Read Wanted Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

Wanted (78 page)

BOOK: Wanted
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Ari let out a laugh and hit Gunner in the shoulder.

“If you t
hink she looks beautiful in the dress
, wait until you see what she
has on underneath the dress. Or all
the little outfits I packed in her suitcase.”

Gunner pulled me against him and pushed his hips into my backside. OH MY! I think it is time to go…

“Ari, I always knew there was a reason I liked you so damn much.”

“Damn straight ass wipe and you better spoil her r
otten on the honeymoon
or I’
ll punch you in
nuts and not think twice about it.”

With that Ari turned and walked away. I had to laugh. I loved her so much. I thought about the whole situation with Jeff
. Ari didn’t know it but Jenny was working double time tonight. With our wedding and also transforming the hunter’s cabin into a romantic paradise so Jeff
could ask Ari to marry him tonight. I noticed her getting in and out of her truck for the last tw
o hours running back and forth.

“We need to do something special for Jenny and Aaron
for everything
have done

Baby I’
m already one step ahead of you. I booked them a room at the Marriott in Austin for the next two nights. I had Jeff go and leave them some gift cards for a few restaurants also
and Gramps hired a whole crew to come and clean everything up and take it all down. Jenny does not have to worry about a thing!

I t
urned around and looked at him.

“You really are too damn good to be true do you know that?

Gunner t
hrew his head back and laughed.

Just then Jefferson pulled up in Gunner’s truck. It was completely decked out in cans and ribbons and every wind
ow had something written on it.

Gunner grabbe
d my hand and pulled me to him.

“You ready to go and start our honeymoon Mrs. Mathews?” Gunner said as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down. Then he took his hand and ran it down my face.

I could feel the heat
in my cheeks just
at the
thought of what it was going to be like tonight. The thought of making love to Gunner……as his wife for the first time had me blushing like mad.

ll take that as I yes.”

Jenny came over and walked us around to the ranch house. She said Emma and Garrett wanted to speak with us in private before we left. We walked into the house and Emma
was holding a bouquet of Daisies
and smiling so big. Garrett was holding an envelope and his smile was even bigger than Emma’s. Of course he looked at Gunner and winked which caused me to blush all over again. Emma handed me the flowers and hugged me.

“Welcome my sweet darling Ellie to our family. I loved you the moment you jumped out of Drew’s truck and smiled at me. I absolutely cannot wait for you to move out to the ranch. You truly are the daughter I never had sweetheart.
I love you.”

I was at a loss for

again……I hugged her back as tightly as I could and whispered in her ear how much I loved her and what a wonderful job she did helping to raise such an amazing man.

She pulled back and smiled. “He is
isn’t he?”

I nodded my head yes. I looked over at Gunner and he had a tear running down his face. I reached up and wiped it away.

“A happy tear I hope.”

“Yes baby, happier than you can ever imagine.”

Garrett cleared his throat and moved over to us. He looked like he was about to cry which made me start to cry.

“Drew, you contin
ue to make us so damn proud
. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am for
son. You did well, especially with this fine young lady here.”

Gunner pulled me closer to him. I put my arm around
him and felt his body shudder.

“I know you had your whole honeymoon planned out and would not let your Grams and I help you with anything so this is our gift to both of you. I want you to open it now before you leave.”

Emma was standing there ringing her hand
s like she was nervous as hell.

Gunner took the envelope and opened it. It looked like a bunch of legal papers,
a check and
was that
a deed to something? Gunner’s face dropped as he
handed me the check and looked at his grandfather.

I looked at the check and almost fell over. Was I reading that right? $550,000…..

“Gramps what are you doing? You can’t afford to give us this kind of money. I won’t take this.”

I looked up at Emma and Garrett and they both looked pissed. I took a step back.

“Drew, don’t you ever again tell me what I can and cannot afford to do young man. That house you lived in for four years in Austin,
well I had a gentleman call me four
months ago asking if I wanted to sell. I told him he could have the house the moment you and Jeff graduated and moved out here
the ranch. I sold
it to him six
days ago with the agreement that he give you
until July 15 to move out. The
money is from that house. Emma and I want you and Ellie to start right away when you get
back from your honeymoon on
building your home on the ranch. Anywhere on the ranch you like. That deed son, that deed is for the entire ranch. It is now yours
and Ellie’s

…I had to sit down before I passed out. I looked up at Gunner who now had tears just rolling down his face. He walked over to his grandfather and hugged him. They exchanged a few more words to each other and then he hugged Emma. I couldn’
t think straight. The ranch was ours?

“Gramps, Grams I don’t even know
what to say? Are you sure you’
re ready to turn it over to me
What if I fuck it all up?

Garrett laughed. “Drew, I will be here every step of the way to help you.”

Gunner turned and took my hand to help me up. We kissed
Emma and Garrett goodbye again;
nked them again for the
generous wedding gift and made our way to the truck.

As we pulled away I started to get excited. Gunner looked over at me and to
ok my hand and kissed my rings.

“You ready sweetheart?”

I smiled at him and felt so nervous. I felt like it was my first time all over again!

m so ready you have no idea! Can you p
speed just a little? I’
m not sure I can wait another three
hours to be with you!”

Gunner threw his head back
laughed as he
drove just a little faster.




“Ellie baby wake up, we’re here sweetheart.” I bent into
the truck and started to life her out. She opened her
eyes and looked over at the valet who was waiting to get in and park the truck.

, where are we?” Ellie asked all sleepy sounding. So fucking cute!

“We’re at the hotel baby. You fell asleep.” I carried her into the lobby of the
She looked around and smiled.

Ellie giggled as she whispered big spender in my ear. Her hot breath against my face
almost brought me to my knees.

the best for my wife, only the very best for you sweetheart
I said as I kissed her nose.

I walked up to the counter and s
et Ellie down and told the receptionist I had a
reservation for Mathews.

“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mathews. Mrs. Mathews your wed
ding dress is absolutely breath
taking and
the cowboy boots with it!”

I smiled as I picked up my dress some and showed off my silver gray jeweled cowboy boots. Ari bought them and I almost killed her when I found out they were $350! She claimed they were a wedding gift from her parents. I did love them though!

“Thank you so much!” I said as I willed her to hurry the fuck up! I just wanted to get out of this damn dress and….

“What ar
e you thinking about baby? You’
re blushing
….” Gunner said against my ear.

I threw my hands up to my cheeks and smiled.
.so totally busted.


“Mr. Mathews we have you b
ooked in a bridal suite
with a
king bed. Jason
will bring y
our bags up to your room

I looked over at Jason who was
staring at me. I mean really staring. Gunner turned to
look at him, f
and then snapped hi
s fingers in front of
Jason’s face.

e, that’
not cool to be staring at
man’s wife like that!”
Gunner said. I started to laugh
Jason’s fa
ce was redder than all get out.

We were standing outside the door waiting for Jason to put our bags in the room. He stepped out and Gunner handed him a tip but not b
efore he gave him another look.

“Um, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews
enjoy your stay.”

Gunner watched as Jason walked
down the hall and then called him
a fucker. I tried to hide my giggle but it slipped out. He looked down at me and gave me that crooked smile of his
. He
reached down and picked
me up so fast
I almost didn’t realize what was happening. He walked through the door and shut it
with his foot as he kissed me.

“Mrs. Mathews, welcome to you
honeymoon suite.” He oh so slowly slid me down and set me on the ground while he kissed me. Oh god…
.I was so nervous. Why was I so nervous?

“Mr. Mathews…’
s perfect.” Gunner smiled and stepped back and that is when I really got to take a look at the room. Oh. My.
It was stunning!

Hard wood floor
ere throughout the room. The
first thing I noticed was the four
poster bed. It was huge
with a beautiful creamy yellow
and the most amazing throw pillows I had ever seen. There was a beautiful white lace fabric that draped down each post and was topped by a creamy yellow fabric that matched the
along with tassels hanging down from the fabric. It looked so old!

There was a giant
piece of
art work on the wall above the bed with satin fabric
draped across and hanging down on either side of the bed.
It was beautiful! The walls were all painted with warm earth toned colors and the room was just so cozy.

I scanned the room
there was a private balcony and a living room. The furniture had such a European flare to it. WOW! Gunner took my hand and led me into the bathroom. I was stunned when I saw it. There was so much marble everywhere, the sink
the walls, the stand up shower
and the tub….oh my god the tub! It was a huge Jacuzzi tub and there were small white LED candles lit all aroun
d the tub. In the back corner were three red candles softly flickering, also LED’s
. There was a bottle of chilled sparkling wine with two flutes and a plate of chocolates
sitting on the side of the tub.

“We will get
this in a little bit.” Gunner said as he walked me back into the other room. He slowly walked backwards as he led me over to the bed. Sitting on the bed was a single yellow rose. And…

what the hell was that?

I reached down and picked it up and started to read
out loud
. “Kama Sutra Getaway Kit…..contains a
Vanilla Crème Oil of Love
, OHHHH that sounds promising!” I said as I looked up at Gunner. “
A Sweet Honeysuckle Honey Dust with feather applicator

that could be fun don’t you think?” Gunner started to laugh. “Hmmm and a
French Vanilla Crème Body Soufflé
, I don’t think I really need to say anymore with that one!” Gunner pulled
me in closer to him. “OH there’
s more! There is also
a Love Liquid Classic Lubricant and scented romance candle.
I think I’
m going to have to write a thank you note to someone!”

BOOK: Wanted
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