WAR (44 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

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Most people in the LSA ignored President Booker’s speech because it was just another two-hour rant. What they did hear was their tax burden was going to increase to provide additional financial support and free things to those who don’t work, nor want to work. Many in the LSA are already disgusted that they pay over 50% of their income so others can sit home all day. Many are disgusted by the fact that many of the minorities have children by different men so their monthly income is increased by the number of children they have. If the children’s father lived at home with their mother, their LSA government welfare would be lower. The LSA government was succeeding in destroying the typical family, replacing it with the state. The LSA’s goal was to have everyone work for the government. Everyone would be tied to the government.

Along the border and in some of the more rural areas of the LSA, people aren’t so enamored with the new social order. Some own weapons which have been smuggled across the border. New Militias have sprouted up as the tax burden has increased on working families. The militias heard President Booker’s speech and became more disgusted with his announcement of another tax increase while the minorities’ tax burden decreases. People are disgusted they're supporting a country that is expanding a new class of people completely dependent on the government, whose goal is everyone should be on the government’s welfare rolls. Centrists and those who realize they made a mistake moving to the LSA, look forward to the election, they also know the count will favor the LSA no matter how people vote. Some people in the LSA have woken up to realize the country is going collapse under its debt and massive spending. Funds that come into the right pocket quickly exit as a larger number from the left pocket. Very few people in the LSA trust the central government to hold an honest election. A petition is circulated to ask the Council of the Fifteen to supervise the voting and the counting of the ballots. President Booker sends a note to the Chairman of the Council of the Fifteen telling him, his people are not welcome in the LSA. Booker informs the Chairman that he is sending the DepLIES to every voting booth to ensure an honest vote and count.




The USA starts running educational programs on every station and website explaining the differences between the LSA and the USA. Parts of the Smith and Jones program are edited and shown. The most surprising and shocking bits are repeated, the explanation of singular restrooms and multi-sexual gym are discussed in detail. The outlawing of all religions is replayed; the amount of government spying, even into people’s homes, is repeated. Interviews with LSA families who crossed the border looking for a better life are broadcast. WOLF News rebroadcasts Glenn’s program comparing the cost of everyday goods between the USA and LSA. Sean narrates a program on freedom. He reviews the meaning of freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to educate your own children, freedom to bear arms. The Office of Budget Management releases a report, detailing in simple language, that the LSA is going bankrupt and will be out of cash, unless they increase tax revenues while drastically cutting expenses. They release reports from the Bank of the LSA saying the LSA’s credit line is cut off. The report shows examples of the typical tax increases families in the LSA are going to have to pay and the projected welfare and assistance program cuts coming over the next twenty-four months.  The report explains the average government monthly aid payment is going to be cut 45% over the next two years, or the LSA is going to go bankrupt and default on their debt. Many people have no idea what a country default means, to most it’s the same as missing a monthly payment which is no big deal. In the LSA, credit reporting agencies have to ignore three missed payments every year. Therefore many ignore the warnings, they figure if they can miss three payments a year, so can their government. President Rand reviews the daily polling numbers on the upcoming election, he looks over at Sean saying,

“This isn’t looking good. Are these people so dumb as to be ignorant of the repercussions of their actions?”

Sean says, “Mr. President, those in the LSA live a very sheltered life, they don’t believe most of what we tell them. They have been insulated from the real news for the last twelve years. They don’t understand simple repercussions since they haven’t been held to account for their actions in twelve years. The LSA central government has been there as their backstop and safety net. They’ve been protected from the things most people worry about in their day to day lives. No one in the LSA can be turned down for a mortgage because the central government is the loan insurer, no one can be denied a job if they want one. Education is free, the government supplies their utilities which can’t be turned off even if the bills aren’t paid. The LSA central government is both their parent and babysitter. Crime is seen as a repercussion of people’s upbringing, hence 15% of their population is on probation. We wouldn’t classify their education as education, they accept a child’s sex as whatever the child associates themselves with. Hence, they have done away with separate bathrooms and locker rooms. Sex education is taught in elementary school, religion is outlawed, sex is encouraged as is mild drug use. Most of the people in the LSA no longer take any responsibility for their actions. Of course, the government spies on them 24/7. These people either don’t understand or have lost all concept of what freedom means. We’re trying to get to them by telling them what they’ve lost. Sir, they don’t care. They freely traded their freedom for what they consider security. They either have jobs or government assistance that provides them with a middle-class income. We’re never going to reach them the way we’re going.”

“What do you suggest?”

Sean continues, “The program that explored families from both sides of the divide had the highest ratings for a television program, since both families are together in North Carolina, I suggest we put on a special program using the two families to discuss what the Smith family learned when they left the LSA. We have the perfect source of information to reach those in the LSA, a typical LSA family that recently asked us to help them escape from the LSA, they want to live in the USA.”

“Sean, that’s an interesting idea, do you really think it will work?”

“It’ll work better than what we’re doing now.”

“OK, you have my agreement to talk to the two families and put them on the air, do you think WOLF and the CNN will go along with it?”

“I’m sure WOLF will and if WOLF plans to run with it, and if CNN turns it down, given the previous ratings, I’m sure another station will be eager to pick it up.”




The front door bell rings at the Jones home, Leon says, “I’ll get it.”

His mother says, “I gave Jason and Sharon a key, why are they ringing the bell?”

Leon opens the door and is shocked seeing the people standing at the front door, “Mom, I think you’d better come here again.”

“Why? Who is it?”

“Please come.”

Carol says, “OK.”

Carol walks to the front door while taking off her apron, “Leon, what’s so important as to take me away from making the pies for dinner?”

Carol pauses at the door, “Oh my! Sean, Joan, oh my God, please come in. Leon, why didn’t you invite them in?”

Sean says, “Because I asked him to call you.”

Sitting in the living room, Sean says, “I assume you and the Smiths are getting along well.”

“Sean, did you have something to do with helping them leave?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I thought they just decided to come and visit you.”

“I get it. I understand, I shouldn’t ask you any questions, and you won’t tell me any lies.”

“Good, by the way, are Jason and Sharon coming over this evening?”

“Very good,” A smiling Sean says.

Carol says, “I assume if you wanted to see them, you could just as easily knock on their front door.”

“I have a favor to ask both of you.”

Leon says, “You’re going to put us on television again aren’t you? Mom, say yes, please say yes.”

“Leon, let’s wait and see what Sean wants to say.”

“Leon is correct; I’m here to chat with you and the Smiths about going back on the air. I’d like to discuss a change in the program, and if you and Bob, and Jason and Sharon agree, we can have you back on the air in three nights.”

“Mom, please say yes, when are Joneses coming for dinner?”

“Sean, Leon has an idea, why don’t you and Joan stay for dinner. I’m sure the Joneses would love to see you, plus you’ll only have to say your pitch once. Joan, I know Sissy is going to be overjoyed to see you.”

“Mrs. Smith, was she able to bring Rebel with her?”

“Yes, that little rascal has stolen all of our hearts.”

Sean asks, “What time are they due?”

“I thought you were them. They are due any minute. Something tells me, you already knew that too. I don’t think I want to know how much you know. I guess working in the White House gives you access to certain information. Sean, promise me one thing, please promise you’re not here to turn us into some corny commercial for the election, some 60 second sound bite.”

“I can promise you, it won’t be a 60 second commercial. It will be used for the election. However, all I want, is for both families to speak the truth. We’re not going to put any words in your mouth, no script.”

Before Carol can answer the front door opens, Sharon enters first saying, “Carol, there’s another car in the driveway, I hope we’re not interfering in something.”

“Come on in, we have surprise additional guests for dinner.”

The Joneses enter, they are happy to see Sean and Joan, Sissy runs over to Joan hugging her, Rebel follows barking and wagging her tail.

Jason says, “Sean, Joan, what a great surprise. If we’d known you were going to be here, we’d have brought you a gift.”

“No gift is necessary. I came to make sure you’re settling into your new lives and to ask a favor.”

Sharon replies, “Sean, anything we can do for you, we’ll be happy to do, you got us here.”

“Sharon, wait until you hear what I’m asking for; I want you to join the Smiths and go back on television to help the USA win the upcoming election.”

Jason nods his agreement, Sharon nods saying, “We’d be happy to help. What do you want us to say?”

“We’re not going to put words in your mouths, we want your answers to be your own and spontaneous. I’ve already reached out to Wolf to make the program one hundred percent fair and as you’d say, equal.”

Jason smiles saying, “There’s a word we’d hoped never to have to hear again.”

“I’m sure Wolf and President Booker are going to have some reservations, however, since I made it clear we’re going to broadcast the show no matter what they decide, I’m sure Wolf is on his way here. We think the only way to open the eyes of the people in the LSA, is for the two of you to talk about the differences now that you have experienced them.”

Carol replies, “Wolf, you don’t need us to make that point, you only need Jason and Sharon.”

Leon’s smile quickly changes to a frown, he says, “There goes my second chance at fame.”

Sean smiles saying, “No Leon, you’re still on. We want both families. We think it won’t look like a forced program or staged propaganda if both families are on the air and discuss the same issues. The difference between the last program and this one is both families will be together on the same stage.”

Leon says, “You’re not going to film it here?”

“No, we need more room than what’s available in your living room. Plus, we’re afraid filming the show here might give some an excuse to try to come after both families since they know your address. We think it’ll be safer for all, plus more comfortable, in a regular television studio.”

Both families nod in their agreement. Jason asks, “Sean when do we start?”

“In three days, with, or without Wolf.”

Sean’s cell rings, “Excuse me a minute.”

All nod yes.

“Hello Wolf, how are you?”

“Sean, you’re a dirty rotten son-of-a-bitch.”

“Why Wolf, thank you very much. I guess you got my message and you spoke with President Booker.”

“Yes and yes. I’ll be there early in the morning. I have to fly a damn red-eye. You know I hate red-eyes.”

“Don’t worry, we don’t plan to air the program for three days. You’ll have plenty of time to get your beauty rest.”

“Will I have total access to the Smith family?”

“Wolf, President Rand agreed you can have access to them, however, not alone. They will be protected by secret service agents, you won’t be permitted to bring any DepLIES agents with you. We will guarantee your safety.”

“Sean that doesn’t sound very fair to me. Do I have a choice?”

“Yes, you can decide not to be part of the program, either way, it goes on the air in three days.”

“Are we using the Jones’ home?”

“No, it’s too small. We need a studio. Since I know you would have objections to using the WOLF studios, and we would have objections to using the CNN studios we’re proposing to use The Blaze Studios in Dallas.”

“I think we can accept them as long as our security people can check them out before we begin.”

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