War In Heaven (31 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

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Supermen Once Inhabited Earth

a study of archaic texts, particularly the book of Enoch, we have ascertained
political and

ecological situations present on earth before the Flood. We know
that giant humanoids, with extremely

long life spans once existed on earth. They coexisted with their
hybrid creations; inferior duplicates of

themselves made from earthling DNA (homo-erectus), and their own
peculiar genetic code. It appears

that the home planet was outraged over the creation of the
“adamu,” or earthling. Nibirians living on

earth were forbidden to
marry or cohabitate with earthling females - a command blatantly disregarded.

This interbreeding
resulted in a frightening race of “superhuman” hybrid earthlings. They may have

been specifically designed
to serve as a fighting force to help their fathers, stage a military coup as

Nibiru reached the “place of
crossing” between Jupiter and Mars nearly 10,800 years ago.

Government of Nibiru Frightened By Hybrids

Nibirians on the home planet were not blind to the politics of their emissaries
on earth.

They decided to allow the destruction of both earthling
civilization, and the earthlings themselves. With

man out of the way, the
renegade emissaries could easily be taken into hand, without interplanetary

The Sumerian and
Babylonian texts describe how the “gods” made a pact not to tell man of the

ecological devastation a passing of Nibiru would have on the
earth. Or, that all of mankind was about to

be utterly destroyed by
the resulting pole shift. However, one god warned the humans, and a small

number managed to survive.

The Days of Noah Will Reoccur Before Christ Returns

From that time until now, man has been building, learning, and
advancing, oblivious to the fact

that yet another global disaster will come and wipe away millennia
of human evolution and progress.

For according to ancient sources, another flood is soon to wash
the earth. It will also be the target of meteorites, asteroids, or other space
debris, causing destruction of epic proportions. Christ warned that

“just as it was in the
days of Noah, so it shall be with the coming of the Son of Man.” From this

prophetic statement, we
understand that not only is man soon to endure another catastrophic Flood, he

may also find himself
politically deceived once again by the emissaries of Heaven; the renegade

of the Elohim.

Christ Will Appear in the Air

In Matthew 24:5, Christ predicted that others would come in His
name saying, “I am the Christ,”

and that they will mislead many. In other words, beings from
Heaven will appear and attempt to lead

mankind by stating that they themselves are “Messiahs.” Christ
warned humanity not to believe it if

told that He is in the wilderness (desert), or that He is in the
inner rooms (Matthew 24:26). The inner

rooms spoken of are a reference to the Holy Place, and the Most
Holy Place inside the rebuilt Temple in

Jerusalem. The AntiChrist will enter the “Holy Place” in order to
pronounce himself God and set up

the Abomination that makes desolate. These are obviously
references to the appearance of the Nibirians

that Christ describes in
Matthew 24:24 as being “false Christs,” and “false prophets.” They will “arise

and show great signs and
wonders” (literally: attesting miracles), purposely designed to “mislead

humanity.” Remember,
Christ will return in the air.

Christ Will Fulfill the Covenant

after this takes place that “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not
give its light, and

the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens
will be shaken.” Then “the sign of the

Son of Man will appear in the sky,” or planet Nibiru will become
visible to humans here on earth.

Finally, mankind will see “the Son of Man coming on the clouds of
the sky with power and great glory.”

In other words, the “army of heaven” will invade from Nibiru
(which will be at its closest point to

earth), with Christ as its commander. Christ goes on to say that
the generation that witnesses these

happenings, will not “pass away until all these things take place”
(Matthew 24:34). In other words, last

day events, leading to Christ’s reappearance and the “end of the
world,” will happen in just one

generation of man. What’s more, “Heaven and earth will pass away
(from each other, for Nibiru shall

move in the direction of its apogee) but Christ’s “words” shall
not “pass away.” And part of Christ’s

word to us, is his fulfillment of the legal covenant, of which he
is a part.

Christ’s Predictions are Coming to Pass

It would appear from an analysis of archaic texts, that Christ’s
predictions could actually

transpire. The terror and destruction of the last days, as well as
his promises for eternal life and the

resurrection of his “chosen ones,” could literally take place;
provided the biblical and extra-biblical

sources are to be believed. Therefore, we can expect the fixture
to bring fantastic global changes. These

have already begin with the appearance of UFO’s in great numbers;
visible for prolonged periods of

time. This has been heavily documented since World War II.
Communications from, and “special

appearances” by non-terrestrial beings, are also in progress as
evidenced by the proliferation of Crop

Circles, or Agriglyphs; as well as numerous reported sightings of
extraterrestrials emerging from landed


Soon, the discovery of ET ruins on the Moon and Mars will be
revealed to the public, and the

cryptic messages of the agriglyphs will be deciphered and revealed
to humanity. These processes have

already begun by visionaries such as Richard Hoagland; and others
who have written about and

published NASA photographs of the Mars and the Moon anomalies, as
well as those who have written about Crop Circles. Finally, if the biblical
writings have validity, we shall hear the extraordinary news

that extraterrestrial
beings from “the kingdom of the heavens” have arrived. And that they are here

our Messiah’s or saviors -
the more brazen of them claiming to be Christ himself.

We are in the Last Days

We have entered the “last days” spoken of by the prophets. With
the decrypting of the Bible

computer code in 1997, the code itself stated that we are now in
the last days, Once the renegades

reappear on earth, political upheaval is inevitable. Catastrophic
natural disasters will magnify as Nibiru

approaches. Then humanity will “wail, for the Day of the Lord is
near!” (Isaiah 13:6-7).

Rejoice! Our King is Coming Soon

But take heart, for Christ said that when man sees the "the
Son of Man coming in a cloud, with

power and great glory” (a fleet of spaceships), to "lift up
your heads, because your redemption is

drawing near.” (Luke 21:27-28).

13. Footnotes

The World Book Encyclopedia, “Elohim,” page 195. Schellhorn, Cope,
Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophesy, page 57. See Matthew 3:2 side margin,
literal interpretation of texts in the New American Standard Bible for a
reference to “the

kingdom of the Heavens" which has “come near.”

Blundell, Nigel, Boar, Roger, The World`s Greatest UFO Mysteries,
Copyright 1983, Octopus Books Ltd., pages 61-64.

Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments of Mars, A City on the Edge of
Forever, entire book provides evidence of

extraterrestrial life on Mars, and data regarding “Face on Mars.”
Also refer to NASA photos 35A72, and P17-384 for

images of Face. See book:
Unusual Mars Surface Features, by Vincent DiPietero, John Brandenburg, and

Molenaar. See my book: Extraterrestrial Are On The Moon And Mars!
The Photographic Evidence.

Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, see the chapter: A Space
Base on Mars, pages 230-269. Sitchin also provides photos.

Childress, David Hatcher,
Extraterrestrial Archaeology, in the photo section toward the end, there is a
Russian photo sent out

by the probe which reveals a long white cylindrical object moving
toward it. See also my comments about this incident in:

Extraterrestrials Are On
the Moon and Mars! The Photographic Evidence, pages 28-32.

Benjamin, Before The Muses, Volume 1, Epic of Creation, pages 351-402.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 295-297.

Foster, Benjamin, Before The Muses, Volume 1, Atra-Hasis, pages 158-198.

McCann, Hugh, THE DETROIT NEWS, “10
Planet? Pluto’s
orbit says yes,” January l0, 1981.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2'“ Planet, pages 159-160, and pages 184,

Place dates of NASA press releases here.

Michael, The Bible Code, page 25.

Michael, The Bible Code, pages 13-51, 98-99.

Zecharia, The 12“‘ Planet, pages 99-100.

Foster Benjamin, (g) To Sin (2), Before the Muses, Volume Il,
page 757.

Roaf, Michael,, Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient
Near East, page 101. Shoemaker, Eugene, Moon, the

World Book Encyclopedia,
page 646g, 646h, 647. Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12“‘ Planet, page 106-l07,110,
166, & 210-211.

Encyclopaidia of Britannica, Sin, Sinai, volume 20, pages 703
& 704. Baigent, Michael, From the Omens of Babylon:

Astrology and Mesopotamia,
page 98-99. Blech, Benjamin, The Secrets of Hebrew Words, page 70.

Black, Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons and Symbols of
Ancient Mesopotamia, page 161.

Michael, The Bible Code, page 179.

Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, page 194.

Michael, The Bible Code, pages 126-127.

Marduk was the national deity of Babylon, and this "Epic of
Creation” text exalted Marduk as the “creator god." Later, it

was Asher, and in the Old
Testament, it was the Hebrew Deity, and Jesus Christ.

Foster, Benjamin, Before the Muses, Volume I, Atra-Hasis, page

See the New American Standard Bible, Lockman Foundation, Matthew
3:2, literal text in side margin where the “kingdom

of the Heavens has come

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 217-219,
drawing number 3 of figure 112, and page 230, figure 115.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, pages 222-227.

Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, pages 299 & 307. See footnote
number 22 on page 307.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, pages 355-361.

Watchtower, Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, “The Unforgettable Flood,"
January 15, 1992, pages 1-8.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, page 218.

Book of Enoch the Prophet, translated by Richard Laurence, page 111.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 161-186.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, page 368.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 225-226. 120
Shars would be 432,000 earth years.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 227-228.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, page 186.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, page 224.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, pages 216-217, see
also page 214 where Marduk is elevated to the status of “King of the

Gods” upon earth, and was
thereby assigned as his celestial counterpart , the planet of the Nibirians,
the twelfth planet and

thus became “King of the Heavens."

Roaf, Michael, The Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient
Near East, page 96, Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, see page 218
and page 93.


Daniel 2:47 tells us that Daniel’s God, the Hebrew Deity was a
“God of gods, and a Lord of Kings." This is a reference to

the king of Nibiru as
“supreme” ruler. 1
Timothy 6:15 states that God is the "king
of kings, and Lord of Lords,” In other

words, he is the “supreme” ruler. In Matthew 28:18 Jesus spoke the
disciples: "All authority has been given to Me in

Heaven and on earth.”
Political power has been temporarily transferred from the Father to the Son,
from the King to the

Prince. Now in the “end” Christ will "deliver up the kingdom
to the God and Father, when he has abolished all rule and all

authority and power.” l
Corinthians 15:24. Once his mission is complete, the supreme Father-God-King
takes control

with Christ at his side.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 237-238.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, pages 225-22 &

Agrest, Matest, The Historical Evidence of Paleo contacts,
Ancient Skies, 20 (6), page 1.

Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophesy, page

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, 56-86, & 88.
Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12“‘ Planet, pages 159-160.

Agrest, Matest, The Historical Evidence of Paleocontacts, Ancient
Skies, 20 (6), page 1

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12"‘ Planet, pages 156-160.

Tumage, C. L., The Holy Bible is an Extraterrestrial
Transmission, see chapter titled: The number of God’s Name.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, page 96.

Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, pages 12-13.

Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, pages 137-147, 208-209,

Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, pages 90, 103, 105, 116,
123-27, 132-36, 156, 159, 162, 168, 171, 173,l77, 204, 148-

56, 209-210,152-153.

.Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia,
page 161.

Foster, Benjamin, The Lamb, Before the Muses, CDL Press, pages
151-152, Examine the texts closely for parallels

between Hebrew customs and
later Christian reference.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, page 235.

Tumage, C. L., The Holy Bible is an Extraterrestrial
Transmission, see chapter titled: Sexagesimal Numbers, the secret of


Deal, Colin, Christ by 1988 Retums, page 100.

Martin, Emest, Restoring the Original Bible, page 1 13-114.

Ragozin, Zenaide, Vedic India, page 180.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, pages 229-230.

Black, Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons, and Symbols of
Ancient Mesopotamia, pages 130-131.

Lawrence, Richard, The Book of Enoch the Prophet, pages 174-176.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, 221-222.

Lewels, Joe, The God Hypothesis, see Conversations With Homo
Noeticus, “The Case of the Tall Blondes" involving

Shona Bear Clark.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2
Planet, pages 88-89.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 1 19-121.

Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12
Planet, pages 241 &

Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2t
Planet, pages 186, &

Martin, Ernest, Restoring the Original Bible, page 111.

The Sumerian texts speak of several men who were privileged to
ascend into the heavens. One was Adapa, the model man created by the Deity
Ea/Enki. Ea wished to endow Adapa with immortality like that of the gods. He
provided him with a

“shem” or rocket so that he could reach the heavenly abode of Anu,
planet Nibiru. Once there, he was to partake of the

bread of life, and the
Water of life, These substances would make him immortal. When Adapa arrived,
King Anu demanded

to know who had provided the shem so that he could reach the
forbidden heavenly location, (Sitchin, Zecharia, The l2

Planet, pages 144-145. Anu
offered Adapa the “bread of heaven," and the “water of life.” However,
Adapa had been

warned by Enki that this might contain poison, so he refused it.
He was sent back to earth, minus his immortality. (Sitchin,

Zecharia, The Stairway to
Heaven, pages 103-105). Christ, as the “bread of Heaven” would have represented

immortality of the gods,
the inhabitants of heaven. By comparing himself to this bread, and then telling
humans to eat it,

would have symbolized that through him one could have immortality.
The ancient peoples of the Middle East would have

been familiar with this
tale of Adapa, and they knew full well what the bread of life was - the food of
the gods representing


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