WAR (45 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

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“Accepted. Change your flight plan and fly to Dallas. I’m going to fly both families there tomorrow morning.”

“OK, let’s plan to meet at the studio, say at 1PM?”


Scott says, “We’re going to Dallas? Where JR lived? Can we see Southfork?”

“Scott, do you know there is a Southfork Ranch? However, it was only used for the outside views, the inside shots were all done on sound stages. The ranch is really very small.”

“Really? Can we still see it?”

Leon jumps in saying, “We need to visit Six Flags too.”

Everyone laughs. Sean asks, “Bob, Carol, I hope you don’t mind, but President Rand is reaching out to both of your employers asking them to release you to me for two weeks.”

Carol says, “President Rand called my manager?”

“No, he called the company’s owner.”

“Oh my God, he must be walking on the air to get a call from the White House.”

“Actually he thought it was a joke. When he accepted it really was the White House calling, he quickly agreed to President Rand’s request. He asked if the show would stop by and do a shot from the company.”

“It was agreed that we would use a shot from both of your employers to use on the program. Scott and Sissy, I know you were going to be enrolled in school Monday, that’s going to have to wait a little. Leon and Beth, I’m sorry to tell you, you’re going to have a short break in your schooling, but don’t worry, we’ve hired tutors for you while you’re in Dallas.”

Leon and Sissy both shook their heads, “It’s not fair, Scott and Sissy get off and we get tutors.”

“Tell you what, we’ll have the tutors teach Scott and Sissy too.”

Scott looks at Leon saying, “Thanks pal, you now owe me a big one. I was off until we went back, now you got us going back to school with you.”

“If I have to suffer, you should too.”




Chapter 33

Ron, Bev, Kathy and I stand in our suite on the 42
floor of the Caesar’s hotel and casino. We had to move from the Wynn due to the damage incurred in the fighting. Ron says, “Look at it, parts of the Strip look normal while other sections look like they filmed ‘
Saving Private Ryan’
here. It’s like a movie set. Smoke is still rising from many of the hotels.”

I put my arm around Kathy pulling her close to me, “Old buddy, at our age, I never thought we’d be in a battle or we would become insurgents. How do you think this is all going to end?”

“Brad, I wish I knew. President Rand is either going to destroy the LSA or he’s going hit them with something that’s going to make the biblical flood look like a broken water pipe.”

Kathy softly says, “What about all of the innocent families who had nothing to do with the attacks? Should we harm them just because of where they live?”

Ron replies, “They had a choice which side of the divide to live on, they supported Presidents Reid, Bloomberg, and Booker. Are they innocent? Did they have protests? Did they express their displeasure with their leaders? Did they protest the war against us? Where were their marches and protests? Where were their reporters’ protests against the war? They were quick to protest everything we did. They were quick to protest every time we took revenge against terrorists, yet they remained silent when their government attacked us.”

Bev, looking thoughtful replies, “Could they protest, could they march? If they’re watched 24 hours a day, maybe they couldn’t protest or make their voices heard. I bet their DepLIES crushed anyone who even thought about protesting or speaking out. I don’t think we should judge their people not speaking out against the war as a sign they supported it. They were most likely censored. I bet if we could look into their jails, there would be a number of political prisoners being held because they tried to speak out against their government and the war.”

Ron replies, “Honey, you might be right. I’d like to know what we’re going to do.”

Bev says, “Maybe we won’t do anything. After all, President Bloomberg died from injuries he received from the gas explosion at the Gray House. Booker is very new on the job, maybe President Rand will just let it go.”

I shake my head no saying, “He’ll respond. He won’t want the world to think we’re weak. Even if some of President Rand’s advisors suggest he hold back, our new VP will be for a massive strike to ensure no one tries hitting us again.”

Bev shakes saying, “I hope he doesn’t nuke those poor people. They used to be Americans. I pray he doesn’t destroy LA with all of its rich history. We’d lose so much culture if he hits LA. Think of the millions who would die a horrible death. How could anyone living in the LSA ever forgive us for using a nuke against people who used to be our neighbors.”

Kathy says, “Who’s going to pay for the rebuilding? The insurance companies are going to say they’re not responsible because its act of war which isn’t covered in their insurance policies. Just looking at the smoke rising over the Strip it looks like there're over a billion dollars of damage in Vegas alone. We haven’t heard about the damage in the D.C. area or along the southern border. I agree that he’s going to make the LSA pay. I’m curious how he’s going to make them pay without injuring the innocent families since the LSA is broke.”

I nod my head in agreement saying, “I’m sure he has something up his sleeve, I guess we’ll hear about it soon enough. I expect he’s not going to wait too long before he strikes back.”

Ron says, “I hope it crushes the bastards. The LSA needs to be taught a lesson.”

Kathy asks, “Ron, what’s going to happen to your friend, that nice Commander something or other from the LSA?”

“Jack Lewis. He’s being given political asylum. I’m sure we’ll see him again.”

“That’s good, I didn’t want him sent home to a sure death.”

Ron pauses before saying, “When are you guys going to go home?”

“The airport is going to take months to repair. I heard the airlines are busing people the eight miles to Nellis Air Force Base until the airport is repaired. The airline said they would contact us when our number is drawn. They’re handling all of the passengers as a lottery. We have no idea how long it will be before our number is drawn and we get a reservation. The base is very busy trying to handle civilian and military flights.”

“Why don’t you move in with Bev and I? We have a guest room, you can’t stay in the hotel for long, sooner or later they are going to start charging again.”

“Ron, thanks! That’s great. We accept.”

“It’s the least I can do, since I lived in your house for almost a year.”

Both couples hug when they hear a loud rumble outside, flying low over Las Vegas are four F22 Raptor fighters. Their exhaust shakes the floor to ceiling window they’re standing in front of. Ron says, “Guess the Air Force is reminding the Russians they lost.”




Sean meets Wolf at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. He and his staff were the only passengers on the LSA Airlines plane which flew direct from LAX. “Wolf old man, it’s good to see you again.”

“Don’t give me that ‘old man’ crap. Did you arrange the kidnaping of the Smith family?”

“Why would you accuse me of kidnaping?”

“How do you explain the Smith family disappearing in Oregon and appearing in North Carolina?”


“Sean, don’t give me that bullshit. President Booker and I know you were behind them leaving the LSA. What did you promise them?”

“Wolf, I don’t care if you believe it or not, but I didn’t kidnap them. If they wanted to stay in the LSA they would still be there. They left of their own free will.”

“Sean, how did they leave? I checked, no one in the DepLIES issued them an expat permit, everything, they own, is still in their house. There’s no record of them buying a ticket on any air or rail line. So how is it one day they’re home and that night they were gone?”

“No idea. I also suggest you treat them as VIPs as they are visiting here as a guest of President Rand, who’s a big fan of their show. Did I tell you they spent two nights as his guest in the White House.”

“So if I ask them how they got here I’ll be insulting your President?”

Should I assume there are DepLIES agents planning on meeting you here? If there are, they and you won’t be returning home.”

“Are you threatening a member of the LSA government?”

“No, it’s not a threat, it’s a promise. While we record and broadcast the program, secret service agents will be protecting both families and me.”

“Do you mind if I meet with the Smiths before we begin?”

“Not at all, they’re at the Carolina Inn at Chapel Hill. I’d be happy to arrange transportation for you.”

“I can’t rent a car and drive myself?”

“Wolf, given the recent hostilities between our countries, no one from the LSA can travel by themselves in the USA, we’re on edge due to potential terrorists.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“Nope. Not as far as I can throw you. You’ll be escorted and driven everywhere you want to go. There’s a black Suburban outside with your name on a card on the passenger window. That’s your car and driver.”

“I assume my driver is a member of the CIA?”

“No, you’re not important enough, nor do we think you know enough to rate a CIA agent as a driver. Your driver is from the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), your escort will be either a secret service agent or an agent from the DSS.”

“Will they accompany me everywhere?”

“Yes, one of them will sit in every meeting you have.”

“Sean, I’m a reporter, that’s not fair.”

“You’re no longer a reporter, you’re the Minster of Truth, whatever that means, for the hostile government of the LSA. You are a member of President Booker’s inner circle. You are classified as an agent of an enemy government. The only reason, you were allowed into the USA, is because I asked President Rand to personally allow your entrance. If you’d read your entrance permit, you’d have seen the conditions clearly spelled out on your visitors pass. Wolf times have changed in the past few weeks. The LSA and your allies invaded us.”

“Sean no LSA soldiers invaded the USA.”

“Yes I know, you don’t have an Army. We did capture a large number of the invaders, some were clearly identified as your DepLIES. These agents have provided the CIA with enough information so that President Rand has determined the LSA launched an invasion of the USA.”

“If that’s what’s what you believe why haven’t you responded yet?”

“President Rand and Vice President Brownstone will when they are ready.”

“I read the murderer Brownstone is back in the government. I also understand the World Court is still holding an international warrant for his arrest.”

“I’d like to see them try to serve it. Wolf, I’m going to tell you this once, don’t try to ditch your agents. Don’t try to pull a disappearing act, you will be found and arrested as a spy. I can assure you, you don’t want that to happen. You might end up getting a free trip to Cuba and an orange jumpsuit.”

“The USA wouldn’t dare arrest me, I’m a member of the executive branch in the LSA. I have diplomatic immunity.”

“Diplomatic immunity is no longer recognized for members of the LSA government which has been classified as terrorists.”

“Damn it, I’m not a terrorist. You’ve known me for many years. We’ve worked together on a couple of different programs.”

“Wolf tell me you understand the instructions I’ve given you.”

“I understand and will comply with them.”

“Good, go to the hotel, see the Smith family, we start production tomorrow morning.”

“So soon? What about notes like we did on the last program?”

“Time isn’t our friend this time. We start tomorrow. Here’s a copy of the Press Release.”

Wolf reads;

“WOLF News Network and CNN (in the process of being renamed the LSA News Network) are pleased announce the three night special of the Smiths and the Joneses discussing the topic of the upcoming election. Both networks will broadcast the special live, we’ll be taking your calls, Tweets and emails live during our three hour a night broadcast. Sean and Wolf are returning to host the program. One significant change is the two families will be on stage together for the program. Tune in tomorrow at 8:00 PM EST. to take part in the historic program, The Smith’s and Joneses talk about the election. Two families, two countries, one result. Email your questions and comments to
[email protected]
, or call the show at 866.333.5555.”

“When was this released?”

“About the time you were landing.”

“I wasn’t consulted on it.”

“You no longer work for CNN. They agreed to bring you back because President Rand released me for two weeks from being Press Secretary to host the program. We’re the hired help on loan from our respective governments.”

“I’d better get caught up with the Smiths. I’ll see you tomorrow, coffee at 6?”



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