Wanting Reed (Break Me) BOOK 2 (29 page)

Read Wanting Reed (Break Me) BOOK 2 Online

Authors: Antoinette Candela

Tags: #new adult

BOOK: Wanting Reed (Break Me) BOOK 2
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“You’ll meet her soon. I promise.” I sigh, running my hand through his thick brown locks.

“Good, because it looks like she enjoys the wild side.”

“You’ll like her.”

“Well, you’ve always had good taste in friends.”

“Ha-ha.” I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck. “So, you wanna talk?”

“Not really, but...” He smirks, scraping his teeth over his bottom lip again. “It’s about us.”

I knew it.

“You don’t like the kissing stuff and would rather talk?” I look up at his handsome face and into his chestnut brown eyes.

“I want more,” he states matter-of-factly without breaking my gaze. He pauses and takes a deep breath. “I know you’re afraid after everything that happened, but we can go slow.” I twist my lips in thought, even though the answer is banging at the front of my brain. I feel his finger brush against my forehead, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. He gradually traces his finger down my neck, causing an intense pounding in my chest. “What do you think?” he finishes.

“How slow?” I feel my body warm just from thinking of Tyler in a different way.

“I’m happy with kissing...
for now
.” He smiles, pulling me closer.

“Ugh, men,” I snicker, pressing my palm to his chest as he leans in to kiss me. At that moment, there’s a knock at the door. Tyler groans when my lips graze over his.

“Great timing,” he says, smacking my butt when I rise to answer the door. “Who are you expecting?”

“Don’t get mad, okay?” I say cautiously.

“Why would I get mad?”

“Do you remember the guy that was here taking pictures last week?” I say, trying to distract the nerves in my stomach when recalling his reaction the first time.

“You mean blondie?” he asks, rising from the couch. “Why is he here?” I can sense the irritation in his voice. “To take some more pics of you half-naked?”

“Tyler, no. Come on. We’re just friends. I was helping him out.”

“Elle,” Chad calls from behind the door.

“Hold on,” I say, placing my hands on Tyler’s chest. “Please stay.” I turn to open the door and Chad stands in the hallway with an envelope in his hand.

“Hey.” Chad smiles and gives me a quick hug. “Wait until you see these pics.” He walks into the apartment and notices Tyler. “Oh, I didn’t know you had company. If this is a bad time, I can come back later,” he says, turning to leave.

“No,” Tyler answers. “I was just leaving.”

I put my hand to my forehead, shaking my head as Tyler brushes past Chad and me and heads for the door. I’m annoyed that Tyler’s acting so unreasonably. I motion for Chad to have a seat in the living room and follow Tyler outside, closing the door behind me. Tyler stalks down the stairs to his motorcycle, scrubbing the back of his neck in frustration.

“Why are you doing this?” I plead, running down the stairs and grabbing his arm. He stops and turns to look at me. “I told you. Chad is just a friend,” I whisper, brushing the hair that’s fallen over his eye.

“Like me, right?” he chides.

“Stop comparing. You’re more than a friend to me.”

“What does that mean? We kiss and fool around. I’m confused,” he shoots back. He shoves his hands into his pockets and looks across the street. “Elle, I know you better than anyone else.”

I look away noticing the sky is bathed in various shades of pink and purple as the sun sets in the horizon, and the wind blows orange and yellow leaves across the street. I feel the chill floating off Tyler, and I want to say something to take it away. I study him, his strong jaw, his sculpted nose, and his toned body. It’s his heart, his playfulness, and his personality that make it so hard for me. I don’t want to hurt him, but no matter what I do lately, he acts this way. I puff out a breath and try not to get upset with him. I want him to stay, but it’s frustrating because he is not making this easy.

“You’re making this difficult, Tyler. Just come back inside.”

“I’ve got something to do,” he replies, glancing down at me and giving me a forced, tight smile.

“Why are you being so stubborn? Nothing is going on between Chad and me,” I say, pointing back to my apartment in aggravation as he starts walking toward his motorcycle. I hate that damn motorcycle. It unnerves me that Tyler is going to get on his bike when he’s clearly upset. “Please, come back in.”

He grabs his helmet and throws his leg over the seat. I snatch at his arm, trying to stop him as I look him straight in the eye. I swallow the lump in my throat while noting the intense look radiating in his eye. He wants to stay, but he’s battling and I am not sure why. His shoulders sag and he promptly diverts his eyes to the ground, hiding his face. I lift his chin with my hand and see the raw emotion in his face and eyes. I lean in and kiss him and he returns my kiss with such intensity and desire.

He instinctively clutches me and pulls me closer. “Call me when you’re done,” he says in a pained voice. He gently pulls away from my grasp, and I let him. I can’t force him to stay. I take a step back when he puts on his helmet and starts his bike. I can’t see his face when he glances over his shoulder, but I remember the look in his eyes before we last kissed. All I can do is watch him roll down the street and disappear, leaving me utterly confused and at a complete loss for words.

The entire time Chad was in my apartment my thoughts drifted to Tyler and his motorcycle. When Chad left an hour later, I placed the photos on my bookshelf and grabbed my phone. I called Tyler on his cell, but he didn’t pick up or answer my text. I called his house to see if he was home and Travis answered. He said he came and left in his Jeep and did not say where he was going. I waited and passed the time by watching a baseball game on TV, hoping he would just show up like he always does, but he didn’t. I’m not sure what I could’ve done or said differently that would have changed what happened tonight. If I were completely honest with myself, I’d have to say that I knew something like this would happen the moment we kissed that first night. I feel I am to blame for putting my needs ahead of Tyler’s feelings.




This whole thing was Luke’s idea, so we cabbed it. I thought I hated the trains in Boston, but I think I hate Boston cabbies even more. I would have driven my Hummer, but parking is a bitch here, too. Luke, being a local, didn’t blink an eye probably because his driving is not much better. Shit. I need a shot after this damn ride through the city.

I’m happy as fuck when we safely arrive at the Greatest Bar, located right across the TD Garden, where I haven’t gone to see a game yet. I’m going to make it the next thing to do on my list while I’m in Boston.

“You’re gonna like this joint,” Luke says as he hops out of the beat-up red cab. “Shit, I can’t believe I didn’t take you out here before.”

“Probably because you were too busy hooking up.”

“Yeah, that’s a totally valid reason.” He laughs, slapping me on the back. “Come on, asshole. I’ve got the first round.”

“Douche.” I chuckle as we head inside. The place is already bursting at the seams. The fans are insane and covered in blue and red since the Red Sox are in the playoffs. You can’t even hear yourself think. Every space on the wall is covered with a high-definition TV and there is one fourteen-foot monster, which has to be the largest plasma screen TV I’ve ever seen, located in the middle of the bar. There is nothing like this place back home. Tommy is gonna love it when he comes up to visit.

When the hostess in the skimpy, white tank top, tight black jeans and black leather boots comes up and throws herself on him, I know Luke is a regular. He’s fucking loving it and gives her ass a nice pat for good measure. He breaks away from her embrace just long enough to introduce me before we head to the bar.

“I’m definitely going to be running into some people tonight that I’ll introduce you to!” he yells, throwing his arm over my shoulder. “By the way, up there,” he points up to the second floor that overlooks the first and continues, “offers the greatest views down all the girls’ low-cut shirts.” He laughs enthusiastically while patting my back.

“Thanks for looking out for me, man.” I nod, turning to the bar and ready to have that shot I’ve been craving. “But, I think I’ll pass on that for now.”

“No one said you can’t look, motherfucker.” He shakes his head. “Fuck, you got it bad.”

“Dude, cut me some slack and buy the first round.”

After a shot and a couple of beers with Luke, I head up to second floor to relax on the cushy seats and check out the Boston sports murals. It looks like Boston sports vomited all over the walls. I thought people back home loved their sports, especially the Cowboys, but this shit out here is nuts. It grabs my attention for a few minutes until I get this eerie feeling that someone is watching me from the bar.

I can’t seem to get away from this guy. This time he’s not alone, but with Cane and a petite brunette by his side. He wastes no time excusing himself from his current conversation to walk over to most likely give me some shit.

“Hey, Landon.” He smirks, fisting a beer.

“Reed,” I respond, glaring at him. I hate when people call me that, especially him.

“Whatever,” Jace replies, throwing back his beer. “You just look kind of lonely up here. I thought I’d keep you company.”

“Aren’t you sweet for fucking thinking of me?” I give him my best fake smile. Picking up my beer, I take a swig and immediately become aware of Cane and the girl approaching us. We both nod, acknowledging each other without saying a word, when it suddenly hits me. Why the hell is Jace okay with Cane, even after he cheated on Elle? Shouldn’t he give him shit like he’s been giving me? I shake away the thought and focus my attention on my uninvited guests.

“Boston is a big city to be going out alone,” he says with a smug grin on his face.

“Don’t assume shit about me. I have no issue making friends, and I’ve seen my share of shit in my life and can handle it and whatever you’ve got for me.”

“Oh, right. Right,” he mocks. “You would know since you had that gambling problem back in college.”

What the fuck? Did he run some kind of background check on me, or is he fucking writing my biography? I bite back the rage brewing inside and hastily down the beer, slamming the bottle onto the table in front of me before rising from my seat. “Damn, motherfucker, you really know how to piss someone off,” I fume.

“Shit, what are you talking about?” He looks around, pretending to act innocent. “Is it something I said?” he ridicules, throwing his arms out to the side.

I’m starting to fucking hate these confrontations with this asshole. If this dude is ready to instigate, I’m willing to meet him toe-to-toe. I’ve got to be smart about this. He knows he’s got the upper hand with me. He’d go running to Elle, telling her that I started some shit with him and then pretty much any chance of redeeming myself goes up in fucking smoke, because I put some damn black and blue marks on his baby face.

“How old are you again? I can definitely teach you a thing or two, and I can let the guy out front know that you’re a little too young to be hanging out with Sam Adams.” I chuckle. “Gotta love a fake ID in a college town.”

“Go ahead. Foolproof. My boy works the door. You know the one. The big defensive end that weighs three hundred pounds. You don’t want to be the reason why he loses his job. That motherfucker has a short fuse and will really lay you out on the field if I tell him.”

“Bring it. I heard all the hype about you on the field, but I haven’t seen shit yet,” I say in a condescending tone.

“Fuck you, man.” He glares at me.

“Ahh...” I tease, rubbing my chin. “You can dish out the bullshit, but you can’t take it.”

“Just keep the fuck away from my sister. You’re no good for her.”

“I think your sister is old enough to decide that on her own. I don’t think she’d appreciate what you’re doing right now, do you?”

“What my sister doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

“That’s fucked up. Let her decide for herself what she wants and stop this bullshit.”

“So, I heard you saw my sister?” he asks smoothly.

“Yeah.” I look up, hoping she said something more to him since we talked.

“What?” He scowls. “You think I’ve got some kind of message from my sis for you?” He eyes me up and down. “My sister is not stupid.”

“You shouldn’t get involved.” I glance the other way, hiding my disappointment from this pain in the ass.

“I’m always fucking involved when it comes to my sister. Remember that, asshole.” He grits his teeth as he says the words. “I’ve got to say it, though. You’re dumb.”

“What the fuck?” I spin around and grab his collar. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Cane pushing the pretty brunette to the side and ready for something to go down between us. I mentally back off, but physically I’m still in Jace’s face. He knows what’s up, and he’s fucking basking in it.

“What are you gonna do, huh?” He’s challenging me. His eyes are hard and determined. When it comes to protecting his sister, this dude is no joke.
We have something in common

“Fuck, I know I fucked up. I get that, but don’t disrespect me,” I hiss, shoving him away. He’s not worth me losing it all.

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