It's an outdated term in their minds. Now, this is it; time to split up and put this plan into action.

John and Mark descended to fly just above the trees, with Theo heading for the two approaching Blue Dragons. John headed towards the river and started to search along the river banks. It didn't take long to find what he was looking for: foot prints! Dinah's footprints to be precise. He followed them, or rather pretended to be doing so, knowing already where she would be headed and just waiting for the Blues to arrive. He didn't have to wait long.

You there! Have you found anything?
The two Blues flew quickly to meet him.
Your father told us that you thought you saw a brown-haired girl walking through this area. Have you managed to find any trace of her?

John replied.
Someone has walked through here recently. She seems to have followed this river.

Yes, I see them!
The first dragon replied excitedly.
She can't have travelled far, but the border isn't too far either. Let's see how far these tracks lead us.

While they slowly followed the footprints, the second dragon flew down the river ahead and called back to them after a minute.
I've picked them up here as well. They still follow the river.

Fly ahead again,
the first dragon responded.
We'll follow them along the river.

I can see them still. They're easy to spot from here,
the second responded.
Looks like she was running.

This is a fair distance from where we started,
the first commented.
How long ago did you spot her?

Some time ago,
John replied.
It took a while to find the footprints. Ah, that's my brother ahead. Perhaps he can help us.

Over here!
Mark called.
I've found the footprints by the river. She has travelled quickly. Help me find her.

John and the two Blues flew swiftly towards him, where he was circling a large sandy area beside the river.

The footprints end here,
Mark told them.
She may have taken to the water to try and lose us. We should split up to try and find her.

the first dragon replied.
You and I will head towards the border; it's the most likely place she would be heading. You two continue along the river and see if you can find where her footprints reappear.

John and the second dragon carefully scanned the bank—John with the full knowledge that they wouldn't find the footprints. They continued all the way to the sea before agreeing to slowly cover the ground between there and the border to try and spot her. Their search was eventually ended by a loud shriek from the Blue Dragon that was with Mark. John and the other Blue Dragon flew towards Mark and his companion, who were approaching them rapidly.

What happened? Why did you call out? Have you confirmed that it was an escaped prisoner?
The second Blue Dragon asked as it reached them.

the first replied, circling around John and the second Blue.
It was an escaped prisoner and she has got away this time. We spotted her on the ground near the border, right by one of those stupid piles of stones. We nearly had her, but a Brown Dragon turned up out of nowhere and snatched her away.

Just one? Why didn't you pursue it? Surely it couldn't have outflown you carrying a girl.

We did chase after it, but it flew surprisingly quickly and the weight of girl didn't seem to slow it at all. It hardly slowed even when it plucked her from the ground. She must have been as light as a feather. We came close to catching it as it picked her up, but it dodged and flew under us and after that the opportunity was lost. We pursued it for a few minutes but by then we were deep into Brown territory and it still had managed to stay quite a way ahead of us. We didn't think we could catch it and if anything it was leaving us behind. We had to turn back.

The second Blue Dragon let out an irritated shriek, making John shudder, but calmed down immediately.
Alright, you did the right thing, I guess, although I suspect some might ask whether you're being totally honest. Not me personally, but it's hard to believe a Brown could outfly you carrying a girl. Forget that now; we have to act quickly. Dammit; this really couldn't have happened at a worse time. They'll have to move the camp immediately."

The Blues stopped circling and headed to the north, with John and Mark keeping pace with them.

Why is it a bad time?
John asked.

Are you stupid?
The second Blue Dragon asked angrily.
We've all been called up to join the war, haven't we? Everyone other than those left to guard this border has orders to leave tomorrow and head to the front. There were going to be leaving parties everywhere tonight. They should have made the first assault by now, or at least that was the plan, so now it's time for the rest of us to get in on the action to finish them off. I expect the first attack was very successful. Sadly, even news like that doesn't travel that quickly. But the second wave is going to be massive. They won't stand a chance!

John's heart sank. He knew this was coming, but he had hoped it wouldn't happen so soon. Hearing it said out loud felt like being stabbed in the stomach; his only consolation was knowing that Daisy and his friends were safely out of the Kingdom.

Not a great time for someone to escape then,
Mark added, glancing at John uneasily and wondering how he would react.

You could say that,
the second Blue Dragon replied grimly.
It'll ruin it for everyone here. We'll all have to be involved in moving these stupid girls from one place to another. I wonder if they're not more bother than they're worth. I'm amazed they still keep trying to escape. You know, for each girl who tries to escape, I've heard that they kill ten of the other girls. Not the one who tried to escape—they make her watch instead. Nasty killings as well, if you believe the stories, which I do. More often than not the one who tried to escape ends up killing herself. It used to be an effective method of putting them off escaping and we haven't had escapes for a long time, but this is the second one in a month.
He snapped his jaws together angrily, smoke streaming from his nostrils.

Don't worry,
the first dragon replied coldly.
They'll make sure they learn this time. They'll really suffer. With the numbers that will be coming in from the invasion, they can afford to kill a lot more. Still, we had better go and report it, much as I hate to do it. You two had better come with us.

John glanced at Mark; this was the last thing they wanted. If they had to explain what they had seen, they might be expected to transform. Foolishly, they hadn't considered this possibility.

Our father!
John said.
He won't know where we are! Can't we go and let him know where we're going and then catch you up?

I suppose one of you could do that, but that doesn't require both of you,
the first dragon replied.
You—you found the tracks. You have to come. Your brother can go.

John looked at Mark for support.
Alright, little brother. I'll find Father and tell him everything. Don’t worry, I will tell him where you are going.

John looked back at him.
See you soon.
He prayed that Mark would think of a way out of this. He watched his brother turn back towards the coast while he continued northwards with the two Blue Dragons. It didn't take long before the unwelcome interrogation began.

So, young man, what did you say your name was?
The first Blue Dragon asked.
And where are you from? I'm surprised I haven't seen you ‘round here before.

John paused, trying to think of an answer and cursing himself for not having thought to prepare for this, but before he had a chance to think of a suitable response, a Brown Dragon suddenly appeared above them, screeching angrily as it flew past. John wheeled to the right to avoid it and the other two dodged to the left, screeching at it furiously as it flew away.

How dare he?
The second Blue Dragon exclaimed angrily.
Attack three of us in our own territory! Kill him! After him at once!

John saw the opportunity he had been looking for.
He's mine! You two go ahead and report the escaped prisoner. That can't wait.
He flew hard after the Brown Dragon, outpacing the two Blue Dragons and not waiting to see if they would object. He wasn't sure what he would do if he caught up with the Brown Dragon, but it was better than staying with the two Blues, who would expect him to transform when they reached their destination, and in so doing, reveal who he was.

He glanced back and saw that the other two had turned around and were flying in the opposite direction. Now he just had to worry about the Brown Dragon. Although they were allies, it might not know that the Golden Dragons were here, and seeing what looked like a Blue Dragon, their enemy, it would probably attack without warning. He had lost sight of it already; and knowing how fast they were John was nervous, looking around for the anticipated attack.

Suddenly the Brown appeared above him.
Hello, little brother,
Mark said in greeting.
I guess I am far enough away to change back now.
He performed a quick mid-air transformation and flew alongside John.

Nice idea,
John commented.
I wasn't sure how to get out of that one. They'd started asking some rather unwelcome questions.

You did look a bit startled,
Mark replied cheerfully,
although not as much as the others. I thought you'd realise it was me straight away.

Not at all, but I'm very glad you did come.

Look, John, you heard what they said. They're starting the invasion already. We need to alert the Dark Browns—sorry, Browns—and our own government. If we leave it to the Browns to pass on the message they might not do so straightaway. I think I'll need to go back and tell everyone.

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